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Semester: Week/Session:
Teacher: Class:
Subject: AI FILM MAKING Time: 70 mins
Lesson: 6
I. Objectives:
 Students will understand the Capcut app and similar video editing applications.
 Students will learn to compare different video editing applications.
 Students will use previously learned resources to complete a short animated film.
II. Teaching aids:
 Computer with internet access and projector
 Whiteboard and markers
 Materials, images, and sounds from previous lessons.
III. Procedure:
Teacher’s activities
Introduction to Capcut (20 minutes)

Activities 1:

+ T introduces What Capcut is.

+ Main features of Capcut: cutting and merging videos, adding
effects, sound, text, etc.
+ The teacher shows a short video created with Capcut for

Activities 2:

+ The teacher asks and guide students to download the Capcut app on
their phones or computers.

+ Guide students to create the account, explore the main interface of

Capcut: tools for cutting, adding effects, sound, text.

Guidance on creating simple project on Capcut (20 minutes)

 .Activities:

+ T asks students to practice quickly by creating a new project, adding a

short video clip, and trying a few basic tools.

+ Asks Ss to practice making a video.

Completing a Short Animated Film (20 minutes).

 Activities:
o T reminds students of the materials learned from previous
lessons like images, sounds, short video clips.
o Students review and select suitable materials for their short
animated film.

Teacher’s name
o Students use Capcut or the chosen video editing app to create a
short animated film.
o T monitors and supports the students during the process, ensuring
all students participate and know how to use the tools.
o T asks students to review their film, correct any errors, and
finalize the product.

Class activity (10 minutes)

o T invites students to screens their short animated film for the

o Asks other teams to give feedbacks and suggestions

Evaluation/Review: 5 minutes
 The teacher summarizes the lesson, emphasizing the knowledge gained
about Capcut and video editing applications.
 Asks Students to send the product to the teacher’s folder to evaluate
Student write a new story and use AI to illustrate it and send it to teacher

Teacher’s signature
Date.... month.... 2024

Teacher’s name

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