SUMMER2024 - Chapter 6 - Assignment

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Chapter 6_Assignment

Ex 1:
The January 1990 issue of Arizona Trend contains
a supplement describing the 12 “best” golf courses
in the state. The yardages (lengths) of these
courses are as follows: 6981, 7099, 6930, 6992,
7518, 7100, 6935, 7518, 7013, 6800, 7041,
and 6890.
a/ Calculate the sample mean and sample standard
b/ Find median, sample range.
c/ Find quartiles for the data.
Chapter 6_Assignment
Ex 2:
An article in Human Factors (June 1989)
presented data on visual accommodation (a
function of eye movement) when recognizing a
speckle pattern on a high-resolution CRT
screen. The data are as follows: 36.45, 67.90,
38.77, 42.18, 26.72, 50.77, 39.30, and 49.71.
a/ Calculate the sample mean and sample standard
b/ Find the median, sample range.
c/ Find quartiles for the data.
Chapter 6_Assignment

Ex 3:
The lengths of time, in minutes, that 10 patients waited in
a doctor’s office before receiving treatment were recorded
as follows: 5, 11, 9, 5, 10, 15, 6, 10, 5, and 10. Treating
the data as a random sample. Find:
a/ Mean, median, mode, sample range.
b/ Variance, standard deviation.

c/ Find quartiles for the data.

Chapter 6_Assignment
Ex 4:

A random sample of employees from a local manufacturing

plant pledged the following donations, in dollars, to the
United Fund: 100, 40, 75, 15, 20, 100, 75, 50, 30, 10, 55, 75,
25,50, 90, 80, 15, 25, 45, and 100. Calculate:
a/ Mean, median, mode, range.
b/ Variance, standard deviation.

c/ Find quartiles for the data, the interquartile range (IQR).

Chapter 6_Assignment
Ex 5:
Wayne Nelson presents the breakdown time of an
insulating fluid between electrodes at 34
kV. The times, in minutes, are as follows: 0.19,
0.78, 0.96, 1.31, 2.78, 3.16, 4.15, 4.67, 4.85,
6.50, 7.35, 8.01, 8.27, 12.06, 31.75, 32.52, 33.91,
36.71, and 72.89.
a/ Find the median and quartiles for the data
b/Find the interquartile range (IQR) and the outliers
for data.
c/ Calculate the sample mean and sample standard
Chapter 6_Assignment

Ex 6:
The lengths of time, in minutes, that 10 patients
waited in a doctor’s office before receiving
treatment were recorded as follows: 11, 11, 9, 9, 10,
9, 8, 10, 12, and 10. Treating the data as
a random sample, find:
a/ The mean, mode, median.
b/ Find the interquartile range (IQR)
c/ Create a dot plot and box plot of the data.

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