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Adoption is a process and a decision that cannot be taken overnight.

It does not matter if

you are considering adopting a child or you want to place a child for adoption, you need
to research about it and have proper knowledge before you start the process.

Adoption can be a blessing to many who cannot have children of their own. However, it
can also become a nightmare to many. Let’s dig into the pros and cons of adoption.

Advantages and disadvantages of adoption Disadvantages of adoption

Gives a new life to the child High Cost

For the family who is adopting Children mental health

Helping the birth mother Birth mother

Decrease in population Unknown possible medical history

Upbringing of the child Long process of the adoption

Child might want to reunite with the birth parent

Conflicts between birth parent and adoptive parent

Pronahega orphanage


Pubnirnggi upbringing

suddenly , and often unexpectedly

the way in which you are treated and educated when young, especially in relation to
the effect that this has on how you behave and make moral decisions

a home for children whose parents are dead or unable to care for them

(1) Is adoption common in your country?

(2) What do you think of adoption?
(3) Would you adopt?
(4) What do you think happens to children who are not adopted?
(5) Do you know anyone who was adopted?
(6) What problems do you think there might be with adoption?
(7) Do you think parents who adopt have the same kind of love for their adopted child as natural parents
have with their child?
(8) Is it better to adopt a baby or an older child?
(9) Should people adopt children from the same race?
(10) What happens if the biological parents turn up ten years later and ask for their child back?
(11) Should an adopted child have the same legal right as a non-adopted child?
(12) When should you tell a child he / she is adopted?
(13) What checks should adoption agencies conduct on prospective parents?
(14) Should same-sex couples or single people be allowed to adopt?
(15) Would you prefer to adopt a child from your own country or a very poor country?
(16) Do you think international adoption would be a useful solution for under-populated countries?
(17) What questions do you think a child has when he / she finds out he / she is adopted?
(18) Do you think people who adopt have extra-special hearts?
(19) Should brothers and sisters be split apart for adoption?
(20) What happens if the adopted parents decide they don’t like the child after a year or so?

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