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Banzon, Rudolf Kyle I.


Activity: Week 14 - Answer the following in 3-5 sentences.

1. How much effect do the beliefs of individuals have on the decisions they make on a daily

- I think the beliefs of an individual have on their decision they make on daily basis is
justified, because we should consider that this person have this belief because maybe
it is in their tradition, culture, religion, etc; Their daily lives revolve around their
beliefs so we should not judge a person by their beliefs because we all differ. That is
why it makes us unique as humans.

2. Talk about a moment when you had to make a decision that went against your basic
beliefs. How did you balance your beliefs and your decision?

- I had a moment where I had to make a decision that went against my basic belief. This
is because I have to lie for the good of something or someone. It affects me because I
was in a dilemma and it was hard for me to do it because it went against my beliefs.
But I know that even though this is against my belief it is for the betterment of the

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