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NIM : 859278926




1. Sebutkan 20 kosa kata beserta artinya yang berhubungan dengan transportation

Jawabannya :
1) Ambulance = ambulans
2) Airplane = pesawat terbang
3) Bus = bus
4) Canoe = sampan
5) Car = mobil
6) Cart = gerobak
7) Ferry = kapal feri
8) Fire truck = truk pemadam kebakaran
9) Helicopter =helikopter
10) Lifeboat = sekoci
11) Motorcycle = sepeda motor
12) Pickup truck = truk pickup
13) Police car = mobil polisi
14) Taxi = taksi
15) Tractor = traktor
16) Trai = kereta api
17) Van = mobil Van
18) Yacht = kapal pesiar
19) Ship = kapal
20) Scooter = skuter

2. Buatlah percakapan yang berhubungan dengan prohibition.

Alana : Mommy,I want to go to the party this weekend with my friends.

Mommy : No, you can’t go to the party without adults.

Are any of your friend’s parents following the trip?

Tores : No,there are not. But still we are big enough for doing the trip alone right

Mommy : You are stillkid son. It is dangerous to travel wihtout adults on you side.

Tores : Why?

Mommy :Okay,let me ask tou. If you go to the party

3. Buatlah percakapan yang berhubungan dengan sugestion

Jawaban :
Densi : Hi,how are you ?
Tinyo : I’m fine,thank’s. How about you?
Densi : I’m fine,too. Can you help me with something?
Tinyo : What is it?
Densi : How about computer course or sewing couse
Tinyo : I think sewing couse
Densi : Ok,thank you Tinyo
Tinyo : You’re welcome.
4. Buatlah percakapan yang berhubungan dengan asking for direction dan giving of direction
Tantri : Tores,i have a sleep problem. What should i do?
Tores : I think you should try drink a hot milk to help you sleep problem?
Tantri : How about you Tinyo?
Tinyo : I think,you better to try not watch the television two hour before you sleep
Tantry : Thanks friend

5. Buatlah kalimat tanya menggunakan wh-guestion yang jawabannya di garis bawah

Argo Lawu train leaves Gambir Station at 06.00pm.
Senja Business train arrives at Jogjakarta at 5.30 am
Jack goes to market by bus at 07.00pm
JawabanNya :
a. Excuse me, What name of the tain you are reading in?
Where is the train station?
What time does the train depart from Jogja?
b. Excuse me, Where is the train?
where is the nearest train station?
What time does the train come?
c. Who is going tho shopping?
Where is she shopping?
He’s shopping up?
What time jack go to shopping?

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