My Activiites

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Date: 15/09/23 Activities

6pm to 7:15pm strt reading microprocesser, talking with bav.

7:15pm to 9pm structure and function, once again cry, dinner
9pm to 10:45pm chess (TPCL), game upload , talking with bav.
10:45pm to 12:20 am 1st chapter (computer); and 15 mins rest
12:20am to 1:20am 2nd chpter(computer); start
1:30am to 6:30am sleep

Date: 16/09/23 Activities

7:15am to 8:30am computer architecture (Interrupts)

8:40am to 9:30am Interconnected structure, bus interconnection
9:30am to 10:00am youtube shorts, Game review
10am to 11am talking with bav, and walking
11am to 12pm mathematics : 2.2 and start conditional prob
12pm to 1pm talking with cap, lunch
1pm to 2pm sleep with chess
2:15 pm to 3:05pm mathematics: Conditional probability
3:15pm to 3:45pm maths: independence

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