Study of Muscle Signal Variability Based On Wrist and Thumb Movements During Handwriting Activity

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2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, 8 - 10 December 2014, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Study of Muscle Signal Variability Based on Wrist and Thumb

Movements During Handwriting Activity
Nurul A. Ishak, Puspa I. Khalid-IEEE Member, Nasrul H. Mahmood- IEEE Member, and Mokhtar

Abstract— Script is produced through the combined Physiologically, finger, wrist and arm need to work
operation of finger, wrist, and arm movements. The shape of synchronously to produce a smooth movement during
each letter is produced by the fine movement of the fingers handwriting activity [3], [4]. The ability to grip and move a
while movement at the wrist and forearm produce the writing utensil while stabilising the movement during
horizontal movement across the page. Various muscles are writing allows a writer to produce a legible handwriting.
involved in these movements. Other than muscles to abduct, Poon [5] and Kushki [6] have highlighted that failure to
adduct, flex, and extend the fingers, Flexor Carpi Ulnaris produce an acceptable movement affects the quality and
(FCU) and Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR) have roles in wrist legibility of handwriting. This indicates that pencil grip and
movement and Abductor Pollicis Brevis (APB) functions as an wrist movement play important role in handwriting process.
abductor of the thumb. The purpose of this study is to probe
the importance and role of these three muscles in handwriting Pencil grip describes the way a person holds writing
activity by studying the muscles’ signal variability. Fifteen utensil and it is essential for good handwriting. For efficient
college students were selected as the subjects of this study. The pencil grasp, fingers play a major role either for supplying
subjects were required to perform writing task in two different the necessary force or making a movement during writing.
forms: uppercase letters and lowercase letters. During writing, One of the most common and best pencil grip among normal
the muscles’ activities due to wrist and thumb movement were writers is the Dynamic Tripod grasp as shown in Fig. 1 [7].
recorded. The Root Mean Square (RMS) values were extracted Although Dynamic Tripod grasp involves three working
and the variability of muscle activity during writing based on fingers (thumb, index and middle fingers), the thumb and
letter types were analysed. It has been found that the APB index finger are the master fingers which are used to hold
muscle showed higher variability than FCU and FCR muscles.
the utensil and lead the movement [3], [8]. The middle
This leads to the inference that the APB muscle was actively
involved in dynamic process of handwriting whereas the FCR
finger is just the slave finger that support and follow the
and FCU muscles were just act as the stabilizer. However, the movement led by the master fingers. In general, the flexors
differences in signal variability among the three muscles were and other muscles (opponens and abductor brevis muscle) in
not significant. This indicates that even though both wrist and the thenar muscle group that make grasping possible.
thumb movements have different functions in handwriting However, the muscles that make the bending of the index
activity, they are equally important. No significant difference finger possible are located at the forearm.
in muscle activity between the two writing tasks was observed.
Wrist is responsible in producing vertical and horizontal
This study concludes that the APB, FCR and FCU muscles can
movement during writing [9]. The wrist anatomy is
be considered when studying muscle performance due to
handwriting activity. For that purpose, any letter case can be
composed of a group of distal tendon, but its performance
used in the writing task. can be assessed through the muscles located at the forearm.
De Bruin [10] has stated that the muscles at the forearm can
I. INTRODUCTION be used to explain the changes happening at the wrist. This
is because the flexion of the wrist during writing involves
Handwriting is a basic skill for human that requires a
the anterior compartment at forearm area [4]. As shown in
complex biomechanical movement. Previous researchers
Fig. 2, the muscles contained in the anterior compartment
have highlighted the importance of the hand-eye
are known as Pronator Teres, Flexor Carpi Radialis (FCR),
coordination, flexibility of wrist movement and hand grip to
Palmaris Longus (PL), Flexor Carpi Ulnaris (FCU) and
the handwriting process [1], [2].
Pronator Teres, which are used to flex the wrist and adduct
the hand [11]. Several researchers have used FCU and FCR
Resrach supported by the Ministry of Education (MOE) Malaysia and muscles as their reference when studying the flexion of the
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia. wrist [10], [12]. This indicates that the activity of the
N. A. Ishak is with the Faculty of Bioscience and Medical Engineering, forearm muscle can be used to reflect the activity occurring
University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310 Johor, Malaysia
(phone:0177087649; E-mail:
not only at the fingers but also at the wrist.
P. I. Khalid is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University The activation of muscles for thumb and wrist movement
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310 Johor, Malaysia (E-mail: is reflected in the muscle signal. According to Pincivero
N. H. Mahmood is with the Faculty of Bioscience and Medical [13], the changes in physiology can affect the magnitude of
Engineering, University Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310 Johor, torque, variability and steadiness of the output. Thus, one
Malaysia (E-mail: way to study the muscle activity is through the variability of
M. Harun is with Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University its amplitude [14]. Root Mean Square (RMS) is one
Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), 81310 Johor, Malaysia. (E-mail:
parameter that can be used to study the amplitude of the
muscle signal [15]. The variability in muscle activity can be

978-1-4799-4084-4/14/$31.00 ©2014 IEEE 817

2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, 8 - 10 December 2014, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

B. Muscle Selection
Three muscles were selected for this study: FCR, FCU,
and Abductor Pollicis Brevis (APB)). FCR and FCU muscles
were chosen because they are musclles of the human forearm
that acts to flex the wrist and (radiall) abduct the hand. Since
these muscles are located in the su uperficial layer which is
nearest to the human skin, the signal s produced by the
Figure 1: Dynamic Tripod Graspp muscles can be easily captured by the surface EMG. APB
muscle which is one of the thenar group muscles [14] was
selected because its effect to the electrode movements is
small regardless of the subject’s penncil grasp.
C. Instrument
Surface EMG was used instead of needle EMG because
it is non-invasive and more suitable to be used on the subject
during handwriting activities. Dissposable electrodes were
attached to the skin where the FCR R, FCU and APB muscles
were located. All EMG muscle sign nals were recorded at the
same time using sampling frequency y of 4 kHz [16]. To have
a clean muscle signal, band-pass fillter was used to filter the
noise signals. Although the bandwid dth of 30-300 Hz and 20-
500 Hz were used by Danion [17 7] and Thongpanja [18]
respectively, this research used band-pass filter with
bandwidth of 30-500 Hz. The cut-off frequency of 30 Hz
was used to reduce the ECG interfeerence in EMG recording
[19], while 500 Hz was selected to avoid
a anti-aliasing within
sampling [20].
D. Data Acquisition
Figure 2: Anterior Compartment of Forearm Muscle [4].
The EMG signal was recorded using
u Neuro Prax System.
determined by studying the Coefficient of VVariation (CV) of To have good skin impedance, the subject’s skin was
the signal’s amplitude. Naider-Steinhart and Katz-Leurer cleaned with alcohol before placin ng the electrodes onto it.
[14] have shown in their study that the CV vvalue can be used Since the recording system has unipolar amplifier, only three
to reflect muscle activity; higher CV vvalue indicates a electrodes (one for each studied muscle) were applied on the
dynamic process while lower CV value shows stabilised subject’s hand for data acquisition. The amount of electrical
activity. activity in the analysed muscle was shown by the amplitude
of the EMG signal in microvolts. The
T amplitude reflects the
As the Coefficient of Variation (CV) of amplitude can be number and size of action potentiaals in the muscle over a
used to study the functional of muscle acctivities, it is the given period.
purpose of this study to use the parameeter to probe the
importance and role of thumb and forearm m muscles during All subjects were required to write
w "The Quick Brown
handwriting activity. Fox Jumps over the Lazy Dog" in two conditions: all
uppercase and all lowercase letters. The muscles’ activities
II. METHOD were recorded while the subject wasw writing the sentence.
A. Participant For each condition, each subject was asked to write the
given sentence three times. All th he captured signals were
Fifteen female students from Univversiti Teknologi saved in a computer for an offline an
Malaysia (UTM) had participated in this study.
Demographic information of the participaants is shown in E. Signal Processing
Table 1. Each participant was considerred as proficient The acquired data were processeed in laptop using Matlab
writer and her motor skills during handwritting activity were software. First, the signal was classified as APB, FCR, and
assumed to be fully developed. FCU muscle signals. Then centtre of each signal was
extracted so that the signal duration among subjects could be
Table 1: Demographics of the Particippants standardized. The duration for each h extracted signal was 30
seconds as shown in Fig. 3. Fifty (50) Hz band-stop filter
Field of study Quantity Age (years)
was applied to remove the line no oise before applying the
Medical Engineering 4 24.0 ± 0.82 band pass filter (with cutoff freq quencies of 30 Hz and
Electrical Engineering 11 24.3 ± 1.00
500Hz) to remove the unwanted sign nal.

2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, 8 - 10 December 2014, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

Table 2: Anova Analysis for Coefficient of Variation (CV) of RMS


TASK MEAN (%) (SD) p < 0.05
7.40 6.40 5.70
RMS TASK 1 (0.028) (0.025) (0.021) 0.194
6.40 4.80 4.40
TASK2 (0.033) (0.019) (0.021) 0.079

*** Task 1= Uppercase letters; Task 2=Lowercase letters

This study aimed to find the relationship of muscle signal
variability in three different muscles due to wrist and thumb
movement during handwriting process. Statistical analysis
showed that there was no significant difference in the
Figure 3: The extracted 30 second signal (red) for further analysis.
variability of the RMS values. This indicates that the three
The filtered signal was then rectified and enveloped. studied muscles had comparable muscle activity during
Root Mean Square (RMS) value was extracted for each five handwriting process.
second muscle data. For 30 second signal from each subject, The RMS value reflects the changes of amplitude occur
six RMS values were extracted. The value of coefficient of during handwriting process. On the other hand, the changes
variation (CV; standard deviation / mean) of RMS was then of CV values indicate either the muscle is working
calculated. dynamically or working as stabilizer [14]. Because of its
ANOVA test was applied on the set of CV values (for higher variability value, APB muscle could be used to
each muscle) to find the difference in variability among the indicate the dynamic process of handwriting activity. This is
three muscles due to handwriting activities. aligned with the statement made by Naider-Steinhart and
Katz-Leurer [14] which highlights the involvement of thumb
III. RESULT muscle in dynamic handwriting process based on the muscle
high CV value.
RMS value was used as a mean to represent the
amplitude of the muscle signal during handwriting process. Even though wrist extension also plays a role in good
The average of CV values for RMS in two different writing handwriting, thumb opposition plays a very important role in
styles is shown in Fig. 4. CV values for APB muscle were pencil grasping. Due to its unique joint at its base, thumb is
observed to be higher than the other muscles in both tasks able to move in several directions. Therefore its muscle
(uppercase and lowercase letters). variability is expected to be higher than the two forearm
muscles (FCU and FCR) that control the wrist. The lower
In term of statistical analysis, there was no significant CV values at forearm areas may indicate that the wrist is
difference shown in variability among the three muscles as acted as a stabiliser during handwriting activity [21].
detailed out in Table 2. However, since there was no significant difference in
variability among the three muscles, the FCU and FCR
muscles could still be considered when studying muscle
activity during handwriting process.
The relationship between the muscle activity and writing
task (uppercase and lowercase letters) was also analysed in
this study. According to Di Pietro [22], motor habits are
fluent when performing writing task using lowercase letters
as compared to uppercase letters. This study agreed with the
statement because the variability of RMS value in task using
lowercase letter was lower than the one for the uppercase
letters. Less variation in amplitude reflects the fluency of
the hand movement. The fluent hand movement when
writing lowercase letters may cause a writer to pay less
Figure 4: Graph of CV Value for RMS in Two Different Tasks. attention in holding the writing utensil and as a result, their
hands move more freely during writing. However, it is
important to note that there was no significant difference
found (p-value = 0.18) in terms of the variability of the
amplitude between the two tasks.

2014 IEEE Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Sciences, 8 - 10 December 2014, Miri, Sarawak, Malaysia

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