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‘’ Capacity building of Stakeholders on Child Protection and Climate Change Adaptation’’

S# Session Expected outcome of session Timings Methodology Handouts Responsible
1. Introduction of the participants, -Participants will know to 10:00 -10:15 Individual Volunteer
Objectives of training and Pre-Test each other
-Clear about the objective of
the training
2. Child protection – Basic concepts Participants will be aware 10:15- 10:45 Groupwork/ Participants &
about the basics of the child Demonstration/ Training facilitators
protection and how to protect Presentation
the children from VENA
Tea Break 10:45- 11:00

3. Understanding and exploring UNCRC -Participants will be aware 11:00 – 11:30 Groupwork/ Handouts for Participants &
about the children rights and Demonstration/ understanding of Training facilitators
54 articles of UNCRC Presentation UNCRC
4 CP Issues prevailing in District -Participants will aware the 11:30– 11:45 Presentation (current Training facilitators
available cases in their status of CP cases)/
Districts Demonstration/
5. Safe Identification and referral -Participants will be aware 11:45 – 12:15 Individual Training facilitators
about the process of case
identification and referral and
type of child protection cases.
5. Weather and climate Participants will be aware 12:15-12:30 Individual Training facilitators
about the difference of
weather and climate.
6. Why Climate change? And impact of Participants will aware about 12:30 - 1:00 Groupwork/ Participants &
climate change. the causes of climate change Demonstration/ Training facilitators
and it’s impacts Presentation
7 How to reduces the impacts of climate Participants will be aware 1:00-1:30 Presentation Participants &
change about the precautionary Training facilitators
measures regarding climate
8 Protection issues for children, men and Participants will share the 1:30-2:00 Participants &
women due to climate change view with example and Training facilitators
understand the protection
Lunch break 2:00-2:45 Presentation

9 Post test, Feedback, Evaluation and 2:45- 3:00 Participants &

Wrap up the day Training facilitators

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