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Outsourcing: New Slavery In The Modern World Need of service will be increase go along with demand dinamic and

period progresivity. As we go through, one of our economic growth problem that really significant is worker/laborer prosperity. Year by year this problem always be follower that influence our labour situation in our country. In Indonesia now, outsourcing is one of glow of excitement, for example is being happened in South Kalimantan, even its sensational not as another province in Indonesia and remember this province has a better opportunity as an industrial basic area included national recommended in the future (now in its journey to get there). This Industrial consequences is demand impact of raising labour supply. Sooner or later and that actually happen there a problem of worker/laborer prosperity claim around this country. And finally this situation join a thing called outsorcing. What is outsorcing? Outsourcing is subcontracting a process, such as product design or manufacturing, to a third-party company. (Wikipedia). Contract to enter into or make a contract. From the latin contractus, the past participle of contrahere, to draw together, bring about or enter into an agreement. (Websters English Dictionary). Maurice F Greaver II in his book Strategic Outsourcing, A Structured Approach to Outsourcing: Decisions and Initiatives tell that outsorcing: Strategic use of outside parties to perform activities, traditionally handled by internal staff and respurces. Decision to use this method for decrease cost or optimum in using cost, time and energy or because wanna get maximal product that give it to professional person that competent in that level. Outsorcing was part of business activity in Indonesia since 1980. There are two kind of outsorcing, first, outsorcing of worker/labor which related with the entire stock of another side. Second, human outsorcing. The second type in it practice give impact efficiency in specific grade in business operational, but suffer a lost seriously to laborer in another side. Practically got claim from Indonesia laborer movement as a new slavery activity. There are two point of view for outsourcing, that they who agree with this method and they who disagree for outsourcing. They who agree said some reason, included that outsorcing as a solution for business corporation to face global economic condition in change, impact to national economic condition. For another reason that official employee has decreased after pass the acceptance as a permanent employee. For they who disagree with outsorcing, same as Indonesia laborer movement reason because pay for wage/salary not suitable with agreement, there is no guarantee for increasing career, theres no subsidy for worker/laborer, there is no assurance extension agreement or dischaged with no reason (Komang Priambada). Another said that outsorcing is a product of economic liberalism. The problem were appeared in practically while there is no law in matters pertaining to manpower to manage outsorcing. Controversy case in outsorcing method is worker/laborer that cant get their humanity right. The problem is outsorcing activity has done deviated from its meaning reality. In this case, a business enterprise as a demander be a supplier of worker/laborer for another one. Not only that, early outsourcing for doing suitable work in agreement in the end must do core activity, impact of this activity therere no clear of worker/laborer right such as for salary, for united chance, for certain guarantee, for social guarantee etc.

Businessman disposed chose to add contract worker/laborer more and more but decrease the permanent worker/laborer, so that the business enterprise concern to contract worker/laborer. As we can see that a lots of worker/laborer do core activity who recruitment by outsorcing or contract. For example teller in private bank, chef in restaurant, machine operators, journalist, designer, driver, administration moreover a finance manager get from outsorcing recruitment or contract agreement. Job as a cleaning service and security were concepted as job can get from outsorcing recruitment because we have opinion there are such complement job. In fact, for service enterprise that sell their service for consumer like hotels and apartement, cleanliness and safety are main product for their consumer taht job as cleaning serviceand security must be prime work. For people aware for this condition though force that limited for job seeking, finally be understanding of this situation. SourcingLine one of research corporation where basicly in Washington DC have published data for Top Outsourcing Countries in 2010 with index reach 6,9, Indonesia is top two after India. This result appartently appreciate as a good news, moreover looking by worker/laborer side be a bad news. This index indication that Indonesia is a potential market for investation in outsorcing activity remember Indonesia has excellent side like abundant human resources, loose regulation, weakness in law etc. Interpretation is given by law still in limit if compare with type of business manage and therere many variety of need to use outsourcing resource. Because of that, weakness of outsorcing must be complete with details activity return for its function, suitable with its characteristic, what the main and complement activity that can protect worker/laborer interest and company interest. With condition that Indonesia high law conflict in outsorcing implementation, now the time to manage a specifically regulation and law about outsorcing manage about scope, limit, mechanism of recruitment process, human right, worker/laborer protection and guarantee, sight activity and punishment sanction. Completely remove outsourcing system is not the best solution, because in fact this activity has some excellent thing, but let this activity always go without unreal reins as bad as slavery activity. For now, outsorcing is a trend and need in business activity, but has no regulation to manage it. I think all of minus point of this activity will be include in revision of manpower act which in preparation process that can accomodate worker/laborer interest and company interest. At least never judge a thing just from the bad side, definitely there much good side and for this case, bad impact of outsourcing for a process of slavery can be handle with some solution, and government has an important position to repair this condition to be better Indonesia.

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