Chaotic Landscapes

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Chaotic Landscapes

The corrupting powers of chaos have ever sought to remake the material plane in their image. The
corrosive effects of this chaos magic has long plagued the world, laying once-prosperous kingdoms low
and causing untold tragedies brought on by starvation, disease, and war. When an area becomes the site
of repeated chaotic influences, the land itself will start to warp and change. What was once a seemingly
normal forest road can rapidly transform into an alien landscape, and once-familiar items and friends
can become warped and menacing.
While traveling through chaos-corrupted landscapes, roll a d6 for every two hours of travel. A roll of a
1 or 2 indicates that the landscape here has been effected by chaotic influences. Roll on the table below
to determine what the PCs are experiencing. Alternatively, ignore rolling every two hours and instead
use your preferred random encounter method and then roll on the table below to add an additional
element of chaos and weirdness to the encounter.
Chaotic Influences on the Countryside
11. The surrounding area that the characters are traveling through starts to take on hues of purple,
pink, and blue, and the ground starts to become wet mud that painfully chills all flesh it touches.
12. The vegetation in the area has large golden fruits hanging from it. If eaten, the fruits
immediately restore 1d4 HP. (The next day upon waking, characters lose 1d4 HP.)
13. The wind in this area is very strong and steady. If they listen for a time to the wind, player
characters can hear the voices of loved ones begging to be rescued from the afterlife.
14. All food in the characters’ possession is spoiled and turned into wet sand replicas of the actual
15. Characters cannot shake the feeling that they are being watched.
16. The ground periodically shakes and at the same time the sound of distant wailing can be heard
upon the breeze.
21. If characters stop to talk or rest while traveling through this area, they quickly find themselves
wrapped up and held to the ground by grass and other low-lying plants. (STR save to pull free.)
22. Florescent black lightning from out of a cloudless sky strikes the ground around the characters
without actually striking any of them. This will spook any animals that are traveling with the party,
forcing characters to succeed at CHA tests to regain control of their animals before the poor
creatures run off. This bizarre phenomena lasts for at least half an hour.
23. Blood rains down from the sky, pooling on the ground and staining everything it touches.
24. The landscape around the characters shifts in the blink of an eye. What once was flat is now
hilly, and what once was hilly is now flat. Mountains are raised or lowered randomly. This altered
landscape will last for 1d4 hours before everything switches back to the way it was. (The player
characters have a 3-in-6 chance of becoming lost due to this.)
25. A sticky mucus coats everything in the area including the flora and fauna.
26. PCs' voices seem to be coming not from their mouths, but from a meter to the right of their
31. Shadows seem to move in the opposite direction from where they are being cast.
32. The player characters experience a temporal anomaly as though they are re-experiencing every
event over again a few seconds after it has occurred. This makes it very difficult to perform most
actions, especially those that require mental focus like spell casting.
33. The roles of predators and prey seem to be reversed in this area. Animals seen while traveling
act in opposition to their normal behaviours. Lambs eating wolves, foxes nibbling on grasses, etc.
34. All the fauna in the area have a bloodshot third eye growing from the middle of their forehead.
35. All the trees and other vegetation in the area seem to be made of stone.
36. The sun casts a swirling green and red light during daytime. Gazing at the shifting light for too
long will make one nauseous.
41. All animal life in the area seems to have burst apart from the inside out. The trees and other
fauna are covered in the exploded remains of wild and domestic animals alike.
42. All living creatures in the surrounding area are found to be transformed into trees and bushes
with small maroon leaves. People- and horse-shaped trees dot the roadside.
43. It begins to rain, but the drops are falling in slow motion.
44. A massive fissure splits the ground ahead in half. The crack in the ground is in the shape of a
player character’s name.
45. Ancient flagstone buildings flicker in and out of existence on the horizon.
46. The atonal hum of insects seems to shift into the song a player character’s parents used to sing
to them.
51. A choking cloud of hot soot and sulfur picks up suddenly and blankets the area, making it hard
to see and even harder to breath.
52. Shadows in the area move with a ten second delay.
53. The sky turns a sickly green color, and the smell of burnt hair perfumes the air.
54. The PCs begin to see their companions’ faces warp and twist out of the corner of their eyes.
55. The ground surrounding the player characters transforms into a sucking mud that starts to
swallow characters who try and struggle to leave the area. After a few seconds the ground becomes
hard again and the characters will have to dig themselves out.
56. A faded image of a 35 foot tall demon rises from the ground 100 feet away and starts to silently
yell at the player characters as it charges at them. Once it makes it to the PCs the demon pounces,
but before it can strike it fades away to nothingness.
61. The clouds, hills, and vegetation all resemble the faces of demons.
62. A small spring is discovered flowing out of a cleft in a rock. Instead of water though, bile pours
out of the spring.
63. The clothes of 10 to 12 people can be found strewn about, but no one can be seen in the area
except the PCs.
64. Flames in the surrounding area change color as they burn, from red all the way to purple and
back again.
65. A thick blue mist rises from the ground and appears to form the shape of a demonic fortress.
66. Piles of bones 20 feet high start to erupt from the earth all around the player characters.

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