Theory Building From Cases, Opportunities and Challenges Journal

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Theory Building from Cases: Opportunities and Challenges

Author(s): Kathleen M. Eisenhardt and Melissa E. Graebner

Source: The Academy of Management Journal , Feb., 2007, Vol. 50, No. 1 (Feb., 2007),
pp. 25-32
Published by: Academy of Management

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Stanford University

University of Texas at Austin

The Academy of Management Journal has taken accounts, such as Weick's (1993) study of the Mann
the lead among major journals in spotlighting alter Gulch fire, but they are more likely to be contem
native methods that take advantage of rich empiri porary descriptions of recent events, such as Gil
cal data. In a series of "From the Editor" commen bert's (2005) study of adaptation to discontinuous
taries, scholars cogently have explicated related environmental change by newspaper organizations.
topics such as qualitative research (Gephart, 2004), The central notion is to use cases as the basis from
grounded theory building (Suddaby, 2006), the which to develop theory inductively. The theory is
value of richness (Weick, 2007) and the persuasive emergent in the sense that it is situated in and
power of the single case (Siggelkow, 2007). In this developed by recognizing patterns of relationships
commentary, we focus on the related research strat among constructs within and across cases and their
egy of theory building from cases, particularly mul underlying logical arguments.
tiple cases. Central to building theory from case studies is
Scholars have used case studies to develop the replication logic (Eisenhardt, 1989b). That is, each
ory about topics as diverse as group process (Ed case serves as a distinct experiment that stands on
mondson, B?hmer, & Pisano, 2001), internal organ its own as an analytic unit. Like a series of related
ization (Galunic & Eisenhardt, 2001; Gilbert, 2005), laboratory experiments, multiple cases are discrete
and strategy (Mintzberg & Waters, 1982). Classic experiments that serve as replications, contrasts,
scholars (Chandler, 1962; Whyte, 1941) as well as and extensions to the emerging theory (Yin, 1994).
the authors of highly regarded AMJ papers (Dutton But while laboratory experiments isolate the phe
& Dukerich, 1991; Sutton & Raphaeli, 1988) have nomena from their context, case studies emphasize
used the method. Indeed, papers that build theory the rich, real-world context in which the phenom
from cases are often regarded as the "most interest ena occur. The theory-building process occurs via
ing" research (Bartunek, Rynes, & Ireland, 2006) recursive cycling among the case data, emerging
and are among the most highly cited pieces in AMJ theory, and later, extant literature. Although some
(e.g., Eisenhardt, 1989a; Gersick, 1988), with im times seen as "subjective," well-done theory build
pact disproportionate to their numbers. Not sur ing from cases is surprisingly "objective," because
prisingly then, the winning authors (Ferlie, Fitzger its close adherence to the data keeps researchers
ald, Wood, & Hawkins, 2005; Gilbert, 2005) of the "honest." The data provide the discipline that
most recent AMJ Best Article Award relied on this mathematics does in formal analytic modeling.
A major reason for the popularity and relevance
Building theory from case studies is a research of theory building from case studies is that it is
strategy that involves using one or more cases to one of the best (if not the best) of the bridges from
create theoretical constructs, propositions and/or rich qualitative evidence to mainstream deductive
midrange theory from case-based, empirical evi research. Its emphasis on developing constructs,
dence (Eisenhardt, 1989b). Case studies are rich, measures, and testable theoretical propositions
empirical descriptions of particular instances of a makes inductive case research consistent with the
phenomenon that are typically based on a variety of emphasis on testable theory within mainstream de
data sources (Yin, 1994). Cases can be historical ductive research. In fact, inductive and deductive
logics are mirrors of one another, with inductive
We appreciate helpful comments from Diane Bailey, theory building from cases producing new theory
Steve Barley, Chris Bingham, Jason Davis, Nathan Furr, from data and deductive theory testing completing
and Ben Hallen as well as the sponsorship of the National the cycle by using data to test theory. Moreover,
Science Foundation IOC Award #0621777 and the Stan since it is a theory-building approach that is deeply
ford Technology Ventures Program. embedded in rich empirical data, building theory

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26 Academy of Management Journal February

from cases is likely to produce theory that is accu making is crucial for firm performance in high
rate, interesting, and testable. Thus, it is a natural velocity environments, including an example of a
complement to mainstream deductive research. firm that died because its executives decided
But while theory building from cases is increas slowly. The introduction then goes on to demon
ingly prominent, challenges in writing publishable strate that the research literature has mostly ig
manuscripts using this research strategy exist. Some nored this critical topic. The background section
reviewers who work on large-scale, hypothesis describes several ideas from the literature that ad
testing research may misunderstand the method (e.g., dress speed (albeit obliquely), but then shows that
expect random sampling), or simply regard their own the logic underlying these ideas is unconvincing.
methods as superior. Some reviewers who work with For example, although some of the literature im
other research strategies that also use rich empirical plies that centralized strategic decision making
data (e.g., naturalistic inquiry) may emphasize thick might be fast, centralization could not solve prob
narrative descriptions but be less interested in gener lems of access to relevant information, implemen
ating testable and generalizable theory. Still other tation, and confidence to decide in the face of un
reviewers may be sympathetic to research that is certainty. Thus, it is unlikely that fast decision
based on rich empirical evidence but be confused by making is simply a matter of centralization per se.
the jumble of labels used to describe such research, The background section concludes by asking
which include grounded theory building, qualitative whether a "snap decision" process could actually
research, theory building from cases, and naturalistic be realistic.
inquiry. Having been involved with numerous re The challenge of justifying inductive case re
search projects and written many papers that develop search partially depends on the nature of the re
theory from cases, we are particularly sympathetic to search question. For theory-driven research ques
authors. So, our purpose is to highlight the opportu tions that extend existing theory (Lee, Mitchell, &
nities that differentiate building theory from cases Sabylinski, 1999), a researcher has to frame the
from other research strategies, describe some of its research within the context of this theory and then
common challenges, and suggest possible antidotes. show how inductive theory building is necessary.
Typically, the research question is tightly scoped
within the context of an existing theory, and the
Justifying Theory Building
justification rests heavily on the ability of qualita
Sound empirical research begins with strong tive data to offer insight into complex social pro
grounding in related literature, identifies a research cesses that quantitative data cannot easily reveal.
gap, and proposes research questions that address For example, Greenwood and Suddaby (2006) stud
the gap. But when using theory building from cases ied how a known instance of institutional change at
as a research strategy, researchers also must take the center of a field occurred (i.e., promotion of
the added step of justifying why the research ques change by elite firms within the accounting profes
tion is better addressed by theory-building rather sion). They justified their approach in terms of
than theory-testing research. The implicit assump extending institutional theory and the ability of
tion is that theory building from cases is less pre qualitative data to explicate the complex social pro
cise, objective, and rigorous than large-scale hy cesses involved.
pothesis testing. Moreover, failure to convince In contrast, for phenomenon-driven research
readers that a theory-building study is warranted in questions, a researcher has to frame the research in
the first few pages can sink a manuscript before terms of the importance of the phenomenon and
readers ever reach the findings. In other words, the lack of plausible existing theory. Here the re
readers may ask, So why is this an inductive study? search question is broadly scoped to give the re
A key response to this challenge is to clarify why searcher more flexibility. The justification rests on
the research question is significant, and why there the phenomenon's importance, and the lack of vi
is no existing theory that offers a feasible answer. able theory and empirical evidence. For example,
Conflicting theories are not enough. Rather, it is Bingham and Eisenhardt (2006) justified their
critical to convince readers that the research ques study of what executives learn when they engage in
tion is crucial for organizations and/or theory, and a repeated organizational process (in their study,
demonstrate that the existing research either does internationalization) by observing that learning is a
not address the research question at all, or does so ubiquitous process, and yet the vast empirical lit
in a way that is inadequate or likely to be untrue. erature on learning ignores the content of what is
An example is early research on making fast stra actually learned. More broadly, theory-building re
tegic decisions (Eisenhardt, 1989a). The introduc search using cases typically answers research ques
tion makes a strong case that fast strategic decision tions that address "how" and "why" in unexplored

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2007 Eisenhardt and Graebner 27

research areas particularly well (Edmondson & Mc ing is simply idiosyncratic to a single case or con
Manus, 2007). By contrast, the research strategy is sistently replicated by several cases (Eisenhardt,
ill-equipped to address the questions "how often," 1991). Multiple cases also create more robust the
and "how many," and questions about the relative ory because the propositions are more deeply
empirical importance of constructs. grounded in varied empirical evidence. Constructs
and relationships are more precisely delineated be
cause it is easier to determine accurate definitions
Theoretical Sampling of Cases
and appropriate levels of construct abstraction
Another frequent challenge to theory building from multiple cases. For example, Brown and
from cases concerns case selection. Some readers
Eisenhardt (1997) found that, although some firms
make the faulty assumption that the cases should used alliances to experiment with the future, others
be representative of some population, as are data in used futurists and exploratory products. With mul
large-scale hypothesis testing research. In other tiple cases, the authors set an appropriate level of
words, they ask, How can the theory generalize if abstraction (i.e., probes) that was more accurate
the cases aren't representative? than the individual instantiations (e.g., alliances,
A key response to this challenge is to clarify that exploratory products). Multiple cases also enable
the purpose of the research is to develop theory, not broader exploration of research questions and the
to test it, and so theoretical (not random or strati
oretical elaboration. For example, Brown and
fied) sampling is appropriate. Theoretical sampling Eisenhardt (1998) added successful and unsuccess
simply means that cases are selected because they ful turnaround cases that enabled them to add fur
are particularly suitable for illuminating and ex
ther longitudinal elements to their theory. Because
tending relationships and logic among constructs.
case numbers are typically small, a few additional
Again, just as laboratory experiments are not ran
cases can significantly affect the quality of the
domly sampled from a population of experiments,
emergent theory. For example, adding three cases
but rather, chosen for the likelihood that they will
to a single-case study is modest in terms of num
offer theoretical insight, so too are cases sampled
for theoretical reasons, such as revelation of an bers, but offers four times the analytic power. Thus,
theory building from multiple cases typically
unusual phenomenon, replication of findings from
yields more robust, generalizable, and testable the
other cases, contrary replication, elimination of al
ory than single-case research.
ternative explanations, and elaboration of the emer
But although multiple cases are likely to result in
gent theory.
better theory, theoretical sampling is more compli
Theoretical sampling of single cases is straight
cated. The choice is based less on the uniqueness of
forward. They are chosen because they are unusu
a given case, and more on the contribution to the
ally revelatory, extreme exemplars, or opportuni
ties for unusual research access (Yin, 1994). For ory development within the set of cases. That is,
example, Weick (1993) used an extreme case of lost multiple cases are chosen for theoretical reasons
sensemaking in the wilderness fire-fighting disaster such as replication, extension of theory, contrary
at Mann Gulch; Galunic and Eisenhardt (1996, replication, and elimination of alternative explana
2001) examined organizational adaptation in an ex tions (Yin, 1994). For example, Graebner and Eisen
emplar firm that was the highest performing tech hardt (2004) studied acquisition from the seller per
nology-based corporation in the world for several spective by examining three replicated cases in
decades; and Dutton and Dukerich (1991) studied which the executives sold their companies, a con
the New York Port Authority, where they had un trary replication in which executives could have
usual access through friends. Thus, single-case re sold their companies but did not, and then further
search typically exploits opportunities to explore a cases in different industries that explored industry
significant phenomenon under rare or extreme level explanations. A particularly important theo
circumstances. retical sampling approach is "polar types," in
But while single-case studies can richly describe which a researcher samples extreme (e.g., very high
the existence of a phenomenon (Siggelkow, 2007), and very low performing) cases in order to more
multiple-case studies typically provide a stronger easily observe contrasting patterns in the data. Al
base for theory building (Yin, 1994). Again, to use though such an approach can surprise reviewers
the analogy of laboratory experiments, the theory is because the resulting theory is so consistently sup
better grounded, more accurate, and more general ported by the empirical evidence, this sampling
izaba (all else being equal) when it is based on leads to very clear pattern recognition of the central
multiple case experiments. Multiple cases enable constructs, relationships, and logic of the focal
comparisons that clarify whether an emergent find phenomenon.

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28 Academy of Management Journal February

Dealing with Interview Data A more subtle challenge arises from the confu
sion between qualitative data and qualitative re
Case studies can accommodate a rich variety of
search. Theory-building cases usually rely exten
data sources, including interviews, archival data,
sively on qualitative data from interviews and other
survey data, ethnographies, and observations. For sources, such as observations, historical books, ar
example, Hargadon and Sutton (1997) combined chives, and so forth. This research is often termed
observations of brainstorming sessions, interviews
"qualitative" simply because it relies significantly
with corporate actors, and ethnographies of two
on qualitative data. But qualitative research can
projects in their case study of routine innovation at
also refer to the use of qualitative data in research
Ideo. But as research incorporates more cases and
strategies other than organizing data into cases and
moves away from everyday phenomena such as
using replication logic to build theory. For exam
work practices to intermittent and strategic phe
ple, Elsbach and Kramer (2003) accumulated qual
nomena such as acquisitions and strategic decision
itative data on individual "pitches" in their study
making, interviews often become the primary data
of face-to-face interviews in Hollywood, but they
source. Interviews are a highly efficient way to pooled their data rather than organize it into cases.
gather rich, empirical data, especially when the Adding to the confusion, some scholars have a very
phenomenon of interest is highly episodic and in specific definition of what constitutes "qualitative
frequent. But interviews also often provoke a research" that goes well beyond the type of data.
"knee-jerk" reaction that the data are biased in For example, Gephart (2004) described qualitative
which impression management and retrospective research as "multimethod research that uses an in
sensemaking are deemed the prime culprits. The terpretive, naturalistic approach to its subject mat
prototypical reader asks, Is the theory Just retro ter (Denzin & Lincoln, 1994)" and "addresses ques
spective sensemaking by image-conscious tions about how social experience is created and
informants? given meaning" (Gephart, 2004: 454-455). Accord
The challenge of interview data is best mitigated ing to this view, qualitative research is highly de
by data collection approaches that limit bias. A key scriptive, emphasizes the social construction of re
approach is using numerous and highly knowl ality, and focuses on revealing how extant theory
edgeable informants who view the focal phenom operates in particular examples. This view is dif
ena from diverse perspectives. These informants ferent in terms of research activities, goals, and
can include organizational actors from different hier epistemology from the more objective and positiv
archical levels, functional areas, groups, and geog ist stance of theory building from cases as well as
raphies, as well as actors from other relevant organ from other research strategies also termed "qualita
izations and outside observers such as market
tive." The key implication is that some readers will
analysts. It is unlikely that these varied informants confuse different kinds of research that seem simi
informants will engage in convergent retrospective lar because they use qualitative data, and these
sensemaking and/or impression management. For readers may be disappointed if the research does
example, in our study of acquisitions from the not then match their understanding of "qualitative
seller perspective, Graebner and Eisenhardt (2004) research."
we relied on interviews with executives from two
A straightforward approach for coping with the
hierarchical levels at the selling firms, executives varied meanings of "qualitative research" is to
from two hierarchical levels at the buying firms, avoid the term. Rather, clarify the research strategy
board members from both the buying and selling being used, and contrast it with other "qualitative"
firms, and investment bankers who provided back approaches with differing epistemological assump
ground information about M&A. tions. Specifically, when inducting theory from
Another key approach to mitigating bias is to cases, be explicit about the theory-building goal
combine retrospective and real-time cases (Leonard and to liberally use footnotes that sharpen the dis
Barton, 1990). Retrospective cases rely on inter tinctions among the multiple meanings of qualita
views (and archival data) that build up the number tive research. The key here is to convey the theory
and depth of cases efficiently and so enable a re building strategy clearly while avoiding confusion,
searcher to cover more informants and include philosophical pitfalls, and unrealistic reader
more cases. Such interviews are particularly accu expectations.
rate when the focal events are recent. In contrast,
real-time cases employ longitudinal data collection
of interviews and, often, observations, both of Presenting Empirical Evidence
which help to mitigate retrospective sensemaking A critical aspect of empirical research is present
and impression management. ing the evidence from which the theory of interest

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2007 Eisenhardt and Graebner 29

was inducted. In large-scale deductive studies, idence are central to signaling the depth and detail
there is a widespread norm of presenting theory of empirical grounding. In other words, the use of
and then empirical evidence in compact numerical summary tables and aids that summarize the case
tables that summarize statistical analyses of large evidence complements the selective story descrip
amounts of data. But case data cannot be so tightly tions of the text and further emphasizes the rigor
summarized, because much of it consists of rich and depth of the empirical grounding of the theory.
qualitative detail. A separate table that summarizes the evidence for
In a single-case study, the challenge of presenting each theoretical construct is a particularly effective
rich qualitative data is readily addressed by simply way to present the case evidence. These "construct
presenting a relatively complete rendering of the tables" summarize the case evidence and indicate
story within the text. The story typically consists of how the focal construct is "measured," thus in
narrative that is interspersed with quotations from creasing the "testability" of the theory and creating
key informants and other supporting evidence. The a particularly strong bridge from the qualitative
story is then intertwined with the theory to dem evidence to theory-testing research. Graebner
onstrate the close connection between empirical (2004), Gilbert (2005), and Zott and Huy (2007) are
evidence and emergent theory. This intertwining excellent examples of blending construct tables
keeps both theory and evidence at the forefront of with selected text descriptions.
the paper. Gersick (1994), Hargadon and Douglas Summarizing case evidence within tables and
(2001), and Mintzberg and Waters (1982) are exem organizing the text around the theory can be, how
plars of this approach.1 ever, disappointing to readers who are expecting
But presenting a relatively complete and un the "richness" of detailed narratives from the em
broken narrative of each case is infeasible for pirical data. This is particularly likely among read
multiple-case research, particularly as the number ers whose research predilections favor description
of cases increases. If the researcher relates the nar over theory. So, although it may seem trivial, it is
rative of each case, then the theory is lost and the usually helpful to remind reviewers that the objec
text balloons. So the challenge in multiple-case tive is theory development. More significantly, it is
research is to stay within spatial constraints while critical to invest in developing well-crafted tables,
also conveying both the emergent theory that is the appendixes, and visual aids to demonstrate the the
research objective and the rich empirical evidence ory's underlying empirical support and the antici
that supports the theory. Coping with the trade-off pated richness of the case data, and to tie those
between rich story and well-grounded theory is tables clearly to the text.
easier to do in a multicase book or a single-case
paper. But in journal articles, multicase researchers
face a particularly difficult trade-off between the
Writing the Emergent Theory
ory and empirical richness. It can be especially
challenging to satisfy readers who expect the exten The objective of building theory from cases is
sive narratives of single-case research. They ask, theory. But unlike in large-scale hypothesis
Where's the rich story? testing research, there is no "sure-to-please" stan
The best way to address this challenge of "better dard template for writing emergent theory in
stories vs. better theories" is to develop a theory in theory-building research. Since different readers
sections or by distinct propositions in such a way have their own preferences, they often ask, Why did
that each is supported by empirical evidence. Thus, you format the theory this way?
the overarching organizing frame of the paper is the A useful way to cope with this challenge is to
theory, and each part of the theory is demonstrated write the theory in multiple ways. First, sketch the
by evidence from at least some of the cases. But emergent theory in the introduction. Then, in the
since it is generally not realistic to support every body of paper, write each proposition (implicitly or
theoretical proposition with every case within a explicitly stated), and link it to the supporting em
text itself, the use of extensive tables and other pirical evidence for each construct and for the pro
visual devices that summarize the related case ev posed relationship between the constructs. When
the research is well done, the propositions will be
consistent with most (or even all) of the cases be
1 An alternative approach is to present the story and cause the researcher has effectively "pattern
then the theory. But this approach moves the theory off matched" between theory and data. It is also crucial
center stage and makes the empirical grounding of the to write the underlying theoretical arguments that
theory less apparent. Nonetheless, it is a reasonable and provide the logical link between the constructs
common approach. within a proposition. These arguments can be

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30 Academy of Management Journal February

drawn from case evidence (e.g., an informant ex and theory development processes that are re
plaining the logic) and/or from more detached ported with transparent description, particularly
logic. Finally, provide a visual theory summary regarding how the theory was inducted from the
such as a "boxes and arrows" diagram or summary data (e.g., description of cross-case comparison
table. Eisenhardt (1989a), Gilbert (2005), and techniques). The key here is to convey the rigor,
Maurer and Ibers (2006) offer exemplars of the mul creativity, and open-mindedness of the research
tiple ways of writing theory within a single paper. processes while sidestepping confusion and philo
Using these multiple ways to present the theory is sophical pitfalls.
often a safe starting point for initial manuscript Finally, a surprising challenge can arise from
readers who are disappointed by parsimonious
A more subtle challenge arises from confusion theory. Particularly when readers are more fa
about the meaning of "grounded theory build
miliar with the idiosyncratic detail of some single
ing." For some scholars, grounded theory build
case research, they may expect the complicated
ing simply means creating theory by observing
theory that can arise from such cases. Somewhat
patterns within systematically collected empiri
cal data. This view often includes some notion of surprisingly, single cases can enable the creation
recursively iterating between (and thus con of more complicated theories than multiple cases,
stantly comparing) theory and data during anal because single-case researchers can fit their theory
ysis, and theoretically sampling cases (as de exactly to the many details of a particular case.
scribed earlier). As Langley (1999) noted, this is a In contrast, multiple-case researchers retain only
widely held view of grounded theory building. In the relationships that are replicated across most
this view, the quality of the theory and the or all of the cases. Since there are typically fewer
strength of its empirical grounding are more cen of these relationships than there are details in a
tral to research quality than the specifics of the richly observed single case, the resulting theory is
theory-building process. often more parsimonious (and also more robust
But for other scholars, grounded theory building and generalizable). A key approach to dealing with
has a more precise meaning that stems from the this challenge is to ensure that the theory fully
original focus of Glaser and Strauss (1967) on the exploits the available evidence in terms of pos
interpretation of meaning by social actors. For ex sible nuances and alternative interpretations. It
ample, Suddaby described grounded theory build also helps to remind readers that parsimony, ro
ing as "most suited to efforts to understand the bustness, and generalizability characterize superior
process by which actors construct meaning out of theory.
intersubjective experience" (Suddaby, 2006: 634).
Others go further to emphasize elaborate processes
(and terminology) for how researchers should
gather field data and discover theory using a hier
archical structure of categories (Corbin & Strauss, Theory building from case studies is an increas
1990). Constant comparison and theoretical sam ingly popular and relevant research strategy that
pling take on precise meanings: "constant compar forms the basis of a disproportionately large num
ison" means simultaneous collection and analysis ber of influential studies. But like the adherents of
of data, and "theoretical sampling" means that de
cisions about which data to collect next are deter any research method, its adherents face some pre
dictable challenges, some of which have, ironi
mined by the theory in progress (Suddaby, 2006).
cally, emerged precisely because research relying
In this view, adherence to specific grounded theory
on rich qualitative data is becoming more common.
building processes is important in judging research
The good news is that these often very legitimate
quality. But strict adherence can also result in the
ory with limited generalizability (Langley, 1999) challenges can be mitigated through precise lan
and idiosyncratic path dependence on the particu guage and thoughtful research design: careful jus
lar empirical starting point. tification of theory building, theoretical sampling
As when coping with the multiple meanings of cases, interviews that limit informant bias, rich
of "qualitative research," it is often helpful to deal presentation of evidence in tables and appendixes,
with the multiple meanings of "grounded theory and clear statement of theoretical arguments. The
building" by avoiding the term unless one is ac result is fresh theory that bridges well from rich
tually using the Glaser and Strauss (1967) ap qualitative evidence to mainstream deductive re
proach. It is also helpful to preempt misunder search. This is the hallmark of building from case
standing by engaging in systematic data collection studies.

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2007 Eisenhardt and Graebner 31

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32 Academy of Management Journal February

Siggelkow, N. 2007. Persuasion with case studies. Acad J&

emy of Management Journal, 50: 20-24.
Suddaby, R. 2006. What grounded theory is not. Acad Kathleen M. Eisenhardt ( is the Stan
emy of Management Journal, 49: 633-642. ford W. Ascherman M.D. Professor of Strategy and Or
Sutton, R. I., & Raphaeli, A. 1988. Untangling the rela ganizations in the Department of Management Science
and Engineering and the codirector of the Stanford Tech
tionship between displayed emotions and organiza
tional sales: The case of convenience stores. Acad nology Ventures Program, Stanford University. She re
ceived her Ph.D. from Stanford's Graduate School of
emy of Management Journal, 31: 461-487. Business. Her research interests include alliance and net
Weick, K. E. 1993. The collapse of sensemaking in organ work processes, strategy as simple rules, and competitive
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Science Quarterly, 38: 628-652. and established companies. She studies these issues us
Weick, K. E. 2007. The generative properties of richness.
ing both theory building from cases and simulation
Academy of Management Journal, 50: 14-19.
Whyte, W. F. 1941. Corner boys: A study in clique be Melissa E. Graebner (melissa.graebner@mccombs.
havior. American Journal of Sociology, 46: 647 is an assistant professor of management at
664. the McCombs School of Business in the University of
Texas at Austin. She received her Ph.D. in management
Yin, R. K. 1994. Case study research: Design and meth
science and engineering from Stanford University. Her
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Zott, C, & Huy, Q. N. 2007. How entrepreneurs use and strategic decision making. She examines these issues
symbolic management to acquire resources. Admin in the contexts of mergers and acquisitions and entrepre
istrative Science Quarterly: In press. neurial firms.

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