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Table NamSheet Name

Scenario seScenario settings

Demand Demand
Locations Locations
Periods Periods
Products Products
ExperimentExperiment Statistics Settings
ExperimentExperiment Dashboards
Project UniProject Units
Project UniProject Unit Conversions
Icons Icons
Property Value
Creation d ###
Name Actividad Evaluativa 1
Scenario V3.0.0
Type GFA
ID Name Type Location Inclusion Icon
Customer CDMX Customer CDMX Loca Include 116
Customer Puebla Customer Puebla LocInclude 116
Customer Queretaro Customer Queretaro Include 116
Customer GuadalajarCustomer GuadalajarInclude 116
Customer New York Customer New York LInclude 116
Customer Boston Customer Boston LocInclude 116
Customer Baltimore Customer Baltimore Include 116
ID Customer Product Demand TCol 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
Demand 1 CDMX Escritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Demand 2 Puebla Escritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Demand 3 Queretaro Escritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Demand 4 GuadalajarEscritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Demand 5 New York Escritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Demand 6 Boston Escritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Demand 7 Baltimore Escritorios PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 7
Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Time Peri Inclusion Type
Quantity Value Value 3.84 (All periodsInclude
Quantity Value Value 1.27 (All periodsInclude
Quantity Value Value 0.2 (All periodsInclude
Quantity Value Value 0.92 (All periodsInclude
Quantity Value Value 4.21 (All periodsInclude
Quantity Value Value 0.13 (All periodsInclude
Quantity Value Value 1.18 (All periodsInclude
ID Code Name City Region Country Address Latitude LongitudeAutofill Coordinates
CDMX Location CDMX Location 19.41625 -99.19041 FALSE
Puebla Location Puebla Location 19.0665 -98.19254 FALSE
Queretaro Location Queretaro Location 20.59037 -100.3538 FALSE
Guadalajara LocationGuadalajara Location 20.64435 -103.3511 FALSE
New York Location New York Location 40.73392 -73.99326 FALSE
Boston Location Boston Location 42.33294 -71.06747 FALSE
Baltimore Location Baltimore Location 39.27957 -76.62861 FALSE
Autofill Coordinates
ID Name Start End Demand Coefficient
Time PerioTime Perio ### ### 1
ID Name Unit
Escritorios Escritorios pcs
ExperimenProperty Value Value 1
GFA Distance Un km
GFA Finances UUSD
GFA Product Unipcs
GFA Time Unit day
GFA accessRule
GFA changed TRUE
GFA destination(All customers)
GFA divider 10
GFA endPeriod
GFA initialState
GFA latLonOffse 100
GFA maxDist 200
GFA maxHeatLe 500
GFA maxIterati 10000
GFA minimizeSi FALSE
GFA nSitesCons 2
GFA name GFA experiment
GFA newSiteIco 114
GFA sourcingPri FALSE
GFA startDate ###
GFA startPeriod
GFA statsDista 100
GFA stopDate ###
GFA timeTypeEAllPeriods
GFA timeTypeStAllPeriods
GFA toSiteTran 0.5
GFA with rDistance Un km
GFA with rFinances UUSD
GFA with rProduct Unim³
GFA with rTime Unit day
GFA with raccessRule
GFA with rchanged FALSE
GFA with rdestination(All customers)
GFA with rdivider 10
GFA with rendPeriod
GFA with rignoreNotR FALSE
GFA with rinitialState
GFA with rlatLonOffse 100
GFA with rmaxHeatLe 500
GFA with rmaxIterati 10000
GFA with rminPopulat 50000
GFA with rnSitesCons 1
GFA with rname GFA with roads experiment
GFA with rnewSiteIco 114
GFA with rsourcingPri FALSE
GFA with rstartDate
GFA with rstartPeriod
GFA with rstatsDista 100
GFA with rstopDate
GFA with rtimeLimit 600
GFA with rtimeTypeEAllPeriods
GFA with rtimeTypeStAllPeriods
GFA with rtoSiteTran 0.5
ExperimenStatistics Property Value Value 1
GFA Demand Co collect TRUE
GFA Demand Co details
GFA Distance Ccollect TRUE
GFA Distance Cdetails
GFA New Site Lcollect TRUE
GFA New Site Ldetails
GFA Product Fl collect TRUE
GFA Product Fl details
GFA Total Demacollect TRUE
GFA Total Demadetails
GFA Total Demafilters
GFA with rDemand Co collect TRUE
GFA with rDemand Co details
GFA with rDistance Ccollect TRUE
GFA with rDistance Cdetails
GFA with rNew Site Lcollect TRUE
GFA with rNew Site Ldetails
GFA with rProduct Fl collect TRUE
GFA with rProduct Fl details
GFA with rTotal Demacollect TRUE
GFA with rTotal Demadetails
GFA with rTotal Demafilters
ExperimenPage NamChart NamChart ID Property Value Value 1
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 accumulati TRUE
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 detailKeys
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 layoutDataWidth 6
GFA Product Fl Product Fl Chart 1 statistics Product Flows
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 accumulati TRUE
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 detailKeys
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 layoutDataWidth 6
GFA New Site LNew Site LChart 2 statistics New Site Locations
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 accumulati TRUE
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 detailKeys
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 layoutDataWidth 6
GFA Distance CDistance CChart 3 statistics Distance Coverage by Demand
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 accumulati TRUE
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 detailKeys
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 layoutDataWidth 3
GFA Demand Co Demand Co Chart 4 statistics Demand Coverage by Distance
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 accumulati TRUE
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 detailKeys
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 layoutDataStart colu 3
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 layoutDataWidth 3
GFA Demand Co Total DemaChart 5 statistics Total Demand Coverage by Distance
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 accumulati TRUE
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 detailKeys
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 layoutDataWidth 6
GFA with rProduct Fl Product Fl Chart 6 statistics Product Flows
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 accumulati TRUE
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 detailKeys
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 layoutDataWidth 6
GFA with rNew Site LNew Site LChart 7 statistics New Site Locations
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 accumulati TRUE
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 detailKeys
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 layoutDataWidth 6
GFA with rDistance CDistance CChart 8 statistics Distance Coverage by Demand
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 accumulati TRUE
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 detailKeys
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 layoutDataStart colu 0
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 layoutDataWidth 3
GFA with rDemand Co Demand Co Chart 9 statistics Demand Coverage by Distance
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 accumulati TRUE
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 detailKeys
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 layoutDataHeight 1
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 layoutDataStart colu 3
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 layoutDataStart row 0
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 layoutDataWidth 3
GFA with rDemand Co Total DemaChart 10 statistics Total Demand Coverage by Distance
Enabled UUnit Type
USD Currency
EUR Currency
lb Weight
kg Weight
ton Weight
m³ Volume
ft³ Volume
liter Volume
mile Distance
km Distance
second Time
minute Time
hour Time
day Time
pcs Pcs
Shipment Shipment
Vehicle Vehicle
Order Order
descriptioinclusion unitFrom unitTo coefficien coefficientTo
id Facility T Red Green Blue
114 DC 223 57 15
116 CUSTOME 75 127 255

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