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1. These little pests, like bugs, weeds, and diseases, can affect the farmers. They can ruin
crops, leading to less food and less money for the farmers. Bugs can munch on leaves,
stems, and roots, making plants stop growing or even die. This messes up the harvest for
this year and makes it harder for the land to produce good crops in the future. Farmers
work really hard to grow crops, so when pests come around, it feels like all their effort
was wasted. They might have to spend extra money on things like bug spray to try to fix
the damage caused by these pests.

2. The government tackles agricultural pests using integrated pest management strategies,
which mix different methods to minimize risks to the economy and environment. They
set action thresholds, monitor pests, and use preventive measures to keep problems at
bay. Laws regulate pesticide use to ensure safety and responsibility. Collaborating with
research institutions and international organizations, the government develops sustainable
pest control practices. Farmers receive education and training to manage pests effectively.


1. Aspidiotus Rigidus, commonly known as Cocolisap, is a parasitic insect notorious for its
leaf-sucking habits, posing a threat to coconut trees with limited natural enemies. While
males possess wings, females are wingless and remain immobile. Identified by waxy
scales anchored near the leaflet midrib underside, Cocolisap employs a needle-like mouth
to extract plant juices, primarily targeting older leaves and young coconuts. Dispersed by
wind and birds, this pest infests various parts of coconut trees, including leaves,
seedlings, and fruit.

2. The government employed coco oil-based pesticide treatments in farms infested with
Coconut Scale Insects (CSI). However, as part of the scale insect emergency action
program, the government now employs Neonicotinoids pesticides, such as Dinotefuran,
which target the nervous systems of insects, resulting in their demise. Specifically,
Dinotefuran, categorized as 1V in toxicity, received certification from the Fertilizer and
Pesticides Authority for emergency use in coconut cultivation. The standard protocol
involves leaf pruning, trunk injection of systemic insecticide on the first day, organic
insecticide spraying 30 days post-pruning, release of biocontrol agents two weeks after
organic spray, and finally, fertilization.
3. The use of pesticides, such as those aimed at combating pests like Cocolisap, can pose
risks to both agricultural practices and local farmers. Therefore, it is crucial for the
government, farmers, and media personnel to promptly identify and address such threats
to safeguard agricultural products like coconut trees. Pesticides, though intended to
protect crops, can inadvertently harm plants and hinder farmers' ability to achieve high
yields, underscoring the necessity of providing adequate resources to maintain the health
of diverse agricultural crops.

1. The author started the factual report by presenting details regarding the coconut tree,
including its various benefits and applications in crafts. Subsequently, they highlighted
certain pesticides mentioned in the prelude that target and potentially harm coconut trees.
Finally, the author addressed the central concern of the report, focusing on the
detrimental impact of the pesticide Cocolisap on coconut trees.

2. The author employs a range of informative facts to educate readers, including

collaborations with research institutions like the Scale Insect Emergency Action Program
(SIEAP), the Department of Science and Technology, and the Aquatic and Natural
Resources Research and Development. Through these partnerships, the author offers a
thorough examination of the government's endeavors to address agricultural pests,
detailing the diverse strategies and initiatives implemented. Additionally, the author
discusses various governmental programs aimed at setting action thresholds, monitoring
and identifying pests, implementing preventive measures, and adopting safer pest control
methods, while also incorporating media sources to underscore the severity of the issue.

3. Using different types of sentences when presenting information is crucial for keeping
readers engaged and informed. By mixing simple, compound, complex, and compound-
complex structures, writers can create a more dynamic and interesting flow of ideas. This
variety not only maintains reader interest and prevents boredom but also improves
comprehension and ensures that all aspects of the topic are well-explained.

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