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Name : Icha Ramandhani

NIM : E1D021189
Class : 5 TI 2

The Bad Luck Of The Loan Shark

Pak Bram who is quite rich in the village, Pak Bram is about 55 years old and tall and
contains he has a wife named Ajeng Sri Wahyuni, Pak Bram's wife is often called Mrs. Ajeng
by the residents, she is 45 years old, her age is 10 years old with her husband Pak Bram. They
are blessed with a beautiful daughter named Icha Ramandhani Icha is a cheerful, loving and
kind child to everyone regardless of social status in contrast to the nature of both parents who
are very arrogant, arrogant and arrogant. Icha is now in the 2nd grade of high school.
Initially, Pak Bram became a loan shark because he was advised by his friend named Pak
Jaya. Pak Jaya was a friend of Pak Bram since he was in school until finally Pak Bram also
made borrowing money as his business, Pak Bram also hired two thugs for him to be
bodyguards when he went to collect two of Pak Bram's bodyguards named Parta and Parto
these two thugs are twin brothers who have a large and black tall body, Parta and Parto are
famous in their villages because of their huge bodies.
Once there was a villager named Sutejo, Sutejo was a villager whose life could be said to be
less capable he worked odd jobs in the village he had a wife named sarmini wife Sutejo had a
beautiful face at this time his wife was in a state of great pregnancy and. One afternoon,
Sutejo's wife also experienced contractions, her stomach hurt, a sign that she was about to give
birth, Sutejo who saw that his wife was about to give birth, he immediately left so hastily ran
to Mr. Bram's house to borrow money. When he arrived at Mr. Bram's house, he immediately
knocked on Mr. Bram's door.
Sutejo :"Assalamualaikum sir"
Mrs. Ajeng: (come out to open the door) "Waalaikumsalam, yes there is a need for you to
come here Sutejo".
Sutejo: "Good afternoon, Mrs. Ajeng, is there Mr. Bram, ma'am?
Mrs. Ajeng: "Yes, she is watching TV, I can guess nothing else and no, you definitely want to
borrow money from my husband"
Sutejo : "Hmm yes Mrs. Ajeng"
Mrs. Ajeng: "Wait a minute for me to call, this pakk is in Sutejo looking for you"
Then Mr. Bram came to see Sutejo
Mr. Bram: "What's wrong Sutejo?"
Sutejo: "I want to borrow Mr. Bram's money for the cost of giving birth to my wife, now she
is contracting and I have to take her to the hospital immediately"
Mr. Bram: "How much do you need Sutejo?"
Sutejo: "5 million sir, can Mr. Bram lend me it?"
Mr. Bram: "I can lend you as long as you give you double the return and I only give you one
month to pay it off."
Because Sutejo was in a state of panic thinking about his wife's condition, he immediately
said yes
Sutejo: "Okay, Mr. Bram, I can"
Mr. Bram took money for Sutejo and rushed home and immediately took his wife to the
hospital. After arriving at the hospital, Sutejo's wife was immediately handled by the doctors
and nurses who were there. Soon there was the sound of a baby crying.
When he heard the sound of his son crying, Sutejo felt very happy. The doctor invited
him to enter and Sutejo saw his wife and child, Sutejo's son was a boy he immediately held
his son and chanted the adhan for his son then he named his son Ahmad Badrun after Sutejo
went to buy all the baby equipment with the rest of the money he borrowed. Sutejo and his
wife are now very happy with the arrival of their first child, their humble home is no longer
deserted, now there are crying babies enlivening it. Considering that Sutejo owes Mr. Bram a
lot of money, working day and night to pay off his debts until the specified time, Sutejo's
money is not enough to pay him off, let alone half of his debt, one million has not been
collected, it is very difficult to earn rupiah for Sutejo because he is only an odd laborer, not to
mention that he has to meet the needs for his children and wife.
The due day came at noon, while Sutejo was sitting with his son and wife, Mr. Bram and
his two bodyguards, Parta and Parto, came to collect.
Mr. Bram: "Assalamualaikum Sutejo, I have come here to collect your debt accordingly
with our agreement at that time."
Sutejo immediately begged Mr. Bram to be given more time
Sutejo ; "I'm sorry sir, at this time the money has not been collected’’
Without further ado, Mr. Bram immediately told Parta and Parto to beat Sutejo until he was
battered, there Sutejo's wife begged to stop Parta and Parto from beating her husband
Sarmini: "Please don't beat my husband again, please give him time to pay off Mr. Bram's
Mr. Bram: "Well, I'll give you another week if you won't receive more consequences than

After that Mr. Bram and his bodyguard left Sutejo's house, on the way Parto said:
Parto: "If up to one week the Sutejo is unable to pay his debt, we just beat him up as the
Parta: "Yes, that's the boss."Mr. Bram: "I know he won't be able to pay his debt within a
week so we will torture him first haha, If you look at Sarmini again it's beautiful too I want to
taste it"
Parta: "Yes, the boss of Sutejo's wife is indeed beautiful, but she is very stupid to want to be
with the cungkring and poor"
Mr. Bram: "Therefore I will ask his wife as collateral for his debt"
Parto : "That’s great boss"
After Pak Bram returned from his house Sutejo and his wife were very anxious, his wife
was sad to think about how to help her husband pay off his debt. She wanted to work but was
not fit because two days ago she had just given birth, Sutejo started working and tried to ask
her family and friends for help but no one could help her. Currently, Sutejo's money has only
collected 500 thousand rupiah.
One week passed when Mr. Bram came and his guards collected debts, there Sutejo was
confused about what to say to Mr. Bram
Mr. Bram: "Hello Sutejo, how are you doing today? (with his wicked smile)"
Sutejo: "I'm sorry, Mr. Bram, my money is not enough to pay off my debt, currently 500
thousand packs have just been collected."
Mr. Bram: "Your debt can be paid off, but there are conditions?"
Sutejo: "What are the conditions, sir?"
Mr. Bram: "You have to divorce your wife for me"
Sutejo loves his wife so much, especially now that he has just had a child, he immediately
refused Mr. Bram's conditions.
Sutejo: "It can't be so sir, I love him so much we won't be separated until we die only death
can separate us"
Mr. Bram: "Well, Parta Parto beat him up"
Sutejo was beaten until battered by the party and parto and brazenly, Pak Bram raped
Sutejo's wife by threatening him with a knife around his neck Sarmini shouted but his mouth
was gagged with a cloth by Pak Bram. Their son cried awake to hear the commotion that
occurred in his house. Sutejo who was being beaten by Parta and Parto witnessed how his
wife was forcibly gauli by Pak Bram. Sutejo's house is located on the border of the forest
which is quite far from other residents' homes so at the time of the incident no one heard or
helped him and his wife. After being satisfied to vent his lust on Sarmini, he told his two men
to stop beating Sutejo.
There Sutejo was already battered and his wife was crying sobbing and Pak Bram
Mr. Bram: "Just watch out that you dare to report or tell this incident to the villagers you will
receive more consequences than this, and I cut your debt Sutejo by 30% because I already
feel your wife is already satisfactory
Then Mr. Bram and his men left Sutejo's house. Sutejo who was in pain vowed to kill Mr.
Bram's life in his hands, in tears Sutejo's wife got out of bed to meet her son who from earlier
crying she calmed her son and then she compressed and treated the bruises on her husband's
body. Sutejo holds a grudge against Mr. Bram not because he was beaten but because he saw
his own wife being raped before his eyes.
Sutejo: "I will kill the Bram, I will kill him, the pain in my body is nothing compared to my
heartache to see him rape my own wife just because of debt. I swear!"
Sarmini, Sutejo's wife, could not say anything, could not only cry while compressing her
husband's wounds on their weathered wooden chairs. The day passed by one night when
Sutejo was going to carry out his plan to kill Mr. Bram, everything he had prepared a mask to
cover his face, and a very sharp knife. Mr. Bram's house that night was indeed alone, his
children and wife were going to visit Mrs. Ajeng's brother's house outside the city, Parta and
Parto were also in their respective houses, Mr. Bram's house was quite large, the distance
between his house and the others was 80 meters.
Right at 01.00 in the morning when his wife and child were asleep, Sutejo went to Mr.
Bram's house with all-black clothes and masks, by settling so as not to be seen by other
residents until finally Sutejo reached Mr. Bram's house. He began to open the padlock of Mr.
Bram's house using the spare key that he had prepared from the house, slowly he opened Mr.
Bram's gate so that it would not be heard then Sutejo tried to pry open the back window of
Mr. Bram's house which did not use an iron trail and he managed to pry open the window and
Sutejo entered.
Sutejo was already in Mr. Bram's house, he walked through the house carefully while
checking whether there were people or not in the house, at that time Mr. Bram was in a state
of just sound sleep. While walking, Sutejo accidentally cursed the flower vase that was there,
which made a sound that made Mr. Bram wake up.
Mr. Bram: "Who's there"

mengenaskan. Sutejo pulang mengambil jalan pintas melalui hutan ia berniat sekalian untuk
mandi di sungai agar darah Mr. Bram got out of bed to check the sound, Sutejo immediately
hid behind the sofa there, he was surprised to see his wife's favorite Bungan vase that had
broken even though there was nothing. Mr. Bram thought it was a rat that nudged him but he
didn't see any sign of a rat.
When Mr. Bram turned around, Sutejo immediately kicked Mr. Bram's back very hard,
Sutejo was already dark, his eyes, heart, and mind were already dominated by anger and
resentment. There was a fight between Sutejo and Pak Bram, there they both hit each other
until finally Sutejo hit Pak Bram's head until he lay unconscious.
Then with annoyance and imagined how his wife was raped without thinking about how
in the future, Sutejo immediately took out the machete in the bag he was carrying and slashed
Mr. Bram's head until it was completely broken. And without mercy Sutejo gouged out one
of Mr. Bram's eyes and put it in a bag, after being satisfied to take revenge with clothes that
were stained with a lot of blood he rushed home by leaving Mr. Bram's body in a very good
condition on his clothes can be lost.
Arriving at the Sutejo river, Mr. Bram's eyes were taken out of his bag and washed them in
the river, he took a bath while cleaning his body and clothes that were exposed to blood until
he didn't smell fishy anymore. Then he continued his journey home, after arriving home he
immediately went to the bathroom to take a shower and wash his clothes using soap so that
the smell of blood on his clothes really disappeared.
3 hours passed the dawn call to prayer began to sound, Sutejo's wife woke up, she did not
know about her husband leaving, shocked to realize that her husband was not in bed but she
heard the sound of water in the bathroom and she immediately knew if her husband was
there. Sarmini approached her husband who was in the bathroom and she was surprised to see
her husband who was tumben washing his clothes directly after taking a shower even more he
tumben washing clothes at dawn, even though the other day after morning prayers Sutejo
immediately quickly returned to his bed because of the cold air in the morning.
Sarmini: "What dream did you have last night tumben nyuci clothes after bathing"
Sutejo: "Yes, I saw that the dirty laundry bucket was empty so I immediately washed this
shirt so that there was no more contents, my dear"
Sarmini: "I am so embarrassed to be called baby in the morning like this morning with you
Sutejo: "Already have one child, your cheeks are still red when I call you saying, let's take
Sarmini: "Hehe, okay dear"
The two of them also performed morning prayers in congregation at home. After the
morning prayer, Sarmini feeds her son and then bathes and cooks breakfast for her husband,
unlike usual, Sutejo after the morning prayer does not go directly to bed but he sat in the front
seat of his house. Sutejo thought what he had just done would be fatal for himself and his
The clock struck 09.00 in the morning there Parta and Parto as usual came to Mr. Bram's
house to accompany Mr. Bram to go to the garden or go to collect, when he got there Parto
was surprised to see the padlock that was still hanging on the fence usually brought in by Mr.
Bram into the house, they both called Mr. Bram.
Parta and Parto: "Assalamualaikum Boss we came"
There was no answer from Mr. Bram, until three times they said greetings there was no
reply from Mr. Bram until finally they peeked at the window and saw Mr. Bram's condition
which was so miserable they were surprised not to play seeing his boss and immediately
broke down the door. Parta guarded Mr. Bram's body and Parto went to ask other residents
for help.
Immediately Suka Maju Village became seized over the incident, all villagers flocked to
Mr. Bram's house. All the residents asked about who had killed Mr. Bram, the news reached
the ears of Sutejo and his wife, Sutejo felt anxious he was afraid what if all the villagers knew
if he was the mastermind of the murder.
Parta called Mr. Bram's wife
Parta: "Assalamualaikum ma'am, Mr. Bu (with a panicked and trembling voice)
Mrs. Ajeng "Waalaikumsalam, Mr. why Parta( in a panic tone)
Parta: "Father died, ma'am, Mrs. Ajeng should go home immediately"
Mrs. Ajeng : "Apaaa"
Immediately Mrs. Ajeng fainted when she heard Parta, Icha and her sister who were there
were shocked to see Mrs. Ajeng fainting immediately they lifted Mrs. Ajeng to the room.
Icha also gave her mother eucalyptus oil and soon realized Mrs. Ajeng everyone there asked
Mrs. Ajeng what happened, then Mrs. Ajeng while crying sobbing yes said.
Mrs. Ajeng: "We have to go home soon, son, the party called my mother to tell me that my
father died"
His son Icha and everyone there were shocked and crying, the husband of Mrs. Ajeng's
brother who was there immediately prepared the car to leave immediately. Along the way,
Mrs. Ajeng aggrieved her son so everyone there felt shocked, 2 hours passed until Mrs. Ajeng
was at home. And she saw that there was already crowded by residents, Mrs. Ajeng
immediately rushed down the car to see her husband's body. Seeing the condition of her
husband's body, Mrs. Ajeng fainted again. Mrs. Ajeng was brought into the room by her son
and brother.
The husband of Mrs. Ajeng's brother, Mr. Saleh called all relatives informing him about
Mr. Bram's death, he also called the police so that this case was investigated because if you
look at the condition of the body, it is certain that this is a murder or robbery victim. Soon
there was the sound of police car sirens, the policemen immediately checked and
photographed the scene and the vase of flowers that fell, all the houses were checked and
they saw the prying windows. Behind Mr. Bram's house is lined with police lines, after
checking all the houses that if this is a robbery case, many valuables will be lost, but none of
these items are missing, the police confirm this is a fix for murder cases.
Mrs. Ajeng: "I beg you to immediately arrest the perpetrator who killed my husband, sir
(While aggrieving Mrs. Ajeng begging the police)
Icha: "Yes, sir, immediately arrest the perpetrator of my father's murder, who is very cruel
and very sadistic"
Mr. Police: "From the examination we did at the mother's house, it was fixed the murder case
because none of the items were missing, for a temporary suspicion it seemed that this murder
had been planned by the perpetrator."
Mrs. Ajeng: "The man who killed my husband has no mind and mind I hope that life can be
paid for with life"
On the other hand, Sutejo was already very anxious, he also saw the condition of Mr.
Bram's house which had been visited by the police as well. Everyone did not suspect him
because of his very innocent looks and his clumsy body. Seeing the condition of Mr. Bram's
body like that, Mr. Ustad suggested to immediately bathe and immediately be buried. Mr.
Bram's children and wife as well as Mr. Ustad and the husband of the brothers took part in
bathing. After bathing Mr. Bram's body, he immediately put on a shroud and then took it to
the mosque to pray. After the prayer, all the residents went to deliver Mr. Bram's body to his
final resting place. Mrs. Ajeng still can't believe her husband's passing so quickly and in such
a miserable way. After the funeral at Mrs. Ajeng's house, many relatives and other residents
came to mourn and give condolences to her. At night, everyone was performing dhikr on the
first day of Mr. Bram's death, and the dhikr was over.
Right at midnight the village patrol post was shocked again with the appearance of a
poocong figure whose head was flying and with eyes missing one side, the residents who
were there ran away birbiran to see him and because the pocong had the same characteristics
as Mr. Bram's body so they called him Mr. Bram's pocong. Pocong Pak Bram came to
Sutejo's house with a very scary form, Pocong Pak Bram stood right in the corner of his room
calling manggil sutejo until he and his wife woke up, they were both very scared to see
Pocong Bram. Pocong Pak Bram requested that Sutejo look for his eyes that he had thrown
into the river and surrender himself to the police, Pocong Pak Bram also apologized for his
inappropriate behavior. Instantly Pocong Pak Bram disappeared. Sarmini asked Sutejo about
what he had done, Sutejo confessed to his wife that he had killed Mr. Bram according to his
Sarmini: "Go and confess your mistake to Mr. Bram's family and leave yourself to the
After the morning arrived before going to the police station, Sutejon said goodbye to the
son and his wife also apologized to his wife, with tears in his eyes his wife let go of her
husband. Then went to use his old ontel bike, on the way Sutejo cried regretting his actions
but he was also upset and angry with Mr. Bram's behavior towards him. Arriving at the police
station and confessing what he had done, Sutejo also told how he was tortured and his wife
was raped by Mr. Bram. The police there were surprised to hear Sutejo's confession which at
first the police were suspicious of Parta and Parto. Because Parta and Parto beat Sutejo and
there is evidence of blows on his body, Parta and Parto will be imprisoned in cases of
Before he was in prison, Sutejo asked himself to be taken to Mr. Bram's house to apologize
to Mrs. Ajeng and icha and all of Mr. Bram's family who were still there. The police said yes
to deliver Sutejo and then Sutejo was taken into the car to be immediately delivered to Mr.
Bram's house.
Arriving at Mr. Bram's house, Mrs. Ajeng and the others were surprised to see the Police who
came with Sutejo.
Police: "Good morning sir, ma'am here we take mas Sutejo to apologize for what he has
Mrs. Ajeng: "What have you done to my husband Sutejo, why do you have the heart to kill
him so much that even my husband has lent you money but why do you have the heart for
him so much. You poor people don't know themselves!! Go ye from here goiii"
Sutejo: "I'm sorry for what I did Mrs. Ajeng, I did this also the reason later let the police
explain to Mrs. Ajeng and her family"
Mrs. Ajeng left everything inside the house crying. The police explained everything to Mr.
Bram's family who were there, and all his family forgave freely. After all was done, the
police said goodbye to Mr. Bram's family and picked up Parta and Parto for them to ask for
information at the police station.

Moral : If you want to help someone, help him sincerely, especially when it comes to
money, don't double it because it is an act of usury and sin. And think before acting so as
not to cause regret

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