Inhouse Test Series 2023-24 - Batch 2 Revised Syllabus

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Prelims Test Series 2023-2024 Syllabus

Test Test Date Subjects Topics Covered

G.S. Test-1 10-Dec-2023 NCERT based test on Polity:
(IN5501) Polity, History, • 10th Class NCERT: Democratic Politics
Economics & • 11th Class NCERT: Indian Constitution at Work
Geography • 11th Class NCERT: Political Theory
• 11th Class NCERT: Indian Economic Development
• 12th Class NCERT: Introductory Macroeconomics
• 12th Class NCERT: Introductory Microeconomics
• Old NCERT: Ancient India by R.S. Sharma
• Old NCERT: Medieval India by Satish Chandra
• Old NCERT: Modern India by Bipin Chandra
• 11th and 12th Class New NCERTs for History
• 11th Class NCERT: Introduction to Indian Art
• 11th Class NCERT: Fundamentals of Physical Geography
• 11th Class NCERT: India Physical Environment
• 12th Class NCERT: Fundamentals of Human Geography
• 12th Class NCERT: People and Economy
G.S. Test-2 24-Dec-2023 Polity & Geography Polity:
(IN5502) • Historical Background - Evolution & Making of the Constitution, Important
Features and Provisions
• The Preamble
• The Union and its Territory
• Citizenship
• Union Executive: President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers,
Cabinet Committees
• Parliamentary and Presidential System of Government
• Parliament and Parliamentary Committees
• Amendment to Constitution
• Doctrine of Basic Structure
• Fundamentals of Geography - Evolution of Earth, basic geographical terms and
• Geomorphology - Structure of Earth, Landforms
• Rocks- Types of Rocks and Rock Cycle
• Earthquakes, Volcanoes and volcanic landforms
• Climate - Atmosphere, Weather, Rainfall, Winds, Pressure etc.
• Oceanography - Structure, Life and Resources etc.
• Associated Map work
G.S. Test-3 07-Jan-2024 Economics & Ancient Economics:
(IN5503) History, Medieval • Basic Economic Concepts
History, Art and • Micro and Macroeconomics
Culture, Modern • National Income Accounting
Indian History • Money and Banking - Monetary Policy, Banks, Money Supply etc.
• Inflation
• Capital Market - Money Market, Financial Institutions, Security Market
Ancient History:
• Prehistoric period
• Indus Valley Civilization
• Rig-Vedic and Post-Vedic Age
Medieval History:
• Early Medieval Period
• Chola Empire and other Regional Kingdoms
• Foreign Invasions during the Medieval Period
• Delhi Sultanate
Art and Culture:
• Architecture and Sculptures
• Types of Pottery
• Indian Paintings
Modern Indian History:
• Modern Indian History from 1700 onwards
• Europeans and British Conquest of India
• British Administration in India, Important Wars, Policies etc.
• Economic Impact of British Rule
• Development of Indian Press
• Development of Education
• Constitutional, Administrative and Judicial Developments during British rule
• Social and Religious Reforms Movements
G.S. Test-4 14-Jan-2024 Environment and Environment and Ecology:
(IN5504) Ecology, Science and • Environment and its components
Technology & Major • Ecology and Functions of an ecosystem
Schemes of • Terrestrial ecosystem and Aquatic ecosystem
Government • Climate Change - Adaptation and Mitigation
• Environmental Acts and Institutions
• International conventions
• Biodiversity, Threats and Biodiversity Conservation efforts, Indian Biodiversity,
Bioprospecting, Biosafety
Science & Technology:
• Basic concepts of science from NCERTs – Physics, Chemistry, Biology
• Space programmes and developments
• Information Technology & Communication
• Biotechnology
Major Schemes of Government
G.S. Test-5 28-Jan-2024 Polity & Economics Polity:
(IN5505) • Fundamental Rights
• Directive Principles of State Policy
• Fundamental Duties
• Judicial System: Supreme Court, High Courts, Subordinate Courts, Tribunals,
Important Judgements
• Federalism and Centre-State Relations
• State Executive: Governor, Chief Minister, State Council of Ministers
• State Legislature
• Union Territories
• Government Budget and Fiscal Policy
• Tax Structure in India
• Exchange rates - Depreciation of Rupee, NEER, REER etc.
• Balance of Payment
• Foreign Trade and Investment - FDI, FPI etc.
• External Sector - Forex Reserves, External Debt, Trade Balance
• International Economic Organisations - IMF, World Bank, WTO, WEF etc.
G.S. Test-6 04-Feb-2024 Ancient History, Ancient History:
(IN5506) Medieval History, Art • Social and Political Life during Mahajanapadas,
and Culture, Modern • Mauryan period
Indian History & • Post-Mauryan Age
Geography Medieval History:
• Mughal Empire
• Vijayanagara Empire
• Regional Developments during Medieval period
Art and Culture:
• Indian Music
• Indian Dance
• Indian Theatres
• Arts & Crafts
Modern Indian History:
• Revolt of 1857 and its after-effects
• Rise of Modern Nationalism
• Indian National Congress
• Moderate Phase (1885 – 1905)
• Swadeshi Movement
• Morley-Minto Reforms
• First Phase of Revolutionary Activities
• Home Rule Movement etc.
• Indian Physical Environment:
• Geological History of India
• Location, Area
• Physiological divisions of India- Structure and Relief
• Drainage System- Major Drainage Basins in India
• Indian Climate
• Soils
• Natural Vegetation
• Land and Water Resources
G.S. Test-7 18-Feb-2024 Economics & Economics:
(IN5507) Environment and • Indian Economic Scenario
Ecology • Planned and Mixed Economy
• Planning Commission and NITI Aayog
• The Five-Year Plans
• LPG Reforms of 1991
• Second Generation Reforms (2000-01 onwards)
• Agriculture and Food Management
• Industry and Infrastructural Development
• Public Sector and Disinvestment
• Services Sector
• Demography and Population Growth
• Employment, Poverty and Inequality
Environment and Ecology:
• Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)
• Protected Areas - National parks, Wildlife sanctuaries, Biosphere reserves,
Conservation and community reserves
• Biomes - Different features, Continents, Land and Resources etc.
• Plant and Animal Anatomy, Diversity, Marine Organisms
• Environmental pollution: Air, Water, Soil, Noise
• Major Pollutants, Radioactive pollution
• E-Waste, Solid Waste Management
• Renewable Energy - Solar, Wind etc.
• Sustainable Agricultural Practices
• New Technologies, Recent Developments
G.S. Test-8 03-March-2024 Polity & Ancient Polity:
(IN5508) History, Art and • Elections and Political parties
Culture, Modern • Anti-Defection Law
Indian History • Local Self Government: Panchayati Raj Institutions, Urban Local Bodies
• Emergency Provisions
• Scheduled and Tribal Areas
• Constitutional and Non-constitutional bodies
• Co-operative societies
• Languages and related provisions
• Transparency & Accountability - RTI, Citizen’s Charter etc.
• Special Provisions Relating to Certain Classes
• Rights and Liabilities of the Government
• Governance: Different aspects of Governance, Policies, Civil Society, NGOs, Self
Help Groups (SHGs), Social Audit etc.
Ancient History:
• Early History of Southern India, Sangam Age
• Gupta and Post-Gupta Age
• Satavahanas and Harshavardhan Era
Medieval India:
• Marathas, Bijapur and other Southern Kingdom etc.
• Religion and Philosophical developments
• Social Reforms Movements
Art and Culture:
• Indo- Islamic Culture
• Indian Literature
• Science & Technology
• Religions and Philosophies – Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism etc.
Modern Indian History:
• The Gandhian Phase (1917– 47)
• Early Works of Mahatma Gandhi
• Khilafat and Non- Cooperation Movement
• Emergence of Swaraj Party
• Simon Commission, Nehru report, Poorna Swaraj
• Civil Disobedience and Roundtable Conferences
• Labour and Peasant Organisations
• Quit India Movement
• British Response and Negotiations
• Subhash Chandra Bose and INA
• Partition and Independence
• Important Tribal and Peasant Movements
• Important Personalities
G.S. Test-9 10-March-2024 Geography & Science Geography:
(IN5509) and Technology & • Agriculture in India and Allied Sectors– Market Reforms, MSP etc.
Major Schemes of • Indian Social and Economic Geography:
Government o Mineral Resources
o Industries, Population, Migration etc.
o Urbanisation
o Energy Resources
• World Social and Economic Geography:
o World Climatic Regions
o Natural Resources –Renewable Resources and Non-Renewable
o Mineral Resources
o Water Resources
o Soils and Agriculture
o Forest Resources
o Industries, Population etc.
o World Biogeography- Plants and Animals, Extinction etc.
o Associated Map work
Science & Technology:
• Nano Technology and Robotics
• Defence and related developments
• Nuclear Technology
• Recent Development related to Science & Technology
Major Schemes of Government
G.S. Test-10 17- March -2024 General Studies Complete Syllabus of Polity + Geography + Economics + History + Science and Technology
(R5530) Full Length Test-1 + Social Issues + Environment and Ecology + Current Affairs
G.S. Test-11 31- March -2024 General Studies Complete Syllabus of Polity + Geography + Economics + History + Science and Technology
(R5531) Full Length Test-2 + Social Issues + Environment and Ecology + Current Affairs
G.S. Test-12 14-April-2024 General Studies Complete Syllabus of Polity + Geography + Economics + History + Science and Technology
(R5532) Full Length Test-3 + Social Issues + Environment and Ecology + Current Affairs
G.S. Test-13 21- April -2024 General Studies Complete Syllabus of Polity + Geography + Economics + History + Science and Technology
(R5533) Full Length Test-4 + Social Issues + Environment and Ecology + Current Affairs
G.S. Test-14 05-May-2024 General Studies Complete Syllabus of Polity + Geography + Economics + History + Science and Technology
(R5534) Full Length Test-5 + Social Issues + Environment and Ecology + Current Affairs
G.S. Test-15 12-May-2024 General Studies Complete Syllabus of Polity + Geography + Economics + History + Science and Technology
(R5536) Full Length Test-6 + Social Issues + Environment and Ecology + Current Affairs

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