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Working with mongoose package:-


What is mongoose package package :-

1. mongoose is a package(node) used to connect Node App to Mongodb App
Consider I have App
2. mongoose package provide inbuilt models to interact with collection
to perform crud related Operations.

Node App ----> Mongo-db

Collection Behalf (mongodb community version.)

you cannot directly connect it

There should be some package which can convert node Asynchronous calls(Event Loops
Calls) to mongodb calls we use some external package called as mongoose package.

How to install mongoose package:-

you can install from npm server
npm install

we need create package.json file for installing the package

How to create package.json for mongoose library

"description":"Crud Application for Demo Purpose",

As soon as command npm install

mongoose package
we will many other package
Transitive Dependencies
package A ---> Dependent ---> Package B

What is difference B/w package.json and package.lock.json

package.json : current package information for developement
package.lock.json : all other package information connected to current package will
be utilise
in the developement use.

Entire Package Upgrade : package.lock.json Delete Create new package.json mongoose

version change
Entire package New

Older version maintain

package.json delete and npm install package.lock.json older version information, it
will install
older package.

How to connect to mongodB

1. Run mongod server
2. Run mongoclient to check databases,collection,data

Steps to connect
|mongoose (package)
|mongoose.js (module)
require the package mongoose from node modules and create reference Object
1. var mongoose = require("mongoose")
2. require is okay, so, you can get reference object mongoose
3. create Schema
4. Create Model
5. Finally Connect
6. Perform Operation using callbacks
7. Close the Connection inside callbacks

Interview Question?
Why do we close connection, using callbacks it because if you dont do it inside
you will get a error called, as Topology Destroyed Error.

Data Types of mongoose

Types: {
String: [Function],
Number: [Function],
Boolean: [Function],
DocumentArray: [Function],
Subdocument: [Function],
Array: [Function],
Buffer: [Function],
Date: [Function],
ObjectId: [Function],
Mixed: [Function],
Decimal: [Function],
Decimal128: [Function],
Map: [Function],
Oid: [Function],
Object: [Function],
Bool: [Function],
ObjectID: [Function]

What is use of DataType:-

moongoose package has Data Type to create a schema to Handle Document Collections.

Collection--> Array ---> Object : {key:value}

Note this key has specific type
_id : ObjectId()
empid:1001 : Number
name :"ravi" : String

How to create a Schema for Collection Object

var empSchema = new mongoose.Schema({emp_id:Number,emp_name:String,class:String});

Creating Models:-
What are Models : Models are COmponent which are responsible for database
var empModel = new mongoose.Model("emp");
var modelname = new mongoose.Model("collectionname");

How to connect:-

Run the Application:-

1. node read.js

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