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Use of starter cultures of lactic acid

bacteria and yeasts in the preparation of
Togwa, a Tanzanian fermented food


Impact Factor: 3.08 · DOI: 10.1016/S0168-1605(02)00386-0 · Source: PubMed


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Jovin K Mugula Judith A. Narvhus

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) Norwegian University of Life Sciences (…


Terje Sørhaug
Norwegian University of Life Sciences (…


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International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307 – 318

Use of starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in the

preparation of togwa, a Tanzanian fermented food
J.K. Mugula*, J.A. Narvhus, T. Sørhaug
Department of Food Science, Agricultural University of Norway, PO Box 5036, N-1432 Ås, Norway
Received 29 April 2001; received in revised form 13 July 2002; accepted 18 July 2002


Starter cultures of lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus brevis, Lactobacillus cellobiosus, Lactobacillus fermentum,
Lactobacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus) and yeasts (Candida pelliculosa, Candida tropicalis, Issatchenkia
orientalis and Saccharomyes cerevisiae) isolated from native togwa were tested singly or in combination for their ability to
ferment maize – sorghum gruel to produce togwa. All species of bacteria showed an ability to ferment the gruel as judged by
lowering the pH from 5.87 to 3.24 – 3.49 and increasing the titratable acidity from 0.08% to 0.30 – 0.44% (w/w, lactic acid) in 24
h. Yeasts used singly showed little activity within 12 h, but lowered the pH to 3.57 – 4.81 and increased the acidity to 0.11 –
0.21% in 24 h. Yeasts in co-culture with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) had a modest effect on the final acidity ( P < 0.05). The
number of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts increased while the Enterobacteriaceae decreased with fermentation time. The pH was
lowered and lactic acid produced significantly ( P < 0.05) fastest in natural togwa fermentation and in samples fermented by L.
plantarum or L. plantarum in co-culture with I. orientalis. The content of fermentable sugars was reduced during fermentation.
Most volatile flavour compounds were produced in samples from fermentation by P. pentosaceus and I. orientalis in co-culture
with either L. plantarum or L. brevis.
D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Cereal fermentation; Togwa; Starter cultures; Lactic acid bacteria; Yeasts; Sugars; Organic acids; Volatile organic compounds

1. Introduction 1997; Nago et al., 1998; Kunene et al., 2000). Stable

co-metabolism between LAB and yeasts is common in
Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeasts have been many foods, enabling the utilization of substances that
reported to be the predominant microorganisms in are otherwise nonfermentable (for example starch)
most of the African indigenous fermented foods and thus increasing the microbial adaptability to
(Nout, 1991; Halm et al., 1993; Hounhouigan et al., complex food ecosystems (Gobbetti et al., 1994; Stolz
1993; Sanni, 1993; Steinkraus, 1996; Olasupo et al., et al., 1995; Gobbetti and Corsetti, 1997).
It has been suggested that the proliferation of
yeasts in foods is favoured by the acidic environment
* Corresponding author. Present address: Department of Food
Science and Technology, Sokoine University of Agriculture, PO
created by LAB while the growth of bacteria is
Box 3006, Morogoro, Tanzania. Tel./fax: +255-23-2604402. stimulated by the presence of yeasts, which may pro-
E-mail address: (J.K. Mugula). vide growth factors, such as, vitamins and soluble

0168-1605/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
308 J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318

nitrogen compounds (Nout, 1991). The association of 2. Materials and methods

LAB and yeasts during fermentation may also con-
tribute metabolites, which could impart taste and 2.1. Enumeration and characterization of LAB and
flavour to foods (Akinrele, 1970; Halm et al., 1993; yeasts
Brauman et al., 1996; Hansen and Hansen, 1996). The
production of acids and other antimicrobial compo- Duplicate samples of togwa (10 ml) were homo-
nents in gruel during fermentation may promote or genized with 90 ml sterile peptone physiological
improve the microbiological safety (Nout et al., 1989; saline solution (5 g peptone, 8.5 g NaCl, 1000 ml
Svanberg et al., 1992; Kingamkono et al., 1994, 1995) distilled water, pH 7.0 F 0.2). The homogenate was
and stability of the products (Mensah et al., 1991). decimal diluted and the relevant dilutions surface
According to Sanni (1993) and Kimaryo et al. plated. M17 agar (Merck, Darmstadt, Germany)
(2000), the use of starter cultures would be an plates containing 0.1% (w/v) glucose were incu-
appropriate approach for the control and optimisation bated aerobically and MRS agar (Merck) plates
of the fermentation process in order to alleviate the containing 0.1% (w/v) natamycin (Delvocid, Delft,
problems of variations in organoleptic quality and The Netherlands) were incubated anaerobically
microbiological stability observed in African indige- (BBL Gas Pak, H2 and CO2; Becton Dickinson,
nous fermented foods. No LAB starter cultures are Cockeysville, MD, USA) for 48 h at 30 jC for the
commercially available yet for the small-scale pro- enumeration and isolation of lactic acid bacteria
cessing of traditional African foods (Holzapfel, (LAB). A total of 120 representative colonies were
1997). randomly picked from higher dilution plates of
The development of starter cultures is one of the various fermentation stages and confirmed to be
prerequisites for the establishment of small-scale Gram-positive and catalase-negative. For subsequent
industrial production of fermented foods in Africa purification and sub-culturing M17 and MRS agar
(Sanni, 1993). The primary consideration before intro- and broths were used. The pure bacterial cultures
ducing starter cultures for traditional small-scale fer- were inoculated into appropriate broth, incubated
mentations should be whether these would signi- for 24 h at 30 jC, centrifuged (Kubota 2010,
ficantly contribute to an improvement of processing Kubota, Tokyo, Japan) at 3000 rpm for 15 min
conditions and product quality with respect to: rapid and the supernatant decanted. The cell pellets were
or accelerated acidification, an improved and more re-suspended either in sterile MRS or M17 broth
predictable fermentation process, desirable sensory containing 10% (v/v) glycerol. The suspension was
attributes, improved safety and reduction of hygienic aseptically transferred into sterile cryo-tubes con-
risks (Holzapfel, 1997). Therefore, a thorough under- taining acid-washed glass beads and stored at 80
standing of the fermentation process is required. The jC until required for identification. Aerobic meso-
knowledge gained with controlled starter culture may philic bacteria in togwa were enumerated on plate
also benefit those operating at a very small scale and count agar (PCA, Merck) after incubation for 2
practising backslopping. days at 30 jC and Enterobacteriaceae on violet red
Togwa is a fermented gruel or beverage prepared bile glucose agar (VRBGA, Oxoid) after incubation
either from cassava, maize, sorghum, millet or their for 24 h at 37 jC. Yeasts were enumerated and
combinations (Mugula et al., 2001). LAB and yeasts isolated after incubation for 3– 5 days at 25 jC on
are the predominant microorganisms found in togwa wort agar (WA, Merck) containing 0.01% (w/v)
(Mugula et al., 2001). Their role needs to be inves- sterile oxytetracyline (Merck) or on Rose Bengal
tigated in order to identify those functionally most Chloramphenicol agar (RBCA, Oxoid) containing
effective for the preparation of this product. This 0.01% (w/v) chloramphenicol (selective supplement,
study aimed to clarify the role of different selected Oxoid). Purification and sub-culturing was done
species of LAB and yeasts with respect to their using potato dextrose agar (PDA, Oxoid) and yeast
contribution to stability and safety of the product extract – malt extract (YM) broth. The purified yeast
and to the formation of flavour compounds during cultures were stored on PDA slants at 4 jC until
fermentation in the preparation of togwa. required for identification and further use.
J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318 309

The bacteria were characterized by microscopic sucrose, galactose, and raffinose (Merck), erythritol,
examination and by conventional biochemical and 2-ketogluconate, a-methyl-D-glucoside (Sigma, St.
physiological tests. The cultures were examined for Louis, MO, USA). Other tests included starch for-
colony and cell morphology; motility, cell arrange- mation, cycloheximide (Sigma) resistance, urease
ment, Gram reaction; catalase reaction; growth in activity, assimilation of potassium nitrate (Merck), L-
broth at 10, 15, 40 and 45 jC; growth in presence lysine and cadavarine (Sigma); growth at 37 and 40
of 2%, 4%, and 6.5% (w/v) NaCl; production of jC; growth in 60% glucose – yeast extract agar,
ammonia from arginine; production of dextran from growth in presence of 16% NaCl, growth in vitamin
sucrose; and production of carbon dioxide from free medium, growth in media containing 1% acetic
glucose using Gibson’s litmus milk. These tests acid, potassium sorbate or benzoate. The formation of
were done according to procedures described by mycelium and pseudohyphae was examined by micro-
Harrigan and McCance (1990). The production of scopy of Dalmau plates; ascospore formation on
carbon dioxide was also determined in MRS and Gorodkova agar, acetate agar and YM agar, and the
M17 broth, after incubation at 30 jC for 24 h, cell morphology on YM broth culture wet mounts.
using an infrared gas analyzer (ADC 225 MK3,
The Analytical Development, Hertfordshire, UK) 2.2. Preparation of starter cultures
connected to a Chromatopac (C-R3A, Shimadzu
Corporation Analytical Instruments, Kyoto, Japan) The cultures of LAB (Lactobacillus brevis, Lacto-
according to Narvhus et al. (1992). Preliminary bacillus cellobiosus, Lactobacillus fermentum, Lacto-
grouping for selection of 30 isolates for API tests bacillus plantarum and Pediococcus pentosaceus) and
was based on the above-mentioned morphological, yeasts (Candida pelliculosa, Candida tropicalis,
physiological and biochemical characteristics. The Issatchenkia orientalis and Saccharomyes cerevisiae)
fermentation pattern among carbohydrates was isolated from native togwa as described above were
determined by using the API 50 CH gallery with used. The cultures had been stored at –80 jC in sterile
the API 50 CHL medium (Bio Mérieux, Marcy- cryo-tubes containing MRS broth with 10% (v/v)
l’Etoile, France). Anaerobiosis in the inoculated glycerol and acid-washed glass beads until required.
tubes was obtained by overlaying with sterile par- LAB were cultivated by streaking on MRS agar
affin oil. The inoculated galleries were incubated at (Merck) and incubated anaerobically (BBL, Gas Pak,
30 jC and the observations were made after 24 and H2 and CO2; Becton Dickinson) at 30 jC for 24 h. A
48 h. The identification of the isolates was facili- colony was picked from each pure culture plate, grown
tated by the use of a computer programme, API- successively in MRS broth before centrifugation at
LAB PLUS, version 3.2.2 (Bio Mérieux) and 655  g/15 min (Kubota 2010, Kubota). The pellet
reference to Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bac- was washed in peptone physiological salt solution
teriology (Sneath et al., 1986) and Wood and centrifuged again and redistributed in peptone physio-
Holzapfel (1995). logical salt solution. This procedure achieved a culture
The yeast isolates were identified by using the preparation containing 109 colony-forming units (cfu)/
Simplified Identification Method (SIM) described by ml, checked as viable count on MRS agar. Pure cultures
Deak and Beuchat (1996), with additional standard of I. orientalis, S. cerevisiae, C. pelliculosa and C.
taxonomical methods (Kurtzman and Fell, 1998), the tropicalis were cultivated by streaking on Rose bengal
use of ID32C diagnostic kits (Bio Mérieux), assisted chloramphenicol agar (RBCA, Merck), incubated at 30
by a computer software (API LAB PLUS version jC for 48 h and the picked colony was inoculated into
3.2.2, Bio Mérieux). The SIM included the fermenta- 10 ml of YM broth [3 g yeast extract (Oxoid, Basing-
tion patterns among D-glucose, fructose, raffinose, stoke, Hampshire, England), 3 g malt extract (Oxoid), 5
maltose, D -galactose (Merck), lactose, sucrose g peptone (Difco), 10 g glucose (Merck), 1000 ml
(BDH, Poole, England); and the assimilation patterns distilled water, pH 6.9] and incubated at 30 jC for 24 h.
among xylose, melibiose, rhamnose, trehalose, man- These cultures were centrifuged and washed as
nitol, arabinose, citrate, soluble starch, cellobiose, D- described above. This procedure achieved a culture
ribose, melezitose, DL-lactate, L-sorbose, lactose, preparation containing 107 cfu/ml, as viable count on
310 J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318

RBCA. Yeast cultures had been stored on potato was calculated as percent (w/w) lactic acid equiva-
dextrose agar slants at 4 jC until required. The number lent.
of LAB and yeasts was monitored during fermentation Organic acids were analyzed by using the high
by serial dilution of the samples, using the media performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method
described above. The Enterobacteriaceae were moni- according to the method of Marsili et al. (1981), as
tored in naturally fermented samples by surface spread- modified by Narvhus et al. (1998). Volatile com-
ing on violet red bile glucose agar (VRBGA, Merck) pounds were analyzed by using automatic static head-
and enumeration after incubation at 37 jC for 24 h. space gas chromatography according to Narvhus et al.
2.3. Preparation of samples Total soluble sugars and reducing sugars were
determined according to the Luff-Schoorl method by
Maize –sorghum (1:1 w/w) flour slurry (1:9 w/v) titration against 0.1 N sodium thiosulphate as
was boiled for 20 min to gruel and cooled to around described by Egan et al. (1981). The concentrations
30 jC. Naturally fermented samples were prepared by of glucose, fructose, and maltose were determined
supplementing the gruel with either sorghum malt during fermentation by HPLC, as for the organic acids
alone or with sorghum malt followed by backslopping analysis, but using a refractive index detector (Perkin-
with 1:9 (v/v) of native togwa and 100 ml quantities in Elmer, Norwark, CT, USA) in series with the UV
250 ml screw-capped bottles were incubated at 30 jC. detector and calibrated using standard sugar solutions
For controlled fermentation samples, the malt was (Sigma).
added when the gruel was at 55– 58 jC and were left
to cool for 30 min. They were then autoclaved at 121 2.6. Statistical analyses
jC for 15 min and cooled down to 30 jC prior to
inoculation. The data obtained were subjected to analysis of
variance (SAS/Stat, 1996) and mean differences deter-
2.4. Fermentation mined by Duncan’s multiple range or the least square
difference (LSD) test ( P < 0.05).
In controlled fermentations, 100 ml of sterile gruel
was inoculated with 1 ml of LAB or 1 ml of yeast
suspension. Mixed fermentation by LAB and yeast 3. Results
was initiated using 1 ml of each inoculum. Inoculated
samples were thoroughly mixed (Vortex Gene-2, 3.1. Phenotyping of starter cultures isolated from
Model G-560E, Scientific Industries, Bohemia, NY, togwa
USA) and incubated at 30 jC. At 0, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h
of fermentation, the samples were withdrawn for mi- Among the 120 LAB isolates, rods accounted for
crobial counts, pH, organic acids, sugars and volatile 90%, cocci 10%, dextran producers 36%, CO2 pro-
compounds. The experiments were replicated three ducers 70%, while 62% of the isolates were able to
times. grow at 45 jC, and 34% tolerated 6.5% NaCl. The
cocci were homofermentative, grew at 10 to 45 jC and
2.5. Chemical analyses hydrolysed arginine. The bacteria isolates identified by
the use of a computer programme, APILAB PLUS,
The pH was determined with a pH meter (PHM61, version 3.2.2 (Bio Mérieux) and reference to Bergey’s
Radiometer, Copenhagen, Denmark) equipped with a Manual of Systematic Bacteriology (Sneath et al.,
glass electrode (Orion 9102, Orion Research, Boston, 1986) and Wood and Holzapfel (1995) were tenta-
MA, USA). The pH meter was calibrated against tively identified as: L. brevis, L. cellobiosus, L. fer-
standard buffer solutions (Merck) at pH 4.0 and 7.0. mentum, L. plantarum, P. pentosaceus and W. confusa.
The titratable acidity was determined potentiometri- The species were isolated from all stages of fermenta-
cally according to Nout et al. (1989) by titrating 10 g tion, and L. plantarum dominated the final stages of
of togwa against 0.1 M NaOH to pH 8.5. The acidity fermentation.
J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318 311

The yeast isolates identified by using the SIM 3.2. Starter cultures
procedure described by Deak and Beuchat (1996),
as well as reference to the standard taxonomic key Monocultures of the four species of LAB repre-
outlined by Kurtzman and Fell (1998) and the use of sented were effective in fermenting the gruel as
ID32C diagnostic kits (Bio Merieux), assisted by a judged from the changes in pH and acidity (Table
computer software (API LAB PLUS version 3.2.2, 1). The pH fell from 5.87 to 3.45– 3.77 in 12 h and to
Bio Mérieux, were tentatively identified as: I. orien- pH 3.24 –3.49 in 24 h, with a simultaneous increase in
talis (50%), S. cerevisiae (23%), (3) C. tropicalis titratable acidity from 0.08% to 0.23– 0.36% and to
(10%) and (4) C. pelliculosa (17%). The species were 0.30 – 0.44% (w/w) lactic acid in 12 and 24 h of
isolated from all stages of fermentation. fermentation, respectively.

Table 1
Effect of starter cultures on pH and titratable acidity of togwa*
Starter culture pH Titratable acidity
12 h 24 h 12 h 24 h
Control (sterile sample) 5.87 a** 5.87 a 0.08 j 0.08 l
Naturally fermented (Malt + BS***) 3.32 l 3.12 e 0.60 a 0.95 a
Naturally fermented (Malt) 4.20 e 3.39 ed 0.28 fcehdg 0.54 b
Issatchenkia orientalis 5.62 b 3.59 d 0.10 j 0.11 lk
Saccharomyces cerevisiae 4.89 d 4.39 c 0.16 i 0.20 jk
Candida tropicalis 5.55 b 4.81 b 0.09 j 0.11 lk
Candida pelliculosa 5.32 c 3.57 d 0.09 j 0.21 ji
Lactobacillus plantarum (LP) 3.45 jlk 3.24 ed 0.36 b 0.44 dce
LP + Issatchenkia orientalis 3.44 lk 3.24 ed 0.30 fcebd 0.41 dfce
LP + Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.47 jilk 3.33 ed 0.30 fcebd 0.44 dce
LP + Candida tropicalis 3.45 jlk 3.30 ed 0.30 fcebd 0.46 c
LP + Candida pelliculosa 3.43 lk 3.28 ed 0.33 cb 0.45 dc
Lactobacillus brevis (LB) 3.52 jilhk 3.42 ed 0.31 cebd 0.37 gdfceh
LB + Issatchenkia orientalis 3.65 jgifhk 3.39 ed 0.30 fcebdg 0.39 gdfceh
LB + Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.64 jgifhk 3.43 ed 0.33 cbd 0.39 gdfceh
LB + Candida tropicalis 3.67 gifh 3.40 ed 0.30 fcebdg 0.38 gdfceh
LB + Candida pelliculosa 3.64 jgifhk 3.40 ed 0.29 fcebhdg 0.39 gdfceh
Lactobacillus fermentum (LF) 3.79 gf 3.48 ed 0.26 fehdg 0.35 gdfeh
LF + Issatchenkia orientalis 3.72 gfh 3.44 ed 0.26 fehdg 0.34 gfeh
LF + Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.71 gfh 3.48 ed 0.29 fcebhdg 0.38 gdfceh
LF + Candida tropicalis 3.72 gfh 3.46 ed 0.28 fcehdg 0.36 gdfceh
LF + Candida pelliculosa 3.67 gifh 3.44 ed 0.29 fcebhdg 0.37 gdfceh
Lactobacillus cellobiosus (LC) 3.61 jgifhk 3.42 ed 0.29 fcebhdg 0.39 gdfceh
LC + Issatchenkia orientalis 3.67 jgifh 3.41 ed 0.27 fcehdg 0.40 gdfce
LC + Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.64 jgifhk 3.48 ed 0.30 fcebd 0.41 dfce
LC + Candida tropicalis 3.62 jgifhk 3.40 ed 0.29 fcehdg 0.37 gdfceh
LC + Candida pelliculosa 3.58 jgihk 3.39 ed 0.30 fcebd 0.38 gdfceh
Pediococcus pentosaceus (PP) 3.77 gf 3.49 ed 0.23 hg 0.30 gih
PP + Issatchenkia orientalis 3.82 f 3.51 ed 0.24 fehg 0.29 ih
PP + Saccharomyces cerevisiae 3.81 f 3.63 d 0.23 hg 0.33 gfh
PP + Candida tropicalis 3.76 gf 3.47 ed 0.22 h 0.30 gih
PP + Candida pelliculosa 3.79 gf 3.50 ed 0.23 fhg 0.32 gfh
LSD****(P < 0.05) 0.19 0.32 0.06 0.08
* Values are means of three replicates.
** Means with the same letter within the column are not significantly different ( P < 0.05).
*** BS = back-slopped with 10% (v/v) togwa.
**** LSD = least significant difference.
312 J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318

Yeasts as monoculture starters, apart from S. fermentation except in native fermentation (data not
cerevisiae, were not very effective in lowering shown).
the pH or increasing the acidity of the gruel in The concentration of fructose decreased with the
the first 12 h. However, they were able to lower time of fermentation (0.08 – 0.09% to 0.02 –0.07% w/
the pH to 3.57– 4.81 and increase acidity to 0.11 – w within 24 h). The most significant ( P < 0.05)
0.21% in 24 h of fermentation (Table 1). There decrease was observed in samples fermented by L.
was no significant difference ( P < 0.05) in pH and plantarum and L. plantarum in co-culture with I.
acidity between the bacteria used as monocultures orientalis between 12 and 24 h (results not shown).
or in co-culture with yeasts in their ability to The concentration of glucose decreased with fermen-
ferment the gruel. tation time in all samples (0.52 – 0.58% to 0.04 –
In naturally fermented samples, the pH fell to 0.37% w/w within 24 h) except in the naturally
3.32 and 3.12 in malt-backslopped samples and, to fermented samples (results not shown). In the latter,
4.20 and 3.39 in malt-supplemented samples, with a it increased radically during the first 12 h (0.52% to
simultaneous increase in acidity from 0.60% to 1.70%) and thereafter decreased (1.37% after 24 h).
0.95% and 0.28% to 0.54%, in 12 and 24 h of The concentration of maltose decreased with fermen-
fermentation, respectively. The combination of malt tation time (2.38 – 2.63% to 2.06 –2.49%) (results not
flour and backslopping resulted into the most rapid shown). There was a significant ( P < 0.05) decrease
drop in pH and increase in acidity in comparison in samples fermented with monocultures of L. brevis
with the rest of the 30 starter cultures used (Table 1). or L. cellobiosus and L. brevis in co-culture with I.
orientalis in 24 h. In naturally fermented samples,
3.3. Microbial numbers maltose increased during the first 4 h from 2.38% to
3.14% and declined thereafter to 2.15% (results not
The counts of L. cellobiosus, L. fermentum, L. shown).
plantarum, L. brevis and P. pentosaceus increased
from about 7 to 9 log cfu/ml of togwa in 8 h, but after 3.5. pH and organic acids
this, the counts of L. brevis and P. pentosaceus de-
clined to 8 log cfu/ml (results not shown). In co-culture The changes in pH of togwa during fermentation
with I. orientalis, the number of L. brevis reached 9 log are shown in Fig. 1. The naturally fermented samples
cfu/ml (results not shown). Yeasts increased from 5 to had a significantly ( P < 0.05) lower pH at 0 h due to
7 log cfu/ml while the Enterobacteriaceae decreased backslopping. There was no significant difference
to nil within 24 h (results not shown). ( P>0.05) in pH between the samples fermented nat-
urally and those fermented by L. plantarum or L.
3.4. Sugar content plantarum in co-culture with I. orientalis after 8 and
12 h. The recommended pH for togwa (pH V 3.8) was
The concentration of total soluble sugars in gruel reached within 8 h in these samples. In samples
increased after addition of malt, from 36.5 to 39.2 mg/g fermented by the rest of the cultures, this pH value
during the first 20 min, and reached 44.7 (mg/g of was reached within 12 h.
gruel) after 30 min (results not shown). In the same The changes in the concentration organic acids
period, the reducing sugars increased from 1.6 to 21.4 during fermentation are shown in Fig. 1. Lactic acid
mg/g and reached a concentration of 22.0 mg/g of gruel was produced in the largest amount, reaching about
after 30 min. This amount of fermentable sugar avail- 1% (w/w) after 24 h in naturally fermented samples
able at the beginning of the fermentation was appa- rather closely followed by samples with L. plantarum
rently sufficient to attain the acidity of 0.44%, and L. plantarum co-cultured with I. orientalis within
corresponding to a pH of about 3.24 after 24 h of 8 to 12 h ( P < 0.05). There was no significant differ-
fermentation in inoculated samples (Table 1). There ence ( P < 0.05) between the naturally fermented sam-
was no significant difference ( P>0.05) in the levels of ples and those fermented by L. plantarum after 24 h.
fructose, glucose and maltose between malt-treated, Citric acid was reduced to undetectable levels
autoclaved and non-autoclaved gruels at the start of within 4 h in naturally fermented samples, and
J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318 313

Fig. 1. Change in pH and organic acids in togwa during natural (NF) and controlled fermentation. LB, L. brevis; LBIO, L. brevis + I. orientalis;
LC, L. cellobiosus; LF, L. fermentum; LP, L. plantarum; LPIO, L. plantarum + I. orientalis; PP, P. pentosaceus.

within 24 h in samples fermented by L. fermentum levels of formic acid throughout fermentation, and
alone or L. plantarum and I. orientalis in co- pyro-glutamic acid after 12 h. Pyro-glutamic acid
culture. There was no significant difference between was reduced significantly ( P < 0.05) in samples
the naturally fermented and other samples in the fermented by L. cellobiosus within 24 h. Except
314 J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318

for natural fermentation, there was no significant 3.6. Volatile organic compounds (VOC)
difference between samples in the amount of uric
acid within 12 h. Succinic acid decreased signifi- The levels of VOC during fermentation are shown in
cantly ( P < 0.05) in samples fermented with L. Fig. 2. The following malty compounds: 3-methyl-1-
plantarum and P. pentosaceus after 24 h. butanal, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 2-methyl-1-propanal, 2-

Fig. 2. Change in volatile organic compounds in togwa during natural (NF) and controlled fermentation. LB, L. brevis; LBIO, L. brevis + I.
orientalis; LC, L. cellobiosus; LF, L. fermentum; LP, L. plantarum; LPIO, L. plantarum + I. orientalis; PP, P. pentosaceus.
J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318 315

methyl-1-propanol, 2-methyl-1-butanal and 2-methyl fermented by I. orientalis in co-culture with L. brevis

butanol (Narvhus et al., 1998), were detected in togwa. and L. cellobiosus within 8– 12 h, in addition to L.
They were found in relatively high concentrations in brevis and L. fermentum in 24 h. The production of
samples fermented by I. orientalis in co-culture with alcoholic flavour compounds was enhanced when the
either L. brevis or L. plantarum and in naturally bacteria were co-cultured with yeasts.
fermented samples (results not shown). The concen-
tration of 2-methyl butanol ranged from 0.37 to 0.39
mg/kg in samples fermented by I. orientalis in co- 4. Discussion
culture with L. brevis; 0.10 to 0.27 mg/kg in samples
fermented by I. orientalis in co-culture with L. planta- The use of spontaneous fermentation, although a
rum and 0.09 to 2.44 mg/kg in naturally fermented simple way to achieve togwa fermentation, involves
samples between 8 and 24 h. The concentration of 2- a complex microbial process (Daeschel et al., 1987),
methyl-1-propanol ranged from 0.42 to 2.47 mg/kg in and may result in variations in quality of the gruel
samples fermented by I. orientalis in co-culture with L. (Kingamkono et al., 1995). The combination of malt
brevis; 0.32 to 1.41 mg/kg in samples fermented by I. flour and backslopping is a common technique
orientalis in co-culture with L. plantarum between 8 applied to prepare togwa in Tanzania (Lorri and
and 24 h. The concentration of 3-methyl butanal ranged Svanberg, 1995). The advantage of using a com-
from 0.01 to 0.04 mg/kg in samples fermented by I. bined starter method, apart from the possibility to
orientalis in co-culture with L. brevis and 0.09 to 0.12 increase energy density (Svanberg et al., 1992;
mg/kg in samples fermented by I. orientalis in co- Darling et al., 1995; Willumsen et al., 1997), is
culture with L. plantarum between 8 and 24 h. It was that a desirable pH = 3.8 is quickly reached and this
reduced to undetectable levels during the same period. may inhibit the growth and toxin production by
The concentration of 2-methyl-1-propanal ranged from food-borne enteropathogens (Nout et al., 1989;
0.04 to 0.06 mg/kg in samples fermented by I. orienta- Svanberg et al., 1992; Kingamkono et al., 1994,
lis in co-culture with L. brevis and decreased from 0.20 1998). Rapid fermentation is also desirable in order
to 0.09 mg/kg in samples fermented by I. orientalis in to obtain togwa with good sensory properties (Lorri
co-culture with L. plantarum within this period. The and Svanberg, 1995).
concentration of 2-methyl butanal decreased (0.11 to In the present study, malt was added to gruel at
0.01 mg/kg) in all samples and 2-butanone remained 55– 58 jC and left to cool for 30 min before auto-
constant (0.02 – 0.05 mg/kg) during fermentation. claving and subsequent inoculation. The concentra-
Diacetyl was produced in significantly different tion of reducing sugars did not increase significantly
amounts in samples fermented by L. plantarum ( P < 0.05) after 20 to 30 min after addition of malt to
(0.39 – 0.69 mg/kg) and P. pentosaceus (0.36 – 0.47 gruel (results not shown). The combined starters in
mg/kg) within 8 to 24 h. After 24 h, acetaldehyde natural fermentation might have provided a more
was significantly higher in togwa fermented with L. diversified enzyme system from the indigenous ger-
brevis or L. plantarum in co-culture with I. orientalis. minated cereal flour, lactic acid bacteria and yeasts.
Acetoin was reduced with time in all samples. The The fermentable sugars monitored during fermenta-
production of aldehydes was enhanced when L. plan- tion were fructose, glucose and maltose. Mbugua et
tarum was co-cultured with yeasts ( P < 0.05). al. (1983) reported that the fermentable sugars in
The alcohols: 2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-buta- maize and sorghum during fermentation included
nol and 2-methyl-1-propanol increased in naturally fructose, glucose, sucrose, maltotriose and raffinose.
fermented and in samples fermented with a combina- They also observed that as pH is lowered during
tion of I. orientalis with either L. plantarum or L. brevis fermentation, the production of maltose slows down
within 8– 12 h ( P < 0.05). The concentration of the due to the inactivation of amylases. The initial ele-
latter alcohol was higher in samples fermented for 24 h. vation in sugar levels during natural fermentation was
Ethanol was the volatile compound produced in highest reported to be due to starch degradation by amylases
concentrations. Most ethanol was found in naturally and might have an effect of increasing the microbial
fermented samples (0.64% w/w), followed by samples count during fermentation, causing an elevation in
316 J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318

acidity and a subsequent drop in pH, while subse- Acetaldehyde was produced in relatively large
quent decrease in sugar content could be due to quantities by L. plantarum in co-culture with I.
utilization by the fermenting microflora as a carbon orientalis (4.19 –8.05 mg/kg within 12 –24 h) and
source (Mbugua et al., 1983; Odunfa and Adeyele, L. brevis in co-culture with I. orientalis (4.10 mg/kg
1987; Umeta and Faulks, 1988; Khetarpaul and within 24 h). Diacetyl was produced in increasing
Chauhan, 1990, 1991). amounts in samples fermented by L. plantarum
There was no significant difference after 8 and 12 h (0.39 –0.69 mg/kg) followed by samples fermented
( P < 0.05) in pH or lactic acid production between the by P. pentosaceus (0.36 – 0.47 mg/kg) between 8 and
samples fermented naturally, by L. plantarum or by L. 24 h. The reported threshold value is 0.03 mg/kg
plantarum co-cultured with I. orientalis. Thus in this (Imhof et al., 1994) and it was reduced to undetect-
respect, L. plantarum could be used alone for rapid able levels in samples fermented by L. brevis, L.
fermentation to produce togwa. Lactic acid was the brevis in co-culture with I. orientalis, L. fermentum,
predominant acid produced by all cultures. L. planta- L. cellobiosus and naturally fermented samples
rum was comparable to natural fermentation in the within 8 h. The threshold value of 2-butanone (60
production of lactic acid after 24 h ( P < 0.05), when mg/kg, Imhof et al., 1994) was not reached, as it
the pH had reached 3.17– 3.19 (Table 1). L. plantarum remained at concentrations of 0.02 – 0.05 mg/kg of
has been noted for its acid production and tolerance togwa. The threshold value of ethanol (100 –800 mg/
(Fleming and McFeters, 1981), and for its superior kg, Imhof et al., 1994) was reached in samples
ability to utilize the substrates (Oyewole and Odunfa, fermented by all cultures except L. plantarum and
1990), including dextrins after the depletion of fer- P. pentosaceus monocultures, within 8 h. It was still
mentable sugars (Akinrele, 1970) and raw starch below this value in samples fermented by P. pento-
(Giraud et al., 1994). A combined culture of yeasts saceus by 24 h.
and lactobacilli has also been reported to bring about a The above-mentioned observations indicated that
more significant decrease in pH and a simultaneous most volatile flavour compounds were produced in
increase in acidity in fermented millet than the use of samples fermented by L. plantarum in co-culture with
single cultures (Khetarpaul and Chauhan, 1990). I. orientalis and by P. pentosaceus. The contribution
Kennes et al. (1991) reported the ability of L. planta- by yeasts to flavour acceptability in lactic acid fer-
rum to ferment citrate in the presence of yeast under mented products has been reported by Akinrele (1970)
acid conditions. Citric acid was reduced to undetect- for Nigerian ogi.
able levels within 4 h in naturally fermented samples, The foregoing observations indicated that, judg-
8 h in samples fermented by L. fermentum and, 24 h ing from the lowering of pH value and production
by L. plantarum and I. orientalis. of lactic acid, all LAB cultures could be used
The taste threshold value of 3-methyl-1-butanol singly to produce togwa within 8– 12 h. Their use
(1.0 mg/kg, Imhof et al., 1994) was reached in in co-culture with I. orientalis enhanced the pro-
naturally fermented togwa and in all samples fer- duction of volatile flavour compounds in the prod-
mented by I. orientalis in co-culture with L. plan- uct. The enhancement of production of metabolites
tarum or L. brevis within 12 h. The threshold value in co-culture may be taken to be indicative of
of 2-methyl butanal (0.13 mg/kg, Sheldon et al., interaction between LAB and yeasts. The ability
1971) was reached within 12 h in samples fer- of various LAB cultures to produce metabolites in
mented by P. pentosaceus, while that of 3-methyl different quantities might potentially be exploited to
butanal (0.06 mg/kg, Sheldon et al., 1971) was produce different varieties of togwa.
reached within 8 h in samples fermented by L.
plantarum in co-culture with I. orientalis, and that
of 2-methyl-1-propanal (0.10 mg/kg, Sheldon et al., Acknowledgements
1971) within 8 h by L. plantarum in co-culture with
I. orientalis and 12 h in naturally fermented sam- This study was supported by grants from the
ples. Thus, malty compounds should be a discern- Norwegian Council of Universities’ Committee for
ible flavour aspect of togwa. Development Research and Education (NUFU, Project
J.K. Mugula et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 83 (2003) 307–318 317

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