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PUNE - 411043


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of
Technology in C!v!L ENC!NEER!NC.


Academic Year 201112

Bharati vidyapeeth University College of Engineering
Pune - 411043 (Naharashtra)


Certified that the project entitled,UT!L!ZAT!ON OF WASTE PLAST!C FOR THE
bonafied work done under my guidance in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the
award of Degree of Bachelor of Technology in Civil Engineering under Project Stage - !
, by the following students :

Name of the Students Exam Seat Number


Date -

Prof.N.R.PAT!L Prof.(Nrs.) v.S.Sohoni
Project Cuide Head of Department


On the outset oI the completion oI the project, we express our sincere gratitude to
all the people who have made it a success. It gives me immense pleasure to express
my heartIelt gratitude to each individual associated directly or indirectly to enable
the completion oI our seminar report.
We would like to take this opportunity to give my special thanks to our guide and
mentor, Prof.N.R.PATILoI Civil Department, Bharati Vidyapeeth University,
College oI Engineering, Pune, Ior having Iaith and trust in us and also providing
us with necessary inIormation to complete our seminar report.

We are great thankIul to all the proIessors and staII members oI Civil Engineering
Department Ior boosting our morals through their experienced guidance.

We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to our Iriends and
classmates Ior providing us with some valuable suggestions.




Sr. No.

Name of the Topic

Page No.
1. Definition of soil 1
2. Regional soil deposit of !ndia S Naharashtra 2
3. Nap of !ndia with details of soil location S
4. Literature review on bearing capacity,soil
stabilization,Nethods of soil stabilization
S. Classification of waste plastic with photographs 11
6. Experiment of the project 13
7. Nethodology of the project 1S
8. Scope of the project 18
3. References 13

Definition of soil
O Soil science is the study oI soil as a natural resource on the surIace oI
the earth including soil Iormation, classiIication and mapping; physical, chemical,
biological, and Iertility properties oI soils; and these properties in relation to the use
and management oI soils.
O LiIe-supporting upper surIace oI earth that is the basis oI all agrlculLure. It
contains mlnerals and gravel Irom the chemical and physical weathering oI rocks,
decaying organlc,matter (humus), mlcroorganlsm, insects, nuLrlenLs, water, and air.
Soils diIIer according to the cllmaLe, geological sLrucLure, and rainIall oI the area and
are constantly being Iormed and removed by natural, animal, human acLlvlLy.SLudy oI
soils is called pedology.
Regional soil deposit of india
It may be classiIied in the Iollowing groups-

O Alluvial Deposits
large part oI north india is covered with alluvial deposit.The thickness oI alluvium
in the indo-Gangetic and Brahmaputra Ilood plains varies Irom a Iew meters to more
than one hundred meters.Even in the peninsular india,alluvial deposits occur at some
The district characteristics oI alluvial deposits is the existence oI
alternating layers oI sand,silt and clay.The thickness oI each layer depends upon the
local terrain and the nature oI Iloods in the rivers causing deposition.The deposits are
generally oI low density and are liable to liqueIaction in earthquake prone zone.

O Black cotton soil
large part oI central india and a portion oI south india is covered with black cotton
soil.These soils are residual deposits Iormed Irom basalt or trap rocks.The soils are
quite suitable Ior growing cotton.
Black cotton soils are clays oI high plasticity.They contain
essentially the clay mineral montmorillonite.The soils have high shrinkage and
swelling property.The shearing strength oI the soils is extremely low.The soils are
highly compressible and have very low bearing capacity.It is extremely diIIicult to
work with such soils.

O Lateritic soils
Lateritic soils are Iormed by decomposition oI rock,removal oI bases and silica and
accumulation oI iron oxide and aluminium oxide.The presence oI iron oxide gives
these soils the characteristics red or pink colour.These are residual soils,Iormed Irom
basalt.Lateritic soils exist in the central,southern and eastern india.
The lateritic soils are soIt and can be cut with a chisel when
wet.However these harden with time. hard crust oI gravel size particles known as
laterite exists near the ground surIace.The plasticity oI oI lateritic soil decrease with
depth as they approach the parent rock.These soils especially those which contain iron
oxide have relatively high speciIic gravity.

O Desert soils
large part oI Rajasthan and adjoining states is covered with sand dunes.In this area
arid condition exist,with practically little rainIall.
Dune sand is uniIorm in gradation.The size oI the particles is in the range oI Iine
sand.The sand is non-plastic and highly pervious.s the sand is generally in loose
condition,it requires densiIication to increase its strength.
O Marine Deposit
Marine deposits are mainly conIined along a narrow belt near the coast.In the south-
west coast oI india,there are thick layers oI sand above deep deposits oI soIt marine
The marine deposits have very low shearing strength and are
highlycompressible.They contain a large amount oI organic matter.The marine clays
are soIt and highly plastic.

Maharashtra is a state located in west india.The word
Maharashtra comes Irom the word Maha meaning Great and Rashtra meaning Nation,
Thus rendering the name Maharashtra (Great Nation).It is the second most populous
aIter uttar Pradesh and third largest state by area in india.It is the richest state in
india,contributing to 15 oI the country industrial output and 13.2 oI its GDP in
year 2005-2006.
Maharashtra encompasses an area oI 308,000 square k.m and is the third largest state
in india.It is bordered by the state oI Madhya Pradesh to the north,Chhatisgarh to the
east,ndhra Pradesh to the southeast,Karnataka to the south and the Goa to the
southwest.The state oI Gujrat lies to the northwest with the Indian territory oI Dadra
and Nagar Haveli sandwiched in between.The rabian sea makes up Maharashtra`s
west coast.
The third western Ghats better known as Sahyadri,are a hilly range running parallel to
the coast,at an average elevation oI 1200 meters.kalsubai a peak in the sahyadris,near
Nashik city is the highest elevated point in Maharashtra.To the west oI these hills lie
the konkan coastal plains,50-80 kilometers in width.To the east oI the Ghats lies the
Ilat deccan plateau.The western Ghats Irom one oI the three watersheds oI india,Irom
which many south Indian rivers originate,nortable among them being Godavari river
and Krishna,which Ilows eastward into the Bay oI Bengal,Iorming one oI the greatest
river basin in india.
The Ghats are also the source oI numerous small rivers which Ilows
westwards,emptying into the rabian sea.To the east oI are major rivers like
vainganga,which Ilows to the south and eventually into the Bay oI Bengal.
There are many multi-state irrigation project in development,including
Godavari river basin irrigation basis.The plateau is composed oI black basalt soil,rich
in humus.The soil is well suited Ior cultivating cotton and hence is oIten called black
cotton soil.Northern Maharashtra boosts Ior the production oI bananas.Jalgaon district
is the largest producer oI bananas in india.
Western Maharashtra,which includes the district oI
Nashik,hmadnagar,pune,satara,solapur,sangli and Kolhapur is a prosperous belt
Iamous Ior its sugar Iactories.Farmers in the region are economically well oI due to
Iertile land and good irrigation.

Soil Types in Maharashtra:-

O Black soil
O Red sandy soil
O ellow and Red soil
O Red chiquette soil


Soil stabilizers assist in strengthening soil and increasing its water resistance. This allows the
soil to be used later as a durable building material. The use oI soil stabilizers is quite
beneIicial, because it reduces movement, thereby eliminating or reducing the need Ior
additional support Ior slabs or Iill materials when building. Today`s soil stabilizers work
quickly and are inexpensive.
There are three primary ways to usesoil stabilizers to improve soil.
One oI these methods is to strengthen existing soil, which enhances its load-bearing capacity.
Other soil stabilizers are used to control dust by preventing it or eliminating it altogether.
Finally, waterprooIing soil stabilizers assist in preserving the natural or constructed strength
oI the soil by protecting the surIace Irom water.
dditives such as cement, lime, and calcium chloride are oIten
Iound in soil stabilizers. Some soil stabilizers also have a cement-treated base, which Iurther
helps to improve the soil`s quality. These soil-cement soil stabilizers are made oI
pulverized soil, cement, and water. The ingredients are compacted to a high-density.
In the recent days Iew experiments have been done through the waste
plastic strip Ior the improvement oI soil bearing capacity oI soil.


Bearing capacity is a determination oI how much weight soils can take, an important part oI
preparing to build on new ground. The soil's tolerance Ior loads can determine the overall
limitations on any structure built on it, as well as the most appropriate choice oI Ioundation.
II the load on the soil is too high, it can be subject to shear
Iailure. Soil might move or settle under the building, which would threaten its structural
integrity. This can be a particular concern in earthquake-prone regions, where buildings
established on poor soil might collapse. Some soils also are subject to liqueIaction, a
phenomenon that can occur in earthquakes and in which the soil bubbles up Irom the earth as
it weakens and loses cohesion.
Some soils have a very high bearing capacity. They can be
suitable Ior shallow Ioundations, where the weight oI a building transIers to the immediately
adjacent soil.


Soil Stabilization
O Plastic as soil stabilizer
O Soil stabilization by waste plastic Iiber
O Use oI waste plastic blended blended bitumen
O Soil cement Renolith Stabilization technique
O Mechanical stabilization
O Cement stabilization
O Lime stabilization
O Lime piles
O Fly ash stabilization
O Bitumin stabilization
O Chemical stabilization
O Thermal stabilization
O Electrical stabilization
O Stabilization by grouting

Sand replacement

In-place densification by
O IlbrofloaLlon
O ompacLlon plles
O Slmple sLone columnsIlbrosLone columns
O lasLlng

So|| re|nforcement
O SLone column
O ooL plles
O ,lcroplles
O eoLexLlles fabrlcs

In the above there are so many methods have been enlisted but
mainly we will Iocused on above three or four methods because we have to do project
on improvement oI the bearing capacity oI soil with the help oI waste plastic.

Plastic As Soil Stabilizer
Use oI plastic products such as polythene bags, bottles, containers
and packing strips etc. is increasing day by day. s a result amount oI waste plastic also
increased. This will leads to various environmental problems. Many oI the wastes produced
today will remain in the environment Ior many years leading to various environmental
concerns. ThereIore it is necessary to utilize the wastes eIIectively with technical
development in each Iield. Many by-products are being produced using the plastic wastes.
This paper presents the details oI studies, conducted by various researchers on the possible
use oI waste plastic Ior soil stabilization. The results oI the studies indicate that by adding
plastic strips in soil, shear strength, tensile strength and CaliIornia bearing ratio (CBR) value
oI the soil increases
Soil stabilization can be done in many ways. But the stabilization using waste plastic Iibers is
an economic method since the stabilizer used here is waste plastic materials, which are easily
available. This report presents the various tests conducted on Iiber reinIorced soil with
varying Iiber content and their results are analyzed such that weather it can be used in the
Literature reviews discuss tests like CBR test, shear strength
test, consolidation test, swelling test, shrinkage limit, desiccation cracks and hydraulic
conductivity with diIIerent soil samples and their results are compared with unreinIorced
soil. CBR test results indicate that with a small increase in Iiber content CBR values can be
increased and thus improve the properties oI soIt clay. Randomly distributed polymer Iibers
in soil could increase the shear parameters and the load carrying capacity is eIIectively
improved. The swelling is observed to be low in the case oI Iiber reinIorced soil and the
desiccation cracks were narrow cracks than deep wide cracks in the case oI unreinIorced soil.
This method increased the hydraulic conductivity and the shrinkage limit.
model analysis done on a polypropylene Iiber reinIorced soil gave the response oI
a soil slope to the loading and it indicates that reinIorced soil can withstand more time than
unreinIorced soil slopes. The Iactor oI saIety is almost 1.5 times higher than unreinIorced

Use of Waste Plastic Blended Bitumen

It is possible to improve the perIormance oI bituminous mixed used in the surIacing course
oI roads. Studies reported in the used oI re-cycled plastic, mainly polyethylene, in the
manuIacture oI blended indicated reduced permanent deIormation in the Iorm oI rutting and
reduced low temperature cracking oI the pavement surIacing. Laboratory studies were
carried out at the Centre Ior Transportation Engineering oI Bangalore University, in which
the plastic was used as an additive with heated bitumen n diIIerent proportions (ranging Irom
zero to 12 by weight oI bitumen) The results oI the laboratory investigations indicated that,
the addition oI processed plastic oI about 8.8 by weight oI bitumen, helps in substantially
improving the stability, strength, Iatigue liIe and other desirable properties oI bituminous
concrete mix, even under adverse water-logging conditions. The additions oI 8.0 by weight
oI processed plastic Ior the preparation oI modiIied bitumen results in a saving oI 0.4
bitumen by weight oI the mix or about 9.6 bitumen per cubic meter oI BC mix

Soil Cement Renolith Stabilization Technique

Renolith is polymer based chemical, which is environmentally Iriendly and which Iacilitates
the bonding oI soil particles (a phenomenon which is known a micro-rubber bonds).Soil-
cement with Renolith has a high modulus oI elasticity and can disperse the wheel loads very
eIIectively. It is a semi-rigid material. noteworthy Ieature oI this technology is that it
require very little amount oI aggregate, which is useIul at places where the material haulage
is more. The use oI Renolith, when used in soil stabilization with cement, gives strong and
durable base. This type oI construction does not require surIacing Ior low volume roads,
since the base course is stabilized. It is expected to give good perIormance with longevity
and reduces maintenance costs in almost dust Iree environment. Limited research was carried
out abroad, with soil cement Renolith Stabilization, but similar studies are yet to be carried
out in India.

Plastic is everywhere in today`s liIestyle. It`s used Ior packaging, protecting, serving, and
even disposing oI all kinds oI consumer goods. Through industrial revolution mass prouction
oI goods started and plastic seemed to be a cheaper and eIIective raw material. Today, every
vital sector oI the economy starting Irom agriculture to packaging, automobile, building
construction, communication or inIotech has been virtually revolutionised by the applications
oI plastics. Use oI this non-biodegradable (according to recent studies, plastics can stay as
long as 4500 years on earth) product is growing rapidly and the problem is what to do with
plastic-waste.Studies have linked the improper disposal oI plastic to problems as distant as
breast cancer, reproductive problems in humans and animals, genital abnormalities and much
more. II a ban is put on the use oI plastics on emotional grounds, the real cost would be much
higher, the inconvenience much more, the chances oI damage or contamination much
greater. The risks to the Iamily health and saIety would increase and, above all the
environmental burden would be maniIold .

Plastics roads
Plastic use in road construction is not new. It is already in use as PVC or HDPE pipe mat
crossings built by cabling together PVC (polyvinyl chloride) or HDPE (high-density poly-
ethylene) pipes to Iorm plastic mats. The plastic roads include transition mats to ease the
passage oI tyres up to and down Irom the crossing. Both options help protect wetland haul
roads Irom rutting by distributing the load across the surIace. But the use oI plastic-waste has
been a concern Ior scientists and engineers Ior a quite long time.Recent studies in this
direction have shown some hope in terms oI using plastic-waste in road construction i.e.,
plastic roads. Bangalore-based Iirm, K K Poly-Ilex and a team oI engineers Irom R V
College oI Engineering, Bangalore, have developed a way oI using plastic waste Ior road
construction. n initial study was conducted in 1997 by the team to test Ior strength and
durability. Plastic roads mainly use plastic carry-bags, disposable cups and PET bottles that
are collected Irom garbage dumps as an important ingredient oI the construction material.
When mixed with hot bitumen, plastics melt to Iorm an oily coat over the aggregate and the
mixture is laid on the road surIace like a normal tar road.

The durability oI the roads laid out with shredded plastic waste is much more compared with
those asphalted with the ordinary mix. Roads laid with plastic waste mix are Iound to be
better than the conventional ones. The binding property oI plastic makes the road last longer
besides giving added strength to withstand more loads. While a normal 'highway quality
road lasts Iour to Iive years it is claimed that plastic-bitumen roads can last up to 10 years.
Rainwater will not seep through because oI the plastic in the tar. So, this technology will
result in lesser road repairs. nd as each km oI road with an average width requires over two
tonnes oI polyblend, using plastic will help reduce non-biodegradable waste. The cost oI
plastic road construction may be slightly higher compared to the conventional method.
However, this should not deter the adoption oI the technology as the beneIits are much
higher than the cost. Plastic roads would be a boon Ior India`s hot and extremely humid
climate, where temperatures Irequently cross 50C and torrential rains create havoc, leaving
most oI the roads with big potholes. lready, a kilometre-long test-track has been tested in
Karnataka using this technology. The government is keen on encouraging the setting up oI
small plants Ior mixing waste plastic and bitumen Ior road construction. It is hoped that in
near Iuture we will have strong, durable and eco-Iriendly roads which will relieve the earth
Irom all type oI plastic-waste.

Plastics will increase the melting point oI the bitumen. The use oI the innovative technology
not only strengthened the road construction but also increased the road liIe as well as will
help to improve the environment and also creating a source oI income. Plastic roads would
be a boon Ior India`s hot and extremely humid climate, where temperatures Irequently cross
50C and torrential rains create havoc, leaving most oI the roads with big potholes. It is
hoped that in near Iuture we will have strong, durable and eco-Iriendly roads which will
relieve the earth Irom all type oI plastic-waste.

1. PET Polyethylene terephthalate
2. HDPE High density polyethylene
3. PVC Polyvinyl chloride
4. LDPE Low density polyethylene
5. PP Polypropylene
6. PS Polystyrene
7. OTHER High impact polystyrene, General purpose polystyrene, Polyamide,
Polyacetal, Polycarbonate


TerraZyme will increase the soaked and unsoaked CBR oI
most soils to diIIerent degrees depending on soil characteristics such as gradation, plasticity,
expansiveness, organic content and ionic potential.
Highly plastic soils will usually show the greatest increase
in CBR Irom TerraZyme treatment. UnIortunately, it is generally the case that soils with
higher plasticity (PI above 20) also exhibit gradation that is Iine-grained and CBR values
well below the range useIul Ior road construction. The ability oI TerraZyme treatment to
raise very low CBR values (0.5 to 5) to stabilized values oI Irom 5-15 may oIten not
be suIIicient to make the material attractive Ior road construction without the addition oI
structural sand or gravel to the low strength soil.
Moderately plastic soils, oIten containing gravel or higher
percentages oI sand, and can exhibit Iairly acceptable initial CBR values oI between 10 to
30. Moderate plasticity (PI oI between 8-15) makes these soils excellent candidates Ior
stabilization as the treated CBR values can reach well into the normally speciIied ranges Ior
improved sub-grade and sub-base oI30 to 100.
Non-plastic or marginally plastic granular soils with high
initial CBR values oI 60 to 100 should also exhibit substantial increases in CBR Irom
treatment with TerraZyme. These increases may be suIIicient to economically overcome low
underlying resistance in a highly plastic sub-grade with a suIIicient thickness oI stabilized
soil. The use oI TerraZyme will also give eIIiciencies in compaction oI base and sub-base
materials. OIten, required compaction oI 95 is reached with less than 50 oI usual
compaction eIIort. Full compaction eIIorts will oIten increase density to in excess oI 100
oI laboratory values (ModiIied Proctor). Increasing the plasticity oI these soils to a PI oI 6
to10, when combined with TerraZyme stabilization can improve Iinal cured CBR value as
well as reduce permeability and guard against the destructive loss oI structural particles in
the treated layer. TerraZyme treatment oI these soil mixes can also eliminate pumping action
oI silt and clay Irom below the base and sub-base layers to protect the integrity oI the road
during wet weather.
Testing TerraZyme with available soils should be done in
such a way as to select and evaluate those soils and soil mixes that have the highest potential
Ior use within the road structure.
. Low strength, highly plastic soils are generally only
suitable Ior evaluating the eIIect oI high dosage TerraZyme treatment when combined with
up to 50 structural material such as sandy gravel. The combination oI adding structural
material and treating with TerraZyme may yield a CBR value that would be adequate to
improve sub-grades that are not in themselves an acceptable Ioundation Ior road structures. II
the improvement is substantial and the structural materials are locally available, TerraZyme
may prove to be an economically viable alternative to removal oI the low-strength or highly
plastic soil. Low strength, highly plastic soils should not be evaluated Ior TerraZyme
stabilization with the expectation that TerraZyme alone will make them suitable Ior most
road construction needs. Making ways Ior better days.

We will perIorm the Iollowing experiments-
1. Moisture content
2. SpeciIic gravity
3. Relative density
4. Liquid limit
5. Plastic & shrinkage limit
6. Light compaction test
7. Heavy compaction test
8. DiIIerential Iree swell test
9. Permeability
10.CaliIornia bearing ratio method
11.UnconIined compression test
12.Swelling pressure test

Moisture content-
This is used Ior determination oI initial moisture content oI soil as moisture
changes soils property,it is also used in understanding the behavior oI soil.

SpeciIic gravity-
It is an important soil parameter oI soil and also used in identiIication and
classiIication oI soil.

Liquid limit & plastic limit-
It is used Ior determination oI Iine grained soil.

Shrinkage limit-
It is used Ior understanding swelling & shrinkage properties oI soil.

Light compaction test-
We determine the optimum moisture content corresponding to its dry

Heavy compaction test-
It has same use as light compaction but used Ior highways.

DiIIerential Iree swell test-
It is used Ior Iinding the relative swelling oI soil with respect to swelling in
water and polar liquid.

It is used Ior Iinding the permeability oI soil.

It is CaliIornia bearing ratio oI compacted soil both soaked and unsoaked
condition. It is used Ior pavement design.

UnconIined compression test-
It is used to Iind the compressive strength oI soil.
Swelling pressure test-
It is used Ior determination oI swelling pressure oI soil, basically it is used
Ior black cotton soil.

This experiment will cover three diIIerent type oI soils, which we have collected Irom three
diIIerent places. They will be mixed in diIIerent proportions with waste plastic strip because
we are mainly Iocused on improvement oI bearing capacity oI soil with the help oI waste
ccording to recent published journal the waste plastic strip were used up to
4 ,aspect ratio was 3,the value oI CBR range is 18.88 - 54.89.
That`s why we will optimize the shape & size oI strips (i.e related to strip
length Irom 36 mm),increase the aspect ratio, increase the strip content Irom 4 in our
project phase II.
Through this project we are expecting that the experimental eIIect oI
improvement oI soil bearing capacity by waste plastic strip on all the three soils and which
will give the best strength also it will be economical.
The results which we will get through this project will help us in deciding the
percentage oI waste plastic strip to be used in the above three soils to get the higher results in
means oI strength & economy.

The pavement in general are classiIied as Flexible and Rigid` according to
their structural action. This black top pavement including gravel and water bound macadam
Iall in the Ilexible group and the cement concrete pavement is the popular example oI the
rigid group. The term Ilexible is associated with those pavement which reIlect the
deIormation oI sub-grade and oI subsequent layers on to the surIace.The design oI Ilexible
pavement is based on load distribution. Characteristics and associated with rigidity or
Ilexural strength oI slab action and so the load is distributed over a wide area oI subgrade
soil. Flexible pavement do possess some Ilexural strength which is however negligible.Rigid
pavement are capable oI developing Ilexural strength oI about 50 kg/square cm or more.
s can be realized the main Iunction oI pavement is to carry heavy wheel loads oI vehicles
and to transIer the same over a wide area oI the underlying subgrade soil permitting the
deIormation with the elastic or allowable range.

The pavement structure mainly consist oI -
O Soil- subgrade
O Sub-base
O Base course
O Wearing course

Based on the vertical alignment & the environmental conditions oI the site,the pavement
may be constructed over an embankment,cut or almost at the ground level itselI.It is
always desirable to construct the pavement well above the maximum level oI the ground
water to keep the subgrade relatively dry even during the monsoon.
The reduction in the wheel load stress due to the pavement depends both on thickness and
the characteristics oI the pavement layers. pavement layers is considered more eIIective
or superiors,iI it is able to distribute the wheel loads stress through a large area per unit
depth oI the layer.However, there will be a small amount oI deIormation even on a good
pavement surIace when heavy wheel loads are applied.One oI the objective oI a well
design & contructed pavement is thereIore to keep this elastic deIormation oI the
pavement within the permissible limits.
Types of pavement structures:-
s mentioned earlier,based on the structural behavior,pavements are generally classiIied into
two categories.
1. Flexible pavement
2. Rigid pavement

1. Flexible pavement
Flexible pavement have a selI healing power .It reIlects the deIormation
oI the subgrade and subsequent layer on the surIace.Flexible pavement consist oI a
series oI layers with the highest quality materials at or near the surIace.Since it`s
Iunction mainly by way oI load distribution through components.Layers which gradually
reduces reaching the subgrade so as to be within the limits oI saIe bearing
capacity.ThereIore thickness design requirement in case oI Ilexible pavement are
greatly inIluenced by the subgrade strength.

2. Rigid pavement
Rigid pavement are made up oI Portland cement concrete.Because oI
rigidity and high tensile strength oI a rigid pavement tends to distribute the load over a
relatively wide area oI soil and a major portion oI structural capacity is supplied by the slab
itselI.Here the design is entirely based on the consideration oI Indian road congress(I.R.C).

In this project we are mixing a certain volume oI soil with the strip oI waste plastic & trying
to improve the bearing capacity oI soil and studying it. waste plastic is easily available at a
very low cost. By using it in our project we want to transIorm this waste into a useIul
resource. To cover a wider aspect we will test this with three diIIerent type oI soil & will
compare its bearing capacity. Based on the comparatively study oI the bearing capacity on
diIIerent type oI soils we will conclude that which soil gives the best result in matter oI
economy and other important properties.


O .k choudhary, J.N.jha, K.S.Gill Study on CBR behaviour oI waste plastic
strip reinIorcement soil(Revised ugust 2009 and accepted February 2010)

O Dr.D.S.V. Prasad, Dr.M.njan Kumar, Dr. G.V.R. Prasada Raju - Behaviour oI
reinIorced sub-bases on expansive soil subgrade,Vol 10,Issue 1(Ver 1.0),pril

O R.K.Dutta, V.K.Sarda CBR behavior oI waste plastic strip ReinIorcement
Stone Dust/Fly sh Overlying Saturated Clay(Revised 19.12.2006)

O Dr. D.S.V.Prasad, Dr. G.V.R Prasada Raju, M. njan Kumar Utilization oI
Industrial Waste In Flexible Pavement Construction












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