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Geographical Location
Presentation Bulgaria's territorial Expansion
Main Points Historical Language
Indigenous Culture
On the world map. Bulgaria is situated in Eastern Europe, occupying
part of the Balkan Peninsula, bordered by the Black Sea, and sharing
boundaries with five countries, including Greece and Turkey.
Bulgaria's territorial expansion covers approximately
110,994 km², with around 7 million inhabitants. It has
a tropical climate and a biome of temperate forests,
with the predominant language being Bulgarian.
The Bulgarian language directly descends from ancient
Slavic dialects spoken in the Balkan Peninsula since
the arrival of the Slavs around the middle of the first
millennium AD. The earliest records were written in
Old Church Slavonic, using the Glagolitic script.
Indigenous Culture
The country has a rich and diverse history, with various
populations and cultures inhabiting the region over the
centuries. The Thracians, among the oldest known
peoples in Bulgaria, date back thousands of years,
leaving significant archaeological traces, including tombs
and artifacts. In addition to the Thracians, other ethnic
groups that lived in Bulgaria include the Dacians,
Romans, Byzantines, Slavs, and Turks, among others.
Each has left its mark on Bulgaria's culture and history,
contributing to the country's complex and multifaceted

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