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Indica Accounting Standards


Position - Suggested Format

36 Statement of Financial Figures as
Figures as at the at the end of
Note No. end of current
Particulars the previous
reporting period reporting period
3 4

(1) Assets
Non-current assets

(a) Property, Plant and Equipment

(b) Capital work-in-progress
(c) Investment Property
(d) Goodwill
(e) Other Intangible assets
() Intangible assetsunder development
(g) Biological Assets other than bearer plants
(h) Financial Assets
() Investments
(ii) Trade receivables
(iii) Loans
(iv) Others (to be specified)
() Deferred tax assets (net)
) Other non-current assets
(2)Current assets
(a) Inventories
(b) Financial Assets
() Investments
(ii) Trade receivables
(iii) Cash and cash equivalents
(iv) Bank balances other than (iii)
(v) Loans
(vi) Others (to be specified)
(c) Current Tax Assets (Net)
(d) Other current assets
Total Assets
Equity and Liabilities
(a) Equity Share capital
(b) Other Equity
(1) Non-current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
() Borrowings
Preparation of Financial Statenments as per IND AS 3.11
(ii) Trade payables
(ii) Other financial liabilities
than those specified in item (b) to
be specified)
(b) Provisions
(c) Deferred tax liabilities
(d)Other non-current
)Current Liabilities
(a) Financial Liabilities
() Borrowings
(ii) Trade payables
(iii) Other financial liabilities (other than
those specified in item (c)
(b) Other current liabilities
() Provisions
(d) Current Tax Liabilities (Net)

TotalEquity and Liabilities

General for
Problem 13

Fooxfng is the trialbalance of Ganesh Co. Ltd., as on 31-3- 2024.

Trial Balance Zin crore)
Amount Amount
Debit Credit

Plant Property Equipment 80,00,000 Equity share capital 50,00,000

Intangible assets 30,00,000 Capital Redemption Reserve 5,00,000

Current investments 10,00,000 Non-current liabilities 80,00,000
Other non-current assets 20,00,000 P&LA/c 4,00,000
Inventories 9,00,000 Current Liabilities 60,00,000
Trade receivables 10,00,000
Cash &cash equivalents 40,00,000
Total 1,99,00,000 Total 1,99,00,000

Prepare Statement of Financial Position of the company as on 31- 3 - 2024 as per Schedule
Ill of theCompanies Act of 2013. (Similar Nov./ Dec. 2018& BNUMar./April 2022)
Problem 14

Followingis the trialbalance of SaanviLtd., as on 31 - 3 -2024.

Debit Amount Credit Amount
Land 2,00,000 Equity share capital 3,00,000
Building 3,00,000 Loans from related parties 2,00,000
Brand or Trademarks 2,00,000 Bonds (Long term) 2,00,000
Loans 1,00,000 P&LA/c 2,00,000
Investment in MF 1,50,000 Capital Redemption Reserve 1,00,000
Trade Receivables 50,000 Unpaid dividend 2,00,000
Cash &Cash equivalent 2,00,000 Current Liabilities 40,000
Inventories 40,000
Total 12,40,000 Total 12,40,000
Prepare aStatement of Financial Position of Saanvi Ltd., as on 31-3 - 2024 as per Part I of
Schedule IIIof the companies Act, 2013.
Problem 15

Prepare a statement of Financial position of Vidya Ltd., as on 31st March 2024 from the
following information.
3.44 Indian Accounting Standards

Debit Amount Credit Amount

Lease Hold Property 1,00,000 Equity share capital 2,00,000
Vehicles 50,000 Retained earnings 1,00,000
Goodwill 1,00,000 Deferred Payment Liabilities 50,000
Licenses & Franchises 70,000 Provision for employee benefit 1,00,000
Trade receivables 60,000 P&LA/C (Credit) 50,000
(Less than 12 Months)
Loans to Related Properties 1,50,000 Tradepayables (More than 12 Months) 30,000
Loose tools 50,000 Short term loan from SBI 1,50,000
Cash on hand 1,00,000
Total 6,80,000 Total 6,80,000
Problem 16
From ths 1ollowing information of Shruthi Ltd., as on 31 March 2024. You are required
to prepare the Statement of Financial Position as per Revised Schedule II of the Indian
companies Act.
Particulars Amount Particulars Amount
Furniture & Fixture
3,00,000 10,000 fully paid equity shares ofT100
each 750 called up 5,00,000
Trade Marks 1,00,000 General Reserves 2,00,000
P&LA/C (Debit) 1,00,000 3% Debentures 3,00,000
Security Deposits 2,20,000 Debenture Redemption Reserve 1,00,000
Loose Tools 50,000 Advances 50,000
Stores &Spares 50,000 Unpaid dividend 50,000
Trade Receivables 80,000
Cash at bank
Problem 17
From tlhe olowing Trial Balance of Reddy prepare statement of financial position of the
company as on 31-3-2024. (Nov/Dec. 2016)
Debit Credit
Cash at bank 1,50,000 Equity share capital 2,50,000
Non current assets 1,00,000 Reserves and surplus 50,000
Non current investments 50,000 Non-current liabilities 4,00,000
Land and building 4,00,000 Current liabilities L,00,000
Furniture 0,000 StaffProvident fund 1,00,000
Office equipment 50,000 Deposits from public 1,00,000
Goodwill 1,00,000|Preference capital 2,50,000
Stock 2,00,000
Trade receivables 1,00,000
12,50,000 12,50,000
Problenm 32

The Trial Balance of Mysore Ltd. On 31-3-2024 was given as under: (Nov./Dec.2017)
Particulars Dr. () Cr. ()
Share capital : Shares of 100each
8% mortgage debentures
Plant and Machinery 4.50,000
Furniture 50,000
Land and Building 1,00,000
Accounts payable
Long term loans 2,00,000

Provision for depreciation 50,000

Inventories 1,80,000
Accounts receivables 20,000
Investments in flats 1,60,000
Technical know-how 40,000
Cash and cash equivalents 20,000
P/LA/C 1,30,000
Revenue received in advance 20,000
Total 10,20,000 10,20,000

Prepare astatement of financialposition of MysoreLtd. As on 31-3-2024 as per Schedule IIof

Companies Act, 2013.
Problem 36
31.03.2024 under companies
From the fofowing prepare astatement of financial position on
Act, 2013. (Nov./Dec. 2019)
Debit Credit
Tangible Assets 12,00,000 Bqulty share Capital 10,00,000
Intangible Assets 4,.00,000 General Reserve 6,00,000
Current hvestments 4,00,000 |P&LAe 6,00,000
Other Non current Investnents 4,00,000 Non current Liabilitles 10,00,000
hade Reeceivables 5,00,000 Current Liabilities 7,00,000
Stock 8,00,000
Cash 2,00,000
Total 39,00,000 Total 39,00,000
Problem 38
ended 31-3-2 024
Following is the trialBalance of Saanvi Mineral Ltd for the year
(Nov./Dec. 2021)
Particulars Debit ( Credit ()
Equity share capítal 10,00,000
Capital Reserve 1,00,000
Non-current Liability 16,00,000
Pand LA/c 80,000
Current Liabilíty 12,00,000
Tangible assets 16,00,000
Intangíble assets 6,00,000
Current Investments 2,00,000
Inventories 1,80,000
Other Non-current Assets 4,00,000
Trade Receivables (Current) 2,00,000
Cash and cash equivalents 8,00,000
Total 39,80,000 39,80,000
Preparestatement of financialposition as on 31" March 2024 as per schedule III of companies
Act 2013,

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