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Annual Procurement Plan NON-CSE for FY 2024

Schedule for Each Procurement Activity Estimated Budget (Php)

Code Procurement PMO/ Mode of Advertiseme Source of Remarks

Submission/ (brief description of
(PAP) Program/Project End-User Procurement nt/ Notice of Contract Funds Program/Activity/Project)
Opening of Total MOOE CO
Posting of Bids Award Signing
50203210 Laptop AGM Shopping 22-Jul-24 22-Jul-24 5-Aug-24 5-Aug-24 COB 40,000.00 40,000.00 To be used by AGM.
Operation &
50203130 Chlorine Maintenance Shopping 20-Feb-24 20-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 28-Feb-24 COB 72,000.00 72,000.00 For water treatment
For new service connections,
50213030 Water meters & fitting
Operation &
Maintenance Shopping 4-Mar-24 4-Mar-24 20-Mar-24 20-Mar-24 CAPEX 150,000.00 150,000.00 replacement of old water meters, and
repair & maintenance

Commercial & NP-53.9 small Printing of Official receipts & Notice of

50203020 Accountable forms Admin procurement As the need arises As the need arises As the need arises N/A COB 12,000.00 12,000.00 Billing

To monitor monthly production &

50213030 Hyphochlorinator
meter 4"
& Flow Operation &
Maintenance Shopping N/A N/A N/A N/A CAPEX 83,000.00 83,000.00 NRW & water treatment

Monthly & Monthly & Monthly monitoring of potability of

50299990 Bacteriological test &
Physical/Chemical test
NP-53.5 Agency to
OAGM/ Production Agency Agreement N/A N/A Annually Annually COB 50,000.00 50,000.00 Water

Production & Small value

50213030 Source Improvement Maintenance procurement N/A N/A N/A N/A CAPEX 30,000.00 30,000.00 Improvent of water source
Production & Small value
50213030 Reduction of NRW Maintenance procurement N/A N/A N/A N/A CAPEX 37,000.00 37,000.00 Repair of Leakages & other O & M

Sending of reports and communications

50205010 Postage & Deliveries All division Direct Contract N/A N/A Monthly Monthly COB 1,956.00 1,956.00 to other agencies
50205020 Telephone expense All division Direct Contract N/A N/A Monthly Monthly COB 30,600.00 30,600.00 Official communication thru CP
Sending of reports and
50205030 Internet expense All division Direct Contract N/A N/A Monthly Monthly COB 17,040.00 17,040.00 communications to other agencies
thru emails
As the need As the need
50111010 Legal Services All division Direct Contract N/A N/A arises arises COB 24,000.00 24,000.00 Provision of legal issues & concerns

50211020 Auditing Services All division NP 53.5 N/A N/A Yearly Yearly COB 18,000.00 18,000.00 Audit of WD Transactions
NP-53.9 small As the need As the need As the need Printing & Binding of manuscripts,
50299020 Printing, binding,
All division Value N/A COB 3,600.00 3,600.00
duplication exp.
procurement arises arises arises documents, forms & the like

50202010 Training expense All division Agency to

N/A N/A As the need As the need COB 161,820.00 161,820.00 Continuing proffessionalization of
Agency arises arises Employees & BODs

50502990 OCD funded project

damaged by typhoon All division Direct Contract N/A N/A N/A N/A others 3,118,038.79 3,118,038.79 Rehabilitation of transmission lines &
other facilities damaged by typhoon

1 PROGRAM(BESF)- A homogeneous group of activities necessary for the performance of a major purpose for which a government agency
is established, for the basic maintenance of the agency's administrative operations or for the provisions of staff support to the agency's line

2 PROJECT Special agency undertaking which are to be carried out within a definite time frame and which are intended to result in some
pre-determined measure of goods and service

3 PMO/End Unit as proponent of program or project.

4 MODE OF PROCUREMENT Competetive bidding and alternative modes including selective bidding, direct contracting, repeat order,
shopping and negotiated procurement

SCHEDULE FOR EACH PROCUREMENT Major procurement activities (advertising/posting; submission and receipt/Opening of
bids;award of contract, contract signing)
6 SOURCE OF FUNDS Wether GoP, Foreign Assisted od Special Purpose Fund.
7 ESTIMATED BUDGET Agency approved estimate of Project/program costs.
8 REMARKS Brief description of program or peoject.

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:


Accounting Processor B (Des.) Acting General Manager Chairperson/Head of Agency

Adopted & approved under Board Resolution No. 07 , seies of 2024 dated May 24, 2024 .

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