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7th Hour 7th Grade Band


A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J A Z Z B A N D : P i z z a P a r t y M a y 1 6 t h a f t e r…"

Needmoreinfo? Lisa Heemstra


May 9

JAZZ BAND: Registerbygoingtothelink:

Pizza Party May 16th after school until 4:00 pm!

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " G o o d M o r n i n g K i d d o s ! A l l p a s s e s f o r t h e …"
Lisa Heemstra link(above)you're

May 9

Good Morning Kiddos!

All passes for the practice rooms during study hall

or lunch periods are oEcially done for the school
year EXCEPT 6th Hour FULL BAND as we have
rehearsals today, tomorrow, next Monday and

Have a great Thursday!!

Ms. Heemstra

7th Hour 7th Grade Band


A n n o u n c e m e n t : " M u s i c i n t h e P a r k s / S i x F l a g s …"

Lisa Heemstra

May 8

Music in the Parks/Six Flags

Music in the Parks Final I…

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " D o y o u w a n t a p a c k e t f o r I L M E A o r A I J B …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 30

Do you want a packet for ILMEA or AIJB or BOTH??

 Google Forms: Sign-in

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J a z z B a n d t h i s T h u r s d a y, 3 : 1 0 - 4 : 0 0 p m …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 29

Jazz Band this Thursday, 3:10-4:00 pm this week!

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " C o m e t o t h e J a z z C a f e ! ! 3 p a r e n t …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 24 (Edited Apr 24)

Come to the Jazz Cafe!!

3 parent helpers

Jazz Cafe.png


Lisa Heemstra … Due Apr 28, 11:59 PM

Posted Apr 24 Missing

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " W e e k 1 S c a l e M a s t e r - I w i l l e m a i l y o u …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 18

Week 1 Scale Master - I will email you your score if

you had 91 or longer...

Gianna C 58
Ryen C 81
Ryan C 83
Joseph C 50
Nile D 46
Giovani E 58
Eli E 74
Mahek G 54
Greta G 83
Carolyn J 30
Sahana K 79
Avani K 87
Benjamin L 75
Emily L 47
Megan M 87
Ryan M 34
Shika P 80
Tarun P 64
Daniel R 75
Jaimee S 71
Melanie S 81
Kayla S 34
Dhruv V 45

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " I t ' s t i m e f o r y o u r p a r e n t t o r e g i s t e r…"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 18

It's time for your parent to register you for summer




Lisa Heemstra … Due Apr 18, 11:59 PM

Posted Apr 15 Turned in

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " 1 0 2 7 c o n t a c t s t o d a y. 6 8 s t u d e n t s w i t h …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 11

1027 contacts today. 68 students with 0. Let’s go for

1200-1500!! We have to raise more than last


Lisa Heemstra posted a new ques…

Posted Apr 11 Turned in

Music in the Parks T-Shirt

Your answer

Your answer. 23 of 44 answered Small

Small 23
15 of 44 answered Medium

Medium 15
4 of 44 answered Large

Large 4
1 of 44 answered XL

XL 1

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " L A S T C A L L F O R C A N D Y B A R S ! ! ! ! T H E …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 9


students have ZERO CONTACTS...

Morgan Pantojas
0 contacts

Brody Veseley
0 contacts

Iris Antipov
0 contacts

Gabriella Bolesto
0 contacts

Edward Brandon
0 contacts

Nicholas Coleman
0 contacts

Caleb Dearmond
0 contacts

Joshua Dearmond
0 contacts

Regina Dearmond
0 contacts

Jt Deren
0 contacts

Maya Dinca
0 contacts

Abigail Gonzalez
0 contacts

Easton Holstead
0 contacts

Heidi Mateja
0 contacts

Ashley Mcglumphy
0 contacts

Jacob Mcmillian
0 contacts

Spencer Peters
0 contacts

Finn Pinelli
0 contacts

Jessica Rivera
0 contacts

Eric Rodriguez
0 contacts

Julianna Smeltzer
0 contacts

Karthikeya Vundavalli
0 contacts

Feyifoluwa Akinyemi
0 contacts

Caleb Arias
0 contacts

Violet Griln
0 contacts

Yusuf Hassan
0 contacts

Calvin Horton
0 contacts

Jillian House
0 contacts

Puneeth Jampana
0 contacts

Layla Kage
0 contacts

Anay Maheshwari
0 contacts

Alyssa Persaud
0 contacts

Theodore Sandall
0 contacts

Declan Villarreal
0 contacts

Emma Wiech
0 contacts

Elizabeth Wilcox
0 contacts

Nathaniel Williams
0 contacts

Sanjna Anbalagan
0 contacts

Maddox Anderson
0 contacts

Anuka Battulga
0 contacts

Grayson Beerman
0 contacts

Ryan Cheruvallil
0 contacts

Joseph Choi
0 contacts

Giovani El Kartabani
0 contacts

Eli Eldredge
0 contacts

Brady Fowler
0 contacts

Mahek Gandhi
0 contacts

Aleksa Hamer
0 contacts

Sahana Kakumanu
0 contacts

Hadya Khan
0 contacts

Avani Khare
0 contacts

Kohen Klein
0 contacts

Emma Maher
0 contacts

Anu Naranbaatar
0 contacts

Shika Philip
0 contacts

Shelby Sealy
0 contacts

Dhruv Vineeth Nair

0 contacts

Audrey Abella
0 contacts

Julia Anders
0 contacts

Malachi Anisiobi
0 contacts

Nour Bassuony
0 contacts

Aubrey Burney
0 contacts

Ashley Crouch
0 contacts

Thomas Doppelhammer
0 contacts

Natalie Fergus
0 contacts

Rachel Fields
0 contacts

Mason Gullett
0 contacts

Emelia Hrvatin
0 contacts

Syed Husain
0 contacts

Jack Hynes
0 contacts

Saharsh Kappera
0 contacts

Yash Mambapuram
0 contacts

Martin Rodenbostel
0 contacts

Paige Seyler
0 contacts

Ella Underwood
0 contacts

Ananya Velidi
0 contacts

Jazzelle Pamatmat
0 contacts

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " 6 4 6 c o n t a c t s e n t e r e d s o f a r ! T h a t i s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 8

646 contacts entered so far! That is with 92

students who have zero contacts at this current
point. Let’s go let’s go, I will do candy bars tomorrow!


Lisa Heemstra po… Due Apr 9, 8:00 AM

Posted Apr 8 Turned in late


I will be out today but will be back for sure tomorrow,

Tuesday. At that time I will check your contacts and pass
out candy. If you didn't do your contacts, you still have
time! Instructions below.

Please practice your band music as we still have work to

do on it as it's all fairly new. Stay on task and use the
time well!!!!! No issues for the sub.

1. Go to
2. Click the blue “Join” button in the top right corner. This
will be the ONLY time you will click
“Join”. (After creating your account you will then only go
to the 3 line Menu in the upper left
hand corner and ‘Login’.)
3. Enter school code 23283-37024 click “Join”.
4. Click the dropdown menu and FIND your name (alpha
first name). If you do not see your
name after clicking the dropdown menu click “I’m not on
the list”.
5. Create a new account. Keep user email and password
somewhere safe to be used again at
the event. Select profile image and enter your full first and
last name to appear on profile for
all your fans. Click “Register”.
6. Click blue “Add Contact”. Enter each contact’s
7. Complete contact entry on or before 4/11/2024.
Leadership will be checking
progress daily.
8. We are now ready for the 40 minute Live Event on

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o : I w i l l b e o u t t o d a y b u t w i l l b e …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 8


I will be out today but will be back for sure tomorrow,

Tuesday. At that time I will check your contacts and
pass out candy. If you didn't do your contacts, you
still have time! Instructions below.

Please practice your band music as we still have

work to do on it as it's all fairly new. Stay on task
and use the time well!!!!! No issues for the sub.

1. Go to
2. Click the blue “Join” button in the top right corner.
This will be the ONLY time you will click
“Join”. (After creating your account you will then only
go to the 3 line Menu in the upper left
hand corner and ‘Login’.)
3. Enter school code 23283-37024 click “Join”.
4. Click the dropdown menu and FIND your name
(alpha rrst name). If you do not see your
name after clicking the dropdown menu click “I’m
not on the list”.
5. Create a new account. Keep user email and
password somewhere safe to be used again at
the event. Select prorle image and enter your full
rrst and last name to appear on prorle for
all your fans. Click “Register”.
6. Click blue “Add Contact”. Enter each contact’s
7. Complete contact entry on or before 4/11/2024.
Leadership will be checking
progress daily.
8. We are now ready for the 40 minute Live Event on


Lisa Heemstra p… Due Apr 7, 11:59 PM

Posted Apr 3 (Edited Apr 8) Turned in

This is marked as UNGRADED until all 3 weeks of
submissions have been sent in. Total points = 100!!!!
Flipgrid Link:

This is due by 11:59 pm on 4/7

90 = A+
91-95 = A
96-100 = B
101-105 = C
106-112 = D
113 and on = F

 Flip

A n n o u n c e m e n t : "A p r i l J a z z B a n d S c h e d u l e "

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 2

April Jazz Band Schedule

April Jazz.pdf

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J a z z B a n d t h i s w e e k : T h u r s d a y 3 : 1 0 - 4 …"

Lisa Heemstra

Apr 1

Jazz Band this week: Thursday 3:10-4 pm. No

morning rehearsals moving forward. New schedule
will be passed out and posted this week.


Lisa Heemstra p… Due Mar 15, 3:00 PM

Posted Mar 15 Graded

Please see the attached assignment.

A n n o u n c e m e n t : "A w e s o m e j o b w i t h t h e p i c t u r e t o d a y ! ! ! ! ! …"

Lisa Heemstra

Mar 14

Awesome job with the picture today!!!!!

Mar 14, 2024 at 7:46 PM.jpg

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e l l o : I a m s e n d i n g i n a n a u d i t i o n …"

Lisa Heemstra

Mar 13


I am sending in an audition recording for the Illinois

Music Educators Conference in Peoria for 2025.
Part of the requirement is a picture of the ensemble
if they get selected to perform.

Tomorrow, THURSDAY the 14th, I would like to take a

picture of the 7th grade band in FULL UNIFORM with
instruments during our band class. They can either
wear their full uniform to school or bring their
uniform to change into during class time: Black
Pants, Black Socks, BLACK SHOES and the Black
Band Polo. If they don't have their uniform, they
won't be in the picture and this is a HUGE DEAL AND
HONOR if we get accepted. Please, Please, help me
in making sure the band students are prepared with
their uniform tomorrow.

Thank you for your help!

Lisa Heemstra

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " P r i z e s f o r o u r F a n P l e d g e F u n d r a i s e r ! ! ! …"

Lisa Heemstra

Mar 11

Prizes for our Fan Pledge Fundraiser!!!

1st Place: Meta-Quest 3 Breakthrough Mixed Reality

128 GB - White valued at $499.99
2nd Place: $300 Gift Card to Amazon
3rd Place: $200 Gift Card to Amazon
4th through 10th Place: $25 Gift Card to Amazon




Lisa Heemstra po… Due Mar 8, 3:05 PM

Posted Mar 8 (Edited Mar 8) Graded

Hi! I had to call off today as my sisters caretakers child
is home sick. I really wanted to keep going and play new
music with all of you. Monday for sure!!
Today you will create a FUN Social Media Feed using your
instrument! Please open the Social Media Feed
Document to see what the assignment is and an example
I did. (sorry saxophones hahaha)

I created a google doc for you to put your social media

feed and submit to me HERE in google classroom when

Have fun and be CREATIVE!!!!!!!

Social Media Feed.pdf


Lisa Heemstra posted a … Due Apr 12

Posted Mar 7 Missing

Friday, April 12th

Ms. Heemstra will discuss in class and give you more

details as we get closer.

Fan Pledge 2024.pdf

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " N o J B t o m o r r o w d u e t o I A R t e s t i n g D a y 1 …"

Lisa Heemstra

Mar 4

No JB tomorrow due to IAR testing Day 1 and since I

was out today. I need the morning to get ready for
testing. We will still meet Thursday.


Lisa Heemstra posted a n… Due Mar 4

Posted Mar 4 Turned in

1. Please review 2 of the 3 judges comment sheets to see
what they thought. The judge that did our clinic didn't fill
out a judge sheet :(

2. After that, please fill out the Concert Evaluation on how

you think we/you did at Fine Arts Festival.

We will talk more in depth tomorrow when I return.

Congratulations on your performance on Saturday!!!

Hash - 7th Grade.docx

Yi - 7th Grade.docx

A n n o u n c e m e n t : "A l l B A N D G R A D E S w i l l b e u p d a t e d t h i s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Feb 29

All BAND GRADES will be updated this

weekend...thank you for your patience!!
A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H e r e a r e t h e r e c o r d i n g s f r o m t o d a y i n …"

Lisa Heemstra

Feb 29

Here are the recordings from today in class. See

everyone Saturday @Thompson!!

7th grade piece 3.MP3

7th grade piece 2.MP3

7th grade piece 1.MP3

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J A Z Z B A N D O N LY : A l o t o f s t u d e n t s h a v e … "

Lisa Heemstra

Feb 8


A lot of students have told me they can't make it
tomorrow for rehearsal...please rll this out to let me
know YES or NO so I can decide if rehearsal will be

 Google Forms: Sign-in

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " F i n e A r t s F e s t i v a l S c h e d u l e S a t u r d a y, …"

Lisa Heemstra

Feb 5

Fine Arts Festival Schedule

Saturday, March 2nd
Thompson JHS, Oswego

Fine Arts Band 2024.pdf

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H i K i d d o s : W e w i l l r e s u m e p l a y i n g i n …"

Lisa Heemstra

Jan 23

Hi Kiddos:

We will resume playing in person tomorrow "IN

SCHOOL" ( I plan on being in school)
Please click Present in the question posted and
submit for attendance. It will be posted around
class time.

Enjoy your day!

No assignment for 7th grade band today.

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " H i k i d d o s ! I w a s s u p p o s e d t o b e o u t …"

Lisa Heemstra

Jan 22

Hi kiddos! I was supposed to be out just a half day

today but I am now out the full day. I will rnally be
back on Tuesday. Tuesday morning for seventh and
eighth graders is jazz band at 7:30 AM. We will also
have rehearsal Thursday morning. No lunch practice
today but we will resume practice rooms tomorrow.
I’ve had a lot going on with family at home…my
sister went to the ER Fridat and my daughter woke
up today very ill. I hope to see you all tomorrow!!!

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " P l e a s e b e o n y o u r b e s t b e h a v i o r t o d a y ! …"

Lisa Heemstra

Jan 19

Please be on your best behavior today! I had an

emergency with my sister and will be out today. She
is ok and all is well now but I need to monitor her
today. Have a wonderful weekend!


Lisa Heemstra posted a … Due Jan 16

Posted Jan 16 Graded

Please go to to log into your account.

Work on this assignment and it is due TODAY...preferably

during our class period as I am giving you time to work on

Goal is a 90% or higher. This is REQUIRED.

Percussionists, please do this on mallets. Remember to

select the correct audio setting so it scores you correctly.

 Power Your Potential™ - …

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " Y o u w i l l n e e d y o u r i n s t r u m e n t f o r c l a s s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Jan 15

You will need your instrument for class remotely

Tuesday!! If you forgot your instrument at can complete the assignment

STAY WARM and see everyone during your class



A n n o u n c e m e n t : " R e m o t e D a y M u s i c a l Te r m A s s e s s m e n t T h i s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Jan 9

Remote Day Musical Term Assessment

This assignment needs to be completed by the end
of your class period.

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " W e l c o m e B a c k ! J a z z B a n d M e m b e r s : T h i s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Jan 8

Welcome Back!

Jazz Band Members:

This week we will NOT have any JB Rehearsals. We
will resume jazz band next Tuesday morning, 1/16.

Announcement: "THURSDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Lisa Heemstra

Dec 12, 2023


Winter Concert 2023.jpg

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " I ’m o u t a g a i n to d ay.

Lisa Heemstra

Dec 5, 2023

I’m out again today.

Please behave and practice!!! No lunch practice or
study hall passes. Hope I see you all tomorrow!!!

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " N o L u n c h B a n d o r S t u d y H a l l P a s s e s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Dec 4, 2023

No Lunch Band or Study Hall Passes today UNLESS

you have a private lesson.

I am out today....BEHAVE for the sub!

You still need your instrument and music.

NO Jazz Band Tuesday morning since we did so

awesome Saturday!!!! BRAVO JAZZ BAND!


Lisa Heems… Due Dec 3, 2023, 11:59 PM

Posted Nov 29, 2023 Graded


A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J A Z Z B A N D. . . T u e s d a y, N o v 2 8 t h , …"

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 27, 2023


Tuesday, Nov 28th, 7:30-8:00 am

Thursday, Nov 30th, 3:10-5:00 pm with Pizza!

Saturday, Jazz Festival @Traughber JHS....see post

below in stream for information on FLYER.

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " To n i g h t ! ! ! "

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 21, 2023


Nov 21, 2023 at 8:40 AM.jpg

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J a z z b a n d i s c a n c e l e d ! T h e C a r e t a k e r…"

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 21, 2023

Jazz band is canceled! The Caretaker for my sister

just messaged me and she is arriving late so I can’t
leave the house!! I am sorry!!!

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " N o L u n c h P r a c t i c e 5 t h / 6 t h / 7 t h …"

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 16, 2023

No Lunch Practice 5th/6th/7th today...Sorry!

Announcement: "Jazz Band Students...December 2nd!!!"

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 15, 2023

Jazz Band Students...December 2nd!!!

Jazz Fest Dec 2.pdf


Lisa Heem… Due Nov 21, 2023, 11:59 PM

Posted Nov 14, 2023 (Edited Nov 14, 2023) Graded


 Flip

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " Y o u m u s t h a v e y o u r c h r o m e b o o k i n c l a s s …"

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 9, 2023

You must have your chromebook in class Friday!!


Announcement: "MOVIE NIGHT!!"

Lisa Heemstra

Nov 6, 2023


Dark Blue with Popcorn …

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " To d a y i s c o o k i e d o u g h p i c k u p ! ! …"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 30, 2023

Today is cookie dough pick up!!

3:05-5:30 Door #2

Oct 30, 2023 at 10:50 AM.jpg

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " J a z z B a n d O n l y ! ! P l e a s e s i g n u p f o r t h e …"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 24, 2023

Jazz Band Only!!

Please sign up for the REMIND JAZZ BAND text in
case Ms. Heemstra has to cancel jazz band. This
will be the FASTEST way to communicate with you
and your family! Students and parents can sign up.

remind text.png

Announcement: "Way to go Megan and Dhruv!!!"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 23, 2023

Way to go Megan and Dhruv!!!

Congratulations (Flyer).…

Announcement: "Cookie Dough Pick Up 10/30!!!"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 23, 2023

Cookie Dough Pick Up 10/30!!!

Oct 23, 2023 at 3:11 PM.jpg


Lisa Heem… Due Oct 26, 2023, 11:59 PM

Posted Oct 23, 2023 Graded
45 = A+
46-48 A
49-52 B
53-56 C
57-60 D
61 and more F

 Flip

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " 6 t h H o u r t o d a y N O L U N C H P R A C T I C E ! ! …"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 23, 2023

6th Hour today NO LUNCH PRACTICE!!



A n n o u n c e m e n t : " C O N C E R T T U E S D A Y ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! R e p o r t a t 6 : 3 0 …"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 16, 2023

Report at 6:30 pm
Concert starts at 7:00 pm

Orange and Yellow Autu…

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " I a m o u t t o d a y : ( N O L U N C H PA S S E S 5 / 6 / 7 …"

Lisa Heemstra

Oct 13, 2023

I am out today :(

NO LUNCH PASSES 5/6/7 today

7th & 8th Grade Band will STILL be playing today!!!!

You will run your music as a band.

6th Grade Classes...BRAVO on an amazing concert

last night! I'm so proud of you!



Lisa Heems… Due Oct 8, 2023, 11:59 PM

Posted Oct 3, 2023 Graded

Go to this link:
Click Log In and Log In with your School

One you are on the Smartmusic Home Page, you will see
"Assignments" and then you click START.

The goal is to get a 90% or higher and submit that to me.

Remember to come back to Google Classroom to Turn
In/Submit so I know you finished in Smart Music.

A n n o u n c e m e n t : " I a m o u t t o d a y b u t y o u w i l l p r a c t i c e i n …"

Lisa Heemstra

Sep 25, 2023

I am out today but you will practice in class still. NO


Be on your best behavior and be productive. Our

concert is around the corner.

See you tomorrow,

Ms. Heemstra

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