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Gonadotropi n-Releasing Hormone (GnRH): Hypothal.

Stimulates Release

Inhibits Release
Estrogen (female) Inhibins Testosterone (male) Endorphin Dopamine Serotonin

Feedback loop

Causes LH and FSH release from the Hypophysis

Clinical Relevance
Induces cyclicity, induces ovulation, treats follicular cysts.

Oxytocin: Hypothal.

Smooth Muscle Contractions: estrus, parturition, lactation, ejaculation Behavioral: social, maternal, bonding behavior. GnRH stimulates synthesis and release from pituitary. Females: Follicular phase: estrogen stimulates LH secretion. Males: testosterone Females: Luteal phase: estrogen and progesterone inhibit LH secretion. Males: testosterone inhibits LH secretion Females: Follicular phase: estrogen stimulates LH secretion. Luteal phase: estrogen and progesterone inhibit LH secretion. Inhibin from the gonads inhibits ability of GnRH to promote FSH Ovarian Follicles: progesterone production, follicle maturation and ovulation. Theca Interna: stimulates theca cells to produces androgens by converting cholesterol to pregnenolone. Becomes small luteal cells (secrete progest.) Testis (Leydig cells): stimulates testosterone production. Ovarian Follicles: stimulates estrogen production and follicle growth Granulosa Cells: convert

Luteinizing Hormone (LH): Adenohypophy sis (AP)

Cant give orally Induces milk ejection Induces myometrial contractions: parturition, promote uterine clearance during estrus. Aid semen collection Induce ovulation Treat Follucular cysts hCG: has LH-like activity. Very expensive.

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH):

GnRH stimulates release from pituitary


eCG: placental hormone used to promote FSH activity for superovulation.

Adenohypophy sis (AP)


Actions Behavioral estrus Changes in tubular genitalia Growth of uterus and mammary glands Stimulates uterine activity during parturition Aid in follicular growth and maturation

secretion. androgens to steroids. Stimulates foll. Estrogen in Becomes large luteal cells growth female can (secrete progest.) Superovulation stimulate or Testis (sertoli cells): depress FSH stimulates androgen binding secretion via protein hypothalamus. Clinical Relevance Estrus Synchronization: One dose stimulates LH and ovulation/luteinization of follicles. Prolonged stimulation: results in negative feedback to GnRH/FSH and no formation of large follicles. Check for Neutering: neutered animals will lack gonadal steroids which lead to elevated LH. Can assay LH to see if spayed or not Spayed = high LH Intact = low LH

Progesteron e

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