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1. What is Management?

Management is defined as the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner
through planning, organizing, leading, and controlling organizational resources

2. You are a team leader in a company. You need to organize a meeting explain them about the
new strategy. What kind of skill will you use?

 Communication Skills
 Leadership Skills
 Presentation Skills

What are the three critical management skills?

1. Technical skills: These skills involve the knowledge to tasks and activities within a particular field or
industry. Technical skills are essential for managers to understand the processes, tools, and technologies
used in their organizations.

2. Interpersonal skills: Also known as people skills or soft skills, interpersonal skills are crucial for
effective communication, relationship-building, and teamwork. Managers with strong interpersonal skills
can motivate and inspire their team members, handle conflicts and negotiations, and create a positive
work environment.

3. Conceptual skills: Conceptual skills involve the ability to think strategically, analyse complex situations,
and make sound decisions. These skills help managers understand the overall organization's goals,
develop long-term plans, and anticipate potential challenges and opportunities. Conceptual skills also
involve critical thinking, problem-solving, and innovation.

3. Motivating, influencing, guiding employees is part of a manager’s “functions”. To which

function does this refer to? What are the other management functions?

Motivating, influencing, guiding employees is part of leading in management.

The four main functions of management are: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

4. What is an “emergency plan”. Think about “fire emergency plan”. When do we use them? How

An emergency plan is a set of procedures and guidelines that are put in place to deal with unexpected
events or situations that may arise in a workplace, public building or any other location.

Fire emergency plans are used in the event of a fire emergency or when there is a risk of fire.

the plan is reviewed at least once a year.

5. What’s the difference between an operational, tactical, and strategic plans?

Strategic planning is usually used for long-term operations, while tactical and operational planning are
used for short-term goals and resource projection. Tactical planning is a significant part of the planning
process, and it is the step in which employees identify and prioritize their goals.
6. What’s the difference between “team cohesiveness” and “team diversity”? Are they

- Team cohesiveness is the point at which the Team members are attracted to each other

- Team diversity is the degree to which the members of the Team are similar or different from one

7. Do you think it is possible to avoid conflicts in a team? Why?

it may not be possible to completely avoid conflicts in a team. Open communication, clearly defined
roles and a willingness to listen and compromise can all help prevent conflicts

8. You have a new start-up idea. You are imagining how a new product or service could be
marketed in the future. What kind of skill do you need?

1. Creativity and innovation

2. Business acumen

3. Communication skills

4. Leadership skills

5. Adaptability

6. Technical skills

7. Networking skills

9. What are the differences between a leader and a manager?

Different vision: leaders create a vision, managers create goals

Leaders take risks, managers control risk

Leaders are in it for the long haul, managers think short-term.

Leaders grow personally, managers rely on existing, proven skills.

Leaders build relationships, managers build systems and processes.

10. What are the differences between a vertical and a horizontal team?

• vertical organizations have a top-down management structure, while horizontal organizations

have a flat structure that provides greater employee autonomy.

• in a vertical system, upper-level management issues orders and employees follow those orders
without input or objection. In contrast, employees in a horizontal organization are encouraged to make
suggestions and offer ideas that can improve workplace processes, and are given the authority to
implement changes without having to obtain authorization.

11. What are the differences between a centralized and a decentralized team?
Centralized Decentralized
One body of management decides procedures and Management at every level makes decisions for their
develops strategies. department and teams.
Information comes from the top down. Employees
Departments communicate with each other more freely.
follow executive orders.
Employee Demotivated employee Highly motivated employee

12. What are 5 ways to face conflicts?

1. Competition

2. Accommodation

3. Avoidance

4. Collaboration

5. Compromise

13. When Vin group built a factory in North-Carolina to manufacture car s, which king of
international strategy (entry mode) does it refer to? (knowing that Vin group used its own money and
that the factory belongs to them) What other entry modes could have they used? Could they have
exported directly from Vietnam? What would have been the advantages and disadvantages of that

- it refers to the direct investment

- Other entry modes that Vin group could have used include exporting, licensing, franchising, or joint


- Lower costs of production and transportation

- Greater control over the production process


- Increased competition from local manufacturers

14. Power distance is a cultural trait. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a culture with
high power distance and a culture with low power-distance.


High power distance: Clear hierarchy, Respect for authority

Low power distance: A greater level of coordination and communication, Unethical behavior is more
likely to be kept in check

High power distance: Lack of innovation, Resistance to change

Low power distance: Conflict may arise

15. A company has responsibilities in relation to its shareholders, customers, employees and
society as a whole. What are these responsibilities?

Shareholders: A company has a responsibility to its shareholders to ensure that their investment is
protected and that the company is profitable

Customers: company has a responsibility to its customers to provide quality products and services that
meet their needs

Employees: company has a responsibility to its employees to provide a safe and healthy work
environment, fair wages and benefits

Society: company has a responsibility to society as a whole to operate in an ethical and socially
responsible manner

16. What are the differences between economic, legal, ethical and discretionary responsibilities for a

Economic responsibilities relate to a company's obligation to make a profit and create value for

Legal responsibilities involve a company's obligation to follow all laws

Ethical responsibilities are concerned with the moral principles and values

Discretionary responsibilities refer to a company's voluntary actions

18. Give 5 characteristics of effective and efficient goals.

Most businesses use the SMART model for goal setting: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and
Timed. These are specific characteristics used in successful goal setting

19. A performance gap is a reason why a company would need to change itself. Explain what a
performance gap is. What are the possible ways a company can do to change itself so that it could
solve that performance gap?

A performance gap is the difference between an employee's current performance and their desired

- Step 1: Identify causes of productivity reduction

- Step 2: Map the skills

- Step 3: Conduct a performance gap

- Step 4: Get a targeted training program

- Step 5: Set performance expectations

20. After a merger or an acquisition, a company must change. Explain what mergers and
acquisitions mean and how a company can change during that process.

Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) combine two business entities into one. A merger occurs when the two
businesses form a new, third entity. In an acquisition, one company purchases and absorbs the other into
its operations.

21. In the four roles in Organizational Change model, the four roles are the champion, the critic,
the inventor, and the sponsor. Explain who each role is. Use an example to illustrate.

-The Champion: The champion is the person who initiates and drives the change process.

-The Critic: The critic is the person who questions the validity of the change initiative. They may be
skeptical about whether the change is necessary or feasible.

-The inventor is the individual or group responsible for generating the new idea or innovation that drives
the organizational change.

- The sponsor is a senior leader or executive. The sponsor is responsible for communicating the vision
and benefits of the change to other leaders and employees, securing buy-in, and removing any barriers
to the change effort.

22. Your colleague is very competitive. He always wants to be the best and finish the work before
everybody else. Is he a type A or type B personality?

He is a type A personality

Explain the difference between these two types of personalities?

People with type A personalities may be ambitious, competitive, and aggressive (năng nổ) People with
type B personalities may be patient, flexible, and laid-back

23. Explain the different steps of the motivation process. Use an example from your own
experience, or from you own idea to illustrate the motivation process

5 steps of the motivation process

Unsatisfied need.
Search behaviour
Satisfied need
Reduction of tension

24. Explain the concept of empowerment. Use an example to illustrate it, and how it can be used
to optimize business processes in the company.
- Empowerment in business is a management practice of sharing information, rewards, and power
with employees. This puts them at the heart of the organization by giving them power and autonomy.

Example: management support of empowerment is critical to its success.

Top management needs to be committed to supporting an employee empowered culture. This includes
developing an organizational definition of empowerment

- How: Higher productivity and creativity

Empowerment aims to create an independent staff involved in decision-making

25. Explain the different steps of the communication process. Illustrate using an example of your

Developing the Message

Encoding the Message

Selecting the Channel

Message Transmission

Decoding the Message


26. What does “effective listening” refer to? Give four characteristics of a good listener.

Effective listening refers to the ability to on and understand the message being communicated by
another person.

1. Attention and focus: good listeners pay attention to what the speaker is saying, and they do not get
distracted by other thoughts or things around them.

2. Empathy: Good listeners try to understand the speaker's perspective and feelings, and they respond
with empathy and compassion.

3. Patience: Good listeners are patient and do not interrupt the speaker. They allow the speaker to finish
their thoughts and express themselves fully.

4. Feedback: Good listeners provide feedback to the speaker to show that they understand the message.
They may paraphrase or summarize what was said to ensure they have understood it correctly.
27. Explain the difference between centralized and decentralized communication networks. What
are their advantages and disadvantages?

Formal communication exists in the centralized organization. Conversely, in decentralization,

communication stretches in all directions.

In centralization due to the concentration of powers in the hands of a single person, the decision
takes time. On the contrary, decentralization proves better regarding decision making as the decisions
are taken much closer to the actions.

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