Tongue Twister Rubric. (ICP 2024)

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Wednesday April 10,2024.

Instructions :
Copy the following rubric in your English notebook.

Board of Education
Instituto Comercial Panama
I Trimester
Tongue Twister Rubric
Name: _____________________________ Date: ___/___/24. Level: 10 ___
Professor. Erika Lacayo _____/15 pts. = _________

Category 5 4 3 2
Volume is loud enough. Volume is at least Volume is at least Volume is too
Volume 90%. 70%. soft to be hear
Clarity . Speaks clearly and Speaks clearly most of Speaks clearly Often mumbles
enunciates each word the time. some of the time. or cannot be
clearly. understood.
Completely prepared Somewhat prepared, Somewhat Does not seem
Preparednes but needed more prepared but at all prepared.
& rehearsals. rehearsal was
practice lacking.

Observations: ______________________________________________________________________

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