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The Singing Crow

What a beautiful day! Hello! Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to the
respected judges, the honest timekeepers, teachers and my dear friends. Have you
ever heard a story about a crow that can sing? There was once a Crow named Raven.
Raven is a black crow that loves to fly around town, parks and houses to find food.
Nobody likes to be friend with Raven because everyone said crows make annoying
noises and bring bad luck. Always said to be dirty and dangerous, Raven is a total
bizarre to its own kind. He is really friendly, always make sure his cleanliness and loves
to sing! Errr maybe too much that annoys other birds.

He flapped his wings, mesmerizing his own “beauty” and ask “Nightingale,
nightingale, do you want to be friend with me? I can sing for you”

The nightingale felt annoyed and shouted “You? Sing for me? HAHAHAA do you
listen to yourself? For the 60 times I answered, you are a crow. A crow can never sing!
You can only do AK AK AK. HAHAHAHAHA”

Raven sadly flew away and sat alone on a mango tree. He is nice. He has the
cleanliest wings among the other crows and a super cool dance move. But, he couldn’t
even sing Baa Baa black Sheep without other birds covering their ears and begging him
to stop. Even a real sheep would run away. His singing was something like this

Baa baaa black sheep

Have you any wool?

Yes sir yes sir

Three begs full.

One day, Raven heard about a magic pond located at the end of the Rocky
River. If he could get to it, he could drink the water and become a great singer. But the
rule is he cannot fly there. He has to walk. Raven takes the challenge even though he
knew it would be really hard. So, he put on some hiking shoes, grabbed a backpack and
a snack and set out for the end of the river.

He walked and walked all day and finally he could see the end of the river but
just then he learned why it's called Rocky River. It started to get rocky and he started to
rolling bumping and it nearly bumped our little crow into the river.

He tried to walk and swim, walk and swim. “I’m different. Birds can’t swim. I can!”
chanted Raven. Suddenly, he arrived at the end of the river. He saw the pond. Small,
but crystal clear. Totally different from the moldy green water that he just gets drowned

He drank the water. He opened his mouth to test the results and out came the
most beautiful singing he’d ever heard. He'd done it so he set off back to his home
ZANGGALEWA, I AM A SINGER!”, all the way while he dreamt of his next step to
become a famous singer. Maybe a rockstar? So always remember to never give up and
persevere. If you fall down, get back up and try again. As an idiom that says, always
sets a dream to boil the ocean.

Thank you.

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