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& American Welding Society AWS D1.3/D1.3M:2008 An American National Standard | a Structura Welding Code— Sheet Steel > second printing, November 2008 cena io ATEUGH TAKANOTO ANGIiderX 28265 Coronén 122012517 AM Sieur Kens enh Cepia netwoAra ce AWS D1.3/D1.3M:2008 ‘An American National Standard Approved by the American National Standards Institute duly 23, 2007 Structural Welding Code— Sheet Steel 5th Edition ‘Supersedes ANSUAWS D13-98 Prepared by the ‘American Welding Society (AWS) DI Commitee on Structural Welding Under the Direction ofthe AWS Technical Activites Committee ‘Approved by the AWS Boatd of Directors Abstract ‘This code covers the requirements associated with welding sheet steel having a minimum specified yield point no ‘grcater than 80 ksi (550 MPa}, The code requirements cover any welded joint mage From the commonly veed structural ually low-caraon hot rolled and cold rolled sheet and stip see with or witout zine coating (galvanized). Cause 1 includes general provisions, Clause 2 design, Clause 3 prequalifcation, Clause 4 qualification, Clause 5 fabrication, Clause 6 inspection, and Clause 7 stud welding. American Welding Society 550 NW. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 certo ATSUSH TAKAOTO ANSI eer 299489 Oops 1022012517 AM Sele et eso oy Cepia a weaning oN AWS D1.101.04:2008, International Standard Book Number: 978-0-87171-076-5 ‘American Welding Society 5S0N.W. LeJeune Road, Miami, FL 33126 ‘©2008 by American Welding Society All rights reserved Printed inthe United Stas of America nat: 2nd Printing, November 2008 Photocopy Rights. No pocton of this standard may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, or transmitted ia any form, including mechanicel, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior writen permission of the copyright ‘Authorization to photocopy items for intemal, personal, or educational classroom use only or the intemal, personal, or ‘educational classroom use ony of specifi lints i granted by the American Welding Society provided tha the appropriate {ea is paid tothe Copyright Clearance Center, 222 Rosewood Drive, Danvers, MA 01923, el: (978) 750-8400; Internet: . Ucenses te ATSUSHYTAKAWOTO. ANSI 25450 Dowels {0122012 517 AM Sle wor eare ony Comyn rd etree Avis 01.01 2.2008 ‘Statement on the Use of American Welding Society Standards All standards (codes, specifications, recommended practices, methods, classifications, and guides) of the American ‘Welding Society (AWS) are voluntsty consensus standards that have been developed in éceordance withthe rules ofthe ‘American National Standards Institute (ANSI). When AWS American National Standards are either incorporated in, or ‘made part of, documents that are included in federal or state laws and regulations, or the reguluions of elher govern= ‘mental bodies, their provisions cary the full legal authority ofthe statue. In such eases, any changes in those AWS standards must be approved by the governmental body having statutory jurisdiction before they can become & part oF those laws and regulations. Jn all cases, these standards cary the fll legs! authority of the contractor ether document that invokes the AWS standards. Where this contractual relationship exists, changes in or deviations from requirements of an AWS standard must be by agreement between the contracting partes. AWS American National Standards are developed through a consersus standards development process that brings together volunteers representing varied viewpoins and interests to achieve consensus, While the AWS administers the process and establishes rales to promote falmess inthe development of consensus, it does aol independently test, eval ae, or verify the accuracy of any information oF the soundness of any judgments contained in its standards AWS dlstsims liability for any injury to persons of to property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever, whether special, indirect, consequential, or compensatory, directly or indiectly resulting fiom the publication, use of, or reliance fon this standard. AWS also makes no guatanlee o¢ warranty as to the aceursey or completeness of any information published herein, In issuing and making this standard available, AWS is nither undertaking to render professional or other services for or ‘ombehalf of any person or entity, nor is AWS undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone else, Anyone using these documents should rely an his or her own independent judgment or, ax 306in. Sm] (
  • om So Be ee 2 $m AwoHAIeREMSS Gras sm @ mw g ‘ G50, ms iy GuAWoTAW Sister Mon ANS ASE Grote! 3s a. ORI, AIDDUAIOM HSLAS Gr4SCas tard? 483105840 a¢Q410_ totem ALODUALOOEMISLASI O50 ee ee aw aws 4529 AUOIVALOLSS ——@e30 sw BR ERAS 35 Sm 8 xo BARE Ghermet SS Srie os Si oes 3 0 aD pcawawsasay Bounce pare xc, SIOLIADIMUNSLAS Gr4SCaelada 4s 310 sso gain ERE ERED EEXTC Ki, PTC AIDIVAIOLIM HSLAS-F Gr50 30 340, oO 410 (Note a) ie Temper? Sta) GMAW AWE AS AS29/8529M_ Grso 0 345, 10 gs 7 oss 5 0S gmawawsass 1 Astonszox oso MSs agg UKE Gr5s. 5 +380 7 480, nea) ASTINSTIM, eso 303565450. SAWAWS AST ees 3 0 iy Prax FAR ECR Conn s \eercod to AFSUSHHTAKAMOTO AS! ere 780450, Ooloacd 10122012517 AN Sir uericense ny Coping as raver tes CLAUSE 1. GENERAL PROVISONS nw 01.001 2642008 Table 1.2 (Continued) Matching Filler Metal Requirements (see 1.4.1) ‘irinon Wim on Gow ws is ASTO Sel pein TM tM Maul Specs a — a OMT GOST SAW ANS Hacbouet cr eso ow ag PARE a8 Som of i Rae AESUGSMLISLAS Gr 6OTypeAMAB 41070480 GMAIGTAW ASSVAGSIMHSLASP G0 0m aso ANSARI AMS Or60 0 415 70 ags EM0C-XM Mt ALOOWALOOSM HSLAS Gr 50Class land? 30 340 65/60 4s0ye10 OMAWIGTAW ene Seem? Ho fons dansy AUS Ce60 Clas? @ 070 agp ERS XXK.E70C2 AoouaitoaMusLAs# cxeo © 4070 penwaveasa0 EAPC E eRe, MOLVAIONMSS ——Gess sm ay BREN AVOLVAIONMUSLAS —Ge38Chus|an)? 5S 380 TOMS 480850 fy Graochss itt & Boar SEAMS Rowan ase AIOLIALONIM HSLAS-F Gr 60. oO 0 agg EAXTX-XM (Note a) “SAS oe o 750 SMAWAWS AES ee 8 Se BAS a0 oe @ m3 1% sis sAWANEASD &e & Go make RAK ou ASSASEMESLAS GOT peAmD maw so ARE mans a0 oMaWorAW Seis hsae Asoo aicosnstas @ a0 137 owen fede, Gesehs tama & BS ns SEND ERO AvOOUAICORAHSLASIF G70 ot 580.eAWANS ASD AIOIVAIOIIMSS —— Gr36Type2 352s S890 aonisso. ERT, ERTENG. ay na GeToCha te? To RO BSR SSD MAW AVS ASS Bhat AG GE 80 550 82 565 Nowa) saw avs 9323 ony ow so SAM ANSASID /ASS3IA6S3M HSLAS- Gr80TypeA and B80 550 30 a0 an AK ans ow oe er omawicraw wo ows oo sm SBN ACRIODRM SS GrtOTypeA ans woman REDS. HECK VAIO ISLAS Gr70CuNs Land? 70 40——HO._—585550 ss10o8i FOAW AWS A529 AO AORN HSLAS Ge ¥0 50 om Baa ashe, Boxe ait ees) AIOLYAIONMHSLAS 0:80 a ee ee cone e ATSUSHI TAKANOTO ANS X 202480 Dovrloded 10122012617 A Sega user iene ny Copying en sete wie ‘ANS D1.9D3.9M 2000 (CLAUSE 1. GENERAL PROVISIONS ‘Table 1.2 (Continued) Matching Filler Metal Requirements (see 1.4.1) "Ony te awed condor ppicble berony ellovieg ler meal spesfenenccvadecasfiaons wat hs Gena for Ol 1 SMAW:AS.VAS.IM: 2008, 5.5/5 54:2096 Becta with foing suites -C,-C3L,-C, PL RMT, WY. -W2-G.-M Gen Po ‘ater ad Supper apee hay site weds te "s- welded coe 2 Only SAW A3.177 5 2197 Flecuese eombistions congo burda heave” conden 3. GMAW. AS 1/5 BMAD: AS2VAS 2EM200 Elves wih the fling hss sxe, 02, (when Rcbser and Swpper aie ie aly roe red inter nce conte 4 FCAW AS DIAS 20200548285 9M 2008 Eectoes wih the felowing clacton fines (net EXXTS Nil) NIM Cx (9 EXXTS IND, UIC (sere EXXTS UIC), 2 exept EXXTS ND. NVM exept EXXTS NON), NIC (xeep: EEKTSNC) [NB fnept EXXTE ND), DI, DIM, D3, DIMM KIM, KO, KOM, “KG KOM, NBD, WOM, G ban Putas od Super sje tally tobe aed ee "aed como Nowe 1, Low hyétogen lecroder hl be eed whenrechiedby ANS DLA. 2 Te mere MPa values as welsh vrs te os psi ah nial AWS File Mel Spcfioes. 5st sa nocanent ASTM Us wa deed te revous cade Est uel in Bese Led ati Table 1.3 Welding Positions and Restrictions for WPS (see 1.5.3) Squire. Groove Weld n But Flue-fevel- —_Flare-V- are are Ave Joint Fill Weld Groove Weld Groove Weld Spor Weld Seam Weld Pug Weld Sheet to Sheet F F F F = r F H a a H = H H v v v v = = v on on on on = = oH Sheete = F F 7 F F F Sepporing = H a = = = H Mester = v v = = _ y = on on = = = on "ska f welding P~ fa, = boron, V=verteak OW soverne 7 \Geoned to ATSUOH TAKANGTD ANS err x, 293360 Oowlbaded 1012007252 AM Sings ur ans any Capi nntcking rates ‘Avs O1.001 2008 LGcongo to AISUSHYTRMAMOTO ANSIonderX 250450 Downances 171272012517 AN Sheer canon Copy a cing NDS ‘Aves 1.101 3M-2008 2. Design of Welded Connections PartA Allowable Load Capacities NOTE: For welds not designed to resist external loads, the Engineer may disregard the requirements of this subelause ‘Components to be Used in Design Formulae P= Allowable oud capacity (kips) F, = Specitied minimum ultimate tensile stength of sheet steel (si) Specified minim tsi) Specified mxinimum tensile strength of AWS elec twode classification (ksi) = Allowable weld shear stoss 0.3 Fy (ksi) eld strength of shoot steel 1 = Thickness of sheet ste thinner member exclusive ‘of coatings (single sheet ot combined multiple thicknesses of sheet steels) (in) (ram) 1, = Weld throat or size (see Figures 22, 3B, 2.3C, ‘uid Annex. for definitions of scwal. effective, ‘and theoretical throat of a fillet weld, ad forthe definition of groove weld size) Gx) [mm L = Length of weld—for filet, Mare-groove, oF are seam welds (in) [mm] NOTE: For are sear welds the L dimension does not include the circular ends (sce Figure 2) Lip height—for flare-proove welds (see Figures 2.3B and 2.30) Cin) fmm) Visible diameter of the weld face of arc spot welds or are plug welds (See Figures 2.4 and 2.6) orthe visible width of are seam welds (see Figure 25) in) {mm} 1, = Resuliam average diameter ofan are spot weld or are piug weld (see Figures 2.4 and 2.6) or an aver. age width of an are seam weld (see Figure 2.5) (in) fram} d,_ = Effective diameter of an arc spot weld or ae plug veld or an effective width of an acc seam weld at the faying surface (sce Figutes 2.4, 25, and 2.6) (Gn) fmm) NOTE: If it can be shown by sectioning and measuring ‘thar @ WPS will consistently give a larger effective dian ter (d,) at the faying surface, this value may be used providing this particular WPS is used. 2.1 Base-Metal Stresses “The allowable base-metal stresses shall be those speci fied in the latest edition of the Specification for the Design of Cold. Formed Steel Structural Members of the ‘American Tron and Steel Institue of as otherwice speci fied in the applicable contract specifications. 2.2 Allowable Load Capacities in Weld Joints 2.2.4 Square-Groove Welds in Butt Joints, The allow. able unit load eapacitios for matching electrode and base ‘etal combinations (see Table 12) for a greove weld in butt joint, welded from one sie or bath sides, shall be that of the lower strength base metal in the joint, peo vided thatthe weld size is equal to the thickness of the base metal (see Figure 2.1) 2.2.2 Fillet Welds. The allowable load capacky of e fl: let Weld in lap and Tints, made in any welding posi- thickness of the sheet stel, provided that 1, is a least equal (0 the thickness of the sheet steel, The allowable Toad cepacity shall be the following: ‘antes ATSUSHI TAKAMOTO. ANS! er 29950. Doakadad 1127012547 AM Bgl nxn ery Cepia evo pened ‘CLAUSE 2, DESIGN OF WELDED CONNECTIONS (1) Fo filet welds transverse to direction of loading o (2) For fillet welds longiudine! to direction of loading P= OAL) Pe og{t-no}nnetrkers — @ 03 (LE) for £225 ® (©) For cases where 4 <¢, he allowable load cap: ity shall not exceed the following value of P P03 tlw where o y= theoretical theoat ty shall not exceed the thickness of the thinner base smetoral, 22.3 Flare-Groove Welds. For matching fille-metal, base-metal combinations (sce Teble 1.2), the allowable load capacity of flare-groave welds made in any welding position is considered to be governed by Use thickness of the sheet steel adjacent tothe welds, provided that a weld size at least equal to the thickness of the sheet steel as was obtained with the WPS qualification. This capacity shall be determined by one of the applicable equations that follow: (1) Loads applied transversely to weld axis (a) Flae-bevelgroove welds (see Figure 2.34) "The capacity of the welded joint is piven by: HF, 3 (6) Flare-V-groove welds. Loads applied trans versely (othe weld axis have rot been considered. Pe o (2) Loads applied longitudinally with weld axis (see Figure 2.3B and Figure 23) IF the weld size (,) i equal tor greater than (?) but less ‘han @), oF If te Tip height (i) is ess than weld length then , single shear ‘we Figure 2.38 eo 1 (24) sequal oor greater than (2) and the ip height (3) is equal to or greater than (Z), then SNF) double shear P= SOLE Se Figue23C 2 10 AWS D191 2008 2.24 Are Spot Welds. Arc spot welds shall be specified asthe minimum effective diameter atthe fying surface (Gj). The minimum allowsble effective diameter i 3/8 in [9 mm), Allowable toads on each are spor weld between shect or sheets and supporting structural member sball rot exceed: (1) For nominal shear leading P= 088(ndF,, for 9604 SL Na Fy 4fFe pocanits for M0 % Fe |e | ae |e fe |e |e |e ne foe | fe x |e | | > fe |e | | ] 2 fe |e Pe ae | foe foe |e ae | fe foe |e | |e fae ae |e fe |e fe ae foe |e fe 20 sane lo ATSUSHI TAKAYOTO ANGI oo %_P0H5N Ocwmbsend 141220125 17 AU Sour eenge y Cig ard cencthng Pent ‘Aws D1.81-2N:2008 CLAUSE 3. PREQUALIFICATION OF WPSS AoKING OF MHcKWeSs SUFFICIENT So PREVENT MELT THROUGH “TT R= Reot Opening estions a Wielding Process Theos Fiz oat Onening Pestons 18.Ga, NIN 12 Ga, MAK OWN, wea 1 Ga, MIN 7 Ga. MAX. ‘iol: See Annex D for mete elon of US. Customary Unis. a a Figure 3.1B—Square Groove Weld in Butt or Corner Joint without Backing (see 3.2.1) _ TY je Vieng Preesae Taainess Fs Root Opening Postons A TeGa MIN, 11 Ga WAR NIN, va MAK. a Annex tor mete ular of U.S. Customary Unis Figure 3.2A—Fillet Weld in Corner Joint (see 3.2.2) a LUconzad ATSUSHI TAKANOTO AMSHoterX 20480 Dovelsndad1/R0H2 7 AM Sl wes ears eny Copying an mca oles ‘CLAUSE 5, PREQUALIFICATION OF WES -AsS 01.901 26-2008 - NOTE 8 a ao" & 7 ‘Wing Pace Rox Oomha od Ti 1G WN, TGa MR OWN BH a Bs "BNO b= 2 MIN 2, MAX. ‘(See Note a) = yeh wew abe ete $0 rexO fr eli ent US Caton wasag heat Tas hes Ong Patios Tras Sea MBL-TERIAR Onin, sua “ "ha tee WM, Na (bea tea a ah aie Net eo ox for mare eainlrs of US, Cutan Unt Figure 3.2C—Fillet Weld in T-Joint (see 3.2.2) ser LL 4 id a =, of ra Wadra Prcees Tae A= Roa Opa — 7 Ths i805 uk, Ton NAR OH eR ‘and & = hfe MIN, 2h MAX. (See Nowa) nal Tia hohe woes Te Fhvas sso) « espera, 2. S (external bond ‘adls) = 2hymin. e rad ncaa anaion alg increas. The comer may nl be aquactat ola cits tangent oth sdae Tho ‘ernercrsersln, "may a es han Wad ote ere 4 Seeannes Dlormatie eau Figure 3.3A—Flare-Bevel-Groove Weld in Butt Joint (see 3.2.3) n Loire ATSUSHITAKALOTO ANSIOEC 783430 nat 1012201 547 AML Segue” emg ey, Coping arog HL ‘Aws 01.01.9208, CLAUSE 5. PREQUALIFICATION OF WSS om wot 1, et, I ahaa Wiig Poss Traweee = Root Opening Palos = (0Ga, IN 7 Ga KO ——«OMIN. eH a dea eta nti Geos) a Wliwets aco mot) = 2 lr 2 Wgaga {Si fori fran 1Sqaes Tbe ooh Taare 2. ET oteciva tron) = 15h rs H ase neve 10 gages 3. Sletral erat) = 2.08 Aste ross te slgonjeases The corner may ot be a qudan es cee tangent te de. The 5 Seb Amex xt egal of US. Onis, jroove Weld in Corner Joint (see 3.2.3) Figure 3.3B—Fare-Bevel- a RS s 7 ra Tt + FI sla Wing Procee Thanos i Roc Opening Postons a TBR MIN, 19 Ga MAK MN, 12 MAX. a 2 1Eh oth, whichever tes, ows: 1 Wivoid taco wit = atin 2S esters bod ade) = rin ‘As tno ads increase, tna" mension ale increases. Ths corner mayne bea quaiat ol aca tangent tothe sides. The ‘ora nerson, "Say bales ae cso he COP 4. See AnoxO er matic eqnaiens oS. Gwomay Unis Figure 3.3C—Flare-V-Groove Weld in Butt Joint (see 3.2.3) 2 \Ucensao ATSUSHYTACAMOTO ANS rr 3283650 Donna I220%2 17 AM Sh ner Kx ay Coxe an eorina peed CLAUSE 3. PREQUALIFICATION OF WSS ‘avtS D1.sD1aNe2008 a NoTE a 4 —t - —¥ Hy i b Wag Peete Trae = ol Opening Fete om TE t8G8.NN7 GR MAK OMB 2 NAX. om hd on MAN 2 Seok) Tie hoch, wien ess, ‘Noo: Seo Amex O or elie equivalents of US. Customary Unis, Figure 3.3D—Flare-Bevel-Groove Weld in Lap Joint (see 3.2.4) mu LUsnios BATSUSHITRKAMOTO ANS! eer 2050 Oowrnndes 2201257 A Sagauser ers at Cops ent renering potted ‘AWS D101 32006 PartA General Requirements 4.1. Preparation of a WPS and PQR ‘A Welding Procedure Speeification (WPS) shall be write {en for each type of weld as shown in Table 4.1, except as permiited in Clause 3, and shall be qualified ia conformance with the provisions of Clause 4 by the ‘manufacturer or contractor. A Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) that records te actual values used to qual- ity a WPS shall be writen, Suggested, nonmandatory forms for WPS and PQRS are given in Annex B. Note: Melting rate data of SMAW electrodes (se Commentary C4642) may be used as a measure of welding current forthe WPS and POR. 4.2 Engineer’s Approval Properly documented evidence of previous WPS quali cation may be accepted with the Enginces's approval ‘The Engincer may accept ropetly documented evidence ‘of previous _qualifiation of the WPSs that are 10 be employed. The accepubility of quslfcat Standards iste Engineers responsibility. Based upon the specific stuclure, of seri cor both, AWS B21 XXXXX p Procedure Specifications may. in this manner, be accepted for use inthis code 4.3 Responsibility Each manufacturer or contactor shall be responsible for ‘nsoection and testing of WPS qualification test assern. bits im conformance withthe provisions of Clause 4. 4.4 WPS Requirements \WPSs shall be qualified foreach change in essential vari- ables as listed in 4.5, Part B Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 4.5 Essential Variable Li ‘Any of the essential variable changes listed in Table 4.2 ‘shall require WPS requalification. jitations 4.6 Number of Tests, Testing Methods, and Acceptance Standards for WPS Qualification 46.1 Square Groove Welds in Bul Joints Qualification Testing. For a square-groove ‘weld in but joint WPS act confceming to Clause 3, qual ification testing shall be veuiced in conformance with ‘Table 42, em (LOX0) or Table 42, lem LO}, 406.12 est Assemblies and Bxaminat assembly shall conform tthe following: (1) Sheet steel shall be welded togetier as shown in Figure 4. The test @) ‘the weld shall be uniform in appezrance and shall be fee of (0) cracks (©) feinfoscemest notin conformance with 6.113 4) undercut not in conformance: Leann ATSUSHI TAKAMOTO ANSI ecerX 209460 Dawntbaded 12012 17 AM Sraho or easy Ciera pone CLAUSE 4. QUALIFICATION () The wetted test sheets shall be hammered and bent ‘through 180° (see Figure 4.1), the bend axis being coin ent with the weld axis. For joins welded from one side ‘only, the root ofthe weld shall be on the face ofthe bend, (4) A weld shal be acceptable ifthe following crite- ria are satistieg: G) Noccracks ate visually detected after bending, (©) Weld metal cracks are visually detected and () The fractured feoe shows no visually de- teotabe discontinuities (e.g, slog, porosity) and i) The weld siz is equal too greater than the sheet steel thickness NOTE: Base-metal cracks shall be ignored, Qualification Ranges. A change in any one of ‘the essential variables that exceed the imitations of 4.5, equites requalificaion. 4.6.2 Fillet Welds Qualification Testing. Fora fillet wold WPS. ‘not conforming to Clause 3, qualification testing shall be required in conformance with Table 4.2, Item (10}() or ‘Table 4.2, em (10). Test Ascemblies and Examination. Two test assemblies shall be prepared, welded, visually inspected, and teste using ether sheet to sheet or sheet to support- Ing structural member described in (1 oF (2) a5 follows: (1) Sheet to Sheet, Fach test assembly shall conform to Figure 4.24, @) Sheet to Supporting Structural Member. Each {est assembly shall conform to Figure 4.24, (3) Examination, & weld shall be acceptable if the following eiteria are satisfied: 8) No weld metal eracks shall be visually detested after bending, ot () Weld metal cracks are visually detected after bending and (0) The fractured face shows no visually de- tectable discontinuities (eg. la, porosity), and (i) The weld sie tis equal to or greater than the sheet ste! thickness NOTE: Base-meral cracks shall be ignored (6) After visual inspection of eccepable weds, he two pieces shall be completly separated by either bend- ing the sheets or by hammering a wedge (see Figure 42A) until either the weld or sheet metal fails 6 Av D101 aM:2008 (8) The fractured surface shall show complete fu sion atthe root of the joint, 4.62.3 Qualification Ranges. The validity of qualiti- cation shail be 28 follows (see Figure 4,28): (1) Tejpints shall qualify for lap and T jim. @) Steet steel to supporting sirvtutal member qual fics for shect steel to supporting structural member for & 4iven position of welding and thickness of sheet see @) Sheet steel to sheet steel qualities for sheet ste to sheet steel, and also sheet steel to supporting strctaral member fora given postion of welding and thickness of sheet steel. I thee ae two thicknesses of sheet ste! the thickness ofthe thinner sheet will contol, 4.6.3 Flare-Groove Welds 463.1 Qualification Testing. For & flare-groove weld WPS not conforming to Clause 3, qualification est- ing shall be required tm conformance with Table 42, Kem (10)(b) or Table 43, tem (10)). 463.2 Test Assemblies and Examination. The fol lowing requirements shall be met (1) Flare-Bevel-Groove Welds. Two test assemblies shall be required, conforming to either sheet to sheet of sheet to supporting stractural member ss follows: (@) Sheet to Sheet. Each ascembly shall consist ‘of two rectangular pieces of shect steel, atleast 2-1/2 in [65 mn} wide, and atleast 3 in (75 mm] long. One piece ‘shall be beat through 90" around an inside radius not to ‘excaed Si shere is the thickness of sheet stek; the other piece shall be fal. These shall be fited together to form a fare-bevel-groove joint. A flae-bevel-groove weld { i [25 mm} long shall be deposited using the proper type and size of eleciode and welding cureat. The lest a5- ‘sembly is shown in Figure 4.34. (&) Sheet to Supporting Structural Member. Each test assembly shall esis: ofa rectangular piece of sheet ste, at least 2-172 in (63 mm) wide, and at least 3 in (75 mm] long. One piece shall be bent through 90° around an inside radius not to exceed 3t, where Fis the {hikness of shect sie. It shall be clamped tothe top of Nlange ofa beam or separate plate atleast 1/2 in (13 mm} thick. A Mace-bovel-groove weld 1 in (25 sem} long stall bbe deposited using the proper type and size of eleetroée and welding curent, The test assembly is shown ia Fig re 438, (2) Flare-V-Groove Welds. Two test assemblies shall be prepared, welded, visally inspected and vested as follows: Jomea fo ATSUSH TARANTO ANS|crfor 253460 Cowinaod 1112012817 AM Sle ure een ony Capa and netaira hed Avs 0191962008 (a) Each test nssombly shall consist of two rectar- gular pizces of shect steel, at least 2-1/2 in [65 mm ‘wide, and at lest 3 in (75 mm} long, bent trough 90° to an inside ragius not exceeding 3, where is the thickness of the sheet stel, and fied together to form a ftare-V- groove weld join. @) A Mae-V-groove weld 1 in (25 mm} long shall ‘be posted using the proper type and size eleciae and ‘welding curtent. The test assembly is shown in Figure 43€. @) Examination (2) The wields shall be reasonably uniform ia sp ‘pearance, and shall be free of overlap, cracks, and exces- sive under (©) Aftec cooling, welds of acceptable quality shall be tested by bending the sheet back and forth, or by ‘wedging a cold chisel between the pieces until the weld, cor the shet steel fils (se Figure 4.34, 43B, 074.3C) (6) The minimum weld size shall equal, 463.3 Qualification Ranges. Qualification for are bevel groove welds shall qualify for Mare-V-groove welds and vice versa, provided the same essential vari- ables apply (see Figure 4.30). (1) Sheet steel 10 supporting member qualifies for sheet stel supporting structural member fer a given positon of welding and thickness of choo tel (2) Sheet steel to sheet steel qualifies for sheet stex! to sheet steel, and also sheet stee! o supporting sruciral member fora given position uf welding and thickness of sheet steel. 464 AreSpot Welds 464.1 Qualification Testing. A WPS is required for cach single and double thickness of sheet steel to be are spot welded toa supporting structural member in the flat positon and within the essential variable limitations of 45. 464.2 Test Assemblies and Examination, Two test assemblies are required for each WPS (ser Detail 4.4 in ‘Table 4 1), and each assembly shall be prepared, welded, tested, and examined 2s follows: (1) One piece (or two pieces forthe double thickness) of sheet ste! 2-172 in [68 mm) oF wider shal be clamped to the top of & flange, remnant beam, ora separate plate that is al least 12 in (13 man) thick to form the test. assembly (see Figure 44). For shoet steels thinner than (0.028 in (0.7 mm}. weld washers that rea least 0.060 in (4.5 mm] thick and made of ane of the sheet sels listed in 1.21 shall be used (see, a ‘cLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION @) Am ate spot weld with a visible diameter (4) {specified in the WPS, and not less than 12 in {13 mm] in diameter} shall be produced, The crater shall be filled and a 132 ia (1 mm) minimum reinforcement provided, (3) The projecting par of the shect steel shall be twisted (see Figure 4.4) until the arc spot weld disen ages from either memher. (4) A weld shall be acceptable ifthe following erite- are satisfies (@) The resulting nvgget’s measured diameter dy shal not be less than 37% in {9 mm] or the required WPS. siamete, whichever isthe preter. (8) The fractare face shows no visually detectable discontinuities (eg, slag, porosity). (© The weld metal shows no visually detectable cracks, MOTE: Base metal cracks shall be ignored. 4.64.3 Qualification Ranges. A change i the essential variables that exceed the tim requires requalifeation, 4.644 SMAW Melting Rate. When an SMAW clec- trode is used t0 produce a qualified are spot weld, th meking rat fr the particular electrode elasiicaion and ameter shall be measured as, yy ~ inform] of electrode eked “Time in minutes ‘The melting cate shall be recorded on PoK 4645 Acc Seam Option. A PQR for a specific ae spot weld WPS shal also qualify an are sear weld WPS dhaving a widil equal to the are spot's diameter (2), respective 46.5 Are Seam Welds Qualification Testing. The following require= ‘ments shall be met (1) Single or Double Thicknesses for Sheet Steel to ‘Supporting Member. A WES is required foreach single 1nd double thickness of shoe! steel tobe arc seam welded toa supporting structural member in the flat position and within the essential variable limitations of 4.5, 2) Single Thicknesses for Sheet Steel to Sheet Steel. A WPS is required for each single thickness of sheet steel o be are seam welded to another sheet see! in either the fat or borizantal position (cee « typical joint configuration in Figure 2.6) and within the essential var ables of 45. ¥. 2880 Coasoes 1012202517 Ad Sie wer eanee ony Coniegantcobeng rine (CLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION 46.5.2 Test Assemblies and Exam Jowing requirements shall be met (1) Single or Double Thicknesses for Sheet Stel 0 ‘Supporting Member. Two test assemblies are required for each WPS (see Detail 4.58 in Table 4.1), and each assembly shall be prepared and welded as follows: The fol- ‘One piece (or wo pieces for the double thickness) of sheet stec! 2-12 jn [63 mm] or wider shall be clamped to © top ofa flange, remnant beam. oF a separate plate that {is atleast 1/2 in (13 ra eck to orm the test assembly (see Figure 4.54). An are seam weld with a visible width (@) (specified in the WPS, and not less than 1/2 in {U3 mm) wide nor less than 1 in [25 mm} in length) shall bbe produced. The crater shall be filled and 1/32 in {1 mm) minimum reinforcement provided @) Single Thicknesses for Sheet Stecl to Sheet Steel. A test assembly of the actual joit configuration for each WPS (see typical joint configuration in Figure 4.5B) shall be prepared and welded. An are seam weld with a visible width (a) (specified in the WPS, and not Jes than 1/2 in [13 mm] wide nor less than Vin [25 mam) In Tengen) shall be produced. The crater shall be filled and 132 in [1 mam} minimum esinforcement provided, @) Examination, The projecting part of the shest steel shall be pred, oc bent, or bot, through 180° with the bend axis coincident with dhe weld axis (sce Figute 4.5A or Figure 4.5B) until the are sear weld disengages from either member, (a) The resulting nugget's measured width (44) shall not be less than 1/2 in [13 mom) orthe required WPS wide, whichever isthe greater (©) The fractured face shows no visually detectable discontinuities (eg. slag, porosity) (©) The weld metal shows no visually detectable cracks, NOTE: Base-metal cracks shall be ignored. Qualification Ranges. A change in any one of ‘the esseatal variables shat exceed the limkations of 4.5 requires requaliication, 446.54 SMAW Melting Rate. When an SMAW elec trode is used to produce a qualified arc scam sel the melting rate forthe panticula clectrods classification and diameter shall be measured (see and recorded on the respective POR. 46.55 Are Spot Option. A PQR for a specific are spot weld WPS shall also qualify an are seam welé WPS having a width equal wo the ae spots diemeter (4). 2 AWS 01101-32008 46.6 Are Plug Welds 4.6.61 Qualification Testing, The following require mats shall be met 1) Single or Multiple Thicknesses for Sheet Stee) to Supporting Member. A WPS is required for each Single snd multiple thickness of shect sel to be ae plug Welded co a supporting structural member within the essential variable halons of 4.5 @) Multiple Thicknesses for Sheet Steel to Sheet Steel, A WPS is required foreach multiple thickness of Shect steal to be are plug welded to another sheet steel within the essential variables of 4.5. 4.6.62 Test Assemblies and Examination. The fol- lowing requirements shall be met (2) Single oF Multiple Thicknesss for Sheet Steet to Supporting Member, Two test stcemblies are required fr each WPS (se Detail 4.6 in Table 4.1), and cach assembly shall be prepared and welded as follows ‘One piece (or mukipe pieces fr maple thicknesses) of ‘het sic! 21/2 in [63 mre] of wider shal be clampes to the top ofa lange, remnant beam, ora separate pate that sat least 12 in (13 ma) hick wo form the es assembly (sco Figure 46). An ar phi weld with a visible cieme- tex @) (ecified in the WPS and not less than U2 in {19 mm) stall be predaced, The eater shall be filed anda 122 n[ ma] minimum enforcer provided. (2) Multiple Thlcknesses for Sheet Steel to Sheet ‘Sigel Two test assembliss of an actual joint configura- ion for each WPS (see Figure 46 in Table 4.1) shall be prepared and welded. An are plug weld with a visible ‘diameter (f) (specified in the WPS and not Tess than 12 in (13 mm), shall be produced. The crater shall be filled and a 1/32 in (1 mm) mininum reinforcement provided ) Bxamination, The projecting part of the shect steel shall be twisted (see Figure 46) until the are plug weld disengages from either member. (@) The resulting nuggets measured diameter (4) shall not be les than 3/8 in [9 mn or the required WPS . |]. (18) Te dln, bt a be son. of permanent or removable x |x |x. |x aking x] xe |x] x] x {WD A cnangein AWS fndetenzoeceaeaion x (20) A cangein ave tian 10K above ertelow be speiied ca FOR ar votape foreach leevoe inet wed xi x (Gly An incense of 28% or mere or decrease of 10Ieor more athe ‘asf oor being gs or inte x] x | x (G2) Actangein oe of metal waste oss Weare x (23) hangs om col wie feed twit ed or vice era x (2a) For square groove wets nba join, a change i welding fom to sides 0 welling fam one te, Pt notice vena x Tx | etx] * Gi Forarcspt andre seam welts adaaieinweld dosgnafsied |_| XX | ® DT ® (251 For ate spot welds. decrease in weld te x x x x | x (27) For a ser welds aninereic in vel pd x |x |x [>x |x ho Aine aplebiy frie acess sd lca ay, Table 4.3 Electrode Classification Groups Growp Desigton {AWS Eeovoe Cssificson a EXXIS, EHX, EXAIE, ERIN, BUXTON ERIN B EXXIGLEXXI EXXIOX, XXL R EXXI2, EXXI3, EXXI4, EXXI3-X ‘ote The eters XX, usec in he asiiouion dsignaion In hi able, sand forthe vows nigh eves, eg 679) fleas 3 ‘eared ATSUSHY TAKAMOTO, ANSI err 299480 Oonades 101220126 17 AM See eames cy Copy sd neering Once (CLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION AWS O1.9/D1.aM2008 Table 44 Welder Performance Qualification Tests® (see 4.8) Position uate ‘Typeot Welded | Type ‘Test Assembles Shown a Figuce: Fein Tested | of Ten | Tested Quaid] Weed oim | Thickness a ‘Squsergcove ] Berd | F ‘Square gwoove welé | Thickness weld in bur H Im butt joint—sheet | esed Joint sheet v sheet lecescas toshest on inode’ by 47005) 2A Filetweldin | Beod | FF | Fillet weldinlep | Thickness Isp joint — HORE sheet sect vooRiLy ON F.HLOH | shextt sapporing tinitiral member ae Fillet weldie ap | Bond | F Fill weldiatep | Thiskrese join sheet. H excamer orn | tered and Supporting Vv ‘Steectotppering | ticker sctural on sretual meper renter 42¢ Filweldin | Bond | FF | Fillwoldin? | Thickness Typint stent Ho PH | taporcorser "| tested and vo thoer VAHL | jomt—steetto | thicker OH HOH | sheet, and sheet ‘osupporing feritral member 2D Filewetéed | Bend [FF | Filerwetded 7, Tpit shot Hg | luo orcomer iin iompporng MEE | sheet ta seppocting meter SH EHOW | mentee aa Faeteve. | end | F Flxebevel-groove | Thies ‘700%e weld— H vweld—sheetto | ested snd Sheet te shet v sheetandsiew wo | thicker on ‘supporting saetiral rember, Mae Veproove weld sheet shee, 338 Pacteve | Bend | F Fiae bevel groove | Thickness oore weld fH weldsteatte | ested and hee v Suppoding sutra | disker sppting on member seta Te member ‘Contineed) M Lote 9 AISUSHITACAMDTO ANS Ge 220450 Done “12/2012 517 AM Se Use Sense oly Cann nese ‘Av D1.3108.aM:2008 Table 4.4 (Continued) Welder Performance Qualification Tests* (see 4.8) ‘CLAUSE 4, ual IFICATION Ferien unlifes Typeot Wedet Test Asenbies Shown in Figur: Hom Tesed | offs | Tened Qualia] Weld icin | Takes Be FiveV-pooe | Bod | FF | RagVgoow | Taskeew elise H kw | wed skerasice} cnctaad Set V eity | ssdtaeseret | Sher Ok ROH groove we set Iosbee rd et tampon Sta meter uw ‘capawes [orion] FF | Awspoiadae | Thinkeow ‘Seto suror Sinestro dap west Sparing seca seater mentor ia Acanves—| Bad | FF | Aceamvetd— | Thine , Shes upon Sectomporing | tee ingarsta ct onbee enter ise Agtcanve—| Bad [HW | Asmat | Thies eto Sestoner | ted % ‘Aicpagweli— [Tomson] FF | Awphagwetd— | Twcioes Sheet super Hori | ection aed | tse ! ingaracr Viky | Resto spot eater ot Rito teed mene Sirota te eqaelrcch ancy 35 ‘eanass to ATGUSIE TAVAVOTO ANSI erat 289160 Dewicaes 101220%2 5 17 Al Sigh wet Kee any Copying endear rhe CLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION AvSD1S/D1-3M-2008 00 ‘wn 4 in [100 mm] ~—s Ma 4 e100 rm} ee iN, 1A) SQUARE-choove purr yout WELDED FROM BOTH SIDES. 419108 eo MIN 4800 md wa. Ke (©) SQUARE-GROOVE BUTT JomT— ‘WELDED FROM ONE SIDE (€)WELDED JOINT AFTER COMPLETION OF ENDING. Figure 4.1—Test for Square-Groove Welds in Butt Joints [see 4,6.1.2()] 36 Lansadto ATSUSHI TAKAMOTO ANS! err X 292459 Donne 102/012 517 AW. Sle star eansn ony Cay ana Reta rae ‘Aes D1/D13M.2008 (CLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION ven 13 mm OVERHANG vee we seer unenye <{S sacar Se irintto a Nw, Figure 4.2A—Test for Fillet Welds (see] 7 meee ATSUSHITAKANOTD ANE! cle X 209450 Doanoaces 1012125 17 AM Srl user enue ty Cay aaron poh CLAUSE 4. QUALIFICATION ‘AWS 01.08 aNe2008 sneersrest SUPPORTING seer sree. MEMBER 2 SHEET STEEL (QUALIFIES FOR LAP JomT— ‘QUALIFIES FOR LAP JOINT ‘SHEET TO SUPPORTING STRUGTURAL MEMBER (W) SHEETTO SHEET (8) SHEET TO SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL MEMBER SUPFORTING ‘STRUCTURAL MEMBER, SHEET STEEL SHEET STEEL SHEET sTECL (QUALIFIES FORE AND LAP JOINTS ‘QUALIFIES FOR T- AND LAP JOINTS — (a) SHECFTO-SHEET SHEET To SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL MEMBER (6) SHEET TO SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL NEMBA Figure 4.2B—Extent of Validity of Fillet Weld Qualifications (see taza mg) iN. 395 men N. Figure 4.3A—Test for Sheet to Sheet Flare-Bevel-Groove Welds [see] 38 Ueened io ATEUSHTAKAMOTO. ANS erie X 293450 Doles 10120012 5:17AM Sng uxerheane ny Copying a eatery eed ‘AWS 01.701 8M:2008 ‘CLAUSE 4. QUALIFICATION 1 in 25 mon NIN, W2in 23 mm) aN, 137918 [98 mel S175 me] Figure 4.3B—Test for Sheet to Supporting Structural Member Flare-Bevel-Groove Welds [see] faieia tia (2pm, (32 my KN ANTY SATISFACTORY SUPPORT Figure 4.3C—Test for Flare-V-Groove Welds (see 4.6.3,2(2)(b)] 39 uensedtoATGUGHTAKANOTO ANSI eter X, 28450, Donieaid 107220728 17 AM Sino ser kan Conn anc rencing pled (CLAUSE 4. QUALIFICATION ‘AWS Di aptantzoo8 SHEET STEEL seer erect suPFORTING Srructuat MENGER (QUALIFIES FOR FLARE-BEVEL-GROOVE (@ SHEETTOSHEET {B) sheet ro surronrine QUALIFIES FoR FLARE BEVEL cnoove STRUCTURAL MeWBEN CA SHEET To SuPpoRTG 8 FIARE-GAGOVE™-SHEEFTO.SHEET STRUCTURAL MEMBER sHeer’sTEEL SHEET STEEL ‘QUALIFIES FOR FLARE-V.GROOVE™SHEEELTOSHEET OR FLARE-BEVEL GROOVE (W) SHEETTO SHEET (@) SHEET TO SUPPORTING STRUCTURAL MEMBER Figure 4.3D—Extent of Validity of Flare-Groove Weld Qualifications (see 2 in| ma) Figure 4.4—Test for Are Spot Welds [see] SINGLE SHEET 40 LUcorset io ATSUSH TAKAMOTO ANSHendir 9216850 Dooninued 12/20012617 AM Sho Lt lease ony Copy an recta oe ‘Avs D1aibr.aM2008 ‘CLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION. sings) ETM sintesmmy tS RE Re es is x SINGLE SHEET DOUBLE SHEET 112i {18 om mw Figure 4.5A—Test for Sheet to Supporting Structural ‘Member Arc Seam Welds [see] Tin 25 mmj IN, XZ TY WW Figure 4.5B—Test for Sheet to Sheet Arc Seam Welds [see] 41 cent ATSUSHN TAKAAOTO AS] or X 20480 Donna 12201287 A Sig Westen ny Comfy and ewotng cid (CLAUSE 4. QUALIFICATION ‘AWS D1.87012942008 roinet2in {250 mm-308 mm) ‘TOPAOMDE LEVERAGE TO DESTRUCTIVE “TWiST TesT PLUG WELDS TEND OF PRE-FORMED I | | I iF ! [ARC PLUG WELD (SHEET TO SUPPOTTING MEMBER) FLAT POSITION. DETAIL (4) “ypc or uty sheotto supporting stuctral member cr shest-o-seet— Hsp used fo horzota, vera, ard overhead postions. Figure 4.6—Test for Are Plug Welds [see] a Uses to ATSUSHE TAKAMCTO ANSIortrX 212489 Onwniadee 19122012 517 AM Soguserleaas ey Cepyy and ntring Bee AWS D1.s.aMt2006 878 n [10 mm} PRE-PUNCHED OR DRILLED HOLES Fist ‘| SUPPORTING. PLUG WELD MEMBER OR BENT "REINFORCEMENT “a ears ATSUSHI TAKAMOTO ANSI rer X 203650 Doma 2.0% whan {250 me=305 mm IMl-TO PROVIDE LEVERAGE TO ‘TEST WELD DETAIL (6) Figure 4.6 (Continued) —Test for Are Plug Welds [see 4. ‘CLAUSE 4, QUALIFICATION (CLAMP IV VISE aPpuy Force SECOND Plug WweLD ».2(1)] 7AM Si ser fens oy Coping ant serine
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