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Central America and the Caribbean


● Isthmus:

A narrow strip of land that unites two larger landmasses and separates two bodies of water

● Archipelago:

A group of Islands

● Dialect:

A form of a language which is unusual to a specific region or social group

● Patois:

Language that is considered nonstandard.

● Matriarchal

Relating or denoting to a form of social organization in which the woman is

the head

● Latifundia

A large landed estate or ranch in ancient Rome

● Minifundia

Small farm operating under a small-scale agriculture model.

● Cottage industries

Small manufacturing operation which most of the time runs in someone’s home

● Sedimentation

Process of allowing particles that are breaking in water to settle out of it

1. Describe how physical features have kept some of Central America’s people isolated.
Because there are indigenous tribes in Central America

2. What factors attracted people to settle in the highlands?

The cool climate and water

3. Describe the importance of the Panama Canal to international trade.

Cargo Ships can carry shipments through there

4. How does its location in the tropics affect the climate of Central America and the

It’s basically filled with moist air, and humidity resulting in high temperatures

5. Describe the series of events that led to the exploration, conquest and colonization
of Central America and the Caribbean.

Christopher Colombus, he had his plan set to go to India, but he took a different path, and
actually ended up in the Caribbean

6. How did colonialism influence the history and government of Central America and
the Caribbean?

The region took a lot of inspiration from Spanish, English, and French, and the leaders were
trying to open new trade routes.

7. What role did Haiti play in the movement for independence from European control
in the region?
The Haitian Revolution is known as one of the most successful slave rebellion, started in
1791 and in 1803 they had already basically gotten what they wanted.

8. How have the traditions and beliefs of indigenous peoples, Africans and Europeans
shaped society and culture in Central America and the Caribbean?

It made new languages, cultures and art surge.

9. How elevation can affect the climate and ecosystems more than distance from the
Equator in some parts of Central America? Provide specific examples.

The distance between you and the equator affects your climate, because the sunrays reach
more directly in some parts of the Earth’s surface.

10. How is the climate of Central America different from that of the Caribbean island?

Its warm. And its weather pattern is a very wet season and another one a very dry season.

11. What new industries are contributing to the Caribbean economy?

They provide tourism and agriculture.

12. How do growing human needs affect resources and the environment in Central
America and the Caribbean?

The misuse of freshwater can lead to water shortages.

13. What are the effects of Slash-and-burn farming?

It results in soil erosion, water contamination, and dust clouds.

14. Why is soil erosion and soil decline such an issue in Central America and the

It increases deforestation, and poor agricultural customs.

15. Why is biodiversity protection so important in Central America?

Since its a biodiversity battlefield, a country with a higher biodiversity can have more
threats from human activity.

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