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Latihan UAS Bahasa Inggris |Kelas 2 | Semester Genap

Nama :

1. Translate these sentence into Indonesian language !

a. He is my father. His name is Mr. Adipati. He is big and tall
b. She is Tina’s sister. Her name is Qeena. She is cute and small
c. She is my teacher. Her name is Ms. Adeena. She is beautiful and smart
d. He is Yohan’s brother. His name is Dan. Dan is small and short
2. Ubahlah kalimat dibawah ke Bahasa Inggris !
a. Dia adalah ibuku. Namanya Bu Darsono. Dia sangat cantik dan penyayang
b. Dia adalah temanku. Namanya Alex. Dia besar dan pemberani
c. Dia adalah seorang guru. Namanya Pak Hasim. Dia sangat kuat dan pintar
3. Fill the blank with the correct answer !
a. This is a lion. Lion is ________ (liar) animal. It has ___ (besar) and ____ (kuat) body. Lion has ____
Legs to hunts its prey and has a long ____ (ekor).
b. This is an elephant. Elephant is ______ (liar) animal. It has _______ (belalai) to hold something. It has
_____ ears and body.
c. This is a cow. Cow is _________ (ternak) animal. It can produces _____ (susu) for its calves and
humans. Cow use its _______ to chewing the grass.
d. This in a Dog. Dog is _____ (peliharaan). Its has ___ _____ (kaki), ____ ______ (mata), ___
______ (Hidung).
4. Answer the question below with correct answer !
A. Salsa always having breakfast with fried rice. She really enjoyed it.
a) Does salsa like fried chicken ?
b) _____________________, she like fried rice
B. Mr. Adipati always drink coffee while he read the newspaper in the morning.
a) Does Mr. Adipati like to drink the coffee?
b) ______________________, he like drink the coffee
C. You never made me a fried noodle. You didn’t like the taste.
a) Do you like a fried noodle?
b) ______________________
D. Daniel and toni always hate the smell of fish.
a) Do Daniel and toni like fried fish?
b) ___________________
E. They have allergic to the milk. They always drink some juices.
a) Do they like to drink milk?
b) _____________________
c) What kind of drink the like?
d) _______________________

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