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Ultrasonography (Ultrasound or Sonogram):

 a prenatal test offered to most pregnant women
 Complications of pregnancy are health  uses sound waves to show a picture of
problems that occur during pregnancy. They the baby in the uterus (womb)
can involve the mother's health, the baby's  helps your health care provider check on
health, or both. Some women have health your baby's health and development
problems that arise during pregnancy, and  first 20 weeks of gestation: full bladder is
other women have health problems before needed for better visualization
they become pregnant that could lead to  after 20 weeks’ gestation: a full bladder
complications. is not necessary
 Nursing Care:
Two scenarios when pregnancy can be at high risk: 1. encourage fluids and refrain mother from
1. If she has pre-existing conditions that put voiding before the test
her at risk of complications;
2. When complications occur suddenly in an 3. Chorionic villi Sampling (CVS):
otherwise healthy pregnancy.  supplies same data as amniocentesis but
can be done earlier and quicker results
High-Risk Pregnancy: can be obtained
 when fetus face higher chance of  Nursing Care:
experiencing problems 1. instruct to drink fluid (usually 30mins
 causes can be: before) so that the bladder is full
a. pre-existing maternal conditions 2. after the test:
b. factors in pregnancy - monitor for uterine contractions
c. maternal concurrent disorders - vaginal discharge
d. external factors and more - teach how to observe signs of infection
 Often occurs in >40 and <18 years old mothers
4. Amniocentesis:
Identifying and Monitoring  procedure used to take out a small
High-Risk Pregnancy: sample of the amniotic fluid for testing
 Amniotic fluid:
1. Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) Enzyme Blood Test: - fluid that surrounds the fetus in the
 protein produced in the liver of a womb
developing fetus. During a baby's - clear, pale, yellow fluid
development, some AFP passes through - protects the fetus from injury and
the placenta and into the mother's against infection
blood.  checks for sex, fetal age, fetal lung
 measures the level of AFP in pregnant maturity, AFP, biochemical defects,
women during the 2ND trimester genetic or chromosomal condition, such
 The amount of AFP in the blood of a as Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome
pregnant woman can help see whether or Patau's syndrome
the baby may have such problems as  Test is done after sonogram; usually after
spina bifida and anencephaly 15-18 weeks gestation
 for detecting neural tube (brain and  Nursing Care:
spine) defects in the fetus 1. have client void
 also used to detect pregnancy with 2. after test:
twins - monitor for: uterine contractions
 often used with ultrasound and and vaginal discharge
amniocentesis for cross diagnosis - test for signs of infection
3. encourage rest
Amniocentesis Nonstress Test (NST):

5. Nonstress Test (NST):

 usually done when a health care
provider wants to check on the health (
of the fetus, such as in a high-risk
pregnancy or when the due date has 6. Contraction Stress Test (CST):
passed  also called as “oxytocin challenge test”
 checks to see if the baby:  performed near the end of pregnancy
a. responds normally to (≥34 weeks' gestation) to determine
stimulation how well the fetus will cope with the
b. gets enough oxygen contractions of childbirth
 is a continuous FHR monitoring  aims to:
 usually done after ultrasound a. induce contractions
 RESULTS: b. monitor the fetus to check for
a. Reactive (Normal) FHR abnormalities via
o Before week 32: cardiotocograph
- 2 or more acceleration of FHR  To test, at least 3 contractions of ≥40sec
of at least 15bpm for at least duration within 10 minutes are observed
10sec each within a 20min  RESULTS:
window/interval a. Negative: No late or significant
o Week 32 or after: variable decelerations
- 2 or more acceleration of FHR b. Positive: Late decelerations
of at least 15bpm for at least following ≥50% of contractions,
15sec each within a 20min even if there are <3 contractions
window/interval in 10 minutes
o NO INTERVENTION NEEDED c. Equivocal - suspicious:
b. Nonreactive intermittent late or variable
o No FHR in less than 15sec decelerations with < 50% of the
c. Nonsatisfactory d. Equivocal - hyperstimulatory:
o NST cannot be interpreted Decelerations with contractions
 Nursing Care: occurring more frequently than
1. fasting is not necessary every 2 minutes or lasting >90s
2. observe the fetal monitor associated with excessive uterine
3. explain test to the mother to ↓ anxiety activity
4. evaluate response to procedure e. Unsatisfactory: <3 contractions in
10 minutes or uninterpretable
FHR tracing
 Nursing Care: immediate birth of infant is indicated
1. void before test  Nursing Care:
2. monitor FHR for 30 minutes before test 1. cleanse vaginal area to avoid contamination
3. monitor mother after test to observe during test
for possible initiation of labor
4. evaluate response to procedure 1ST DISORDER: HEMORRHAGIC COMPLICATION

test-during-pregnancy_00367783/ 1. Complication r/t pregnancy
2. Diseases not r/t preg. but occurs coincidentally
7. Biophysical Profile (BPP) Test COMPLICATIONS:
 determines the health of the baby (fetus) a. Abortion
during pregnancy b. Incompetent Cervix
 may include a nonstress test with c. Ectopic Pregnancy
electronic fetal heart monitoring and a d. Hydatidiform Mole
ultrasound e. Abdominal Pregnancy
 measures: baby's heart rate, muscle f. Placenta Previa
tone, movement, breathing, and amt. of g. Abruptio Placentae
amniotic fluid around your baby h. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
 used for fetus that may have intrauterine
compromise ABORTION
 Nursing Care:
1. provide emotional support  Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy by
2. evaluate response to procedure removal or expulsion of an embryo or fetus
(at any time before age viability).
8. Maternal Assessment of Fetal Activity:  An abortion that occurs without intervention
 need to contact physician or nurse is known as a miscarriage or "spontaneous
midwife when there are: abortion" and occurs in approximately 30% to
- < 10 fetal movements in a 12hr period 40% (10-20% according kan ma’am) of
- < 3 fetal movements in an 8hr period pregnancies.
- no fetal movements in the morning  Abortion is a medical term for the disruption
 Used to determine vitality of fetus of a pregnancy before the fetus reaches its
 Nursing Care: viable age of more than 20 to 24 weeks of
1. teach mother to record and report movements gestation or weighs at least 500g.

9. Fetal Scalp pH Sampling: I. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY

 may be done during labor when fetal  The most common cause of an abortion is
heart patterns begin to indicate distress abnormal fetal development, which is either
 capillary blood samples are taken from due to a chromosomal aberration or a
fetal scalp in utero teratogenic factor.
 RESULTS: if acidosis is present,  Another common cause is the abnormal
implantation of the zygote, where there is lead to abortion.
inadequate endometrial formation or the  Infection. In infection, the fetus would fail to
zygote was implanted on an inappropriate site. grow and estrogen and progesterone
This would cause inadequate development of production would fall. This would lead to
the placental circulation, leading to poor endometrial sloughing, then prostaglandins
nutrition of the fetus and eventually, to an would be released leading to uterine
abortion. contractions and cervical dilatation along with
 Other common causes: expulsion of the products of pregnancy.
1. Presence of organ defects  Age. If the mother is >40 y.o or ≤18 y.o. For
2. Trauma primigravida (first time mothers), >35 y.o.
3. Maternal disorders (pre-existing, - Age 35 = 30% risk of abortion
concurrent, or gestational) - Age 40 = 40% risk of abortion
- High blood pressure - Age 45 = 80% risk of abortion
- Diabetes  Weight. Overweight and underweight (<50kg
- Kidney disease prepregnancy weight); Poor pregnancy
- HIV weight gain
- Malaria  Invasive Prenatal Tests. Amniocentesis &
- Gonorrhea Chorionic Villi Sampling
- Syphilis  Consecutive 2 or more abortions.
- Thyroid gland problem  Uterine or Cervical Problem. Ex.: incompetent
- Lupus cervix.
4. External mechanical factors (Illegal
5. Genetic defects
- Blighted ovum (occurs when an
early embryo never develops or
stops developing, is resorbed and
leaves an empty gestational sac)
- Intrauterine fetal demise
- Complete molar & partial molar


 Congenital Structural Defect. This structural
defect may be due to chromosomal
aberration or a serious physical defect.
 ↓ Progesterone. Progesterone maintains the
decidua basalis. If the corpus luteum fails to
produce enough progesterone, it would risk
the life of the fetus inside the uterus.
 Rh Incompatibility. The fetus could get
rejected from a mother’s body if they have an
incompatible Rh.
 Undernutrition. Lack of nutrients would
cause undernourishment to both the mother
and the fetus, leading to abortion.
 Teratogens. Smoking, alcohol drugs, chemical
intoxication or substances cause congenital
disorders in a developing embryo or fetus.
 Drugs. There are drugs which are
contraindicated for pregnant women.
Ingestion might compromise the fetus and
 Inevitable/Imminent abortion.
- embryo is dead but some products of
conception either intact or expelled
there is presence of vaginal bleeding (also
- Bcs of open cervix, expulsion of POC
(products of conception) cannot be
stopped anymore
- Symptoms: Cramping or Contractions
- Further diagnostic tests: Besides the prior
III. TYPES tests done to determine threatened ab.,
 Spontaneous abortion. tissue test will be analyzed for
- Occurs mostly in 2ND mo. of pregnancy abnormality such as hydatidiform mole
- Very common (occurs in approximately - Intervention. If no FHR is detected and
30% to 40% of pregnancies) USG reveals an empty uterus or nonviable
- Through natural causes fetus, D&C or D&E is performed to make
- Therapeutic management: Induced sure all POC (products of conception) are
abortion if required depending on the removed to clean the uterus and prevent
symptoms & description of the bleeding infection.
 Threatened abortion. Gestational sac is intact
- embryo is already viable and products of
conception are still intact  Incomplete abortion.
- CERVIX IS CLOSED but there is vaginal - embryo is dead
bleeding or spotting present - cervix is already dilated and there is
- Progresses to inevitable abortion if the severe vaginal bleeding
cervix progresses to open, can result to - bcs of open cervix, there is expulsion of
bleeding or no bleeding some POC but some are retained
- Pregnancy with twins: usually only one - ULTRASOUND (USG) RESULT:
survives Gestational sac is not intact
- Signs/Symptoms:
o Scant and usually bright red bleeding  Complete abortion.
o Slight cramping - ALL POC ARE EXPELLED (fetus,
- Diagnostic Tests: membranes, placenta) without any
1. FHR & USG assistance and the embryo is dead.
2. Blood test for human chorionic - cervix is dilated and there is mild bleeding
gonadotropin (hCG) hormone – If but usually slows for about 2hrs and stops
placenta is still intact, level of hCG in the after a few days
bloodstream should double after 48hrs - Intervention: Advise woman to report
from the onset of bleeding. Otherwise, heavy bleeding if it occurs
poor placental function will be suspected - ULTRASOUND (USG) RESULT:
and pregnancy can be lost No POC left in the uterus
- Interventions:
a. Avoiding strenuous activity for 24-48hrs.  Missed abortion.
b. Explain about miscarriage and its causes to - embryo is already dead while inside the
prevent stress and guilt (as most women uterus (retained)
believe in myths about its causes such as
- All POC are retained & the CERVIX IS
taking the stairs, getting angry to a child,
- Usually no signs or symptoms. Painless
c. Teach coitus to be avoided for 2 weeks to
vaginal bleeding (brown vaginal
avoid further inducing the bleeding
discharge) may occur rarely
- Diagnostic tests: Missed ab. is usually t
discovered during prenatal exams when
fundal height reveals no progress and no n
FHR is heard. t
- Intervention: D&C/D&E if preg. is not over 14 a
weeks. Otherwise, prostaglandin suppository c
or misoprostol (Cytotec) will be introduced to t
COMPL All No POC left
the cervix to cause dilation, along with
ETE ex
oxytocin to cause contractions and expulsion
of POC. lle
- Complication: If fetus/POC is retained too d
long in the uterus, disseminated intravascular MISSE Some expelled; fetus
Clos Fet
coagulation (Coagulation/Bleeding defect) D e retained
may develop. Woman can be intoxicated as d
well as have infections, leading to septic
Closed Cervix Dilated Cervix
Fetus and POC are retained. Abortion Abortion
 Septic abortion. M – Missed I – Inevitable
- any abortion, spontaneous or induced, T – Threatened I – Incomplete
that is complicated by uterine infection, C – Complete D – Dilated
including endometritis C – Closed
C – Cervix
- can be caused by use of nonsterile
techniques for uterine evacuation after
1. Vaginal spotting. Vaginal spotting appears as
induced or spontaneous abortion
small brownish to reddish spots of blood
coming out of the woman’s vaginal opening.
 Recurrent/Habitual abortion.
This usually occurs when the cervix slightly
- Abortion becomes recurrent once the
dilates because the woman may have tried to
woman has had 3 or more consecutive
lift heavy objects or mild trauma to the
miscarriages at the same gestational age
abdomen occurred.
2. Vaginal bleeding. Bleeding is a serious
 Illegal Abortion.
occurrence during pregnancy because it
- Abortion outside medical settings/facility might indicate that the cervix has opened and
products of conception might be expelled.
3. Cramping/sharp/dull pain in the symphysis
Type Cer POC US pubis. This could occur on both sides and
v could be caused by trauma or premature
i contractions that might cause cervical
x dilation.
THREAT Clos Intact
POC intact
4. Uterine contractions felt by the mother.
ENE e Uterine contractions can be false or true, but
D d either of the two could be alarming during
INEVIT OpeIntact/expelled Ges. Sac
the early stages of pregnancy because it could
ABL n expel the contents of the uterus thereby
E leading to abortion.
INCOMP OpeSome expelled; Ges.
c  Pregnancy test. This is to confirm the
pregnancy first if vaginal bleeding occurs. If
n test turns out negative, then the woman
would be subjected to other diagnostic tests  Inquire of the duration and intensity of the
that could confirm the nature and cause of bleeding or pain felt. Lastly, identify the
the vaginal bleeding. If it is positive, then client’s blood type for cases of Rh
abortion would be considered and it would be incompatibility.
classified according to the presenting signs  Asses Vital Signs
and symptoms.  Asses the amount of bleeding (pad/hr); If
 Ultrasound. The safest and confirmatory test there is too much bleeding, IV may be needed
for pregnancy, the ultrasound would be able  Asses the woman’s pain, Sedative may be needed
to confirm if the pregnancy is positive, and  Emotional response to loss
also confirm if the products of conception are  Detailed health and pregnancy history
still intact.
 Assess the nature of blood loss
 Pelvic Exam.
o Pain (from back towards the front/abdomen)
 Monitoring/Assessing FHR.
o Cramps (dull, sharp pain)
 Blood Test.
o Dizziness
 Tissue Test. Tissues expelled from the uterus or
o Amount and type of bleeding
brought with bleeding or vaginal discharge will
be tested. It cab test if aborting has occurred.
VIII. Nursing Diagnosis
 Chromosomal Test. If recurrent abortion occurs.
 Risk for deficient fluid volume related to
bleeding during pregnancy
 Anticipatory grieving r/t loss of expected infant
Aside from our own nursing management,
 Pain r/t uterine complication
physicians would also have to order a
series of therapeutic management for
the pregnant woman.
 Administration of intravenous fluids. Such as IX. Nursing Interventions
Lactated Ringer’s, IV therapy should be  If bleeding is profuse, place the woman flat in
anticipated by the nurse as well as bed on her side and monitor uterine
administration of oxygen regulated at 6- contractions and fetal heart rate through an
10L/minute by a face mask to replace external monitor.
intravascular fluid loss and provide adequate  Also measure intake and output to establish
fetal oxygenation. renal function and assess the woman’s vital
 Avoid vaginal examinations. The physician signs to establish maternal response to blood
would also avoid further vaginal examinations loss.
to avoid disturbing the products of  Measure the maternal blood loss by saving
conception or triggering cervical dilatation. and weighing the used pads.
 The physician might also order an ultrasound  Save any tissue found in the pads because this
examination to glean more information might be a part of POC and they should be
about the fetal and also maternal well-being. tested.
 Measures to alleviated fear and anxiety
VII. NURSING ASSESSMENT  Continue to monitor VS
 The presenting symptom of an abortion is  Incomplete abortion: Administer oxytocin
always vaginal spotting, and once this is  Inevitable & Incomplete abortion: Surgical
noticed by the pregnant woman, she should removal of retained POC (D&C/D&E) only if
immediately notify her healthcare provider fetus is confirmed dead
 As nurses, we are always the first to receive  Missed Abortion: Usually POC are waited to be
the initial information so we should be aware expelled. If POC do not pass after about 2- 4wks,
of the guidelines in assessing bleeding during abortion is induced
 Ask of the pregnant woman’s actions before X. Evaluation
the spotting or bleeding occurred and  The aim for evaluation is inclined towards
identifies the measures she did when she restoring the maternal blood volume and
first noticed the bleeding. stopping the source of the bleeding.
 Maternal BP: >100/60 mmHg 2. Previous cervix surgery.
 Maternal pulse rate: <100bpm 3. Short cervix.
 FHR: 120-160 bpm 4. Damaged uterus from previous miscarriage
 Maternal urine output: >30 mL/hr, and only or childbirth.
minimal bleeding should be apparent for not 5. Exposure to diethylstilbestrol
more than 24 hours. (DES), a synthetic (human-
 Expected outcome: made) hormone given to
a. Client remains free from complications some women in the past to
b. Client expresses feelings on the experience help them have successful pregnancies.


 Doctors diagnose most cases after a
miscarriage in the second trimester of
 According kan ma’am discussion:
- Incompetent cervix have no signs but once
the complication starts, the ff. may be
o Sensation of pelvic pressure
o Spotting (pinkish vaginal discharge)
o Sudden backache
o Mild abnormal cramps
o Change in vaginal discharge
 The most common treatment for incompetent
cervix is a procedure called a cerclage. The doctor
 During pregnancy, the cervix is closed at the will sew a stitch around the weakened cervix to
lower end. It thins and opens before make it stronger. This reinforcement may help
childbirth. When it opens too early in a the pregnancy last longer.
pregnancy, it is called incompetent cervix  TWO TYPES OF CERCLAGE:
 Also known as “cervical insufficiency”. 1. McDonald’s CC (cervical cerclage):
 Complications linked to incompetent cervix Stitching the cervix with a nylon material
can include premature birth and miscarriage. 2. Shirodkar CC: Using sterile surgical tape
 Both success rates of McDonald’s and Shirodkar
CC is about 80%-90%.
 After the cerclage surgery, patient should remain
on bed rest (slight or modified Trendelenburg
position) to decrease the pressure on the new
 Usual ADL and coitus is possible after CC.
premature-birth-and- prevention/incompetent-cervix/

1. Abnormally formed uterus or cervix.
 Incompetent cervix can cause complications
including miscarriage and premature birth.
 In rare cases, a cerclage may involve
complications including:
o Rupture (sudden bursting) of the uterus.
o Internal bleeding.
o Laceration (cut or tear) on the cervix.
o Infection.


Women at higher risk for incompetent cervix
include those who have:
 An abnormally formed cervix or uterus.
 History of a premature birth or miscarriage
 Doctors usually perform a cerclage at 12 to 14
in the second trimester of pregnancy.
weeks (2-3mo.) of pregnancy. The stitches are
typically removed around week 37 (upon last  Injured the cervix or uterus during previous
month of pregnancy). pregnancy or childbirth.
 Doctors do not use a cerclage if pregnant with  Had cervical surgery in the past.
twins or multiples. Research shows no  Uterine/Cervix been exposed to DES
improvement in the risk for preterm delivery (Diethylstilbestrol)
when doctors use this treatment on mothers  Cervical trauma such as excessive Papsmear
carrying more than one baby. test in the past
 Sometimes doctors discover an incompetent  Race (Usually back individuals are affected)
cervix or cervix that has dilated significantly late  History of repeated D&C
in the pregnancy. In these cases, the doctor may  Congenital condition: uterine abnormality,
recommend bed rest for the remainder of the genetic disorder
pregnancy.  Increased maternal age
 Progesterone (hydroxyprogesterone caproate)
supplement may be administered weekly. VIII. NURSING INTERVENTIONS
 Measures to alleviate/decrease anxiety
IV. NURSING CARE  Monitor VS and physical response to
 Maintain bed rest for 24 hours after cerclage incompetent cervix and CC
 Monitor for rupture of membranes or  Convey empathy to build a therapeutic
bleeding patient-nurse relationship
 Repeated USG for monitoring of the fetus and  Provide accurate information
 Prevention: IX. EVALUATION
- Regular prenatal care  Patient verbalizes satisfaction and shows
- Healthy diet decreased anxiety
- Healthy weight
- Avoid risky substances (teratogenic)
 Assess patient’s pain  An ectopic pregnancy most often occurs in a
 Assess for painless bleeding fallopian tube (FT), which carries eggs from
 Look for signs/symptoms of spontaneous the ovaries to the uterus. This type of ectopic
miscarriage pregnancy is called a “tubal pregnancy”.
 Inspire/Teach mother to be follow do’s and  Sometimes, an ectopic pregnancy occurs in
don’ts to prevent complications other areas of the body, such as the ovary,
abdominal cavity or the lower part of the
VI. COMPLICATIONS ARE ASSOCIATED WITH uterus (cervix), which connects to the vagina.
INCOMPETENT CERVIX  Ectopic pregnancy cannot proceed.
 Vaginal bleeding after ectopic pregnancy
ruptures bcs of tearing of blood vessels
 Pelvic pain

 Ultrasound scan (to locate where the fertilized
egg is located), pregnancy test and blood test
should be performed.
 Laparoscopy
1. Salpingostomy:
- creation of an opening into the
fallopian tube (FT)
- Ect. Preg. is removed and FT is left
 Damage to the fallopian tube causing 2. Salpingectomy:
blockage or narrowing so the eggs cannot - surgical removal of one or both FTs
move into the uterus - Ect. Preg. and FT both removed
 Previous pelvic infection  Laparatomy: For emergency surgery when
 Chlamydia (common STD that can cause there is excessive bleeding
infection)  If diagnosis is made early before the tube
 Previous appendicitis ruptures, keyhole surgery or drug treatments
 Women with a history of infertility (Stabile, such as methotrexate can be offered.
1996)  Pelvic exam
 Caesarean section
 Women aged 35 or older IV. NURSING INTERVENTIONS
 Smoking 1. Assess continuously for signs of shock;
 History of ectopic pregnancy administer blood transfusion if ordered for
 Inflammation/Infection excessive blood loss
 History of tubal (fallopian tube) surgery 2. Administer analgesics as ordered for pain
 Choice of birth control (IUD/lateral tubal 3. Provide emotional support
ligation) 4. Provide preoperative and postoperative care
5. Administer RhoGAM to Rh-negative client
II. SYMPTOMS 6. Monitor VS and input & output
 Early signs of normal pregnancy
 Sharp abdominal pain: this is usually one- V. NURSING ASSESSMENT
sided, but not necessarily the side of the  No unusual symptoms
ectopic pregnancy  Assess the weeks of pregnancy: After 6-12
 Bleeding that could be just spotting or weeks of ectopic pregnancy with no
abnormal bleeding. The blood is often darker intervention, trophoblast will be large enough
than a normal period and can be described as to rupture the FT
‘watery or prune juice colored’. Bleeding is  Assess for bleeding bcs blood vessels might be
not the cause of the pain affected by ectopic pregnancy
 Sharp, stabbing pain at the lower quadrant
 Once leaking, shoulder tip pain may be felt, VI. NURSING DIAGNOSIS
which can be caused by irritation to the  Risk of deficient fluid volume r/t bleeding
diaphragm caused by internal bleeding, and  Powerlessness
is a classic sign of ruptured ectopic pregnancy
 Bladder and bowel problems: pain when V. EVALUATION
going to the toilet and a feeling of pressure in 1. Maintain hemostasis (body's natural reaction
the bowels (urger to move bowels) to an injury that stops bleeding and repairs
 Dizziness, pallor and nausea the damage)
 Collapse 2. States implications for future childbearing
3. Expresses feelings  Reduction division or meiosis was not able to
4. Stops bleeding & Blood loss is replaced occur in a partial mole. In a complete mole,
5. Normal urine output: 30-60mL/hr the chromosome undergoes duplication.
6. Normal Gravity of urine: 1.010-1.021  The embryo fails to develop completely.
7. VS: Normal There are 69 chromosomes that develop for
8. Moist mucous membranes the partial mole, and 46 chromosomes for the
complete mole.
VI. COMPLICATIONS  The trophoblastic villi start to proliferate
 FT bursts open rapidly and become fluid-filled grape-like


This incidence happens in 1 of every 1, 500
pregnancies. There are risk factors that could
 Also known as “Gestational trophoblastic precipitate the formation of hydatidiform mole,
disease (GTD)”, is the degeneration and and they are as follows:
abnormal proliferation of the trophoblastic villi.
 Low protein intake. Women with low protein
The cells become filled with clear fluid, giving
intake have a possibility of developing a
them the appearance of grape-like vesicles.
hydatidiform mole because protein is needed
 An abnormal pregnancy in which there is a for the development of the trophoblastic villi.
benign growth of the chorion
 Spontaneous expulsion usually occurs  Women older than 35 years old. Being
between the 16 and 18 week pregnant beyond 35 years old presents a lot
 Rare muscle growth in the uterus during preg. of risky conditions like H-mole. (>50 y.o.)
TYPES OF GTD:  Asian women. Asians have a higher chance of
1. Complete Molar Pregnancy acquiring this disease because of their genetic
- Swelling of all chromosomal villi tissue formation.
- Forms fluid (cystic)  Women with a blood group of A who marry
- Embryo dies early if started to form, men with blood group O. these blood groups,
resulting to no fetus development when combined together, results in
- Mole has normal 46XX or 46XY BUT ONLY unfavorable conditions like H-mole.
CONTRIBUTED BY THE FATHER (indicating  History of earlier H-mole
that an empty ovum is fertilized and
chromosomal materials were only SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS
These signs and symptoms, if noticed in a pregnant
duplicated, not from the mother)
woman, might indicate a possibility of GTD:
- Often leads to choriocarcinoma
 Uterus expands faster than normal. Because
2. Partial Molar Pregnancy
the trophoblast cells proliferate abnormally, it
- Multi-irregular tissue
does so in such a rapid pace that the uterus
- Fetus can develop but cannot survive
reaches its growth landmarks before the
- Abortion occurs early
usual time.
- Partial mole has 69 chromosomes
 A very high serum or urine test for hCG.
(69XX or 69XY) bcs of triploid
Trophoblast cells produce hCG, and they are
formation, meaning 3 chromosomes
produced in large amounts because the
instead of 2 for every pair – 1
trophoblast cells are growing rapidly.
chromosome from the mother & 2
 Vaginal bleeding. (dark brown to bright red)
from the father
When the H-mole is still not identified at the
- Rarely leads to choriocarcinoma
16th week of pregnancy, it will identify itself
through vaginal bleeding accompanied by
clear fluid filled vesicles.
 Fertilization occurs as the sperm enters the
 Nausea and vomiting
ovum. In instances of a partial mole, two
 Preeclampsia
sperms might fertilize a single ovum.
 Pelvic pressure/pain
Diagnostic tests are ordered to check for a  Grieving related to loss of pregnancy as
presence that might indicate a positive evidenced by anger and social detachment.
gestational trophoblastic disease.
 Pregnancy test. This may not be able to NURSING INTERVENTIONS
detect specifically the H-mole, but this will  Measure abdominal girth and fundal height to
confirm if the woman is pregnant or not. establish baseline data regarding the growth
 Urine test or serum for hCg. A very high result of the uterus.
for hCg might indicate the presence of an H-  Assist patient in obtaining a urine specimen
mole. for urine test of hCg.
 Transvaginal Ultrasound. An ultrasound will  Save all pads used by the woman during
show a dense growth of grape-like vesicles bleeding to check for clots and tissues she
with a snowflake pattern, filled with clear may have discharged.
fluid instead of an embryo.  Provide your patient with an open
environment and a trusting relationship so
MEDICAL MANAGEMENT she would be encouraged to express her
 Methotrexate. Physicians may order a feelings.
prophylactic course of methotrexate, which  Honestly answer the patient’s questions to
attacks rapidly growing cells like the foster a trusting relationship between nurse
abnormally growing trophoblastic cells. and client.
 Dactinomycin. This is ordered by the  Provide an assurance that it is not her own
physician once metastasis occurs. fault that this happened to her to lessen her
sense of guilt and self-blame.
 Suction curettage. This is the ideal  Patient must be able to express her feelings
management of gestational trophoblastic effectively.
disease, to evacuate the mole inside the  Patient must acknowledge the situation and
woman’s uterus and avoid any further seek for appropriate help.
complications if it stays longer inside the  Patient must learn to look forward for the
reproductive system. future step by step.
 D&C (Dilation & curettage)  The pain a mother experiences at the loss of a
 Removal of the uterus pregnancy is never comparable to any pain in
the world. Expecting for an addition in the
NURSING MANAGEMENT family and losing it before it is even born is a
 Nurses must also take action during the difficult situation, but somehow we, as
critical stages of the pregnancy. We must be nurses, have the ability to give them comfort
able to function on our own while waiting for and reduce the pain they are feeling through
any orders from the physician.
 After removal of H-mole, some tissues/mass
NURSING ASSESSMENT continue to grow
 Assess the abdominal girth of the pregnant  Persistent GTD: hCG reveals to continue to
woman to check if it is within the usual increase even after removal of H-mole
landmark of pregnancy.
 Assess for signs and symptoms of pregnancy
induced hypertension, because for a woman
with H-mole, they occur earlier than the 20th
week of pregnancy.
 Instruct the woman to save all perineal pads
containing any clots or tissue that has passed
out of her during bleeding.

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