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NAME: ……………………………. DATE: ………………

Answer all questions
1. Which of the following does not occur in adolescent males ?
a. Chest and shoulder become broader b. Muscles of the body
becomes developed c. Pelvic girdle becomes wider d. Voice
2. Adolescents who engage in early sex may…........ a. Contract STIS
b. Grow old early c. Grow to love sex d. Increase in weight
3. The term adolescence means………………………. a. Becoming physically
strong b. Giving birth c. Growing from childhood to adulthood d.
Thinking like an old man
4. Adolescent chastity means…………………… a. Abstaining from early sex
b. Adolescent motherhood c. Denying the father of sex d. Having
early sex
5. Giving adolescents moral education will help them to become……………
a. Careless b. Indifferent c. Irresponsible d. Responsible
6. The number of deaths per thousand people in a population is
called………….. a. Birth rate b. Death rate c. Population rate
d. Population growth rate
7. The official court of all persons living in a country is called………………….
a. Migration b. Population c. Population census d. Population
8. Which of the following is the largest desert in the world ? a.
Antarctica b. Arabian c. Kalahari d. Sahara
9. The hottest desert in the world is called……………. a. Arctic b. Gobi
c. Kalahari d. Sahara
10.Irresponsible adolescent behavior usually results in ………………… a.
Broken home b. Drug abuse c. Loss of dignity d. self-reliance
11.All the following are cognitive changes of the adolescent
except…………………….. a. Begins to form his/her own code of ethics
b. Begins to demonstrate use of formal logical operations in school work
c. Begins to question authority and societal standards d. Exhibits traits
of excitement and sadness
12.The payment of school fees and other bills is mainly the responsibility of
the………………… a. Adolescent b. Father c. Mother d. Uncle
13.The following father are ways of improving the standard of living in the
rural areas except………………… a. Establishment of state farms in the
rural areas b. Government support to cottage industries c.
Improvement in road networks d. Removal of substance on fertilizer
and agro-chemical
14.The official count of all persons living in a country is called…………….
a. Birth rate b. Death rate c. Population d. Population growth
15.Slowly increased population is referred as…………………….. a. Population
growth b. Low population c. Medium population growth d.
Population growth
16.Which of the following dose not occur in male during adolescents………….
a Chest and shoulder become broader b. Muscles of the body
become developed c. Pelvic girdle becomes wider d. Voice
17.Giving the adolescent moral education will help them become……………
a. Careless b. Indifferent c. Irresponsible d. Responsible

Answer only three questions from this section
1. (a) Explain the following terms:
i. Adolescent
ii. Chastity
(b) Identify (4) physical changes of an adolescent boys and girls
2. (a) Tabulate (4) agents and agencies of socialization
(b) Outline (4) importance of socialization.
3. (a) Identify (5) building materials in your community.
(b) Draw or sketch synthetic spider web.
4. (a) What are food commodities ?
(b) Give two examples each of the following commodities.
i. Milk…………………………………..
ii. Egg…………………………………..
iii. Cereals………………………….
iv. Fruits…………………………….
v. Vegetables……………………
5. Traditional materials are those that have been in use for centuries.
True / False
6. Smart materials are also known as responsive material. True/ False
7. Tabulate (4) examples of natural and man-made building material.

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