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Conversation Sherry Turkle's The Flight from Conversation is an article stating about the
importance of face to face conversations. Numerous points and takes can be read in the article that
provides information about the pros and cons of online connection and the difference of it with real
conversation. Although I agree with some of the points given in the article, there are some claims in it
that can be confusing to other people.

For me I think that it is fine to have a balanced time for communicating either face to face or in
technological platforms as long as you know your limitations.

The first thing I noticed while reading the article is the claim stating that technological forms of
communication such as emails, texts, chats, etc. is a dangerous thing to get used to which I strongly
disagreed to. Why? Because I think that our world is changing rapidly, it's tremendously different now
compared to the year before it. Whether it is the noticeable change in our technological
advancements or even the smallest alterations of behavior of our new generations, all things
change. It should be noted that technological communications is not a dangerous thing but an efficient
medium for a growing environment that we lived in where technologies tend to run the world to
make it work.

I believe that you can balance both connection and conversation as long as you know to
yourself the limitations, because if we only focus on one thing and one thing only, one might be
left behind preventing us to improve ourselves within the changing world we live in.Although I agree
to the thought that "Connection in social media is important but no matter how valuable, they do not
substitute conversation" there is part of my gen z spirit that disagree with some part of it. I think mainly
because we are used to communicating through the means of technology. And that we, the new
generations, are too afraid and anxious to make mistakes. That's why we settle for "online
communication" and not through real time conversation.

Despite my thoughts and beliefs I think the main problem here is the inevitable development of
technologies that results in a change in behavior for some people. This changes in our environment
alters the perspective of some people to our world where making mistakes to a conversation is an act to
be ashamed of and not a form of expression

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