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* l.

Define parasitology, parasite, Host, Zoonosis,Vector, Carrier.
1t2. Q. What are the associa tion betwee n host & parasite ?
3. Q. What are the vector born parasitic disease.
4. Q. Classif y protozo a with exampl e.
5. Q. Name the commo n protozo aal infectio n in Bangla desh.
6. Q. How EH is transm itted?
7. Q. Classif y amoeba .
, 8. Q. Draw & label the component of trophozoit & cyst of EH.
9. Q. How Entamo eba histolytica transmitted? What are the lesions caused by Entamoeba histolyti
10. Q. Write the Laboratory diagnosis of amoebiasis.
11. Q. Give the Pathogrnrsis of EH.
12. Q. write difference between Trophozoit & Cyst of EH.
13 . Q. write difference between amoebic dysentery & Bacillery dysentery.
14. Q. write differen ce between EH & E.coli //
+-15. Q. Write short note on Tricho monus vaginal es.
-.Jr 16. Q. write short note on Giardiasis.
17. Q.Give the complications produced by leishmania donovani.
* 18. Q. Give the Labora tory diagnosis of Kala azar .
...- 19. Give the Pathoge nesis of Kala a zar .
* 20. Q. What is malaria, What are the species of malarial parasite.
+ 21. Q. Write the life cycle of malarial parasite.
,. 22. Q. Write down the lab.dia gnosis of malaria l parasite.
* 23. Q. Write down the compli cation of malaria.
24. Q. What is helmin th? Classif y it with exampl e.
25. Q. Give the differe nce among cestode , tremato de & nemato de.
26. Q. Name the commo n helmin th of Ba~glade~h.
27. Q. What are the pathog enicity oftaen~ a ~asgmata.
28. Q. Write short notes on Diphyl obothn osIS.
29. Q. Write short notes _Hydati de cyst.
* 30. Q. Descri be the life cycle of AL.
* 31. Q. Write down the lab.dia gnosis of AL.
I ..
-. 32. Q. What are the lesions produc ed by AL. or. What are the complications of AL?
* 33. Q. Give the life cycle of AD.
* 34. Q. Write down the lab. Diagno sis of AD. ·. .
35. Q. Describ e the life cycle of Enterob ious verm1culans.
36. Q. Write short note on Auto infe~tion.
37. Q. Write short note on microf ilana. . .
38. Q. Write down the pathogenesis_ of ~1~ 1 15 ·
39. Q. Write down the lab. Diagno sis F1lanasis.
1. Define parasitology, parasite, Host, ~oonosi~,Vector, Car~ier. I

❖ Parasitology : It is the study of parasites , their hosts & relation between them.
❖ parasites: A living organis m which receives nourishment & shelter from another where it lives.
According to Site of infection -
a.) Ecto parasite b) Endo parasite
B. According tol§orphologi)
a) Protozoa b) Metazoa. J
❖ Host: A:fl Org1misrn ~hich hat bums the parnsitcs. I-lo~+ o..n~ o ne a..nis ""'~ \.J..lh:c.h 9ive5, G~e.1-\e n, "'-.vt d
► Types: "'" ·k, "\-'ne
A. Intermediate Host- Which harbours the larval stage of parasite. Example- man is Intermediate
host for mp, hydatid tape worm Taenia solium.
B. Definitive Host- Which harbours the adult stage of parasite where parasite utilize sexual stage
of reproduction. Example- man is definitive host for most animal parasite ( AL,AD) except mp
& hydatid tape worm.
C. Paratenic Host- Where the parasite remains viable without further development.
Example- Housefly for amebiasis, man for fly.
❖ Zoonosis : The diseases directly transmitted from animals to human through media such as air or through
bite & saliva.
❖ Vector: Any agent including man, animal, microorganism that carries &transmits an infectious pathogen
into another living organism. ·
❖ Infection: Entry & multiplication of an infectious agent in a host.
❖ Infectious agent: A microorganism which capable of producing infection.
❖ Infectivity: Ab ility of microorganism to produce infectious disease ina host.
❖ Pathogenicity: Ability of Infectious agent to cause disease in a host.
❖ Virulence: Ability of pathogenic agent to cause a lethal disease in a host.
❖ Carrier: An infected person or animal which harbours a specific infectious agent in the absence of
clinical disease & serve as a potential source of infection for other.

2. Q. What are the association between host & parasite?

❖ Ans: Association between host & parasite are- 6 Y\. I
I) Symbiosis: in which host & parasite are dependent with each other,that one cannot live without the
help of the another .Noll'lof partner suffers any harms from the association.
Example ZooeheletA & chlo1ovridisima. &c.+e11.i.o.l .flo!"{o... i" ~"-T'1o...Y\ iY!'\esfrn e ~ · I
2) Commensalism : in which parasite only gets benefits but host gets nothing without causing any kct.ft'I>\
ifljttry to the host.
Example-Man & Entamoeba giRgi.J.,ales. Coli
3) Paras itism: in which parasite only gets benefits but host gets nothing in return always suffer some
Example- Man & A.L. l t1ook wo""')

3. Q. What are the vector born parasitic disease.

Ans: Vector born parasitic diseases are-

Vector Disease I. Cockroch 1. Enteric fever.

I. Anopheles 1. Ma laria 2. Tsetse fly 2. Sleeping sickness
mosquito 3. Triatomine bug 3. Chagas disease
2. Culex mosquito 2. Filaria 4. Dog 4. Hydatid cyst
3. Sand fly 3. Kala azar 5. Aedes mosquito 5. Dengue fever, yellow fever
4. House fly 4. Diarrhoea
5. Black fly 5. Oncocerciasis
4. Q. Classify protozoa with example-
Ans: Classifications of protozoa-
Systemic classification:

Plasmodrom a
Ciliophora/ Ciliata
Blantidium .,,
+ Blantidium coli

Rhizopda/S arcodina Mastigopho ra/Fllagella tes Sporozoa

+ t +Coccidia
Entamoeba histolytica
Protomona dida
Diplomona dida Plasm odium
Plasmodium vivax
A. Intestinal Giardia Plasmodium falciperum
Entamoeba coli
Chilomasti x Giardia lamblia Plasmodium ovale
Entamoeba ginvalis
Chilomasti x mesnili Giardia Intestinales Plasmodi um malarae
Plasmodium knowlesi
Iodamoeba [
Enteromon as lsospora
Iodamoeba bustschi
Enteromon as homonis Isospora hominis
Diantamoe ba lsospora belli
Diantamoe ba fragilities
B. Urogenital

Trichomon us Toxoplasm a
Trichomonus vaginalis Toxoplasm a gondii
Endolimax nana
Trichomonu s hominis - NP(Intestinal)
Trichomonus tenax- NP (Oral) Cryptospor idium
C. Blood & Tissue
Leishmania donovani
· Leishmania tropica
Leishmania brasilencis
Leishmania maxicana

Tripanosam a
Tripanosam a brucei
Tripanosam a cruzi
Tripanosam a rangeli

Classification on basis of motility:

I. Motile - Rhizopoda- Pseudopodia- EH
Mastigophora-Flagella -TV
Ciliata-Cilia -Balantid ium coli.
2. Non motile- Sporozoa- Malarial parasite.
Classification on basis of Habitat:
I. Mouth- Entamoeba gingivales.
2. Intestinal protozoa-Entamoeba,Iodamoeba,Dientamoeba,Endolimax, Chilomastix,
Enteromonas, Giardia, Toxoplasma,Isospora.
3. Genito-Urinary protozoa-Trichomonus
4. Blood & Tissue protozoa-Plasmodium ,Leishmenia.
5. Free living-Naegleria fowlery, Acantham oeba castellani.
6. Q.Write the common protozoal disease in Bangladesh.
❖ Ans: common protozoal disease in Bangladesh are:
1. Entamoeba histolytica- Amoebiasis-A moebic dysentery,Liver abscess,lung absess,Brain
abscess,spleen abscess.
2. Plasmodium species (P.V & P.F is common in Bangladesh)- Malaria.
3. Kala azar , cutaneous leishmaniasis,& PKDL- Leis hmenia donovani
4. Trichomonus vaginalis - vaginitis, urethritis.
5. Giardia intestinalis- Diarrhoea,Allergy,Fever,Abdominal pain.
6. Toxoplasma gondi - Toxoplasmosis.
7. Blantidium col i- Diarrhoea.
8. Cryptospordiu m- Diarrhoea.
9. Isospora - Diarrhoea

7. Q. Classify amoeba.
Ans: Classification of Amoeba:
A. On Habitat-
1. Mouth Amoeba- Entamoeba gingivales.
2. Intestinal Amoeba- Entamoeba histolytica, Entamoeba coli,Endolimax
nana,Iodamoeba butschlii
3. Free living Amoeba: Naegleria fowlery. Acanthamoeba castellani.
B. Systemic classificassion-
1. Entamoeba- Entamoeba histolytica,V coli, Entamoeba gingivalis.
2. Iodamoeba- Iodamoebabutschlii
3. Diantamoeba-Diantamoeba fragilities
4. Endolimax- Endolimax nana.
8. Q. Draw & label the component oftrophozoit & cyst of EH.


Nucleus CIU#-DMIIIIC'lf,nf CYST

I Cyst of Entamoeba histolytica

Trophazalte af Entamoelaa

Edge ii
Pnbasal -~[__\..,,l_l.


•=-•~a-r-a. Trophamlte of Gianlia

___ou1=U:tio0ocs0Jut'on for BMT DU Lab. Medicine) Part -1 by Samiul Bashir

9. Q. How Entamoeba histolytica transmitted? What are the lesions caused by Entamoeba
histolytica. .
❖ Ans: ([ransmission: The matuLed quad[IJ)uleated cyst are transmitted indirectly through faecal
contam ination of food, drinks & vegetable. Housefly may transfer cyst from faeces to fo9od,drnk
& vegetable.

Pathological les ion produced by EH:

A. Intestina l les ion:
1. In acute or chronic amoebic dysentery - IElask shape multiple ulcer in Illeocaecal,
sigmomoido - rectal area.
2. [ii chronic intestinal amooebiasis - Superficial ulcers, scar formation, Amoeboma.
B. !Extra intestjnal or secondary lesion-
1. [Liver.diver abscess.
2. L ungs- Lung abscess
3. Brain- Brain abscess.
4. Spleen- Spleenic abscess
5. Skin- Granulomatus ulceration of skin
6. Uro- Genital tract- Amoebic ulcer in panis &vagina.
10. Q. Write the Laboratory diagnosis of amoebiasis.
❖ Ans: Laboratory Diagnosis Of Amoebic dysentery & Hepati amoebiasis or amoebiasis. -
principle: It is based on the demonstration of hematophagus trophozoite or cyst in stool by
microscopic examination. Hematological & serological test also helpful. Biopsy can done in extra
intestinal Arnoebiasis.
✓ Intestinal amoebiasis-
► Specimen- Stool, Blooo &Biopsy material-by exploratory puncture, laparotomy.
o Stool'"Examination:
✓ Macroscopic examination-
lAmount: Copious
Colour: Dark red
Odour: Offensive.
Nature: Bllod & mucous mixed with stool.
Raction: Acidic.
Consistency:Adharent to container.
✓ Microscopi examination:
• Protozoa- Hematophagus trophozoit with characteristic movement in acute infection & cyst in
chronic infection.
• Cellular exudates:-
RBC---=in clumps.
(Epithelial cell-present
Macrophage- Very few in number.
lbi eutrophil & Eosinophil - may be present in few.
❖ Charcot -leyden crystal - Diamond shaped,clear & refractile may be found.
✓ Culture:~ hilip media or in blood agar media.
o Blood examination-Moderate leucocytosis.
o Serological Test- CE.T , IEA 11, lodirect.liemagglutination test.
✓ Li ver bigpsy Examination: Macroscopic-"Anchovy sauce pus" -thick in consistency, chocolate in
color mixed with necrosed tissue & clot.
Microscopic- Neci-osecl liver cell ,debris, few leucocyte, plenty RBC. Trophozoit rarely found in\\ all
CJf th e abscess ,
11. Give the Pathogrnrsis of EH.
Ans: Pathogrnrsis of EH: d. teated cyst are ingested with contaminated
► Mature quqr rmuc
food & drinks.
► Migrate to the stomach . .
► Excystation takes place in the mte st me
► Develope to trophozoit form
► Invade mucosa & submucosa of colon & large gut.
► Ca/ al ulceration o ~

► Direct extention to skin ► Throug portal circulation spread to liver

► Granulomatus ulceration of skin Causes Hepatic abscess
► Spread to pleura & pericardium Causes
lung abscess & pericardia!
► Spread to brain Causes braing abscess

12. Q. write difference between Trophozoit & Cyst of EH.

❖ Ans: Difference between & Cyst of EH.-
Po in ts Trophozoit Cyst
Saline preparation
I. Size 1. 15-30 µm 1. 10-20 µm
2. Shape 2. Irregular 2. Round
3. Pseudopodia 3. present 3. Absent
4. Ectoplasm 4. present 4. Absent
5. Motility 5. Motile 5. Non motile
6. Nucleus 6. Not visible ,Faint outline may 6. Clearly visible
7. Chromatid bar 7. Absent 7. Present
8. RBC 8. present 8. Absent
Iodine preparation
9. Neucleus 9. One in number 9. 1,2 or 4 in number
I 0. Glycogen mass 10. Absent 10. Present & absent
11. RBC 11. Present 11. Absent
12. Chromatid bar 12. Absent 12. Present
13. Q. write difference between amoebic dysentery & Bacillery dysentery.
❖ Ans: Difference between amoebic dysentery & Bacillery dysentery-
Points Amoebic dysentery Bacillery dysentery
Macroscop ic
1. Number of motion 1. 6-8/Da~ motion /day 1. More than 1~ motion /day
2. Color 2. Dark red 2. Bright red
3. Odo__r 3. Offensive 3. odorless
4. Consistency 4. Not Adherent to container 4. Adherent to container
5. Nature 5. Blood & mucous mixed with 5. Blood & mucous no stool;
6. Reaction 6. Acidic 6. Alkaline
Microscop ic
1. lRBC 1. dn clump 1. :I) iscrete or in rou leaux.
2. Pus cell} 2. Scanty 2. Neumarous
3. Macrophag e 3. Very rarei 3. presemt
4. Eosinophi b 4. present 4. Absent
5. CharcotJ eyden 5. tpresent 5. Absent
6. £E rotozoa 6. ITrophozoit of EH 6. Absent
7. Bacte_r ia 7. Numarous mofile, mainly 7. Few, non motil e. Mainly
E.coli. Shigella
14. Q. write difference between EH & E.coli
Ans: difference between EH & E.coli:

Points E.coli
cfropho zoit( Saline
I. Size 15-3 0 µm 20-40 µm
2. Cytoplasm Differe ntiated into ectoplasm & Not Differentiated.
endopl asm
3. Pseudopodia Formed rapidly, finger shaped. Blunt
4. Motility Motile ,progressive,directional. Sluggish ,not 2ro gressive or
5. Nucleus Not visible visible
6. Inclusjons Red cells but no bacteria bacteria but no Red cells
Trophozoit( Iodine
prepara tion)
7. (Nucleus Central karyosome, fine Eccentric karyosome, coarse
chroma tin line, delicate nuclear chromatin line, thick nuclear
membrane. membrane.
C)'.:st( Sa line
1. Size 6-5 µm 15-30 µm
2. Chromatid bar Ronded end Pointed or square end, thread
3. Nucleus Rarely visible visible
C:Yst( Iodine
4. N ucleus 1 to 4,cerntral karyosome. 1to 8 eccentric karyoso me.
5. Glycogen mass Small & Visible in uninuc leate Large & Visible in
stage biinucleate stage.
15. Qi_\Vritc short note on Tricomouus vaslrtnH~.
❖ ~

Stages of life C) cle- Ontylli_opholoitq) No cystic stage.

Infective form • Tropholoitc.

Host- Only man.

• Female genital tract
• Female g@R1tal tract
• Male genital tract
► Morphology.
• Shape-Pear shape
• Size--10 µm in length & 7µ m in width.
• NucJeus- one ovoid nucleus near the anterior end.
• Flagella- 3-5 flagella. 4 is in anterior. One trucker flagella underlying membrane in b.1ck.
• Exostyle-One
• Cyst-No cystic form.
anterior flagella

parabe ■ at body

:us C v,.,,.g ,...........,_,.,.

------■ Ryle

··- •
-- ·-- · ·--

- - -- --~
axo ■ tyle

► Clinical feature/pathogenicicy '.

• In femal e- vaginal infection or leucorrhoea.

In ma]e-STDs leads to urethritis.
► M ode of transmission-Sexual ipteccGarse.
► Laboratory Diagnosis:
Principle: It is based on Demonstration of parasite by microscopic examination. Serology &
~ulture is also helpful.
Specimen: Vaginal swab, cervical swab, prostat ic swab, urine.
• Wet film R!!Paration .
• Culture,
• Staining of pap's smear.
Findings: Pear ed tro hozoit with a typical j erky motion...
Prevention: During intercourse, Condoms limit Transmission.
16. Q. write short note on 9iardiasis.
❖ Ans:
► !Infective form -®filure gua drinucleated cysLJ
► Host- Duly man.
► Habitat-
• D uodenu m & upper part ofjejunum of man.
► Morphology:
o Trophozoit-
• Shape- Badminton racket shape in profile view & longitadinally split pear in profile view.
• S ize-14 µ m in length & 7 µm in width.
• IN ucleus- l'wo in number with large central karyosome.
• Flagella- 4 pairs.
• iExostyle-Two.
• Surface- 2. Dorsal- convex & Ventral- concave.
• Anterior end -rounded & broad.
• Rosterior end - taper s to a sharp7Joint.
o Cyst-
• Shape- Oval
• Size-12 µmin length & 7 µmin width.
• Nucleus- f our in number. Clustered at one end or pair in opposite ends.
• Flagella- (Ihe remain of flagella may be inside of...cytoplasm.
• tExostyle-lie lengthwise from the antedor pole.
► Life cycle-
Young cyst
• Infection occured by matured quadrinucleated cyst
with contaminated food.
• Excystation occur in duodenum. Cyst become in two
Edge of
sucker --ttb..lll.Ll
• Multiply by binary fissionin to large number
duodenum & upper part of jejunum. Median
Older cyst
• Encystation occurs in colon. body
• Liberate through f~eces.
► ClinicaLfeature/Pathogenicity : Diarrhoea,
enteritis,entero-col itis;i
Allergy,Eever,Abdominal pain.
Mode of transmission- The matured quadrinuleated
cyst are transmitted indirectly through .faecal Trophozoites attached
contamination of food, drinks & vegetable. flagellac to intestinal mucosa
► Laboratory Diagnosis:
Principle: It is based on Demonstration of parasite by microscopic examination. Hemato logical
& Serological test also helpful.
Specimen: Stool,Bile.
Microscopic examination:
• J rophozoit.& cyst in fresh stool.
• T rophozoit in bile.
13 lood-test- Eosinophilia.
Serolagy : iDFA,EIA,ELISA may helpful.
17. Q. Give the complications produced by Ieishmania donovani.
❖ Ans: Pathoge nicity of leishma nia donova ni:
1. Kala azar/viscera Lleishmani asfa-
Clinical lesions-
• ~ eve r /pyrexia .
• Spleenm ega ly
• .Hepato mega1y
• cLy_mph adonap athy
• Anem ia & weight loss
• Darkening of the skin.,of face, hands, feet & abdomen.
• If left untreate d - hi gh mortality rate.
. -legs
2. Cutaneous leishfllitniasjs -Pa inful ulcer in the parts of body exposed to sand fly bites.e.g
,arm or face.
3. M uco- Coetane ous leishma niasis - Ulcer similar to Coetaneous leishma niasis apperar
the margin oLmout h & nose.
o:fi kala
4. Post kala azar dermal leishma niasis (PKDL)- appears several years after apperent cure
azar due to incomp lete treatment.
Clinical lesions-
• Depigm ented macules -trunks & extremities
• Erythm atous patches
• Nodula r lesions on skin - soft, painless varying in sizes & rarely on the mucous
membra ne & tounge.
18. Give the Laboratory diagnosis of Kala azar.
❖ Ans: Labora tory diagnosis of Kala azar:
Princip le: It is based on the demons tration of LD bodies from di e bl pod, cutanen eous,
lesions & incase of visceral leishmaniasis from bone marrow, spleen, lymph nocle asp
Clmmun ological test also helpful.

Specimen: Aspirated bone marrow, spleen

& lymph nodes & blood.
1. DirecfEvidence: Examin ation of
leishma ns or geimsas stained smear of- Nucleus
Reriphe ral blood film-by thick-film method .
Biopsy - Bone morrow of sternal or iliac
crest, spleen, lymph node. Amaatlgol• lqnn

Buffy coat of hematocrit.

Blood Culture in 'Novy , Mac Neal Nichole ' - - - - ' - - fla;elum
Prom••ll~ote h>rffl
in 22 °C for 1- 2 weeks. Fia, 111. MorpholOllcol rorma ot ~ , , _ - '
Findings - amastigote form o£LD bodies
within monocytes or may be extracellular
due to rupture of the cell.

2. Indirect Evidence:
1. Blood Count-L eucopeoia, Neutrop enia, ESR increase d.revers
ed Albumi n globulin ratio, Increase IgG.
strip test,
ii. Serological test-CF T,lmmu nofluor escent antibody test(]F AT),DA T,fCT,R K-39 antigen
ELISA, RIA, Aldehy de test, Antimo ny test.
► Princip le of RK-39: It is based on the demons tration of IgG antibod y against the
leishmenial Ag K-39
by immuno chroma tograph ic test.
Question solution for BMT DU (Lab. Medicine) Part -1 by Samiul Bashir
19. Give the £.athoge nesis ofXala a zar.
Ans.: Pathogrnrsis of Kala azar:
► 1£romast igot are injected by the bite-of sanc01y
► Go to the.RE system
► PromastQgot are taken up by___macropb ago
► DeveJope as amastigo t inside...maerop hage
► MUitip iy by binary fission
► Rupture the macroph age & amast igot rea lise
► Ama st igot are taken up by__macro phage
► Reduce bone marrow act ivJty & causes ceJlul ar_damag e of spleen
► Leading to le ishmanis is

20. Q. What is malaria, What are the species of malarial parasite.

pl as m odi □ m &
❖ Ans: Malaria: Malaria is a protozoa ! di sease orblood caused by infection of geRY&
transmitt ed te-ffiall QX_ certatfl: sp@ciss of infec ted fema le Anophe les mos quito. Characte rized by
paroxysmal fever with periods of latency, enlargem ent of spleen & secondar y anemiaJ.
rspecies of malarial parasite:
'i".'" Plasmod ium vivax
ii: Plasmod ium falciparu m
~ Plasmodfom malariae
w:'" Plasmod ium ova le.
>( Plasmod ium knowlesi
2 1. Q. Write the life cycle of malarial parasite.
❖ Ans: life cycle of Malarial parasite: The malarial parasites pass its lif e in two di
fferent hosts.
A. Intermedi ate host: where its pass asexual cycJe or cycle of schizogo ny.
B. tDefin itive host: Eemale Anopheles mosquito is where its pass sexual cyc le or cyc le of
sporogon _):'. .
(Infectiv e fo rm_: sporozoit e.
A. Asexual cycle or eye e of schizogony:
Sporozo ites entires to the human blood stream after biting of female anopheles mosquito .
✓ Pre erythrocy tic or Hepatic cycle-
► Entire into the parenchy mal liver cell & form Schjzont s.
► Merozoi tes are develope d w ithin the schozogo ny.
► Merozoi tes enter to the blooclstr eam &--invade red cells thus erytrocyt ic scizogony
► Duration of this phage is 8-9 days.
✓ Erythroc yt io or Hepatic cycle-
► Merozoit es become matured & formed Ring form of trnphozo iJes.
► Scizont.
► M erozoit forms within the schizont.
► Liberate merozoit es in to the blood stream.
► [ nvades new red cells to leads repetition of erythrocy tic cycle or form male &
gametocy te which are infective for the mosquito .
► Duration of this phage is 2-3 days.
B. Sexual cycle or cycle of sporogony.
► Gametoc yte containin g red cells are ingested (by female anophe les,J11osquito.
► Entire into the stomach or midgut::fo rms microga mets & macrogamets .
► Within 20 to 120 minutes from zygote.
► After 18-24 hours it forms motile Ookinets & invade gut mucosa l cell where its form
Oocyst on the outer surface of stomach.
► Mature Oocyst prod uce numerou s sporozoites
► Oocyst bur st & liberate sporozoit es in the body cavity of mosquito .
>" Sporozoites mi grates to the salivary glands.
22. Q. Write down the Laboratory diagnosis of malaria.
Ans: Laboratory diagnosis of malaria:
i. .E.rinciple: It is based on the demonstration of Malarial parasitein the •h . · ----
microscopjc...examination. Immunological al test also helpful fo d tpe~tp eral bJ_ood film by
'b d r e ect1on of antigen or
any1 o y. . ,,,,
► Specimen: whole bJood. .,..-,--
► Direct Evidence: Examination ofJ hick film & thin fil1 f •h
geimsas stain. - ·- - - m O penp eral blood after ]eishmans or

Th!ck film-todetect presence of parasite.---~,, ,,,
~ _Thin film- T~ detect species of parasite.
► Fmdmgs -Merozo1te ,Trophozoite & schizo 11t 0 f M 1 . 1
► Indirect Evidence:
a ana parasite
Immunological test- ICT to detect antigen IF AT t d
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23. Q. write down yhe complication of malaria.

❖ Ans: Complication of malaria: 11. Pulmonary oedima.
1. Severe anaemia. 12. Hyperpyrexia.
2. Jaundice 13. Coma
3. Cerebral malaria 14. Paralysis
4. Black eater fever 15. Vomiting
5. Acute tubular necrosis 16. Intravascular hemolytic
6. Hypoglycae4mia 17. Spleenomegaly
7. Diarrhoea 18. Rupture of spleen
19. Pernicious malaria-Cerebral,algid,septicaemi
8. Hypovolumic shock
20. Malignant tertian malaria (Pf malaria)
9. Maternal death
21. Benign tertian malaria
10. Abortion, still birth
24. Q. What is belminth? Classify it with example.
❖ Ans.: Hel~intb: Multicellular, bilaterally, symmetrical organism having three germ layer is
called helmmth.
Classification: '
I. Platyhelminthes
i. Cestode- .
a. Intestinal-Taenia saginata, Taenia so lium, diphyfobothrium latum.
b. tissue- echinococcus granul osus.
11. Trematode -
a. intestinal-
• Small intestine- watsonius watsoni
• Large i_ntestine- gasdiscoides hominis
b. Blood- Scist osoma mansoni
c. Hepatic- Fasciola hepatica. .
d. Lung- Paragonimus westermani

2. Nemathelminthes
i. Intestinal nemathelminthes
a. Small intestine - Anky lostoma deodenale, Ascaris lu mbricoids, Necator americanas.
b. Caecum & appendix- enterobious vermicularis, tricuris trichiura
c. Tissue nemathelminthes-
• Lymphatic- wucheria bancrofti
• Conjunctiva- Loa loa
• Subcutaneous- Onchocerca volvulus
• Mesentary- Mansonella ozzardi
• Lungs- Strongyloides stercoralis.

25. Q. Give the difference among cestode, trematode & nematode.

Ans.: Difference among cestode, trematode & nematode.
Points Cestode Trematode Nematode
I. Shape Tape like Leaflike Elongated, C'j\m4nic~\
2. Segment Segmented Unsegmented Unsegmented
3. Sexes Not separated Not separated separated
4. Ali mentary canal Absent Present but incomplete Present & Complete
5. H ead Sucker with hooks Sucker no hooks No sucker no hools.
6. Body cavity Absent Absent Present.

26. Q. Name the common helminth of Bangladesh.

Ans.: common helminth of Bangladesh-
i. Ascaris lumbricoides.
2. Ancylostoma duodenale
3. Enterobius vermicularis
4. Wucheria bancrofty.
5. Strongyloids stercolaris
6. Trichuris trichiura.
27. Q. What are the pathogcnicity of taenia sasginata.Wr ite down the lab.diagnosis of
taenia sasginata.
Ans.: pathogenic_ity of taenia sasginata-
Vague abdominal pain
I. Diarrhoea.
lab.diagnosis of taenia sasginata-
1. Stool examination.
a. Nacked eye examination- Segments, head.
b. Microscopic examination: Ova.
2. Scotch or cellophane tape swab- egg.
28. Q. Write short notes on Diphylobothriosis.
Ans.: Diphylobothriosis- Disease caused by diphylobothri um Iatum.
Pathogenesis: Megaloblastic anaemia.
Laboratory diagnosis:
► Direct evidence:
Stoo I examination.
a. Nacked eye examination- Segments, head.
b. Microscopic examination: Ova.
► Indirect evidence: Rbc reduced. Blood fim- Reticulocyte may be present.
29. Q. Write short notes Hydatide cyst.
Hydatide cyst: A hydatid ecyst may be 1 to 20 cm in diameter: ·The cyst wall is secreted by t
embryo.The cyst wall consist of two layer-
1. Outer or cuticular layer
11. Inner or germinal layer- Brood capsules, scolices, daughter cyst~ hydatide fluid, outer layer.
Lab. Diagnosis:
1. Casonis test.
2. Blood Examination report -Eosinophilia.
3. Serological test-Haemagglutination test, Flocculation test, IF A, CFT.
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30. Q. Describe the life cycle of A"'TI.
Ans.: ALpasses its life cycle in one host. No intermediate host. !Man is definitive host.
1. EggsJ n..feces- Fertilized & unfertili zed egg passed with stoo l.
2. -D evelop th e soil- Rhabditiform larv~ developed within the egg in the soil.
3. d nfection & liberation of:l arva- Man is infected by ingestion of embryonated egg with food &
drinks. In the du odenum the egg shell is break down.
4. M igration through liver & lung- Penetrate the mucous membrane of intestine & reach the portal
c ircu lati o11 & carried to the liver to the right heart to lungs. Moulting 2 times.
5. Re entry to the small intesti~- via bronchi, trachea, larynx, pharynx & once more swallowed.
Moulting 1 time
6. Sexual maturity & egg liberation- Adult worm become sexually mature. Gravid female worm
liberate egg which are pass with stool.

31. Q. Write down the lab.diagnosis of AL.

Ans.:L a-b.diagnosis of AL:
Principle: It is based on demonstration of adult worm by macroscopic examination & Ova of
AL by direct microscopic examination in stool, vomits, Bile, Sputum.
Specimens: - stool, vomits, Bile, Blood.
A. Direct evidence-
a. Adult worm- in stool or vomit.
Barium swallow x-ray
b. . _Ova by Microscopic examination-
i. Saline preparatjon.
ii. F loatation & concentration method.
iii. Iodine preparation.
B. Indirect evidence-
Blood examination- Eosinophilia.

Larva may be demonstrate in sputum

32. Q. What are the lesions produced by AL. / What are the complications of AL?
Ans.-: complications of AL:
By Adult worm-
Spoliative action- PEM, Vit A deficiency.
Topxic action- Body fluid od AIL is toxic & may cause typhoid like fever, urticaria.
Mechanical effect- Obstruction ulcers
' '
Ectopic ascariasis- obstructive jaundice, appendicitis, pancreatitis,asphyxia,
lly Larva- Ascaris pneumonia or lofflers syndrome.
By Ova- May cau se hepatic granuloma & inflammation.
33. Q. Giv e the life cycle of AD.
diat e host. Mai1-is deiiniti_ve host .
Ans.: AL pass es-its life cy6le- in one ho st. No inte rme
Stag es-
!. Eggs in fece s- egg passed with stoo l.
ditiform la&Va moulting 2 times & forms
2. Developmen t._in the soil- Egg is deve loped to Rhab
filiaryform larva .
penetrating skin_o£.new host.
3. Infection & liberation of larva - Ma11._is infected by
venous circulatio n to the right heart t0 1
4. Migration-fu rn subcutaneous tissue entir e into the ungs
to oesophagus via bronchi, trach_ea, larynx, pharynx.
me sexually mature. Gravid female wor
5. Sexual maturity & egg liberation- Adult worm beco m
liberate egg which are pass with stool.

34. Q. Wri te dow n the lab. Diagnosis of AD.

Ans .:L ab.d iagn osis of AL:
m by mac rosc opic exam inat ion & Ova of:
Principle: It is base d on dem onst ratio n of adult wor
AD by dire ct mic rosc opic exam inat ion in stool.
Spe cim ens: - stool, Bloo d, duod enal content, Spu
C. Direct evidence-
a. Adult worm- in stool or vomit.
Barium swallow x-ray
b. Ova by Microscopic examination-
i. Saline preparation.
ii. Floatation & concentration method.
iii. Iodine preparation.
D. Indirect evidence-
Blood examination-Microcytic hyprochromic anaemia,
Occult blood test.

Larv a may be dem onst rate in sput um

35. Q. Des crib e the life cycle of Enterobious verm
rme diat e host. Man is definitive host.
Ans.: AL pass es its life cycl e in one host. No inte
Stag es-
1. Fertilizes female worm lays egg~ containing tade
pole like larva in perianal & perj neal skin.
his nails & finger or new host from
2. Infection by ingestion- either the patients ingests from
tion can also occure.
contaminated night cloths,food,drinks .Retrograde infec
me mature.
3. Egg shell dissolves by digestive juice & larva beco

36. Q. Write short note on Aut o infection.

act with a contagious agent, as with paras ite
Ans.: Auto infection: Self infe ctio n by direct cont
ils . Example: Thread wor m infection .
eggs in the infec tiou s state transmit ted by fingerna
37. Q. Write short note on microfilaria.
Ans.: Microfilaria:They are colorless & transparent with blunt head & pointed is
mesured about (290x7) µm. It has a sheath within which its moves to & fro . In romanowsky's
stain it show the following structures-
!. Hyaline sheath
2. Cuticula
3. Somatic ce11 or nuclei
4. Granules
5. genital cells
6. Central body.
38. Q. Write down the pathogenesis of filariasis.
Ans.: Filariasis-
1. Classical filariasis- due to adult worm- Lymphan-gitis, Lymphadeniris, Lymphatic
2. Occult filariasis- Due to microfilariae.
► Adult worm in the Lymphatic system
► Excessive protein in lymph exudates.
► Stimulate the growth of connective tissue.
► Hypertrophy hyperplasia
► Obstruction of lymph vessel
► Elephanthiasis.
39. Q. Write down the lab. Diagnosis Filariasis.
Ans.: lab. Diagnosis Filariasis:
A. Direct evidence-
a. Microfilaria-
1. In blood film
11. In chylus urine
111. In exudates of lymph node
iv. In hydrocele fluid.
b. Adult worm-
i. Biopsy of lymph node.
ii. X-.Ray.
B. Indirect evidence-
a. Immunology-
1. CFT
11. Indirect immunofluorescence
iii. ELISA
b. Hematology- Eosinophilia.
c. Skin test.

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