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Expository Writing

Submitted By
Muhammad Usman

Assignment no: 1
Q1. Identify the section of the essay from which the paragraph
has been taken for understanding an essay’s structure?

Ans. The passage is from the introduction part of essay because in starting
lines the passage is setting stage for the essay by using hooker to grab the
audience attention then it is providing the background and statistic
information about the topic also in the ending lines the passage uses thesis
statement to outline the main points of the essay that will be discussed later.

Q2. Justify your answer by naming the different parts of the

identified section?

Hook or Attention Grabber: The opening sentence, "People are

increasingly suffering from sicknesses as a result of stress," serves as the
hook or attention grabber. It grabs the attention of the reader by highlighting
the consequences and impact of stress-related sicknesses.

In paragraph there is a Surprising Fact:

“According to research from, 77% of people regularly experience

physical symptoms caused by stress”.

Background Information: The passage provides background information

on the topic by giving a detailed overview of the essay.

In paragraph Background Information is:

“Stress can affect all parts of our life, including our emotions, behaviors,
thinking ability, and physical health. No part of the body is immune. But,
because people handle stress differently, symptoms of stress can vary”.

This information helps the reader to understand the significance of the topic.
Thesis Statement: The thesis statement appears at the end of the
passage. It states the main points that the essay will discuss: the causes of
stress-related sicknesses (longer working hours and increased job pressures)
and potential solutions to these problems (improving work-life balance and

In the above paragraph thesis statement is:

“This essay will discuss the main causes of stress-related sicknesses

including longer working hours and increased job pressures. This essay will
also suggest solutions to these problems including improving one's work-life
balance and diet.”

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