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~ For Advancing Mobility
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Evaluation of Automatic Slop Fill

Valves for Propane Vehicles
Bernie W. Rice
General Motors of Canada ltd.

International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting

and Exposition
Philadelphia. Pennsylvania
October 6-9. 1986
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Evaluation of Automatic Stop IFill

Valves for Propane Vehicles
Bernie W. Rice
General Motors of Canada ltd.

Propane powered vehicles require a I'self-serve 'l hardware with a
method of ensuring that the tank is not standardized interface must be
filled beyond the 80% volume level. developed if propane is to
Devices available to control the fuel reach full util ization as a
level were analyzed in regards to basic motor fuel. (1) *
design and effect of operating
environment. Vehicle and lab testing Maintaining a maximum fill level of
supported the valve analysis. The lack 80% of the tanks volume is critical to
of a reliable and fail safe system the safe operation of propane powered
resulted in the recommendation to pursue vehicles, due to liquid fuel expansions
a shutoff system that incorporates a within the tank. A potentially
liquid fuel level sensor in the tank and hazardous condition could exist if a
a shutoff mechanism on the fuel vehicle is overfilled at a low ambient
dispenser. temperature and then parked at a higher
ambient temperature (i.e., a garage).
As the liquid propane heats up, its
volume increases, causing an increase in
IN RECENT YEARS the emphasis on reducing tank pressure. If the temperature
dependence on foreign oil reserves has difference is great enough, the tank
intensified. Canada's National Energy will become filled with liquid propane
Program was formed by the Federal causing the tank pressure to increase
Government to assist in achieving energy dramatically. Upon reaching the preset
self sufficiency by increasing demand relief valve pressure, the valve will
for alternate fuels such as propane. open and bleed liquid propane to the
Although the acceptance of propane atmosphere, resulting in a potentially
as a viable alternative to gasoline has hazardous situation.
greatly increased in the last decade, Current refueling procedures are
some of the convenience and safety both cumbersome and inconvenient. The
factors in current propane systems attendant must be with the vehicle
require further development. One such during the entire filling operation to
area of critical importance is the ensure that the maximum fill level of
refueling system. In a report conducted BO% is not exceeded. If a reliable and
by Chrysler Canada Ltd. for Transport fail safe system was available it could
Canada, one conclusion was that: eliminate the need for licensed
Fuel handling hardware and attendants, and self-service stations
practices deserve high priority would become a realistic possibility.
treatment. Compact, reliable,
80% stop fill valves that do
not require emission of propane
are being developed, but at a * Numbers in parentheses designate
pace which suggests that references at end of
additional R&D expenditure may paper.
be helpful. Safe, convenient,
Copyright 19B6 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.
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2. Oily residues
The automatic stop fill valves to be Many ASF valves rely on passages of
evaluated were limited to those readily only 54 drill size (.055 inch diameter)
available at the start of this project. or smaller to transfer 1 iquid propane to
They are classified as mechanical or the shut off mechanisms. Blockage of
electrical depending on the mechanism such passages cause the valves to cease
used to sense fuel level. The functioning. Because residue tends to
mechanical valves included float (direct accumulate, the amount required to
and reverse acting) and hydraulic disable an ASF valve is quite small.
valves. The optical valve was One test vehicle was equipped with
classified as being electrical. fuel fill valve filters to determine the
Prior to conducting valve analysis amount and type of residuum being pumped
and testing, a list of automatic stop through the ASF valve. The filter which
fill valve requirements was generated. was filled first at each refueling was
significantly dirtier than the other
Valve Requirements - The valve must filter, indicating that dirt (in the
be approved by the Underwriters form of mud, snow or hose residue) was
Laboratories Inc. or the Canadian Gas present in the fill accessories at the
Association, as well as satisfy the filling station. The obvious cause was
following criteria: the lack of proper retention for the
1. Must operate reliably at fill nozzle on the propane dispensing
temperatures ranging from _40°C to pump.
+50°C at various fill rates. It is thus recommended that both
2. In the case of a failure the valve fill nozzle and valve filters be
must fail safe, thereby preventing installed to minimize the effect of
an overfill condition. dispenser hose mishandling.
3. It must not emit propane vapour or PROPANE FUEL ANALYSIS - A propane
liquid at any point during or after fuel analysis was conducted by Gulf
the filling operation. Canada's Research Development Department
4. The valve must be compact for on 6 samples of which 5 were from
practical application on the Ontario and 1 from Michigan. The
vehicles. results stated that 4 of the 6 samples
5. The valve must remain operational "were of sufficient quality to be
for the equivalent of 100,000 certified as Canada No. 1 or HD-5 grade
vehicle miles. material." (2) One Canadian sample did
Methods of Evaluation - The various not meet this standard since it exceeded
automatic stop fill valves (ASF valves) the moisture specification, while the
were analyzed in regards to: American sample failed to meet the
1. Basic valve design including vapour pressure specification due to an
effect of operating environment excessive level of ethane.
2. "On vehicle" test results Of greatest concern to automatic
3. Cold weather accelerated test stop fill valve operation is the amount
results of residuum passing through the valves.
As a result of the study, Gulf Canada
MAJOR FACTORS AFFECTING VALVE OPERATION concluded that no residue problem
currently exits. The basis for this
Many factors outside of valve design statement assumes that the current
can influence their operation. permitted level of allowable
Deficiencies in both fuel quality and contaminants in the HD-5 specifications
related systems can prevent the valves is acceptable to the industry.
from performing as intended. The Canadian General Standards Board
Contaminants appear to be a major (CGSB) standard permits a residue level
cause of ASF valve failures. Isolating of .05 ml from the evaporation of 100 ml
the individual sources of these of 1 iquid fuel. Over the 1 ife of a
contaminants is difficult because their vehicle, this could realistically equate
effect is often cumulative. too in excess of 18 litres of residuum
The two most prominent sources of being pumped through the ASF valves.
contamination are: The residue problem is compounded
1. propane fuel residuals even further with the presence of oils
2. tank interior debris or plasticizers in the fuel. Their
The contaminants existing in propane accumulation will ultimately form a
are as numerous as their sources. For sticky surface on the ASF valves. Other
the purpose of this study the list of contaminants which come in contact with
contaminants was reduced to two very this surface can adhere and accumulate.
general categories: The presence of oily contaminants
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could cause a different failure mode it to close the fuel entry passage.
with the optical sensor ASF valve. If
the electronically controlled optical
sensor becomes coated with any oily
substances, the valve will continually ......." ........ :;A
sense that the tank is full and prevent ! 1 DOWN
a fill.
The primary source of these oil
contaminants seems to be the hoses used
/r7;-"-:"''''-> ---!~
in the fuel transfer process. A study VALVE OPEN
was performed by Phillips Petroleum to WHILE FILLING
measure the contaminants extracted from
commercial propane hose. The results
demonstrated that a substantial amount
of contaminants were extracted from the
hoses typically found on dispenser
pumps. By comparison, hoses specified
for automotive use (low extraction hose)
incorporate a nylon inner liner which FLOAT
virtually eliminates leaching. UP
Current Ontario regulations permit a
Canadian Gas Association type II
transfer hose at filling stations
without specifying the more expensive VALVE CLOSED
low leach type II line. A logical NO FLOW
recommendation, based on these findings,
is to modify regulations such that CGA
type II low leach or type III is
specified for transfer hose. Figure 1: Direct Acting Valve
CONSTRUCTION - Foreign material which is
left in the tank as a result of For the direct acting valve to
construction can have a dramatic effect function as intended, the float
on automatic stop fill valve operation. mechanism must reflect the proper liquid
Mechanical ASF valves requiring a float level in the tank, and the pumping force
arm to open and close the valve can acting on the check ball must exceed the
become physically stuck as a result of sum of the resisting forces. The source
tank debris lodged in or around the of these forces include:
float pivot components. 1. Tank pressure
The amount of material deposited in 2. Return spring
propane tanks can vary with construction 3. Friction
technique, and tank treatments. These resisting forces can vary
greatly depending on pumping rates and
VALVE DESIGN AND OPERATION temperatures as well as the amount of
foreign material accumulated in the
Within the timeframe of this valves.
investigation most of the valves have Field History - The direct acting
undergone minor design changes. In all valve is the oldest and most widely used
cases, the tests were conducted on the style of automatic stop fill valve in
latest version of the valves that were North America. Consequently, more field
available. performance information exists for this
The areas investigated include type of valve than the others included
operating principles and field history. in this evaluation.
The most common complaints from
MECHANICAL VALVES fleet operators and conversion shops
regarding direct acting valves were:
DIRECT ACTING VALVE - Operation of 1. Inconsistent operation
the direct acting valve is as follows: 2. Greatly deteriorated cold
When the float is in the down weather performance
position, the check ball is not The cause of failure was most often
permitted to close. Liquid fuel flows attributed to the shaft sticking in
around the checkball into the tank. either the open or closed position.
When the fuel level reaches BO%, the REVERSE ACTING VALVE - The second
float arm nO longer holds the check ball type of mechanical float valve employs a
open. The force of the fuel entering reverse acting shut off system. In this
the tank acts on the checkball causing valve, the piston moves upstream against
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the fuel flow, whereas the direct acting 2.Greatly reduced flow rates due
valve works in the direction of fuel to the close proximity of the
flow. Figure 2 below illustrates this valve fuel exit ports and valve
principle. threads. Installation in many
of the North American tanks
resulted in the fuel exit ports

0,J)/, being blocked by the tank spuds
in which the valves were
- FLOAT mounted.

HYORAULIC VALVE - This mechanical
-- DOWN valve relies on hydraulic pressure to
both permit and prevent fuel flow
VALVE OPEN through the valve. An illustration of
WHILE FILLING this principle is contained in figure 3.
Its operation is as follows:
Hydraulic pressure induced by
dispenser pumping forces act on a small
surface area of the floating piston,
causing it to lift and expose a fuel
FLOAT passage port into the tank. When the
tank fuel level reaches 80%, liquid fuel
enters the valve cylinder head via the
80% vent line from the tank and
displaces any compressible vapor in the
upper cavity to atmosphere. The liquid
VALVE CLOSED enters this cavity through a large port
NO FLOW and exits through a small port,
resulting in an accumulation of liquid.
This pressure acts on a larger surface
area of the floating piston than the
Figure 2: Reverse Acting Valve pumping pressure, thus the downward
Source: LP Gas force exceeds the upward force causing
the piston to close off the fuel passage
The actual valve operation is much po rt.
more complicated than for a direct
acting valve because it uses pump
pressure to both permit and prevent fuel
f1 ow.
When the tank fuel level is below
80%, the float arm prevents the piston
from seating. A small fuel passage in
the piston permits fuel to pass through T;dll:
it and exit around the unseated
checkball preventing a fuel accumulation
behind the piston. The pump pressure
overcomes the resisting spring forces
causing the piston to recede and expose TO
the fuel exit ports to the tank. fROM
Upon reaching the 80X liquid fuel
level the rising float arm permits the
piston to seat. Liquid propane is then
permitted to accumul ate behi nd the
piston equalizing the pressure on both
sides of it. The closing spring behind
the piston then forces it forward Figure 3: Hydraulic Valve
curtailing the fuel flow into the tank.
Field History - Reverse acting To function as intended the
valves are relatively new on the propane following conditions must exist:
market and as a result, limited history
is available. I. Pressure difference between pump
Initial field problems were and tank is small.
diagnosed as: 2. Surface areas of the piston upon
I. The valve float and arm which the forces act are
becoming entangled with various sufficient to activate closure
internal tank obstructions of the valve.
during installation. 3. Flow rate of liquid fuel into
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the valve cylinder head must moving parts. Successful operation

exceed the flow rate out, to of the valve is more dependent on
generate sufficient head pressure proper functioning of a sequence of
to force the piston closed. internal parts.
All of these conditions are 5. The installation procedure of the
significantly dependent.on both filling reverse acting valve is also a major
temperatures and rates. As the design handicap. Proper
temperature decreases, the closing installation requires removal of the
force, induced by liquid in the cylinder tank from the vehicle to prevent the
head decreases. The friction force due float arm from becoming entangled
to "0' ring drag on the valve body with other internal tank
become much more critical to valve obstructions.
closure in sub zero temperatures. If 6. The largest draw back to the
the closing force is less than the sum mechanical float valves is the fact
of the pumping force and this friction that they are not fail safe. The
force, then the valve will permit an valve can fail, causing an overfill,
overfill. without the operator being aware of
Field History - Because of the many this condition.
design changes this valve has Use of a mechanical float valve in
undergone, few fleets were using it. conjunction with the current manual
Many of the conversion shops contacted bleed valve stop fill method would
had removed the hydraulic valve due to provide both advantages and
deteriorated cold weather performance. disadvantages as noted below. The
A further problem with this valve is advantages include:
that it has different operating 1. It would prevent an operator
instructions for ambient temperatures from intentionally overfilling
below _10 0 F. a tank.
Below _10 0 F, the operator must 2. By preventing liquid fuel from
manually close the vapor vent line when exiting from the vapor vent
liquid fuel appears. Since propane line, the valve would reduce
liquid is relatively incompressible, and the amount of fuel being vented
the closed vapor vent line no longer to atmosphere.
provides an escape passage, the pressure 3. It would improve the
in the valve cylinder head will increase convenience of the filling
and eventually overcome the lifting and operation and as a result be
friction forces on the piston causing less operator dependent.
the valve to close and the fill to be
terminated. The disadvantages are:
1. The possibility of the valve
CONCLUSIONS: failing safe preventing a fill.
2. Operators are more likely to
Float Valve use it as the sole method of
filling the tank and avoid
I. The advantages of the direct acting opening the vapor vent line in
valve is its low cost, simple case of a valve failure.
operation and low number of moving
2. With the direct acting valve a low
differential pressure will result in The Hydraulic Valve has some very
a slow flow rate. 'Below two gpm significant shortcomings as compared to
(gallons per minute) rate, drag may other automatic stop fill valves. Most
not be great enough to overcome importantly, the valve is not automatic
friction and spring bias and cause below an ambient temperature of _10 0 F,
closing." (3) and "is not intended to eliminate the
3. As with the direct acting valve the need for an operator to be in attendance
reverse acting valve is susceptible during the filling operation.' (5)
to cold weather problems. 'Low flow Another significant handicap of this
caused by low differential pressure, valve is its emission of propane vapour
static pressure behind piston is not to the atmosphere during the entire fill
great enough to overcome friction operation.
and cause piston to move in upstream These limitations, along with its
direction needed to stop flow.'(4} cumbersome size, resulted in the
4. The reverse acting valve is more elimination of the valve from further
complicated than the direct acting testing.
valve and subsequently has more
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ELECTRICAL VALVE Field History - The only information

on field experience with the optical
OPTICAL VALVE - This valve valve was obtained from GM test
incorporates a combination of both vehicles. Valve failures were diagnosed
electrical signals and mechanical as being due to corroded solenoid
reactions to control the tank fuel valves. Manufacturers of the optical
level. An optical sensor is used to valve explained that their system is
determine whether the liquid fuel level usually contained in a closed aluminum
is below 80%. The sensor either permits accessory case to isolate the valve from
or prevents a signal from being the environment, thus explaining the
conducted to the tank mounted stop fill valve failures.
valve. The presence or absence of this
electrical signal then determines CONCLUSIONS
whether a fi 11 is permitted.
Filling is permitted only if the Optical Valve
vehicle ignition is off and the tank
fuel level is below the level of the Although the optical valve has the
optical sensor tip. most potential to provide a fail safe
The valve operation sequence is as system, its proper operation requires a
follows: series of reactions to prevent an
Once the ignition is turned off an overfill. Because this system is more
electrical signal is sent from the complicated (and thus expensive), the
electronic hardware to the optic sensor. possibility of experiencing reliability
An infrared light emitting diode (LEO) problems is high.
transmits a light beam down to the probe
tip, where it is redirected back up to PHYSICAL TESTING
strike the photo transistor completing
the circuit. Figure 4 demonstrates the Because the operating principles of
principle used to control the tank the hydraulic valve violate the basic
1iquid level. requirements that were established at
the outset of this investigation it was
eliminated from further testing.
L.E.D. TRM1SlSTOR L.t.D. TRANSISTOR Field performance reports regarding
the direct acting valve reliability also
negated the requirement for further
valve evaluation. Its evaluation was
continued, however, to provide a basis
of comparison for the other ASF valves.
VEHICLE TESTING - Modified propane
tanks were obtained with provisions for
the installation of two ASF valves per
tank. This modification permitted
direct comparison of the ASF valves
under identical operating and filling
Vehicle tests revealed information
Fuel Level Below ao\ Fuel Level At 80\ which promoted further discussion of
valve performance relating to the
following topics:
Figure 4: Optic Sensor Operation 1. Valve Operation Peculiarities
2. Valve Failures
The signal from the optical sensor 3. Post Test Valve Inspections
activates an electric solenoid on the Oirect Acting Valve - Ouring the
auto-stop fill valve. The activated course of on-vehicle testing, the most
solenoid causes a plunger to retract noticeable valve deficiency was the
exposing the valves fuel exit port to excessive flow rate permitted after the
the tank. valve had shut off. At this point, the
When the tank liquid fuel level fill rate was significantly reduced, but
reaches 80% the infrared signal in the intentional overfilling of the tank was
sensor probe disperses through the fuel still possible.
preventing the signal from reaching the Inspection of this valve after
photo transducer. The signal to the testing resulted in the following
solenoid is then broken, causing the observations.
solenoid to de-energize. The plunger 1. Excessive accumulation of
spring forces the plunger forward contaminants in valve body.
curtailing the fueling operation. 2. The presence of a gritty
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substance around the check ball result, there is no direct correlation

mechanism. This accumulation between the fill rates (and thus cycle
increases the friction force times) and test temperatures.
that must be overcome to both The lab testing permitted
open or close the valve. evaluations of the valve design without
Reverse Acting Valve - Tests on the including the effects caused by other
reverse acting valve revealed conditions factors such as fuel contaminants and
that could occur in any mechanical float corrosive environments (road salt, etc).
valve. On numerOllS occasions, flow This was accomplished by continually
rates much lower than normal resulted, transferring the same fuel supply from
probably as a result of high internal one tank to the other, thus avoiding an
valve frictions due to contaminants accumulation of contaminants. Because
wedged between the piston and valve it had already been determined that
body. these valves do not meet the evaluation
A failed valve permitted an overfill requirements stated earlier, including
due to the float becoming stuck in the these factors in further testing would
down position. The valve was removed have been redundant.
and manually cycled, removing the TEST FIXTURE OPERATION - Liquid
contaminant from the float arm assembly. propane was pumped from one tank to the
The valve was then reinstalled and other by means of a continuously running
functioned properly. This occurrence pump and motor. As seen in figures 5 &
demonstrates the prime reason why 6, four electric solenoid valves
mechanical float ASF valves should not controlled the direction of the flow
be used as the sole method of limiting (ie. which tank was being filled and
tank fuel fill level. which tank was being emptied). When
Optical Valve - A valve failure due solenoid valves I and 4 were energized,
to failed electronics, supported the the pump transferred propane from tank A
field experiences with the valve. to tank B through the ASF valve on tank
Although the valve is fail safe, its B. The de-energized solenoid valve #2
reliabiity is suspect. prevented the fuel from leaving tank B,
while valve #3 prevented the fuel from
LAB TESTING entering tank A which acted as the
supply tank.
Two factors necessitated accelerated When the proper fuel level was
ASF valve cycling: the limited mileage achieved the ASF valve closed, causing
and infrequent refueling of test the fill line pressure to increase. The
vehicles, along with the lack of control pressure transducer sensed line pressure
over test conditions and procedures. increase, signalling that the ASF valve
A test device was required to had stopped the filling process.
determine valve consistency and Solenoid valves I and 4 were then
repeatability along with relative de-energized and valves 2 and 3 became
valve fill rates and durability. energized, reversing the flow causing
The test fixture was designed to the ASF valve on tank A to be cycled.
meet the following requirements. Although a flow meter was installed
I. System must be closed to on the outlet side of the pump, the flow
prevent emission of propane rate exceeded the measurable capacity of
vapour or liquid. the flow meter.
2. System must accurately TEST FIXTURE CONTROL SYSTEM - A
simulate a filling station pressure transducer was used on the fill
refueling operation (pumping line to transmit a voltage signal to the
rate and pressures). H.P. 3421A Data Acquisition/Control Unit
3. System must have a means to which measured the signal and relayed
monitor the flow rate and the value to the Hewlett Packard 75C
count the number of valve computer. The computer compared this
cycles. value to the value entered by the
All lab testing was conducted at the operator to represent a closed ASF
General Motors Cold Weather Oevelopment valve. If the transducer signal was
Centre in Kapuskasing, Ontario, to high enough (meaning the ASF valve had
subject the ASF valves to "worst case" closed) the computer commanded the Data
conditions. Acquisition unit to operate the proper
The test fixture's small fuel actuators and reverse the direction of
storage capacity made it necessary to fuel flow. At each cycle, the computer
artificially pressurize the system activated a timer. If the ASF valve did
(using nitrogen gas above the liquid not stop the fuel flow in the prescribed
propane) to prevent vaporization of the time period, the timer would shut off
fuel in the pump and hoses. As a power to the pump motor.
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Figure 5: Test Fixture



Figure 6: Test Fixture Schematic


The effect of delays due to system
The test fixture control system was hardware were minimized by using
used to record individual valve cycle relative cycle times. Any system delays
times. The cycle time represents the that were independent of fuel flow
time period from when the valve opens direction became insignificant because
(permitting fuel to enter the tank) both cycle times were affected equally.
until it closes (stopping the fuel Steps taken to limit cycle time
flow). It is dependent on a number of uncertainties included: continual pump
factors including: and motor operation, use of a single
1. Fuel temperature pressure transducer to indicate a filled
2. Fill rate permitted by tank and use of a common computer
the valve controller to reverse fuel flow
3. Fuel level shutoff. direction. Symmetrically located
4. Delays due to system solenoid valves at pump inlet and outlet
hardware also minimized cycle time variance. A
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compilation of a large sample of cycle fill rate.

times can thus be quite useful to
determine certain valve operating 200
characteristics. 160
The valves subjected to this fRE:~ENcl60
accelerated testing included the optical Of' 140
and reverse acting valves. The direct CYCLE 120
acting valve was not included in these 100
tests due to the performance information 60
that already existed. 60
The accelerated testing program was
conducted to provide valve comparisons
in the following areas: 20

1. General valve operation

2. Fuel 1evel control 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ~ 11 12 13 14 15 ~ 17
consistency CYCLE TIME {SECONDS}
3. Permitted fill rate before
and after valve closure
4. Valve durability. Population Sample /-lean Standard Lower Upper
Reverse Acting And Optical Valves - Size Size ValueDeviation Limit Limit
The test fixture permitted both a x (sec.) 5 (sec.) (sec.l (sec.)
reverse acting and optical valve to be
evaluated at the same time, thus
permitting identical test conditions 7000 530 10.28 2.17 3.77 16.79
(fuel temperature, pumping rates, etc.).
Both valves were cycled a total of
7,000 times to simulate 100,000 vehicle
miles with test temperatures reaching a
low of _35°C.
Plotted in figures 7 & 8 is the Figure 7: Reverse Acting Valve - Total
frequency of cycle time occurrence vs. Cycle Time Sample
the cycle time. A table of information
extracted from the cycle time data is
also contained for both valves. Because
cycle time samples rather than the
entire population were used, the
standard deviation represents the
estimated standard deviation for the
population. The upper limit value is
equal to the mean cycle time plus three '00
standard deviations, while the lower lBO
limit is the mean time minus three 160
standard deviations. This range ff>.EQUENCY
or 140
provided by the upper and lower 1 imits CYCLE 120
represent 99.73% of the population. THiES
The reverse acting valve has a very 60 _
normal distribution which indicates that
the precise point at which the valve 60
shuts off, will vary slightly from cycle 40

to cycle. By comparison the optical 20

valve distribution is negatively skewed r
(to the left) indicating that there is a 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
particular level on the optic sensor CYCLE TIME (SECOllosl
that the fuel level will seldom exceed.
The distribution shows that if the fuel
level is below this point it will population Sample Mean Standard Lower Upper
sometimes cause the valve to close. Size Size Value Deviation Limit Limit
The difference in standard x (sec.) 5 (sec.) (sec.) (sec.)
deviations demonstrates the wider range
of cycle times experienced by the
reverse acting valve, indicating that 7000 518 7.08 1.17 3.58 10.58
its control of the fuel level is not as
consistent as the optical valve. This
wider range is not as critical as it
would be with an optical valve, because Figure 8: Optical Valve - Total Cycle
the reverse acting valve has a lower Time Sample
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The actual fill rates permitted by

the valves do not provide a good
comparison because the rates are 50
temperature dependent and thus the 45
comparison would only be valid for that .rnE~ENCY
test temperature. A more valuable Of' 35
comparison is provided by establishing a CYCLe 30
direct relationship between the valve 25-
fill rates. The fill rate is equal to
the volume of fluid pumped, divided by
20 -
the amount of time to fill (cycle time). 10
Because the amount of fuel pumped from
one tank to the other is constant s-
(assuming the fuel level permitted by 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 U 17
the valves is consistent) then the CYCLE TIME (SECONDS)
flowrate is indirectly proportional to
the cycle time.
Thus the flowrate permitted by the
optical valve is one and a half times
greater than that permitted by the Sample Mean Standard Lower Upper
reverse acting valve. Size Value Deviation Limit Limit
An attempt to determine the (sec.l S (sec.)
permitted fill rate after valve closure " (sec.l (sec.)
was conducted by zeroing the flowmeter
at midscale and then pumping against a
closed valve. The permitted rate was 103 6.61 1.01 3.57 9.65
unmeasurably low for both valves. The
pressure in the fill lines after valve
closure was identical for all of the Figure 10: Optical Valve - Cycle times
valves tested, indicating a similar flow after 4,300 cycles.
rate after shut off.
The valve durability was
investigated by determining the effect
of cycling on valve performance. A
sample of cycle times were collected 50
after 2000, 4300 and 6500 valve cycles. 45 -
These samples were then plotted, and fllE~DlCY
information extracted to provide a Of' 35
comparison of the range of fill times
TlKES 30
and rates. 25

50 20
40 10
-r h
TIMES 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Sample Mean Standard Lower Upper
r h Size value
S (sec.)
(sec. )
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 IS H 17

99 7,34 ,911 4.6 10.07

Sample Mean Standard Lower Upper
Size Value Deviation Limit Limit
(sec.) S (sec. ) (sec,) (sec.)
Figure 11: Optical Valve - Cycle
" times after 6,500 cycles
Increased cycling of the optical
6.46 1.09 3.2 9.72
55 valve, had a slightly positive effect on
valve performance. As seen by the
Figure g: Optical Valve - Cycle times decreased standard deviation (and thus
after 2,000 cycles. narrowed cycle time range) the higher
Downloaded from SAE International by University of New South Wales, Wednesday, September 19, 2018

861576 11

the number of valve cycles, the narrower 50

the operating band became. 45

or 35
45 25
40 20
Of' 35 15
CYCLE 30 10
25 5
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
sample Hean Standard Lower Upper
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 e 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Size Value Deviation Limit Limit
x (sec.) S (sec.) (sec. ) (sec. )

100 10.OB 2.04 3.97 16.19

Sample J>lean Standard Lower Upper
Size Value Deviation Limit Limit
x (sec. ) S (sec. ) (sec. ) (sec.)
Figure 14: Reverse Acting Valve - Cycle
Times After 6,500 Cycles
63 7. 75 1.6B 2.73 12.78
The effect of increased cycling on
the reverse acting valve had a slightly
negative effect on valve performance.
Figure 12: Reverse Acting Valve - Cycle The standard deviation (and thus the
Times After 2,000 Cycles cycle time range) increased as the
number of valve cycles increased.
Wear on the valve's cam assembly will
provide a less definite shut off point
resulting in a greater cycle to cycle
50 variation.

Of' 35
CYCLE 30 1. The optical valve provided a more
consistent fuel level control than
did the reverse acting valve.
2. The consistency of the optical valve
- increased with increased valve

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
3. The consistency of the reverse
acting valve deteriorated with
increased valve cycles.
4. The optical valve permitted a
significantly higher flow rate
(approximately 1.5 times higher)
than the reverse acting valve.
Safilple Mean Standard Lower llpp~r
Size Value Deviation Limit Limit
x (sec.) S (sec. ) (sec. ) (sec. ) The lack of a demonstrated reliable
and fail safe system that will withstand
adverse field conditions such as fuel
103 9.92 1.73 4.73 15.11 contaminants, tank contaminants and
operating environment (vehicle underbody
temperature, road splash etc.) forces a
reassessment of how to effectively
Figure 13: Reverse Acting Valve - Cycle control the fuel fi 11 1evel.
Times After 4,300 Cycles Relocation of the automatic shutoff
Downloaded from SAE International by University of New South Wales, Wednesday, September 19, 2018

12 861576

mechanism should be considered to DESIGN PROPOSAL OPERATION - The

eliminate or minimize these negative proposed system would be similar to the
influences. It is suggested that the optical valve except that the light
installation of a fuel level sensor in emitting diode (LED) and photo
the vehicle tank and a fuel control transistor would be located in the
system on the dispenser hose (as on electric solenoid valve on the dispenser
gasoline dispensers) would provide the nozzle. The explosion proof solenoid
greatest degree of success for the valve would require a signal from the
following reasons: optic sensor indicating that the fuel
1. This would permit isolation of level is below the 80% fuel level in
the fuel level control system order to energize it. Once the required
from the influences of vehicle fuel level has reached the optic sensor
tank contaminants and exposure it would prevent the photo transducer
to vehicle road conditions from energizing the valve thus
(temperatures, road splash and terminating the fill.
salt) . The fuel trapped in the dispenser
2. Better control, inspections, hose after the fill operation would then
monitoring and servicing of the be bled to atmosphere as in the current
shut off system would be procedure. This set up would require a
possible, since: relief valve in the fill line to prevent
A) The shut off valve location a pressure buildup in the line in case
would be stationary the hose was not emptied.
B) The number of filling stations System Components
and therefore shutoff 1. Optical sensor located in vehicle
mechanisms would be fewer. 2. Explosion proof d.c. solenoid valve
3. By eliminating the necessity for with LED and photo transistor
such a device on each vehicle activator.
tank, the fewer number of stop 3. Relief valve between dispenser pump
fill systems required would and solenoid valve.
permit the use of a more
elaborate and expensive system CONCLUSIONS
while providing a cost advantage
to the customer. 1. None of the currently available
4. Prevention of tampering with the automatic stop fill valves tested
system by the customer. met all of the previously stated
5. Provide vehicle conformity by the valve requirements when exposed to
elimination of unnecessary real world conditions.
hardware. 2. Outside of design limitations,
The following design proposal contaminants are the most common
involves the incorporation of an 80% cause of ASF valve failure. The
fuel level sensor in the vehicle tank main sources of contaminants are
and a shut off valve on the dispenser from the fuel and tank.
unit. An illustration of this proposed 3. Primary sources of fuel contaminants
system is located in figure 15. are a result of:
A Improper retention of propane
dispensing fill nozzles after
SENSOR VAL"" refueling.
B The lack of use of a CGA type
TO II low leach or type III
TANK dispenser hose, thus permitting
plasticizers to enter the fuel.
C. The excessive level of
contaminants permitted by the
current propane HD-5 Standard.
1. Install filters on both the fill
valve and pump dispenser.
2. Provide a convenient hanger system
for dispenser nozzle to prevent
mi shandl i ng.
3. Modify legislation to require a
Canadian Gas Association type II low
Figure 15 leach, or type III dispenser hose,
Proposed Automatic Shutoff System bringing the hose standard to the
Downloaded from SAE International by University of New South Wales, Wednesday, September 19, 2018
861576 13

same level as vehicle hose

4. Reduce the currently permitted
residue level for propane HD-5.
5. Pursue design and development of
stop fill system which incorporates
a fuel level measurement sensor in
the tank and shutoff valve system
on the dispenser hose.

G.A. Lacy, R.C. Motta, and
T.R. Willsie, Optimization of
Propane Engines for Light Duty
Vehicles -Phase 1 (Windsor: Product
and Development Engineering
Department, Chrysler Canada Ltd.
1984), p. xi.

R.R. Deutscher, letter entitled
Analysis of General Motors Propane,
Gulf Canada Limited, (Sheridan Park:
Research and Development
Department), File: 0414-84-65,
November 6,1984, p. 1.

3 IIInterview With Larry Pearce of Reg

0" LP Gas, May 1983, p. 38

LP Gas, op. cit. p. 38

5 Underwriter Lab Inc., evaluation of

Auto Stop Valve Model 430, File
MH120D1, Volume 1, Section 1,
Revised July 20, 1983, p.1)
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