Shop and Services

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* #sefł;j pf}i#ś€s

the odd one out.

4 Choose the correct word.
- brochure - brand - hoarding
- reduction - price tag . - 1 The company is going to starVlaunch the new product in June,
2 Tom is trying to save/hold money so he can buy a new bicycle,
back - return - try on - 3 she never uses a credit card as she doesn,t want to put/get into
- borrow - spend - purchase 4 l need to refund/exchange euros for pounds before l 9o to
- cash - debt - coin England.
l'm going to place/put a mail order for a silver bracelet,
*ffeł: esrtfaEs*d lrene picked up/took a few bargains in the winter sales,

the correct word.

7 The shop assistant told me you gevtake a 1oo/o discount when
you spend more than f 50.
can't remember which stall
* f*ff*e*ei*ns
bought the clock from at the l|ii

5 Complete the sentences with: a holiday, a haircut, trolley,

going to 90 on a shopping a cheque, centre, aparcel,
for new clothes when
1 There were too many people in the shopping .. . .. ., .

on Saturday so every shop had really long queues.

supermarket has a publicity
card to reward regular
2 The supermarket was so busy that it was impossible to find a

shopping to put my groceries in,

have to pay in cash/by credit

3 You know Tim, you really need to have ...........
your hair is constantly in your face.
if you book flights online.
4 |'m going to the bank to cash .,.,....-.. """, my
make a cup of tea when
grandfather sent me for f 50, as a birthday present.
placements/adverts come on
5 l need to send to my grandmother, She
a film.
made me promise to post her some pictures for her album,
, j^Jfi:,T#?il:,";,n,no
|,ll book
::: :""" :,:: :]"::
the correct preposition.
* Ęfgr& p*r*"s*s
l pay by/in cheque as l have
6 Fill in the gaps with the right verb 50ve, go (a, stick, charge,
cash with me?,
spend. Then write r for true and F for false and find out if you
clothes are with/on sale.
are a compulsive shopper,
if this houśEisforlin sale.
bought our fridge by/on credit.
won't believe it! Tim paid for
in/by cash.
Are you shopper? Do the quiz and find out,
like to complain forlabout the
customer 5eruce. 1 When l'm feeling sad,l ..,........... shopping,
use sales to clear up/out our 2 lt's extremely difficult for me to up money to buy
p is giving away/about free 3 l often money on things l do not really need.
s today. 4 Everytime lhave money,l ......,....... on a shopping spree,
be able to pick from/up a 5 lcan never..,,.......,., to a shopping listwhen l'm in the
at the market. supermarket.
the dress in/on, so it fits 6 l can't resist buying something l like, even if they .,.,.,.,.,.", ITl€ ó
you are a frequent customeL
give you 20o/o from/off these 1-3 True yoU are 5hopper.
4-6 True statements: be you ight drown debt

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