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05/06/24, 14.

10 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 | Quizizz

Lembar kerja Nama

Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 Kelas

Total pertanyaan: 15
Estimasi pengerjaan: 15menit Tanggal


Tika likes to eat...

a) cake b) bread

c) doughnut d) candy


It is kind of drink.
It is made from the leaves of plant. It is.....

a) water b) milk

c) coffee d) tea 1/4
05/06/24, 14.10 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 | Quizizz


A :"What do you have for breakfast?"

B :"I have..... for breakfast."

a) candy b) bread

c) doughnut d) cake

4. Hamburger is a kind of....

a) drink b) snack

c) animal d) food

5. Rendra has a plate of rice and a bowl of soup for lunch.

Lunch means....

a) makan pagi b) makan siang

c) makan malam d) makanan ringan

6. My mother is cooking in the....

a) living room b) kitchen

c) bedroom d) garage


This is....

a) tissue b) napkin

c) paper d) clothes 2/4
05/06/24, 14.10 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 | Quizizz

8. She also needs a stove.

Needs in Indonesian is....

a) membutuhkan b) menginginkan

c) membeli d) menjual


Intan boils water using a....

a) frying pan b) spatula

c) kettle d) cup

10. Mita put the vegetables in the fridge.

Fridge in Indonesian is....

a) lemari b) kulkas

c) panci d) dapur

11. Bromo is the name of a mountain in East Java. Mountain in Indonesian is…

a) Pantai b) Gunung

c) Danau d) Rumah


It is a....

a) mountain b) hill

c) harbor d) park

13. “Sarangan” is the name of a…

a) Beach b) Lake

c) Waterfall d) River 3/4
05/06/24, 14.10 Bahasa Inggris kelas 3 | Quizizz


We can see many animals in the....

a) jungle b) park

c) waterfall d) zoo

15. Borobudur is the name of temple in...

a) East Java b) Central Java

c) West Java d) Jakarta 4/4

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