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WEEK 6-7


O. 12 & 13 ROC

1. D who wishes to defend must enter appearance

• Appearance shows intention to defend and submission to the jurisdiction of the court

2. Mode of entering appearance

• Form 11

• O. 12 r. 2 and 3 ROC

3. Entry of appearance does not amount to a waiver

• O. 12 r. 9 ROC

4. Appearance by body corporate

o O. 12 r. 1(2) ROC

5. Appearance by persons under disability

o O. 76 r. 6 ROC

6. Time limit for appearance

o O. 12 r. 4 ROC

Note that the time limit specified in O. 12 r. 4 ROC does not mean that if D has not entered
appearance within the prescribed time he cannot enter an appearance at all (but see rule 5(2)

7. Default of appearance in High Court

P may enter judgment against D (O. 13 ROC)

Note: Judgment in default of appearance cannot be entered in all cases e.g. (1) account (2)
injunction (3) specific performance (4) declaration (5) rectification

o O. 13, r. 1-5, r 6, O. 19 r. 7 ROC

o Lam Kong Co Ltd v Thong Guan Co Ltd [1985] 2 MLJ 429

o Leong Seng Kiat v Khaw See Song [1988] 2 MLJ 365 (specific performance)

o Matland Sdn. Bhd. v Timatch Sdn. Bhd. [2014] 4 AMR 645 (injunction))

o See also O. 16 r. 5, O. 19, O. 24 r. 16, O. 26 r. 7, O. 34 r. 2, O. 35 r. 1 as examples where

default judgment may be entered for reasons other than failure to enter appearance

8. Procedure for entering judgment in default

(a) No appearance before Judge or Registrar involved.

(b) Documents: Original writ duly indorsed as to service (O. 10 r. 1(4) - day, date, time, on
whom), affidavit verifying service (Form 135), two completed judgment forms duly stamped
(Form 75), certificate of non-appearance (Form 12)

• See also

o Rule 56 Legal Profession (Practice and Etiquette) Rules;

o Asia Commercial Finance v BBMB [1988] 1 MLJ 33;

o PL Construction Sdn Bhd v Abdullah bin Said [1989] 1 MLJ

60 (a default judgment in breach of rule 56 ROC is valid).

(c) At what point of time is judgment entered?

o Tatchee etc v Posan Timber [1989] 1 MLJ 388

9. Judgment may be final or interlocutory

(a) Final

o O. 13 r. 1 and r. 4 ROC

(b) Interlocutory

• O. 13 r. 2 and r. 3 ROC

• Maxland Sdn. Bhd. v Timatch Sdn. Bhd. [2014] 7 CLJ 149 FC

10. Interlocutory Judgment in default

• Examples: negligence, nuisance, breach of trust.

• Damages have to be assessed.

• Procedure: O. 37 r. 1 ROC

• Declaration: must be supported by evidence of factual matrix.

o Amalan Tepat Sdn. Bhd. v Panflex Sdn. Bhd. [2011] 7 CLJ 121

11. Setting aside judgment in default of appearance

(a) Court has absolute discretion.

• Per Lord Atkin in Evans v Bartlam [1937] A.C. 473 at p. 480:

"The principle obviously is that unless and until the Court has pronounced a judgment upon the
merits or by consent, it is to have the power to revoke the expression of its coercive power where
that has been obtained by a failure to follow any of the rules of procedure."

• Tuan Haji Ahmad Abdul Rahman v Arab Malaysian Finance Berhad [1996] 1 CLJ 241.

(b) D advised to act promptly.

• O. 42 r. 13 ROC - "within thirty days after receipt of the order or judgment”.

o Ban Huat Seng Co Ltd v Lee Poh Soo [1967] 1 MLJ 145

o Tian Yan Onn etc v National Holdings Ltd [1988] 2 MLJ 669 (7 months 12 days - too late)

o Cheung Kong Plantations Sdn Bhd v Malayan United Finance Bhd [2000] 3 MLJ 265

• Delay merely a factor to be taken into account. Other factors, e.g. irregularity, defence on the
merits must be taken into account

• Fira Development Sdn Bhd v Goldwin Sdn Bhd [1989] 1 M.L.J. 40 (Decided before 0. 42 r. 13

(c) Procedure for setting aside judgment

• Notice of Application supported by affidavit. Contents of affidavit.

(d) "Regular" and "irregular" judgment in default

• Lai Yoke Ngan & Anor v Chin Teck Kwee & Anor [1997] 2 MLJ 565

• Lee Tain Tshung v Hong Leong Finance Bhd [2000]3 MLJ 364
(e) If P's judgment is a regular judgment in default D must show some evidence of prima facie

• Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation v Ismail bin Daud & Anor [1978] 2 MLJ 160

• Taisho Marine Insurance v Wong Poo Peng [1976] 1 MLJ 78

• Dialdas & Co (Pte) Ltd v Sin Sin & Co [1984] 2 MLJ 223

12. "Except with the leave of the Court, no judgment in default of appearance or of pleading
shall be entered against the Government in civil proceedings against the Government or in third
party proceedings against the Government"

• O. 73 r. 7 ROC

13. Judgment entered for a greater sum

• D may apply to set aside; P can apply to amend

o Philip Securities (Pte) v Yong Tet Miaw [1988] 3 MLJ 61 (Court has discretion).

o Cheow Chew Khoon v Abdul Johari [1995] 1 MLJ 457(judgment is irregular; to be set aside)

o Development & Commercial Bank Berhad v Aspatra Corporation Sdn Bhd & Anor (1996) 1
CLJ 141

o Lee Tain Tshung v Hong Leong Finance Bhd [2000] 3 MLJ 364

14. Costs

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