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Table NamSheet Name

Scenario seScenario settings

Assets ConAssets Constraints
DCs and Fa DCs and Factories
Demand Demand
Groups Groups
Groups CuGroups Customers
Groups Sit Groups Sites
Product Fl Product Flows
Product St Product Storages
Locations Locations
Objective Objective Members
Objective Objective Members Expressions
Paths Paths
Periods Periods
Products Products
Suppliers Suppliers
Vehicle Ty Vehicle Types
ExperimentExperiment Statistics Settings
ExperimentExperiment Dashboards
Project UniProject Units
Project UniProject Unit Conversions
Icons Icons
Property Value
Creation d Result:###
DescriptionGFA DC, GFA DC 2, GFA DC 3
Name Optimizacion 3
Scenario V3.0.0
Type NO
ID Group Min Max Time Peri Inclusion Type
Asset Const
GFA DC alt 1 1 (All periodsInclude
Asset Const
GFA DC alt 1 1 (All periodsInclude
ID Name Type Location Inclusion Icon
Customer WashingtoCustomer WashingtonInclude 116
Customer Phoenix Customer Phoenix locInclude 116
Customer Dallas Customer Dallas locaInclude 116
Customer Boston Customer Boston locaInclude 116
Customer Nashville Customer Nashville l Include 116
Customer Orlando Customer Orlando locInclude 116
Customer San AntoniCustomer San Antonio Include 116
Customer Denver Customer Denver locInclude 116
Customer Seattle Customer Seattle loc Include 116
Customer PhiladelphiCustomer PhiladelphiInclude 116
Customer Los AngeleCustomer Los AngeleInclude 116
Customer Chicago Customer Chicago loInclude 116
Customer Detroit Customer Detroit locaInclude 116
Customer JacksonvillCustomer JacksonvillInclude 116
Customer San Jose Customer San Jose l Include 116
Customer Kansas CitCustomer Kansas City Include 116
Customer Atlanta Customer Atlanta loc Include 116
Customer New York Customer New York lInclude 116
Customer Salt Lake CCustomer Salt Lake CInclude 116
Customer San Diego Customer San Diego Include 116
ID Name Type Location Initially O Inclusion Icon
DCs and Fa
GFA DC DC GFA DC Lo 1 Exclude 114
DCs and Fa
GFA DC 2 DC GFA DC 2 L 1 Exclude 114
DCs and Fa
Wilkes BarDC Wilkes Bar 1 Include 114
DCs and Fa
Jackson D DC Jackson DC 1 Consider 114
DCs and Fa
Vicksburg DC Vicksburg 1 Consider 114
DCs and Fa
Elko DC DC Elko DC Lo 1 Consider 114
DCs and Fa
Salt Lake DC Salt Lake C 1 Consider 114
DCs and Fa
Carson CitDC Carson Cit 1 Consider 114
ID Customer Product Demand TCol 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
Demand 1 WashingtoPS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 5
Demand 2 Phoenix PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 2
Demand 3 Dallas PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 5
Demand 4 Boston PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interUniform Min Max 2
Demand 5 Nashville PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 3
Demand 6 Orlando PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 2
Demand 7 San AntoniPS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 3
Demand 8 Denver PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 3
Demand 9 Seattle PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 2
Demand 1 PhiladelphiPS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 3
Demand 1 Los AngelePS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 1
Demand 1 Chicago PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 3
Demand 1 Detroit PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 2
Demand 1 JacksonvillPS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 1
Demand 1 San Jose PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 5
Demand 1 Kansas CitPS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 5
Demand 1 Atlanta PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 3
Demand 1 New York PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 1
Demand 1 Salt Lake CPS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 5
Demand 2 San Diego PS4 PeriodicD First occur First day Order interValue Value 1
Col 7 Col 8 Col 9 Col 10 Col 11 Col 12 Time Peri Revenue Down PenaUp Penalt
Quantity Value Value 118 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 108 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 225 (All periods 0 0 0
5 Quantity Uniform Min Max 46 115 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 68 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 18 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 152 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 70 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 47 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 165 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 138 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 287 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 48 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 30 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 179 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 83 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 48 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 300 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 34 (All periods 0 0 0
Quantity Value Value 50 (All periods 0 0 0
Currency Inclusion Type
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
USD Include
ID Name Description
GFA DC 2 GFA DC 2 group
GFA DC grGFA DC group
GFA DC 3 GFA DC 3 group
GFA DC altGFA DC alternativo
GFA DC altGFA DC alternativo 2
Groups IDContents
GFA DC 2 Dallas
GFA DC 2 Nashville
GFA DC 2 Orlando
GFA DC 2 San Antonio
GFA DC 2 Jacksonville
GFA DC 2 Kansas City
GFA DC 2 Atlanta
GFA DC 3 Washington DC
GFA DC 3 Boston
GFA DC 3 Philadelphia
GFA DC 3 Chicago
GFA DC 3 Detroit
GFA DC 3 New York
GFA DC grPhoenix
GFA DC grDenver
GFA DC grSeattle
GFA DC grLos Angeles
GFA DC grSan Jose
GFA DC grSalt Lake City
GFA DC grSan Diego
Groups IDContents
GFA DC altElko DC
GFA DC altSalt Lake City DC
GFA DC altCarson City DC
GFA DC altJackson DC
GFA DC altVicksburg DC
ID Label Source Expand SoDestinatioExpand DeProduct Expand PrMin ThrouMax Throu
Constraint 1 Port of LA 1 (All sites) 1 PS4 1 0 0
Constraint 2 GFA DC alt 1 (All sites) 1 PS4 1 0 0
Constraint 3 GFA DC alt 1 (All sites) 1 PS4 1 0 0
Fixed Fixed ValuProduct Un
Down PenaUp Penalt Currency Distance LDistance UTime LimitTime Unit
0 0 0 0 USD 0 km 0 day
0 0 0 0 USD 0 km 0 day
0 0 0 0 USD 0 km 0 day
Time Peri Expand PeInclusion Type
Time Perio 1 Include
Time Perio 1 Include
Time Perio 1 Include
ID Label Facility Expand Fac
Product Expand PrInitial Sto Min StockSafety StoMax Stock
Constraint 1 GFA DC alt 1 PS4 1 0 0 0 0
Constraint 2 GFA DC alt 1 PS4 1 0 0 0 0
Constraint 3 Wilkes Bar 1 PS4 1 0 0 0 0
Fixed Fixed ValuUnderstocSafety StoOverstockCurrency Product Un
Time Peri Expand PeInclusion Type
0 0 0 0 0 USD Time Perio 1 Include
0 0 0 0 0 USD Time Perio 1 Include
0 0 0 0 0 USD Time Perio 1 Include
Inclusion Type
ID Code Name City Region Country Address Latitude LongitudeAutofill Coordinates
GFA DC Location GFA DC Location 39.83262 -116.0796 FALSE
GFA DC 2 Location GFA DC 2 Location 32.18076 -90.90205 FALSE
Wilkes Barre DC LocaWilkes Barre DC Location 41.25718 -75.79468 FALSE
Washington DC LocatWashington DC Location 38.91668 -77.03888 FALSE
Denver location Denver location USA 39.73915 -104.9847 FALSE
Salt Lake City locatio Salt Lake City location USA 40.76701 -111.8904 FALSE
Chicago location Chicago location USA 41.87555 -87.62442 FALSE
Boston location Boston location USA 42.36048 -71.05957 FALSE
Dallas location Dallas location USA 32.77627 -96.79686 FALSE
San Antonio location San Antonio location USA 29.4246 -98.49514 FALSE
Kansas City location Kansas City location USA 39.08447 -94.56303 FALSE
Jacksonville location Jacksonville location USA 30.33218 -81.65565 FALSE
San Diego location San Diego location USA 32.71742 -117.1628 FALSE
Seattle location Seattle location USA 47.60383 -122.3301 FALSE
San Jose location San Jose location USA 37.33619 -121.8906 FALSE
Detroit location Detroit location USA 42.34866 -83.05674 FALSE
Los Angeles location Los Angeles location USA 34.05439 -118.2439 FALSE
Atlanta location Atlanta location USA 33.7491 -84.39018 FALSE
Nashville location Nashville location USA 36.16223 -86.77435 FALSE
Phoenix location Phoenix location USA 33.44859 -112.0773 FALSE
Orlando location Orlando location USA 28.54212 -81.37905 FALSE
New York location New York location USA 40.7306 -73.98658 FALSE
Philadelphia location Philadelphia location USA 39.9524 -75.16359 FALSE
Jackson DC Location Jackson DC Location 32.29692 -90.17799 FALSE
Vicksburg DC LocatioVicksburg DC Location 32.34145 -90.84705 FALSE
Elko DC Location Elko DC Location 40.86783 -115.7684 FALSE
Salt Lake City DC LocSalt Lake City DC Location 40.7202 -111.8479 FALSE
Carson City DC LocatCarson City DC Location 39.17688 -119.7592 FALSE
Port of LA Location Port of LA Location 33.75857 -118.2424 FALSE
Autofill Coordinates
ID Name ExpressioAdd to ObjInclusion Type
Revenue Revenue Linear Exp 1 Include
Penalties Penalties Linear Exp 1 Include
TransportaTransportaLinear Exp 1 Include
ProductionProductionLinear Exp 1 Include
Supply CosSupply CosLinear Exp 1 Include
Initial Cost Initial Cost Linear Exp 1 Include
Closing CoClosing CoLinear Exp 1 Include
Other CostOther CostLinear Exp 1 Include
Carrying CCarrying CLinear Exp 1 Include
Inbound PrInbound PrLinear Exp 1 Include
Outbound P Outbound P Linear Exp 1 Include
CO2 EmissCO2 EmissLinear Exp 0 Include
Tariffs Tariffs Linear Exp 1 Include
Customer TCustomer TLinear Exp 0 Include
id Type CoefficienVariable
Linear ExpLinear exp 1 Total Revenue
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Inbound Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Outbound Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp 1 Total CO2 Emission
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Tariffs
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Customer Tariffs
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Penalties
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Transportation Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Production Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Supply Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Initial Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Closing Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Other Cost
Linear ExpLinear exp -1 Total Carrying Cost
ID From To Cost CalcuCol 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6
Path 1 (All locatio (All locatio TransportaCO2 per un 0 Cost per un 0.002 Amount unipcs
Currency Distance Distance UTransportaCol 7 Col 8 Time unit Straight Vehicle TyTransporta
USD 0 km Value Value 0 day 0 Vehicle Ty LTL
Min Load, Time Peri Inclusion Type
0 (All periodsInclude
ID Name Start End Demand Coefficient
Time PerioTime Perio ### ### 1
ID Name Unit Selling Pr Cost Currency
PS4 PS4 pcs 1 1 USD
ID Name Type Location Inclusion Icon
Supplier 1 Port of LA Supplier Port of LA Include 117
ID Name Capacity Capacity USpeed Col 1 Col 2 Speed Unit
Vehicle Ty Vehicle Ty 0 pcs Value Value 50 km/h
ExperimenProperty Value Value 1
NO Distance Un km
NO Finances UUSD
NO Product Unim³
NO Time Unit day
NO accessRule
NO changed FALSE
NO demandVarEXACT
NO endPeriod
NO ignoreNotR FALSE
NO initialState
NO mipGap 0.000001
NO nBest 1
NO name Network optimization
NO parallelTh 7
NO searchTyp FIND_N_BEST
NO startDate
NO startPeriod
NO stopDate
NO timeLimit 600
NO timeTypeEAllPeriods
NO timeTypeStAllPeriods
NO useBigM BIG_M
ExperimenStatistics Property Value Value 1
NO Demand Ful collect TRUE
NO Demand Ful details ACCOUNT
NO Demand Ful details BOM
NO Demand Ful details DESTINATION
NO Demand Ful details ITERATION
NO Demand Ful details OBJECT
NO Demand Ful details OBJECT_TYPE
NO Demand Ful details PERIOD
NO Demand Ful details PRODUCT
NO Demand Ful details PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Demand Ful details REPLICATION
NO Demand Ful details SCENARIO
NO Demand Ful details SOURCE
NO Demand Ful details STAFF_TYPE
NO Demand Ful details VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Demand Ful details ZONE
NO Named Expcollect TRUE
NO Named Expdetails ACCOUNT
NO Named Expdetails BOM
NO Named Expdetails DESTINATION
NO Named Expdetails ITERATION
NO Named Expdetails OBJECT
NO Named Expdetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Named Expdetails PERIOD
NO Named Expdetails PRODUCT
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NO Named Expdetails SCENARIO
NO Named Expdetails SOURCE
NO Named Expdetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Named Expdetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Named Expdetails ZONE
NO Objective collect TRUE
NO Objective details ACCOUNT
NO Objective details BOM
NO Objective details DESTINATION
NO Objective details ITERATION
NO Objective details OBJECT
NO Objective details OBJECT_TYPE
NO Objective details PERIOD
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NO Objective details REPLICATION
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NO Objective details STAFF_TYPE
NO Objective details VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Objective details ZONE
NO Operating collect TRUE
NO Operating details ACCOUNT
NO Operating details BOM
NO Operating details DESTINATION
NO Operating details ITERATION
NO Operating details OBJECT
NO Operating details OBJECT_TYPE
NO Operating details PERIOD
NO Operating details PRODUCT
NO Operating details PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Operating details REPLICATION
NO Operating details SCENARIO
NO Operating details SOURCE
NO Operating details STAFF_TYPE
NO Operating details VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Operating details ZONE
NO Other Costcollect TRUE
NO Other Costdetails ACCOUNT
NO Other Costdetails BOM
NO Other Costdetails DESTINATION
NO Other Costdetails ITERATION
NO Other Costdetails OBJECT
NO Other Costdetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Other Costdetails PERIOD
NO Other Costdetails PRODUCT
NO Other Costdetails REPLICATION
NO Other Costdetails SCENARIO
NO Other Costdetails SOURCE
NO Other Costdetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Other Costdetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Other Costdetails ZONE
NO Overall Stacollect TRUE
NO Overall Stadetails ACCOUNT
NO Overall Stadetails BOM
NO Overall Stadetails DESTINATION
NO Overall Stadetails ITERATION
NO Overall Stadetails OBJECT
NO Overall Stadetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Overall Stadetails PERIOD
NO Overall Stadetails PRODUCT
NO Overall Stadetails PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Overall Stadetails REPLICATION
NO Overall Stadetails SCENARIO
NO Overall Stadetails SOURCE
NO Overall Stadetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Overall Stadetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Overall Stadetails ZONE
NO Product Fl collect TRUE
NO Product Fl details ACCOUNT
NO Product Fl details BOM
NO Product Fl details DESTINATION
NO Product Fl details ITERATION
NO Product Fl details OBJECT
NO Product Fl details OBJECT_TYPE
NO Product Fl details PERIOD
NO Product Fl details PRODUCT
NO Product Fl details PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Product Fl details REPLICATION
NO Product Fl details SCENARIO
NO Product Fl details SOURCE
NO Product Fl details STAFF_TYPE
NO Product Fl details VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Product Fl details ZONE
NO Productioncollect TRUE
NO Productiondetails ACCOUNT
NO Productiondetails BOM
NO Productiondetails DESTINATION
NO Productiondetails ITERATION
NO Productiondetails OBJECT
NO Productiondetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Productiondetails PERIOD
NO Productiondetails PRODUCT
NO Productiondetails PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Productiondetails REPLICATION
NO Productiondetails SCENARIO
NO Productiondetails SOURCE
NO Productiondetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Productiondetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Productiondetails ZONE
NO Productioncollect TRUE
NO Productiondetails ACCOUNT
NO Productiondetails BOM
NO Productiondetails DESTINATION
NO Productiondetails ITERATION
NO Productiondetails OBJECT
NO Productiondetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Productiondetails PERIOD
NO Productiondetails PRODUCT
NO Productiondetails PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Productiondetails REPLICATION
NO Productiondetails SCENARIO
NO Productiondetails SOURCE
NO Productiondetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Productiondetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Productiondetails ZONE
NO Shared Flocollect TRUE
NO Shared Flodetails ACCOUNT
NO Shared Flodetails BOM
NO Shared Flodetails DESTINATION
NO Shared Flodetails ITERATION
NO Shared Flodetails OBJECT
NO Shared Flodetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Shared Flodetails PERIOD
NO Shared Flodetails PRODUCT
NO Shared Flodetails REPLICATION
NO Shared Flodetails SCENARIO
NO Shared Flodetails SOURCE
NO Shared Flodetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Shared Flodetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Shared Flodetails ZONE
NO Shared Stocollect TRUE
NO Shared Stodetails ACCOUNT
NO Shared Stodetails BOM
NO Shared Stodetails DESTINATION
NO Shared Stodetails ITERATION
NO Shared Stodetails OBJECT
NO Shared Stodetails OBJECT_TYPE
NO Shared Stodetails PERIOD
NO Shared Stodetails PRODUCT
NO Shared Stodetails REPLICATION
NO Shared Stodetails SCENARIO
NO Shared Stodetails SOURCE
NO Shared Stodetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Shared Stodetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Shared Stodetails ZONE
NO Site State collect TRUE
NO Site State details ACCOUNT
NO Site State details BOM
NO Site State details DESTINATION
NO Site State details ITERATION
NO Site State details OBJECT
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NO Site State details REPLICATION
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NO Site State details SOURCE
NO Site State details STAFF_TYPE
NO Site State details VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Site State details ZONE
NO Storage bycollect TRUE
NO Storage bydetails ACCOUNT
NO Storage bydetails BOM
NO Storage bydetails DESTINATION
NO Storage bydetails ITERATION
NO Storage bydetails OBJECT
NO Storage bydetails OBJECT_TYPE
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NO Storage bydetails REPLICATION
NO Storage bydetails SCENARIO
NO Storage bydetails SOURCE
NO Storage bydetails STAFF_TYPE
NO Storage bydetails VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Storage bydetails ZONE
NO Vehicle Fl collect TRUE
NO Vehicle Fl details ACCOUNT
NO Vehicle Fl details BOM
NO Vehicle Fl details DESTINATION
NO Vehicle Fl details ITERATION
NO Vehicle Fl details OBJECT
NO Vehicle Fl details OBJECT_TYPE
NO Vehicle Fl details PERIOD
NO Vehicle Fl details PRODUCT
NO Vehicle Fl details PRODUCTION_BATCH
NO Vehicle Fl details REPLICATION
NO Vehicle Fl details SCENARIO
NO Vehicle Fl details SOURCE
NO Vehicle Fl details STAFF_TYPE
NO Vehicle Fl details VEHICLE_TYPE
NO Vehicle Fl details ZONE
NO Vehicle Fl filters
ExperimenPage NamChart NamChart ID Property Value Value 1
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 accumulati TRUE
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 detailKeys
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 layoutDataStart row 3
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Demand Ful Chart 1 statistics Demand Fulfillment
NO All Named ExpChart 2 accumulati TRUE
NO All Named ExpChart 2 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Named ExpChart 2 detailKeys
NO All Named ExpChart 2 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Named ExpChart 2 layoutDataStart colu 4
NO All Named ExpChart 2 layoutDataStart row 3
NO All Named ExpChart 2 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Named ExpChart 2 statistics Named Expressions
NO All Objective Chart 3 accumulati TRUE
NO All Objective Chart 3 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Objective Chart 3 detailKeys
NO All Objective Chart 3 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Objective Chart 3 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO All Objective Chart 3 layoutDataStart row 4
NO All Objective Chart 3 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Objective Chart 3 statistics Objective Members
NO All Operating Chart 4 accumulati TRUE
NO All Operating Chart 4 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Operating Chart 4 detailKeys
NO All Operating Chart 4 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Operating Chart 4 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO All Operating Chart 4 layoutDataStart row 1
NO All Operating Chart 4 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Operating Chart 4 statistics Operating Sites
NO All Other CostChart 5 accumulati TRUE
NO All Other CostChart 5 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Other CostChart 5 detailKeys
NO All Other CostChart 5 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Other CostChart 5 layoutDataStart colu 4
NO All Other CostChart 5 layoutDataStart row 0
NO All Other CostChart 5 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Other CostChart 5 statistics Other Costs
NO All Overall StaChart 6 accumulati TRUE
NO All Overall StaChart 6 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Overall StaChart 6 detailKeys
NO All Overall StaChart 6 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Overall StaChart 6 layoutDataStart colu 2
NO All Overall StaChart 6 layoutDataStart row 4
NO All Overall StaChart 6 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Overall StaChart 6 statistics Overall Stats
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 accumulati TRUE
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 detailKeys
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 layoutDataStart row 0
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Product Fl Chart 7 statistics Product Flows
NO All ProductionChart 8 accumulati TRUE
NO All ProductionChart 8 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All ProductionChart 8 detailKeys
NO All ProductionChart 8 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All ProductionChart 8 layoutDataStart colu 4
NO All ProductionChart 8 layoutDataStart row 1
NO All ProductionChart 8 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All ProductionChart 8 statistics Production Cost
NO All ProductionChart 9 accumulati TRUE
NO All ProductionChart 9 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All ProductionChart 9 detailKeys
NO All ProductionChart 9 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All ProductionChart 9 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO All ProductionChart 9 layoutDataStart row 2
NO All ProductionChart 9 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All ProductionChart 9 statistics Production Flows
NO All Shared FloChart 10 accumulati TRUE
NO All Shared FloChart 10 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Shared FloChart 10 detailKeys
NO All Shared FloChart 10 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Shared FloChart 10 layoutDataStart colu 2
NO All Shared FloChart 10 layoutDataStart row 2
NO All Shared FloChart 10 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Shared FloChart 10 statistics Shared Flow Constraints
NO All Shared StoChart 11 accumulati TRUE
NO All Shared StoChart 11 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Shared StoChart 11 detailKeys
NO All Shared StoChart 11 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Shared StoChart 11 layoutDataStart colu 4
NO All Shared StoChart 11 layoutDataStart row 2
NO All Shared StoChart 11 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Shared StoChart 11 statistics Shared Storages Constraints
NO All Site State Chart 12 accumulati TRUE
NO All Site State Chart 12 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Site State Chart 12 detailKeys
NO All Site State Chart 12 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Site State Chart 12 layoutDataStart colu 2
NO All Site State Chart 12 layoutDataStart row 0
NO All Site State Chart 12 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Site State Chart 12 statistics Site State
NO All Storage byChart 13 accumulati TRUE
NO All Storage byChart 13 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Storage byChart 13 detailKeys
NO All Storage byChart 13 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Storage byChart 13 layoutDataStart colu 2
NO All Storage byChart 13 layoutDataStart row 1
NO All Storage byChart 13 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Storage byChart 13 statistics Storage by Product
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 accumulati TRUE
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 detailKeys
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 layoutDataHeight 1
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 layoutDataStart colu 2
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 layoutDataStart row 3
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 layoutDataWidth 2
NO All Vehicle Fl Chart 14 statistics Vehicle Flows
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 accumulati TRUE
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 detailKeys
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Product Fl Product Fl Chart 15 statistics Product Flows
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 accumulati TRUE
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 detailKeys
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Site State Site State Chart 16 statistics Site State
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 accumulati TRUE
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 detailKeys
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Other CostOther CostChart 17 statistics Other Costs
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 accumulati TRUE
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 detailKeys
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Operating Operating Chart 18 statistics Operating Sites
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 accumulati TRUE
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 detailKeys
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Storage byStorage byChart 19 statistics Storage by Product
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 accumulati TRUE
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 detailKeys
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 layoutDataHeight 1
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 layoutDataStart row 0
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 layoutDataWidth 6
NO ProductionProductionChart 20 statistics Production Cost
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 accumulati TRUE
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 detailKeys
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 layoutDataHeight 1
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 layoutDataStart row 0
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 layoutDataWidth 6
NO ProductionProductionChart 21 statistics Production Flows
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 accumulati TRUE
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 detailKeys
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Shared FloShared FloChart 22 statistics Shared Flow Constraints
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 accumulati TRUE
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 detailKeys
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Shared StoShared StoChart 23 statistics Shared Storages Constraints
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 accumulati TRUE
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 detailKeys
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Demand Ful Demand Ful Chart 24 statistics Demand Fulfillment
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 accumulati TRUE
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 detailKeys
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Vehicle Fl Vehicle Fl Chart 25 statistics Vehicle Flows
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 accumulati TRUE
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 detailKeys
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Named ExpNamed ExpChart 26 statistics Named Expressions
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 accumulati TRUE
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 detailKeys
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Objective Objective Chart 27 statistics Objective Members
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 accumulati TRUE
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 chartType CUSTOM_TABLE
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 detailKeys
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 layoutDataHeight 1
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 layoutDataStart colu 0
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 layoutDataStart row 0
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 layoutDataWidth 6
NO Overall StaOverall StaChart 28 statistics Overall Stats
Enabled UUnit Type
USD Currency
EUR Currency
lb Weight
kg Weight
ton Weight
m³ Volume
ft³ Volume
liter Volume
mile Distance
km Distance
second Time
minute Time
hour Time
day Time
pcs Pcs
Shipment Shipment
Vehicle Vehicle
Order Order
descriptioinclusion unitFrom unitTo coefficien coefficientTo
id Facility T Red Green Blue
114 DC 223 57 15
116 CUSTOME 75 127 255
117 SUPPLIER 102 153 0

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