Envi Sci Semi Task 1 Nacalaban

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Ms. RIZA JOY C. CANAS BSRT-1C W 5:00pm-8:00pm

Sustainable Development: Biodiversity, Ecosystems, and

Renewable Resources
Human activities have significantly affected the Earth’s biodiversity. Deforestation, pollution,
climate change, and overexploitation of species are some of the ways humans have negatively
impacted biodiversity. These activities have led to habitat loss and degradation, which is the
primary cause of species extinction. Endangered species are those that are at risk of extinction.
Threatened species, on the other hand, are those that are likely to become endangered in the
foreseeable future. Both categories require protection to prevent their extinction. Major threats
to forest ecosystems include deforestation, climate change, invasive species, and pollution.
Sustainable management strategies include enforcing strict logging laws, promoting
reforestation, and implementing programs to protect indigenous species. The ecosystem
approach focuses on the protection of entire ecosystems, recognizing that all species are
interconnected. The species approach, on the other hand, focuses on protecting individual
species, particularly those that are endangered or threatened. Both approaches are essential for
sustaining biodiversity. Major threats to water resources include pollution, overuse, and climate
change. Sustainable management strategies include improving water quality, promoting water
conservation, and developing efficient water infrastructure. Preserving water resources has
numerous benefits, including ensuring a sustainable supply of water for future generations.
However, it also has limitations, such as the high cost of preservation efforts and the potential
for conflicts over water rights. Renewable energy sources can be made more efficient through
technological advancements, such as improving solar panel efficiency and optimizing wind
turbine design. Reducing their environmental impact can be achieved through careful site
selection to minimize habitat disruption and using low-impact materials in their construction.
Technology plays a crucial role in the development and use of renewable resources. For
example, advancements in battery technology have made it possible to store energy generated
by renewable sources for use when the sun isn’t shining or the wind isn’t blowing. Additionally,
smart grid technology allows for more efficient distribution of renewable energy, reducing
waste and improving reliability. These examples illustrate how technology can enhance the
sustainability of renewable resources. In conclusion, human activities have a profound impact
on the Earth’s biodiversity, forest ecosystems, and water resources. While there are threats and
challenges, there are also solutions and strategies for sustainable management. The distinction
between endangered and threatened species, as well as the ecosystem and species approaches
to sustaining biodiversity, underscores the complexity of these issues. The role of technology in
the development and use of renewable resources is pivotal, offering promising avenues for
increasing efficiency and reducing environmental impact. As we move forward, it is crucial that
we continue to explore and implement sustainable practices to ensure the health and longevity
of our planet and its diverse ecosystems. This requires a concerted effort from all of us,
underscoring the importance of education, awareness, and action in the face of these
environmental challenges.

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