Amie Electrical Syllabus

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1. Mathematics -I :
Differential calculus: Differentiation of explicit and implicit functions and parametric
equations, successive differentiation of various types of functions. Leibnitzfs theorem,
Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem. Taylor's theorem in finite and infinite forms,
Maclaurin's theorem in finite and infinite forms. Lagrange's form of remainder, Cauchy's
form of remainder. Expansion of function by differentiation and integration. Partial
differentiation. Euler's theorem. Tangent an normal, subangent and subnormal in
cartesian and polar coordinates. Determination of maximum and minimum values of
functions points of inflexion, its applications. Evaluation of indeterminate forms by
L'Hospital's rule. Curvature, radius of curvature, centre of curvature and chord of
curvature. Evolute and involute. Asymptotes envelopes. Curve tracing.

Three dimensional coordinate geometry: System of coordinate, distance between two

points. section formula, projections, direction cosines, equations of planes and lines.

Vectors Definition of vectors, equality of vectors, addition and multiplication of vectors,

triple product and multiple products, application to geometry and mechanism, linear
dependcncc and independence of vectors.

2. Mathematics -II
Integral calculus : Definitions of integrations, integration by the method of substitution,
integration by parts, standard integrals, integration by the method of successive
reduction. Definite integral its properties and use in summing series. Walli's formulae.
Improper integral, beta function and gamma function. Area under a plane curve in
cartesian and polar coordinates, area of the region enclosed by two curves in cartesian
and polar coordinates, trapezoidal rule. Simpson's rule. Arc lengths of curves in cartesian
and polar coordinates, parametric and pedal equations, intrinsic equation. Volumes of
solids of revolution, volume of hollow solids of revolution by shell method, area of
surface of revolution.

Differential equations : Convergence and divergence of infinite series. Ordinary

differential equation-formation of differential equations, solution of first order
differential equations by various methods. Solutions of general linear equations of second
and higher order with constant coefficients. Solutions of homogeneous line equations,

Solutions of differential equations of the higher order when the dependent and
independent variables are absent. Solution of differential equation by the method based
on the factorization of the operators.
Heat and Thermodynamics : Kinetic theory of gases. Deduction of gas law principle of
equipartition of energy, Outline of structure of atom, viscosity of liquid & gases, Equations
of State. Andrew's experiment, Vander Waal's equation, Critical constants. Transmission of
Heat. Conduction, Convenction and Radiation.
Laws of Thermodynamics : First law Of thermodynamics, Internal energy, specific heats
of gasses, work done by expanding gas, elasticities of a perfect gas; Second law of
thermodynamics, Car-not's cycle, efficiency of heat engines, absolute scale of temperature,
entropy and Its physical concept, Maxwell's thermodynamic relations
Combination of Lenses : Equivalent lens and equivalent focal length, defects of Images
formed by lenses, Spherical aberration, astigmatism, Coma, distortion curvature of the
image, chromatic aberration. Theories of Light: Huygen's principal and construction.
Interference of light: Young's double slit experiment, biprism Newton's rings,
interferometers, Interference by multiple reflection. Diffraction of light: Frensel and
Fraunhofer diffraction, diffraction by single slit, diffraction by double slit, diffraction
gratings. Polarization: Production and analysis of Polarization light.
Waves and Oscillations
Oscillations : Simple harmonic motion, Combination of S.H.M and Lissajous figures,
Damped Oscillations, Forced Oscillations, Resonance, Vibrations Ot membrances and
Waves : Travelling waves, the principle of superposition wave velocity, grout velocity and
phase velocity, power and intensity in wave motion, Reflection and transmission of waves
at a boundary, standing waves.
Sound waves : Aubdibie, Ultrasonic, Infrasonic and Supersonic Waves Propagation and
speed of longitudinal waves, travelling longitudinal wave Standing longitudinal waves,
Vibrating systems and sources of sound, beats, the doppler effect.
Architectural Acoustics : Reverberation, Noise Insulation and Reduction, Sound
absorption, Sound distribution, Room acoustics, Recording.
Electricity and magnetism
Electrostatics: Change and matter, Coulomb's law, the electric field, Gauss's law, electric
potential, capacitors and dielectrics.
Current Electricity : Current and resistance, simple circuits, ohmic and non-ohmic
maternal, variation of resistance with temperature-resistance thermometer;
Thermoelectricity, thermocouple. pyrometer.
Electromagnetism: Magnetic fields, Ampere's law, Faraday's law, Lenz's law, Inductance-
Self and mutual inductance.
Magnetic Properties of matter: Magnetomotive force, magnetic field intensity,
permeability and susceptibility, classification of magnetic materials, magnetization curves
of Ferromagnetic materials, magnetic Circuits.

System, equation of state, properties and law of perfect gases, ideal gas processes and
cycles. Law of thermodynamics.

Thermodynamics of steam generation, Boilers; accessories & performance, Vapor cycles;

Steam Turbine; Internal combustion Engines; Study of petrol & diesel engines and gas
turbines, Introduction of refrigeration & air conditioning, pump and blowers .


Fundamental concept a fluid as a continuum, Fluid statics : The basic hydrostatic
equation, pressure variation in static incompressible and compressible fluid, manometers.
pressure distribution of a fluid in a rotating system. Stability of floating and submerged

Continuity equation for a control volume, relation between system approach and control
volume approach. Control volume form of the energy equation, special forms of energy
equation. Application of energy equation. Flow through orifice, mouth-piece, venturimeter
and notch. Control volume form of the momentum equation, special forms and
approximation of the momentum equation. Application Of momentum equations.
Similitude and Dimensional analysis. Flow through converging diverging nozzle, Real
fluid flow, frictional losses in pipes and fittings, laminar & turbulent flow in pipes, Drag
forces, Introduction to open channel flow.

6. English and Economics

Grammatical Problems. Reading and Writing Skill. Vocabulary. Technical and
Scientific Presentation. Repon Writing and Note Taking.

Microeconomics: Theory of demand and supply and their elasticities. Application of

economic theories to the problems of developing countries. Concepts of market and
market structure.

Macroeconomics: Savings, investment, employment. National Income, GDP and GNI.

Calculation of Nominal and Real GDP. Tax. Inflation. Monetary policy. Fiscal policy and
Trade policy with reference to Bangladesh. Balance of payments.
Electrical units and standards, electrical networks and circuit theorems, introduction to
measuring instruments. Magnetic concepts and circuits. Alternating current, definition of
A.C. quantities phasors, RL, RC, RLC series and parallel circuits.

Electronics phenomena is metals and semi-conductors; Electron emmissions and their
different types; Semi-conductor diodes, bipolar and field effect transistors, MOSFETS and
other electronic devices, their characteristics and equivalent circuits. Application of Semi-
conductor diodes in rectification and power supplies, logic circuits and switching circuits.

Details study of load line, bias and stabilization for transistor and FET amplifiers. Different
transistor configurations and their equivalent circuits, Basic transistor and tube amplifiers
and their analysis at I.F., M.F. and H.F. ranges; Untuned voltage amplifiers. Regulated
power supplies using zener diodes and transistors.

Feedback, effect of feedback on amplifier characteristics; Types of feedback, stability,

negative feedback amplifiers; Feedback amplifier frequency response. Study of different
types of oscillators, Direct coupled amplifiers; Tuned voltage amplifiers, untuned power
amplifiers-class A, Class AB and class B.

Turned Class B and Class C power amplifiers : Modulation-amplitude modulation and

demodulation; study of superheterodyne radio receivers, AGC.


Definitions of properties: non destructive tests applicable to metals. Binary Phase
diagrams, their interpretation, relation of structure and properties of metals an alloys in
equilibrium. Pig-iron, Wrought iron, Cast-iron, types, modular and malleable cast-iron.
Steel, types, plain carbon and alloy steel; Alloying element, Different types of alloy steel,
bearing metals, Common metals and their alloys.

Heat-treatment : different types of heat-treatment, effects, furnaces and control of

temperatures : Surface hardening-purposes, methods of surface hardening, case hardening
etc. Oxidation and corrosion-types of corrosion mechanism, the effect of metallurgical
variables or corrosion. Fundamental concepts of stress and strain Mechanical properties of
materials Stresses and strains in members subjected to tension, compression, heat and
temperature changes, centrifugal stress; Riveted ant welded joints; Bending moment and
shear force diagrams; Flexural and shearing stresses in beams. Torsional stresses in shafts;
helical springs; thin walled pressure containers; Principal stresses; Deflection of beams;
The Principles of Engineering Drawing, First angle and third angle projection. The
construction of loci of comc section and other important engineering curves. The projection
of line on inclined and oblique planes, auxiliary views, isometnc vie'*S and section.
Intersections of planes and interpenetration of solids, Development Of surfaces


The preparation of working drawing of common engineering components and simple

assemblies incorporating fasteners. OR

Plan, elevation and section of buildings, culverts, stairs.

11. Chemistry
Modern concepts of atomic structure, advanced concepts of bonds and molecular structure,
study of crystal structures, modern periodic table, chemistry of transition metals, properties
and uses of noble gases, acids and bases, chemistry of solutions, properties of dilute
solutions, chemical equilibrium, thermochemistry, electric properties of solution and
electrochemical cells, ionization of water and pH, chemical kinetics, phase rule and phase
diagrams, chemistry of cements, silicates and limes, selected topics on organic chemistry.
Introduction to organic polymer, basic concepts of dyes, color and constitution.



Management functions : Organizational fundamentals, organization structure, various
types of organization, levels of authority and responsibility. Personnel management-
Leadership, Job evaluation and merit rating salary administration, wage systems and
incentive wage. manpower planning concept and application. Management information
system, Plant location, plant layout, General arrangement of works; power plant etc.
maintenance. PERT and CPM and their industrial applications.

Elements of costs; cost management & control principles of work study: method study and
work measurement. Techniques of method study and their application. Work measurement
tools; planning and control of production systems.
2. Energy Conversion and Electrical Machines
Energy conversion: Force in a capacitors the toroids magnetic materials, iron and air,
flux linkage and equivalent flux, energy stored in magnetic circuits, magnetic force and
hysteresis loop. Inductance, force and torque, mutual inductance, energy, torque and force
in inductively coupled circuits, complex power.

The Transformer: Two winding transformer, ideal two widding transformers current
components, transformer tests, losses and efficiency calculation, voltage regulation and
parallel operation. Auto and instrumentation transformers, three phase transformer
connections. Induction motors-theory of operation, equivalent circuit, slip-torque
relationship, losses and efficiency, speed control and starting methods.

DC machines: construction, generator and motor principles types and characteristics.

Alternator (AC Generator): induced armature voltage, phasor diagram, OCC and short
circuit tests, voltage regulation, parallel operation, real and reactive power versus power
angle. Operation of a synchronous motor, v curves slip tests.

3. Electric Transmission and Distribution Systems

Transmission System: Alternate Current (AC) vs Direct Current (DC) transmission,
overhead vs underground transmission, selection of voltage levels, conductor selection,
routing, insulation design, sag and spacing calculations, design of towers and cross arms,
shielding wires, corona and corona power loss, radio and television interference,
environmental impact of high voltage transmission, electrical performances,
compensation, and cost analysis.

Distribution System Design: Residential and industrial distribution; Types of

distribution system. Conncctcd loads, load factor, maximum demand, diversity factors,
Distribution transformer sizing, substation design, selection of cables, cable current
carrying capacity, derating factors, effect of harmonics, voltage drop calculations, short
circuit calculations, fuses and coordination of fuses.

4. Electronic Circuit Analysis

Diodes : current-voltage characteristics, piecewise linear model, constant voltage model,
rectifier circuits, voltage regulator circuits.

MOSFETS : principle of operation of MOSFETs, DC biasing circuits, small signal

analysis, currents in non-saturation and saturation regions, amplifiers using MOSFETs,
MOSFET inverter.
BJT Switching and Amplifiers: principle of operation of BIT, Currents in different
regions of operation, DC biasing ckt, small signal analysis, amplifiers and switching ckt.

Operational Amplifiers: ideal OPAMPss summer, integrator and differential circuits.

Oscillators : positive feedback, different types of oscillators,

Power Amplifiers: Class A, class B and class AB amplifiers.


Waveforms, respone of single elements to different waveforms. Single phase circuit
analysis. Q of circuit, wave trap, maximum power transfer, Network theorems. Y delta
transformation; Coupled circuits, Polyphase balanced and unbalanced circuits, Power

Periodic nonsinusoidal waves, effective values and power, basic principles constant K.M-
derived half and full-section, transients.

Characteristics of linear system classical methods of transient and steady. Stat solution of
differential & integrodifferential equations. Analogous system analysis by Fourier


Measurement of resistance. inductance and capacitance. Measurement of conductivity of
bulk materials. Cable faults and localization of cable faults Magnetic measurements,
ballistic galvanometers, flux meters, Measurements and separation of iron losses.
Illumination measurements. High voltage measurements operation amplifiers and their

Instrumentation amplifiers. Transducers: Measurement of strain, temperature and flow.

Measuring instrument; Classification. Ammeters, Voltmeters and multimeters; Extension
of instrument rages; Current and voltage transformers. Measurement of power and energy,
Wattmeters, Watthour meters and maximum demand indicators. Measurement of speed,
frequency and phase differences; Electronic measurement Instruments: oscilloscopes,
Digital meters, DMM, VTVM, Q meters standards and substandards, Statistical methods
in measurements.

Introduction to Computers, Generations of Computers, Number Systems, Computer
Organization and Architecture, Computer Memory, Introduction to Operating System,
Introduction to System Software and Application Software, peripheral and Storage
Devices, Introduction to Programming Languages and programming, Fundamentals of
Computer Hardware, Installation of Hardware Elements, Routine Hardware Maintenance
and General Troubleshooting.

Gaining Proficiency in GUI Operating System, Word processing using MS Word,

Spreadsheet Analysis using MS Excel, Database Management System using MS Access,
presentation Software usage using MS Power Point.

1. Communication Systems
Introduction to communication systems, signals and spectra, communication channels,
amplitude modulation and demodulation, frequency modulation and demodulation,
frequency division multiplexing. Sampling theory, pulse modulation and demodulation,
quantization, companding, pulse code modulation (PCM), delta modulation, differential
PCM. Time division multiplexing.

Digital modulation schemes: ASK,PSK, FSK, MSK, DPSK, M-ay modulations, match
filter and correlation receivers. Line coding, inter symbol interference, Nyquist wave
shaping, eye pattern, adaptive equalization. Transmission over band pass channel.
statistical properties of noise and random signals, band pass representation of noise,
probability of error calculation, error rates in binary and M-ary transmission. Introduction
to ATM, SDH, SONET and optical communications.

2. Power and Industrial Electronics

Power semiconductor switches and triggering devices: BJT, MOSFET, SCR, IGBT, G

Rectifiers: Uncontrolled and controlled single phase and three phase.

Regulated power supplies: Linear-series and shunt, switching buck, buck-boost, boost
and Cuk regulators.

AC voltage controllers: single and three phase. Choppers. DC motor control. Single
phase cycloconverter.

Inverters: Single phase and three phase voltage and current source. AC motor control.
Stepper motor control. Resonant inverters. Pulse width modulation control of static
converters. Programmable logic controller (PLC), Microcontroller, sensors and displays.
3. Power System Protection
Purpose of power system protection. Criteria for detecting faults : over current,
differential current, difference of phase angles, over and under Voltages, power direction,
symmetrical components of current and voltages, impedance, frequency and temperature.

Instrument transformers: CT and PT. Electromechanical electronic and digital Relays:

basic modules, over current, differential, distance and directional Trip circuits.

Unit protection schemes: Generator, transformer, motor, bus bar, transmission and
distribution lines, Miniature circuit breakers and fuses.

Circuit breakers: Principle of arc extinction, selection criteria and ratings of circuit
breakers, types air, oil, SF6 and vacuum.

4. Electromagnetic Theory
Review of Vector analysis. Electrostatics; Coulomb's Law, force, electric field Intensity,
electrical flux density, Gauss, theorem with application, electrostatic potential, boundary
conditions, method of images, Laplace's and equations, energy of an electrostatic system,
conductor and dielectrics.
Magnetostatics : Concept of magnetic field, Ampere's law, Biot-Savert law, magnetic
potential, energy of magnetostatics system, mechanical force and in electric and magnetic
fields. Curvilinear co-ordinates. Rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinates,
solutions to static field problems. Graphical field mapping with applications, solution to
Laplace's equation. Rectangular, cylindrical and spherical harmonics with applications.
Maxwall's equations : Their deriavations, continuity of charges, concept displacement
current. Boundary conditions for time-varying systems, Potentials us with varying charges
and currents, Retarded potentials Maxwall,s equation different coordinate systems.
Relation between circuit theory and filed theory : Circuit concepts and deriavation from
the field equations. High frequency circuit concepts, circuit radiation resistance. Skin effect
and circuit impedance. Concept of good and perfect conductors and dielectrics. Current
distribution in various types of conductors, depth of penetration, internal impedance, power
loss, calculation of inductance and capacitance.
propagation and reflection of electromagnetic waves In unbounded media; Plance wave
propagation, polarization, power flow and pointing's theorem, Transmission line analogy,
reflection from conducting and conducting dielectric boundary; Display lines ion in
dielectrics, liquid and solids, plance wave propagation through the onsphere. Introduction
to radiation.
5. Biomedical Instrumentation
Medical terminology. General diagnostics. Electrophysical methods like ECG, EEG,
EMG, defibrillator and pacemaker. Measurement techniques for respiration and
circulation. Methods for intensive monitoring, clinical/chemical measurement techniques.
Disinfection/sterilisation, sensors. Imaging techniques: X-rays, nuclear medicine,
ultrasound, magnetic resonance.
Supporting instrumentation like incubator, respirator, anaesthesia machine and dialysis
machine. Surgical techniques with diathermy and laser.

6. Power System Analysis (Updated)

Requisite: Energy Conversion and Electrical Machines.

Introduction, review of phasor and three phase power, Transmission-line parameter

computation and transmission-line modeling, Transformer, generator, and load modeling,
Power flow analysis, Generation control, economic dispatch and restructuring, Transient
stability, Short circuit analysis, including symmetrical components, System protection.

7. Digital Electronics
Unsigned number systems including decimal, binary, octal, hex and base conversion,
Codes -BCD, Gray, ASCII and parity, Basic digital logic gates (AND / OR) and truth
tables. Boolean Algebra: Postulate and theorems, equation reductions and circuit

DeMorgan's theorems: NAND and NOR gates and implementation. Sum of Product
circuits, Karnaugh map and circuit simplification, Multiplexers, demultiplexers, decoders
and other MSI circuits, Basic SR Flip-Flops - NAND & NOR implementations and
limitations, D Latchs Clocked and Edge Triggered D Flip-Flops, Edge Triggered JK Flip-
Flop, One Shot Multivibrators and 555 type timers, Ripple Counter, Sequential Logic -
Synchronous Counters, Shift Registers and basic State Machine concepts, Memory
Systems RAM, ROM, PROM, EPROM etc., Programmable Logic - an extension of the
PROM PALS PLA and other PLD devices. FPGAs.

Introduction to lines dynamic system and their representation by different equ ations and
Laplace transform. Block diagram represention and transfer function. criterion for stability.
Frequency respone methods-Bode, Nyquist, Nichols Plot Type of system and system
analysis in time domain. Root locus. Cascde compensation using root locus and frequency
methods. Feedback compensation Introduction to state variables.
9. Microprocessor and Microcontroller
Introduction to microprocessors, 8-bit to 32-bit processors, Intel 8086 microprocessor:
Architecture: Registers and controls, ALU, BIU, address computation and addressing
modes Assembly language programming: Instruction sets and program constructs,
assembler, linker and cross assemblers. Interrupt structure and operations. Interfacing
microprocessors with peripheral devices: I/O devices, interfacing with A/D converters,
programmable timer, serial communication interface, programmable interrupt controller,
direct memory access, keyboard and display interface, sample program constructs.
Microcontrollers: MCS-51 microcontroller; architecture, special function registers, pin
functions, programming concepts.


Power plant load curves : Estimates of load curves, study and analysis of load curves,
Interpretation of load curves. Determination of actual demand and capacity of various
components in a system, plotting the expected load curve of a system. Use of the load
curves. Load growth and extrapolation of load curves.

Selection of plant : Effect of variable load on power plant design. Continuity of seiN1ce
requirements. Its effect on plant design. Cost consideration. Equations of performance for
plant equipment and electric service. Selection of units. Standby units, Large or small units,
Number arid sizes of units, Plant location. units, large or small units, Number and sizes of
units, Plant location. Consideration for different types of power plants-Big, medium and
small, conventional and nuclear. Economic marginal transmission cost, Graphical solution
for location of different types of distribution. Rectangular distribution of loads. Economic
conductor section. General consideration. The ideal conductor, Effect of any deviation
from the ideal Cross section. Limits for size of under ground cables. Selection of ideal
supply voltage. Plant Performance of operation characteristics. Performance
characteristics. Efficiency. Heat rate incremental rate method. Station performance
characteristics. Station incremental rate. Capacity scheduling. Base load and peak load.
Hydro Stations, load division between steam and hydro stations. Bus systems, Importance
Of power control, current limiting reactors, Different types of bus system layout Forces on
buses in the case of short circuits. Nuclear power stations, Comparison With conventional
generation methods. Chain reactors. Moderators. Classification of reactors. Types of
reactors, Special power reactors, Shielding.

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