Chapter 13

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60. We are dependent on technology that it is taking over our lives resulting in the bad leaders.
- Focus on Metrics: Technology can create an - Increased Participation: Technology can
overreliance on data and metrics, potentially facilitate greater citizen participation in
leading to decisions focused on numbers government processes, fostering transparency
rather than human well-being. Leaders might and accountability in leadership.--> help
prioritize statistics over the nuanced needs of leaders make more informed decisions based
people. on evidence from citizen.
- Manipulation and Misinformation: Social - Global Collaboration: Technology allows
media platforms can be breeding grounds for leaders to collaborate on global issues like
manipulation and misinformation. Leaders climate change or pandemics, fostering a
might exploit these platforms to spread false more unified approach to challenges.
narratives or control the flow of information.

61. Technology has affected relationships in more negative ways.

- Reduced Face-to-Face Interaction: - Enhanced Communication: Technology
Excessive screen time can take away from allows us to stay connected with loved ones
quality time spent with loved ones. In-person across distances, bridging geographical
communication allows for nonverbal cues and barriers. Video calls and instant messaging
deeper connection, which can be lost through make communication more convenient and
texting or social media. immediate.
-> misunderstandings due to lack of tone or - Finding Common Ground: Social media
facial expressions. platforms and online communities can help
-Lacking valuable bonds means -> no one to people connect with others who share their
confide in during depressive episodes that are interests, fostering new friendships and
inevitable for most humans, and thereby relationships.
increase the possibility of making unwise - Relationship Management: Technology can
decisions. Examples the cases of depression be used for relationship management, like
that cause suicidal behaviours are becoming sending thoughtful messages, planning
more and more common, and one of the events, or organizing shared calendars.
primary contributing factors is victims having
no one to share their burdens with.

62. Modern communication systems play an indispensable role in our life.

- Instant connection and information sharing: - It's important to be mindful of their potential
Technology allows us to stay connected with drawbacks. Social isolation: While
loved ones across distances, bridging communication systems can connect us with
geographical barriers. Video calls and instant others, they can also lead to social isolation
messaging make communication more reducing empathy and social skills
convenient and immediate. For instance, - It's important to be strive for a balanced
video conferencing platforms enable face-to- approach to using them. Designated
face meetings across continents, and social communication times: Schedule specific
media allows for instant updates and news times to check emails, social media, and
sharing. messaging apps.Plan face-to-face interactions:
- Access to information: The internet provides Schedule regular in-person meetings, phone
access to a vast amount of information on any calls, or video chats with loved ones instead
topic imaginable. This empowers individuals of solely relying on online interaction.
to learn and explore new ideas, fostering a
more informed and knowledgeable society.
Educational resources, news platforms, and
online databases are all readily available at
our fingertips.

63. As the world become technologically advances, computers are replacing more and more jobs,
but the human workforce will demonstrate that it is more valuable than computers.
- Creativity and Innovation: Humans excel at - Efficiency and Speed: Computers can
creative problem-solving and innovation + process information and complete tasks much
think outside the box + adapt to new situations faster and more efficiently than humans ->
+ and come up with original ideas->driving valuable in repetitive tasks or those requiring
progress in various fields. Computers struggle high levels of precision. For instance, robots
with true creativity. can assemble cars on a production line with
- Social and Emotional Intelligence: Humans remarkable accuracy and speed.
possess social and emotional intelligence - Performing tasks in hazardous
(build relationships, empathize with others, environments: Robots can be designed to
and navigate complex social operate in hazardous environments that
situations).Computers lack the ability to would be unsafe for humans.
understand human emotions and respond

64. The increasing use and development of new technology has more advantages than
- Improved Quality of Life: Technology has - Job displacement: Automation through
revolutionized many aspects of our lives, technology can lead to job displacement in
leading to improvements in healthcare, certain sectors. As machines become more
communication, transportation, and capable, repetitive tasks previously done by
entertainment. Medical advancements allow humans can be automated, potentially leading
for earlier diagnosis and treatment of diseases, to unemployment and economic hardship.
while communication tools connect us - Privacy Concerns: The increasing use of
globally in real-time. technology raises concerns about privacy and
data security. As we rely more on online
platforms and generate vast amounts of data,
the risk of data breaches, identity theft, and
misuse of personal information increases.

65. Some subjects may be better taught using computer, but to explain more important concepts a
human teacher is indispensable.
Engaging and Interactive Learning: Nurturing Creativity and Critical Thinking:
Computers can present information in Human teachers can effectively guide
engaging and interactive ways. Simulations, discussions, encourage creative problem-
animations, and educational games can make solving, and foster critical thinking skills.
learning more fun and capture student They can pose challenging questions,
attention, especially for visual learners. encourage debate, and help students develop
Individualized Learning: Computer-aided their analytical abilities.
instruction can be tailored to individual Building Relationships and Motivation:
student needs and learning styles. Adaptive Teachers can build positive relationships with
learning programs can adjust difficulty levels students, which is crucial for motivation and
and provide targeted practice based on a engagement. A skilled teacher can provide
student's progress. encouragement, identify and address student
struggles, and create a supportive learning

66. Technology and tradition are incompatible - you cannot have both together.
Erosion of Traditions: disrupt and weaken Preservation and Dissemination: Technology
traditional practices. Social media and can be a powerful tool for preserving and
constant connectivity can lead to a decline in disseminating traditions -can document and
face-to-face interactions, potentially harming share traditional practices. For example,
traditions that rely on community gatherings online language learning apps can help
and shared experiences. For instance shopping preserve and revitalize endangered languages
might threaten the traditional open-air - Adaptation and Innovation: Traditions can
markets. adapt and evolve alongside technology
Loss of Cultural Identity: lead to a -> be used to perform traditional tasks in new
homogenization of cultures, promoting a ways, keeping the spirit of the tradition alive
globalized. This can threaten the unique while incorporating modern advancements.
aspects of local traditions, languages, and For instance, musicians can use digital
customs. The dominance of social media recording studios to create new music while
platforms might lead to a decline in the use of still adhering to traditional musical styles.
local languages and dialects.

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