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Mayra Martinez Cortez

August 19th, 2023


Look for three activities you can include in your BEFORE LISTENING
stage. Remember the purpose of this stage when listening is to engage
our students in the topic and make them interested on it. Explain
what the activities are about and explain the process.

Prediction Activities: This activity is about making educated guesses

regarding the content of the listening text based on its title or a brief
description. The process involves the teacher providing the title or a
brief description of the listening text and asking students to discuss
in pairs or groups what they think the text will be about. This activity
helps to engage students’ curiosity and prepares them for the
language and ideas they will encounter in the listening text. For
example, if the listening text is titled “Life in Antarctica”, students
can discuss what they expect to hear in the text. This activity helps
students to anticipate the content and vocabulary of the listening

Vocabulary Preview: This activity is about familiarizing students with

key vocabulary from the listening text before they listen to it. The
teacher can provide a list of key words and their definitions for
students to a game where students must find definitions for given
words. By knowing these words in advance, students will be equipped
to understand better the listening text. Introduce key vocabulary
terms that students will encounter in the listening text. This could be
done through a game like ‘Bingo’. Knowing these words in advance will
aid comprehension.

Visual Stimuli: This activity involves using visual aids related to the
listening text to spark interest and discussion. The teacher can show
pictures or short video clips related to the topic of the listening text
and ask students to discuss what they see and how it relates to the
topic. This not only engages students visually but also helps them to
anticipate the content of the listening text. For instance, if the text
is about wildlife conservation, you could show images of endangered
animals or conservation efforts. This can spark discussion and engage
students visually.

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