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J. For. Res.

(2016) 27(3):595–603
DOI 10.1007/s11676-015-0185-y


Autoregressive spatial analysis and individual tree modeling

as strategies for the management of Eremanthus erythropappus
Henrique Ferraço Scolforo1 • José Roberto Soares Scolforo1 • José Marcio de Mello1 •

Antônio Carlos Ferraz Filho1 • Diogo Francisco Rossoni2 • Thiza Falqueto Altoé1 •
Antônio Donizette Oliveira1 • Renato Ribeiro de Lima3

Received: 15 May 2014 / Accepted: 15 September 2014 / Published online: 8 December 2015
 Northeast Forestry University and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract The objectives of this study were to apply consisted of 12 different regimes of fertilization plus a
statistical techniques to discriminate fertilization treat- control. Each sample plot was composed of 50 plants plus
ments of Eremanthus erythropappus (DC.) MacLeish. two border plants in a planting spacing of 2.5 9 2.0 m and
through autoregressive modeling, and to develop individual undergoing pruning at 5 and 6 years of age. Starting in the
tree models for diameter and crown area (CA) projection to second year, total tree height (H) and circumference (at
define management strategies for candeia plantations sub- 1.30 m from the ground or breast height, CBH) were
jected to different fertilization treatments. This is an measured every 6 months. Starting in the fifth year CA was
important tree species originating from the Brazilian measured. Tree growth varied by fertilization strategy.
Atlantic Rain forest and Savannah biomes, intensively used Differences were detected by using an autoregressive
in the cosmetic industry. Nonetheless, to date, research has approach, considering that standard statistical methods
not addressed the management of natural stands or plan- were not powerful enough to detect significant differences.
tations of the species. Our experiment was located in Three growth groups were formed, and maximum growth
Baependi, Minas Gerais, Brazil, and comprised of four was obtained for treatment 10 (NPK, 8-28-16). Manage-
randomized blocks and 13 treatments. The treatments ment guidelines are provided based on individual tree
models for different fertilization levels.
Project funding: This work was supported by the Coordenação de
Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nı́vel Superior (CAPES), the Keywords Management strategies  Candeia 
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cientı́fico e Tecnológico Fertilization level  Brazil  Crown area
(CNPq), the Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas
Gerais (FAPEMIG), the Instituto Estadual de Florestas (IEF), the
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais
Renováveis (IBAMA), Ministério do Meio Ambiente (MMA) and Introduction
Candeia, Eremanthus erythropappus (DC.) MacLeish,
The online version is available at belonging to the Asteraceae family, is an endemic tree
Corresponding editor: Chai Ruihai species from the Brazilian Atlantic Rain Forest and
Savannah Biomes (Loeuille 2013). This is a multiple-use
& José Roberto Soares Scolforo species whose wood yields essential oils of which the main component and active component is alpha-bisabolol (Silva
Department of Forest Science, Federal University of Lavras,
et al. 2008; Scolforo et al. 2008a, 2012). This component
PO Box: 3037, Lavras, MG 37200-000, Brazil displays antiphlogistic (Kim et al. 2011), antibacterial,
2 antimycotic (Tabanca et al. 2007), dermatological, and
Department of Statistics, State University of Maringá, Av.
Colombo 5.790, Jd. Universitário, Bloco E90, Maringá, anti-spasmodic properties and is utilized for the manufac-
PR 87020-900, Brazil ture of medications and cosmetics such as creams, tanning
Department of Statistics, Federal University of Lavras, lotions, sunscreens, and medication vehicles in addition to
PO Box: 3037, Lavras, MG 37200-000, Brazil its applications as a prophylaxis and skin care for babies

596 H. F. Scolforo et al.

and adults. The wood is also used for fence posts due to its projected diameter, as well as in the design of forest
high natural durability (Oliveira et al. 2009). management strategies (Nutto et al. 2006).
Historically, the exploitation of candeia wood was The objectives of this study were to apply statistical
characterized by predatory practices in the absence of techniques to discriminate fertilization treatments in Ere-
forest management regulations. Following national level manthus erythropappus using the spatial component in
awareness of these facts (FAO 2002), management systems autoregressive modeling (ARM) and to develop individual
are under consolidation for areas of natural occurrence of tree models through projection of DBH and CA that could
the species as well as for pure or mixed plantations, aiming be used in candeia management strategies that are often
to organize the commercialization of candeia products subjected to different fertilization regimes.
(Scolforo et al. 2008b).
Plant essential oil production is related to genetic factors
as well as plant/environment interaction (Gobbo Neto and Materials and methods
Lopes 2007). Studies of candeia are needed to better
understand the effects of environmental variables and sil- Description of the study site
vicultural practices on production of essential oils and plant
biomass. The experiment site is located at the UTM coordinates
The management system being developed for candeia 524,798; 7,569,810, in the municipality of Baependi,
includes pure and mixed plantations intended for com- Minas Gerais State, Brazil, which, according to Köppen’s
mercial use. Various fertilization, spacing, thinning, prun- classification, has a Cwb (highland tropical) climate with
ing, and genetic improvement experiments require in-depth dry winters, and hot and humid summers. The yearly
analysis to generate information on the utilization of this average temperature ranges from 18 to 19 C and the
species as an economic resource for high-elevation areas rainfall average is 1400 mm, with the greatest amount of
and barren soils in tropical countries. rainfall occurring between December and March. The
The use of novel statistical techniques in the analysis of months of June, July, and August are relatively dry.
candeia experiments is desirable, since growth variation The experiment begun in December 2004 in a ran-
between trees is high due to the unimproved genetic material domized complete block design (RCBD, 4 blocks) divided
used as well as the long duration of the experiments. into 13 treatments (Table 1). Each sample plot of 520 m2
Statistical analysis of field experiments commonly consisted of 50 measured plants and two buffer trees.
employs classical analysis of variance, in which one of the Pruning was performed when the trees had 5 and 6 years
basic assumptions is the spatial independence of error old. The spacing between plants was 2.0 9 2.5 m, and the
provided by randomization of study plots (Banzatto and measurements were conducted at 6-month intervals.
Kronka 2006). However, Stroup et al. (1994) claim that Starting in the second year, circumference was measured at
classical analysis of variance does not adequately address 1.30 m from the ground (circumference at breast height,
the spatial variability in most experiments, especially those CBH), which was transformed to diameter (DBH) for data
with high numbers of treatments and those with high analysis, and total tree height (H) were recorded. After the
variability in tree diametric growth. This results in loss of fifth year, at one-year intervals, the projection of the crown
statistical precision (Casanoves et al. 2005). Approaches at 8 fixed angle radii was also recorded in addition to CBH
that consider the spatial dependency structure in analysis of and H because it presents a superior estimate of the vari-
variance are desirable in the evaluation of experiments. able in relation to the 4 fixed radius method (Weber 2007).
Statistical developments in the field of spatial modelling Even though our data collection included measurements
have resulted in a number of different approaches for over time and space, this paper deals only with the effects
modelling spatial dependence such as spatial interaction of the former on the analysis of variance.
models (with the variants moving average model and the
spatial error model that use a spatial autoregressive (SAR) Autoregressive modeling
process in the error term), geostatistical models, and
nearest neighbor methods (Fox et al. 2001). Individuals that are closer to each other tend to be more
Management of candeia plantations subjected to differ- similar than distant individuals, intuitively defining the
ent levels of fertilization can be better understood using concept of spatial variability. Spatial variability refers to
individual tree models, in this case establishing the corre- the tendency of the responses of the factors analyzed (such
lation between the crown area (CA) and the diameter as forest growth) in relation to the spatial arrangement of
measured at 1.30 m from the ground (diameter at breast the sample plots (Mercer and Hall 1911).
height, DBH). A high correlation often suggests that this The randomized complete block design is considered
model may be used in estimating the number of trees with a effective when the interior of each block is as homogeneous

Autoregressive spatial analysis and individual tree modeling as strategies for the management… 597

Table 1 Fertilizer treatments used in this study

Treatments Amount per pit (g)
Ca N P K Micro Organic NPK NPK Plaster

1. Control – – – – – – – – –
2. Limestone ? NPK ? micronutrients 200 100 200 50 0.5 – – – –
3. Limestone ?PK ? micronutrients 200 – 200 50 0.5 – – – –
4. Limestone ?NK ? micronutrients 200 100 – 50 0.5 – – – –
5. Limestone ? NP ? micronutrients 200 100 – 50 0.5 – – – –
6. Limestone ? NPK 200 100 200 50 0.5 – – – –
7. NPK ? micronutrients – 100 200 50 0.5 – – – –
8. Limestone ? NPK ? micronutrients ? organic fertilization 200 100 200 50 0.5 10 – – –
9. Organic fertilization – – – – – 10 – – –
10. Fertilizer formulation NPK 8-28-16 ? Zn-0.4 % ? B-0.1 % – – – – – – 150 – –
11. Limestone ? plaster ? NPK ? micronutrients 200 100 200 50 0.5 – – – 100
12. Limestone ? plaster ? NPK ? micronutrients 200 100 300 50 0.5 – – – 100
13. Limestone ? fertilizer formulation NPK 6-30-6 ? micronutrients 200 – – – 0.5 – – 100 –
The elements applied to the specific treatments were as follows: N is the ammonium sulfate in grams per pit; P is the simple superphosphate in
grams per pit; K is the potassium chloride in grams per pit; Ca is the limestone in grams per pit; Plaster is in grams per pit, Micronutrients is in
grams per pit; Organic is the organic fertilizer litters per pit; fertilizer formulation NPK (8-28-16) is in grams per pit; and fertilizer formulation
NPK (6-30-6) is in grams per pit. Treatment 12 consisted of P = 100 g of simple superphosphate plus ? 200 g of reactive phosphorus per pit.
The micronutrients were composed of the following: Zn (9.0 %) ? B (1.8 %) ? Cu (0.8 %) ? Fe (3.0 %) ? Mn (2.0 %) ? Mo (0.1 %)

as possible and the variation between blocks represents the ARM), we needed to determine the proximity pattern that
variability tested in the field, i.e., variability between would be adopted.
treatments. ANOVA–ARM was described by Long (1996, 1998)
However, forestry experiments are usually installed in and its basic premise consisted of transforming autocorre-
large blocks, caused both by the need for replication of the lated observations into non-correlated observations. In
individuals within the sample plot and by the area that each other words, after detecting spatial continuity in the vari-
individual occupies. As block size becomes larger, it able of interest, ANOVA–ARM removes this correlation
becomes harder to maintain the desired homogeneity and renders the data independent in relation to space,
within the blocks, due to factors such as soil heterogeneity, thereby permitting adequate statistical inference.
competition between individuals, and pest attack (Kempton The proximity pattern was proposed by Gumpertz et al.
and Lockwood 1984; Smith et al. 2001). (1997) to define the neighboring region. In this study, this
Because of potential spatial variability between and may be defined as the plots covered by a radius starting at
among blocks, classical analysis of variance might not the source plot (reference), and the proximity pattern was
yield the most representative results (Casanoves et al. based on the radius that was centered in this reference plot
2005). In addition, there are situations in which standard (Rossoni 2011).
ANOVA does not sufficiently discriminate differences The proximity pattern to be adopted was the one
among treatments. This can occur when there is high yielding the highest correlation [q (h)], the lowest value
variability among sample plots when the species studied is in the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC), and nor-
in a wild stage (e.g. no genetic improvement). There are mality of the residuals in the Shapiro–Wilk test (at 95 %
many examples of statistical procedures that consider the confidence). Upon confirmation of these 3 requirements,
existence of spatial structure in field experiments, including the proximity pattern was adopted in relation to the
Papadakis (1937), Mead (1971), Grondona and Cressie radius.
(1991), Grondona et al. (1996), and Gumpertz et al. (1997). The SAR model can be described using the equation
An alternative investigated in these cases involves the proposed by Griffith (1988): Y ¼ qWY þ b0 þ Xb þ e,
incorporation of a new experimental modeling component, where Y is a vector n 9 1 of the observed values; q is an
which is aimed at increasing the discriminatory capability autoregressive spatial parameter; W is a matrix n 9 n with
of the F test. ARM was used in this study to describe the weight assignments for the spatial neighborhood; b0 is the
spatial variation in the response vector, which in this case, overall mean; X is a matrix n 9 p for the incidence of the
was the variable DBH. However, before conducting fixed effects; b is a vector p 9 1 of the parameters; and e is
ANOVA using the autoregressive approach (ANOVA– a vector n 9 1 of the errors inherent to each observation.

598 H. F. Scolforo et al.

Matrix W was obtained through the multiplication of 2 error by maximizing the difference between blocks and
other matrices, D and C, as follows: (W = D 9 C). Matrix maintaining the plot-to-plot homogeneity within blocks,
C with dimensions n 9 n is binary and describes the but blocking is ineffective if heterogeneity between plots
neighborhood of experimental plots. Matrix D is a diagonal does not follow a definite pattern (e.g., spotty soil hetero-
matrix with the element 1/ki, in which ki is the sum of the geneity; unpredictable pest incidence after blocking). In
values of line i of matrix C. addition, when block size is large, intra-block hetero-
One method of estimating parameter q of the SAR geneity is inevitable.
model is a maximum likelihood (ML) approach. The This potentially reduces the error associated with each
original solution for the estimation by ML of an autore- observation, which assumed the form presented in the
gressive spatial model was initially proposed by Ord (1975 following expression:
in Rossoni 2011).
yðadjustedÞijk ¼ l þ ti þ bj þ eijk ; where eijk  Nð0; r2 Þ
The procedure consists of exploring the Jacobian
decomposition jI  qW j in terms of eigenvalues xi (with where y(adjusted)ijk is the DBH of treatment i in block j of
i = 1, 2,…, N) of matrix W, as shown in the expression repetition k; l is the overall mean of the experiment; ti is
the effect of treatment i; bj is the effect of block j; eijk is the
jI  qW j ¼ ð1  qx1 Þ.
i¼1 error associated with each observation.
After estimating q,^ the next step consists in the sub- After completion of ANOVA–ARM and having deter-
traction of the spatial operators qWY
^ and qb
^ 0 from the mined the significance among treatments, the mean tests
individual values of the treatments to remove the auto- employ standard methods that can separate the treatments
correlation from the information by using the following based on performance (DBH growth). Tukey’s comparison
expression: Yadj ¼ Y  ðqWY  qb0 Þ. The objective of Yadj test at a significance level of 5 % was applied to separate
is to remove spatial variability by weighting the observa- the treatments into growth groups based on DBH.
tions in the same proximity. This is done through the
parameter q,^ which weighs the neighborhood (W) and the Crown and DBH modeling
response variable Y, as well as weighing any possible
disruptions in the mean b0. When q^ is equal to zero no Crown coverage area was calculated by adding the area of
spatial structure exists and the results for the ANOVA the 8 triangles formed by the 8 radii measured for each tree
ARM and standard ANOVA are identical. Thus, Yadj is the in each evaluation (Fig. 1).
DBH data adjusted for spatial correlation, permitting CA of each tree was calculated using the expression,
appropriate statistical inference. CA ¼ ½ðx1 x2 ÞsinðyÞþ½ðx2 x3 ÞsinðyÞ
þ...þ½ðx8 x1 ÞsinðyÞ
, in which
Subsequent to obtaining the vector Yadj, generation of CA is the area of the polygon representing the crown
the ANOVA–ARM was performed (Table 2). The cor- projection; xi is the length of the different radii; and y is the
rected total sum of squares (CTSS) was obtained as the 45 fixed angle formed between two sequential radii.
difference between the total sum of squares (SST) in the According to Assmann (1970), the value that defines the
analysis of variance of the unadjusted data and the adjusted timing of intervention to prevent crown competition is
total sum of squares (SSTadj) in the analysis of variance equivalent to 78 % of CA. When the sum of the crown
with the data adjusted by the following expression: coverage area reaches this value, this is an indication of the
CTSS = SST - SSTadj. beginning of crown overlap and resulting growth compe-
The response vector of the statistical model used in this tition among plants.
study takes into consideration the spatial dependence and CA was related to DBH using the following models:
thus reduces within-block variability (by reducing the parabolic, according to Nutto (2001), CA ¼ ðb0
block mean sum of squares), as well as providing greater
þb1 DBH þ b2 DBH 2 Þ2 (1); monomolecular, CA ¼
accuracy by reducing total variability of the experiment by  
b0 1  expðb1 DBHÞ (2); and linear, according to Wachtel
reducing the error mean sum of squares. Yang and Juskiw
(2011) reported that in RCBD, proper blocking can reduce (1990), CA ¼ b0 þ b1 DBH (3).

Table 2 Analysis of variance

Source of Variation DF SS MS F0
of the autoregressive model
(ANOVA–ARM) Block n-1
Parameter k–1 SSPadj MSPadj MSPadj/MSEadj
Residual (n - 1)(k – 1) SSEadj MSEadj
Corrected Total nk – 1 CTSS

Autoregressive spatial analysis and individual tree modeling as strategies for the management… 599

so on successively for as many similar growth groups. In

this model, b1 is the common form, and b2 and b3 represent
the different levels.

Results and discussion

Growth groups definition

ANOVA using the autoregressive approach

No significant differences among the treatments were

observed using standard ANOVA (Table 3) due to the high
variability of the data. Groups were thus identified using
the ARM approach.
Fig. 1 Measurement of the crown projection at eight fixed-angle
radii, with the first radius always pointing toward the North Table 4 shows that the second-order proximity pattern
defined by a radius of 20 meters complied with all three
basic requirements for the ARM, which was established as
For modeling, CA was considered for the pits but not for the proximity pattern adopted for the processing of the
individual stems using the equivalent diameter of each ANOVA–ARM. This radius showed the highest q (h), the
plant calculated using multiple stems. The equivalent lowest AIC value, and normality of the residuals in the
diameter is the square root of the squared sums of the Shapiro–Wilk test.
multiple stem diameters. Based on the definition of the best The ANOVA–ARM resulted from the processing con-
model, the definition of alternatives for management was ducted based on the second-order proximity pattern and
then conducted under different conditions according to the identified significant differences among treatments
projected DBH. (Table 5).
Two hypotheses were considered for this modeling. The By using an autoregressive approach, it was possible to
first hypothesis is that DBH is linearly related to crown verify that at least 1 treatment was different from the others
dimension. The second hypothesis is that the existence of a (Fc C 0.0458). Based on these results and subsequent to
limiting factor for the diametric increment was related to the application of Tukey’s test, two distinct groups were
the area’s productivity. In this study, the level of fertil- identified: the control treatment (without any fertilization)
ization limited productivity, that is, the fertilization applied and treatment 10 (Fertilizer formulation NPK 8-28-16).
to the treatment resulted in varying DBH growth. There- Additionally, a third or intermediary group was formed by
fore, we have MA ¼ f ðNIÞ, where MA is the mean DBH the remaining treatments, which were statistically similar
increment and NI is defined as the fertilization level to treatment 10 and treatment 1 (Table 6).
(treatment group with similar growth), which is determined
by conducting the mean test as well as with the application Use of dummy variables
of a dummy-variables modeling approach.
Since the definitions of the management alternatives The means test identified treatment growth groups. To
using CA are dependent on DBH data, these data were also project DBH in relation to time and to evaluate the validity
projected in time. This was performed using dummy of this interpretation based on the three identified groups,
variables to discriminate different diameter growth groups dummy variables were utilized in the analysis (Fig. 2). The
(defined using a means test). This also served to confirm
the trend of the mean test or to generate further details of
the results in case of ambiguity. Table 3 Standard ANOVA for the DBH variable among the fertil-
To project and test the hypothesis that the groups ization treatments
(treatments with similar DBH growth) provide regressions Source of variation DF SS MS F0 P value
that differ in level but not in form, the model used was as
Block 3 43.6660 14.5553 45.38 0.0000*
follows: Y = b1X1 ? b2X2 ? b3X3, where X1 is the
Treatment 12 7.0840 0.5903 1.84 0.0782
dummy variable, defined as equal for all the observations;
Error 36 11.5469 0.320747
X2 is the dummy variable, defined as that applied to the
Total 51 62.2969
second DBH growth group; X3 is the dummy variable,
defined as that applied to the third DBH growth group, and * Significant by the F test

600 H. F. Scolforo et al.

Table 4 Estimates of q (h), AIC, and Shapiro–Wilk test for the 7

proximity patterns
Radius (m) q (h) AIC Shapiro

DBH (cm)
10 0.575 106.003 0.531 4
20 0.687 105.641 0.883
30 0.655 108.502 0.934
40 0.669 108.490 0.873 2
50 0.620 110.905 0.823 1
60 0.618 113.577 0.726
70 0.571 117.917 0.808 0 2 4 6 8 10
80 0.510 119.799 0.789 Age (years)
90 0.634 118.843 0.913
Control level Intermediary level Best level

Fig. 2 Distinction of the three limiting growth groups

Table 5 ANOVA–ARM for the DBH variable among the fertiliza-
tion treatments
Source of variation DF SS MS F0 P-Value the equation: DBH = 0.64734X1 ? 0.37908X2 ? 1.02524
X3, in which: X1 is the age of the stand in years; X2 is the
Block 3 4.4418 1.4806 4.89 0.0060* dummy variable for the group defined as the intermediary
Treatment 12 7.5284 0.6274 2.07 0.0458* fertilizer level; and X3 is the dummy variable for the group
Error 36 10.9075 0.3030 defined as the best fertilizer level.
Corrected total 51 87.6402 To analyze growth in height (H) we used the same
* Significant by the F test procedure adopted for analysis of DBH. Standard ANOVA
was ineffective in identifying differences among
Table 6 Tukey’s mean test for the DBH variable at a 5 % signifi- For ANOVA–ARM the second-order proximity pattern
cance level, where same letters in the test results indicate statistically
similar means according to radius 20 meters was determined. This prox-
imity pattern complied with all 3 basic requirements for
Treatment DBH Test Treatment DBH Test
ARM. Unlike the DBH variable, this approach did not
(cm) result (cm) result
detect any differences among treatments for tree height
1 4.37 A 13 5.38 AB using the F test through the spatial statistical method. Thus,
5 4.91 AB 7 5.39 AB the projection of this variable in relation to age was con-
3 4.94 AB 6 5.41 AB ducted for all treatments using the linear equation:
4 4.98 AB 9 5.53 AB H = 1.96633 ? 0.23205X1.
12 5.07 AB 2 5.56 AB
11 5.25 AB 10 5.99 B Modeling of CA
8 5.37 AB
To select which model best estimated CA we used the
distribution of residuals (Figs. 3, 4, 5) and the standard
same logic was presented by Schneider and Tonini (2003), error values of the residuals [Syx (m)] in Table 8. The
who used dummy variables to verify differences in volume linear model yielded the lowest mean error for the 3 groups
growth for the forest species Acacia mearnsii according to of limiting growth factors.
location. The parabolic model proposed by Nutto (2001), used in
The results of the analysis showed that the intermediary a study of Araucaria angustifolia in southern Brazil, and
group did indeed exist, considering that the F test was the monomolecular model highly underestimated CA for
significant; that is, the groups presented the same form, yet the larger DBH values. Neither model captured the growth
with different growth levels (Table 7). trend coherently, considering the control group as well as
Based on these procedures, treatment 10 (fertilizer for- the intermediary level. At the optimum fertilization level,
mulation NPK 8-28-16) yielded maximum DBH growth. all models underestimated these values. The parabolic
The other 11 treatments yielded intermediate growth, and model, due to its mathematical form, predicted decreasing
treatment 1 (control) yielded minimum DBH growth. CA with increasing DBH for the highest DBH values of the
Diameter growth at different ages can be predicted using control group. This compromised projections for older tree

Autoregressive spatial analysis and individual tree modeling as strategies for the management… 601

Table 7 Analysis of variance

Source of variation DF SS MS F0 P-Value R2
by using dummy variables
Model 3 58,539.00 19,513.00 6688 0.00 0.85
Error 3498 10,211.00 3.00
Total 3501 68,750.00

6 9
CA (m²)

CA (m²)
3 5
0 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 0
DBH (cm) 0 5 10 15
CA (m²) Parabolic DBH (cm)

Linear Monomolecular CA (m²) Parabolic

Linear Monomolecular
Fig. 3 CA projection in relation to DBH for the control group
Fig. 5 CA projection in relation to DBH for the best fertilization
8 Table 8 Standard error values of the estimation [Syx (m)] for the
7 three models in the different groups of limiting growth factors
6 Model Control Intermediary Best
CA (m²)

Parabolic 0.53 0.68 0.66
Linear 0.52 0.68 0.66
Monomolecular 0.52 0.69 0.67
0 Table 9 Correlation between CA and DBH for the different groups
0 5 10 15
Groups Correlation
DBH (cm)
CA (m²) Parabolic Control 0.82
Intermediary level 0.78
Linear Monomolecular
Best level 0.86
Fig. 4 CA projection in relation to DBH for the intermediary
fertilization level
phases, a linear relationship between CA and DBH, as
shown in Table 9. This statement can be verified by
ages when DBH would be expected to be larger. This could observing the high correlation coefficient obtained in the
negatively impact growth estimates for candeia when this positive signals of parameters b0 and b1. In this case, a
model is used to generate projections beyond the maximum positive correlation was observed between DBH and CA.
age of the database. When assessing parameter b1, which is responsible for the
In light of our analyses we selected the linear model, inclination of the growth equation, we verified that it is
which was also successfully used by Wachtel (1990) for indeed higher for the treatment at the optimum fertilization
Araucaria angustifolia in southern Brazil. We believed that level.
native species with no genetic improvement and with slow The linear models used to calculate CA for the control,
growth show, at least during the maturity and establishment intermediate fertilization level and optimum fertilization

602 H. F. Scolforo et al.

Table 10 Maximum number of

Age Control Intermediary level Best level
individuals per hectare (N/ha)
with DBH (cm) and H DBH H CA N/ha DBH H CA N/ha DBH H CA N/ha
(m) projected for different ages,
estimated with the CA model 1 0.7 2.2 0.50 15,600 1.0 2.2 0.86 9070 1.7 2.2 1.11 7027
(canopy coverage 2 1.3 2.4 0.78 10,000 1.7 2.4 1.14 6842 2.3 2.4 1.41 5532
factor = 0.78)
3 1.9 2.7 1.06 7358 2.3 2.7 1.42 5493 3.0 2.7 1.71 4561
4 2.6 2.9 1.34 5821 3.0 2.9 1.69 4615 3.6 2.9 2.00 3900
5 3.2 3.1 1.61 4845 3.6 3.1 1.97 3959 4.3 3.1 2.30 3391
6 3.9 3.4 1.89 4127 4.3 3.4 2.25 3467 4.9 3.4 2.60 3000
7 4.5 3.6 2.17 3594 4.9 3.6 2.52 3095 5.6 3.6 2.90 2690
8 5.2 3.8 2.45 3184 5.6 3.8 2.80 2786 6.2 3.8 3.20 2438
9 5.8 4.1 2.73 2857 6.2 4.1 3.08 2532 6.9 4.1 3.50 2229
10 6.5 4.3 3.01 2591 6.9 4.3 3.35 2328 7.5 4.3 3.80 2053
11 7.1 4.5 3.29 2371 7.5 4.5 3.63 2149 8.2 4.5 4.09 1907
12 7.8 4.8 3.57 2185 8.2 4.8 3.91 1995 8.8 4.8 4.39 1777
13 8.4 5.0 3.85 2026 8.8 5.0 4.18 1866 9.4 5.0 4.69 1663
14 9.1 5.2 4.13 1,889 9.4 5.2 4.46 1,749 10.1 5.2 4.99 1563
15 9.7 5.5 4.41 1,769 10.1 5.5 4.73 1,649 10.7 5.5 5.29 1474

level groups were CA = 0.21942 ? 0.43117DBH; CA = Optimum fertilization level allows a better condition for
0.42617 ? 0.42706DBH; and CA = 0.33665 ? the growth of candeia trees. This fertilization level would
0.46133DBH, respectively. be an interesting option for companies. Even expending
Using the CA equations, it was possible to calculate the money at the planting time with fertilization, these com-
vital space required for a candeia tree to reach a given panies would increase the likelihood of generating revenue
projected DBH (Table 10). earlier at time. At age 10 years, first thinning would be
Trees with smaller diameters (and smaller CA) can be required for this fertilization level, and the trees would
subjected to thinning at a later time than can fast growing already be of commercial size due to their large dimen-
trees despite equal initial spacing. Considering an initial sions. In addition, instead of 12 years old, the rotation
spacing of 2.0 9 2.5 m (2000 N/ha) to maintain the growth would be increased to 15 years, and companies would
vigor of the plants, it would be necessary to apply thinning at increase their profits to have trees with large dimensions
13, 11, and 10 years of age in the control, intermediate, and with good potential to be used either as fence posts or to oil
optimum fertilization groups, respectively. extraction.
The control group had a lower diametric increment, and
thus lower CA, resulting in the need for a greater number
of plants per hectare to achieve full site occupation. The Conclusions
optimum fertilization level (NPK 8-28-16) yielded greater
diametric growth for all evaluated ages. Thus a lower Diameter growth of candeia was limited by fertilization
number of plants per hectare would be required to achieve level. Greatest growth was obtained using treatment 10
a given level of total stand volume growth. This confirms (Fertilizer formulation NPK 8-28-16). The ARM analysis
the logic in the model that stands with higher growth will coupled with spatial remodeling identified differences in
require earlier thinning to allow for maximum growth. growth between treatments. ARM analysis is characterized
Both control and optimum fertilization groups can be by higher discriminatory power compared to standard sta-
considered when installing a candeia stand. For small tistical methods.
landowners, the control group would be more representative, The management of candeia, based on the individual
since no fertilizer is applied at the planting time. Therefore, it tree modeling, indicated the need for different manage-
brings a financial benefit. In addition, thinning for this group ment strategies for stands that are unfertilized, fertilized
is required to be applied for the first time at age 13. Since with NPK 8-28-16, and fertilized using all other
candeia is a slow-growing species, and the economic rotation treatments.
age of the plantation has been estimated at 12–15 years Fertilizer formulation NPK 8-28-16 is indicated as the
(Silva et al. 2012), if the landowner decides to cut the stand at best option for companies, while the control is indicated
age 13, a second financial benefit is achieved. mainly for small landowners.

Autoregressive spatial analysis and individual tree modeling as strategies for the management… 603

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