Soal Kelas 6 SD B.inggris Pas Ganjil

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Keputusan Menteri Hukum dan Hak Asasi Manusia Republik Indonesia Nomor: Ahu-5078.Ah.04.2013
NIS. 100380 NSS. 102316011015 NPSN. 11002155
BATAM KEPULAUAN RIAU 29433 TELP. 081276982940. Email:


Bidang Studi : Bahasa Inggris

Hari / Tanggal :
Waktu : 90 Menit
Kelas / Semester : VI ( enam ) / Ganjil
Nama :

I. Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) a, b, c or d!

1. Boy : What does he do?
Girl: he is…
Boy : What is his job?
Girl: he serves food to the guest in a restaurant.
a. chef c. waiter
b. waitress d. restaurant manager
2. Customer : …
Waitress: Sure. Here is the menu.
a. What do you like to order? c. Can I have the menu
b. What do you need? d. Can you help me?
3. Boy : What does your father do, Amanda?
Girl : He is a …
Boy : he supervises the employees in a restaurant.
a. chef c. waiter
b. waitress d. restaurant manager
4. Girl: What is your…about the ptrice in that restaurant? heavy
Boy : very cheap
a. opinion c. think
b. food d. ambition
5. Waiter : …
Customer: Yes, I’d like to order Rangoon crap and salmon tartar.
a. Can I take your oder? c. Do you have any dessert?
b. What do you like to drink? d. What is you recommendation?

Read the text to answer the questions number 6-10!


Bistro is a typical of small restauraurant in France, most especially in Paris. It

is employed three to seven waiters/waitresses. Bistro is characterized with outdoor
tables with big umbrellas in the middle. It usually sells coffee and pastries. It doesn’t
sell heavy meal. The customers love to eat in bistros. They can talk to friends. They
can spend hours in there. They can read newspaper over coffee. They can have
breakfast while enjoying the city view. Bistro is no longer a place merely for eating.
It becomes the lifestyle in this country
6. Is bistro big?
a. Yes, it is c. No, It is not
b. Yes, It does d. No, It oesn’t
7. Where can we find bistro?
a. Indonesia c. Germany
b. France d. Canada
8. What is not bistro characterized?
a. colorful lamps c. outdoor tables
b. outdoor chairs d. umbrellas
9. What does bistro sell?
a. fruit and vegetable c. coffee and pastry
b. tea and meatball d. milk and juice
10. What can not people do in bistro?
a. play soccer c. have brakfast
b. read newspaper d. talk to friends
Read the text to answer the questions number 11-15!
Art Class
I have an art slass every Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I like it very much.
Mr. Bambang is my art teacher. He is very well verse in art. One day, he taught us
how to mix colours to produce another colours. There are three primary colours. They
are blue, yellow and red. We can produce numerous colours. Mix blue with yellow
and you will get green. Mix red with blue and you will get purple. Mix yellow with
red orange. How if we mix three of them?
Brown is what we get.
11. On what day will NOT have the art class?
a. Monday c. Friday
b. Thursday d. Saturday
12. Who is Mr. Bambang?
a. janitor c. teachaer
b. headmaster d. predident
13. Which one is NOT primary colour?
a. yellow c. green
b. blue d. red
14. What colour will we get if we mix yellow with red?
a. brown c. pink
b. green d. orange
15. What colour will we get if we mix yellow, red and blue?
a. brown c. pink
b. green d. orange
Read the text to answer the questions number 16-20!
How to Stay Fit
To stay fit, I always watch my food intake. I only eat healthy food. I eat a lot
of vegetable and fruits. They are rich on fiber, vitamins and mineral. I don’t eat to
much meat. I only eat meat ocassonally. It is usually twice a month.
I also do sports. I play football, badminton and swimming. I do sports
regularly. I feel much recharged after doing sport.
Besides that, I also have enough sleep. I sleep eight hours a day.
16. What does NOT he do to stay fit?
a. watch food intake c. go to the game center
b. do sport d. have enough sleep
17. What does he only eat?
a. expensive food c. delicious food
b. heathy food d. cheap food
18. Fruits and vegetables are NOT rich on…
a. carbohydrat c. vitamin
b. fiber d. mineral
19. Which sport does he do regularly?
a. baseball c. tennis
b. futsal d. badminton
20. How many hours does de sleep everyday?
a. three hours c. seven hours
b. four hours d. eight hours

II. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer!

a. Fill in the blanks with “both”, “either” or “neither”.
1. I need to buy… a green pen… a black pen.
2. My sister likes… a yellow watch nor a black watch.
b. Fill in the blanks with the correct question tag!
3. He can play football, … he?
4. They can’t swimm,… they?
c. Fill in the blanks with “because” or “because of”!
5. We don’t like singing… our poor voices.
6. He likes pop… it is nice to hear.
d. Fill in the blanks with“so” or “neither”!
7. Jack doesn’t like Harry Potter,… does Leila.
8. Jarrot doesn’t like horror movies,… does Anita.
9. He likes funny movies,… do we
10. Ria doesn’t come,… do Jojo and Bayu.

III. Answer the question with the correct answer!

1. Change the verbs the brackets into the present continuous tens to questions 1-2!
For example: I …(erase) the blackboard.
I am erasing the blackboard.
a. They (buy) some books at the book store.
b. The mechanic (repair) the motorcycle.
2. Don’t forget to come early.Translate into Indonesian!
Read the text below to answer the questions number 3-5!
Victoria andf Albert museum of childhood
There is an interesting museum in London, the Victoria and Albert museum
of childhood. This museum is home for all kinds of childhood toys. The museum was
founded in 1870. It has 1970 pieces of puppets, dolls, yoyos and other kinds of toys.
The most interesting is toys from Azerbaijan. It is believed that is 10.000 years old. It
is colorful pebbles. They are almost spherical. The historian said that the children in
that era played them as marbles.
3. What is the name of the museum?
4. Where is the museum located?
5. How many toys does the museum have?

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