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,. Numerical
Adjectival Description
Outstanding No error or major revision is done in the performance of work
4 Very Satisfactory Not more than S minor error are done in the performance of work
3 Satisfactory More than S minor error and/or 1 major revision are done in the performance of work
2 Unsatisfactory More than 1 maj or revisions are done in the performance of work
1 Poor Consistently making major errors and revisions in the performance of work

Numerical Adjectival Description
s Outstanding Performance consistently exceeded the expected number of output
4 Very Satisfactory Performance exceeded the expected number of output
3 Satisfactory Performance met the expected number of output
2 Unsatisfactory Performance falled to meet the expected number of output
1 Poor Performance consistently failed to meet the expected number of output

Numerical Adjectival Description

s Outstanding Assigned Tasks had been consistently performed within half the expected time
4 Very Satisfactory Assigned Tasks had been consistently performed within the expected time
3 Satisfactory Assigned Tasks had been performed on the expected time
2 Unsatisfactory Assigned Tasks had been performed beyond the expected t ime
1 Poor Assigned Tasks had been consistently performed beyond the expected time

Numerical Adjectival
5 Outstanding No habitual tardiness and no unexcused absences
4 Very Satisfactory Not more than 10 recorded tardiness in a month
3 Satisfactory 1 unexcused absence during the period
2 Unsatisfactory 1 habitual tardiness (10 recorded tardiness in a month)

1 Poor More than 1 habitual tardiness or more than 1 unexcused absences during the period

Numerical Adjectival
Employee always wear proper uniform and ID, attends flag ceremonies and complies
5 Outstanding
with hospital policies
Employee often wear proper uniform and ID, attends flag ceremonies and complies
4 Very Satisfactory
with hospital policies
Employee sometimes wear proper uniform and ID, attends flag ceremonies and
3 Satisfactory
complies with hospital policies
Employee seldomly wear proper uniform and ID, attends flag ceremonies and complies
2 Unsatisfactory
with hospital policies
Employee rarely wear proper uniform and ID, attends flag ceremonies and complies
1 Poor
with hospital policies
Rating Descriptio n
Numerica l Adjectiva l
5 Outstand ing Employee always demonstr ate the related competency
4 Very Satisfactory Employee often demonstr ate the related competency
3 Satisfactory Employee sometime s demonstr ate the related competen cy
2 Unsatisfa ctory Employee seldomly demonstr ate t he related competency
1 Poor Employee rarely demonstr ate the related competency

Rating Descriptio n
Numerica l Adj ectival
5 Outstand ing No verified complain t against the personnel
4 Very Satisfactory With verified minor complain t against the personne l
3 Satisfactory With written incidenta l report issued against the personnel
With proven complain t/Incident al report against the negligence and uncourteo
2 Unsatisfa ctory usness of
the employee that affects the departme nt as a whole
W ith proven complain t/incident al report against the negligence and uncourteo
1 Poor usness of
the employee that affects the organizat ion as a whole
-- ------

Rating Range Adjectival Rating Equivalent Remarks

5.00 4.10 Very Satisfacto ry For Meritorio us Action
4.00 3.10 Satisfactory For Renewal of Appointm ent
3.00 2.10 Unsatisfactory For 3-month s Probation Appointm ent
2.00 1.00 Poor For Termina tion of Appointm ent


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