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City of San Fernando, La Union

and communities. We can use the existing strength of families, communities, and social
structures for positive child rearing practices and the strong desire of parents to provide
the best for their children blending what is about the best environment for optimum child
PARENT HANDBOOK is the provision and expansion of knowledge and skills of It reaffirms the fact that the children, because of their vulnerability, need special
parents, caretakers, and caregivers on the rules, policies, and regulations of the Child emphasis on the primary caring and protective responsibility of the family. The Child
Development Center to be able to respond to the parental duties and responsibilities in Development Worker or ECCD Service Provider stand behind, assuming a very
the areas of Early Childhood Care Development (ECCD) and other integrated education important role in the implementation of the National Early Learning Curriculum and
programs. integrated education in preparatory before entering formal education.
It assists parents and guardians to develop and strengthen their knowledge and
skills so they can assume a major educational role in child rearing, growth, and VISION
development. Filipino children aged 0 to 4 years whose rights are protected and promoted and
To help parents and parent aid acquire knowledge and fully understand the whose potentials are developed to the fullest regardless of their conditions, socio-
meaning of parenting, its importance, its function, and how it affects and influences their economic status, gender, religion, and cultural diversity.
roles with heightened awareness and a sense of responsibility for the rights of children to MISSION
survival, development, protection, and participation. Strengthen a system that raises awareness towards the improvement of gthe
The parent handbook has been enriched to help parents better fulfill their parental quality of life of young children 0-4 years old, their families, and communities through
role in confronting the many challenges of parenting and to understand the cooperative and collaborative delivery of services on health, nutrition, early education
responsibilities and complexities of the child. and social.

“The child is one of the most important assets of the nation. Every effort Implement the National Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD)
should be exerted to promote his welfare and enhance his opportunities for a useful System.
happy life.”
EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND DEVELOPMENT  shall focus on children’s total development and consider age, individual, and socio-
 refers to the full range of health, nutrition, early education, and social services cultural appropriateness.
development programs that provide for the basic holistic needs of young children  shall promote the delivery of complementary and interactive services for health,
from 0 to 4 years and promote their optimum growth and development. nutrition, early childhood education, sanitation, and cultural activities.
 a multifaceted process of development: physical, cognitive, emotional, social, and  shall use the child’s first language as the medium of instruction.
spiritual, covering the period from pregnancy through the transition from home or
ECCD programs into primary school.
 as an outcome, in ECCD, a child is “physically healthy, emotionally sound, socially
competent, and ready to learn.” ECCD GOALS
Well-designed Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) programs can  Universal access to quality ECCD programs.
help children overcome glaring deficits in their home environment. A sufficient quantity  100% of 5 years old are ready for kindergarten.
of manipulative devices and and games of high quality and affordability for child  Strengthen collaboration between and among national and local government agencies
development is considered “essential brain food for the next generation." “Experience is including NGOs, for the efficiency and sustainability of the ECCD programs.
the chief architect of the brain." A child grows and develops not in a vacuum but in a  Increase awareness of communities and families in their pivotal role as primary
family, a community, a culture, and a nation. A child’s rights and needs must therefore service providers.
be holistic and multidimensional through programs that are deeply rooted within families
 Inclusion of children with special needs with provisions for appropriate and
reasonable accommodations. TIME TIME
 Professionalization of ECCD programs. Morning Afternoon


 a learning center that would introduce the best practices of the ECCD services. Meeting Time
 a laboratory for conducting research and innovations about ECCD that will promote
continuing education and/or professionalization accommodations. Activity Time
 a resource center for the community to enhance parenting skills and capabilities.
Outdoor Time
DAY CARE SERVICE is an arrangement whereby supplemental parental care is
provided to a child who may be neglected, abused, exploited, or abandoned during part Nap Time
of the day when parents cannot attend to the needs of their child. Circle Time
SUPPLEMENTAL PARENTAL CARE is temporary care provided by the Child Story Time
Development Worker /Teacher who attends to the child ‘s needs, ensures his/her comfort
and safety and provides creative experiences, mental stimulation, cognitive skills, and Goodbye
value formation for holistic development.

CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER is a facility in the Barangay where children who SUGGESTED CALENDAR OF ACTIVITIES FOR SCHOOL YEAR 2023-2024
are 3.1 to 4.11 years old are cared for during parts of the day by an Accredited Day Care (Early Childhood Care and Development Council)
Worker. It is established in every barangay and those covered by EO No. 340 to provide
total development protection for children. NATIONAL
that meets the minimum standards set by DSWD for Day Care Service/program. August 21: Ninoy
August 18 Parent Orientation
AUGUST Aquino Day
ACCREDITED CHILD DEVELOPMENT WORKER is a childcare worker who has 2023 August 28: National
received Early Childhood Care and Development training and has met the ECCD's August 22-25 Bayanihang Bulilit
Heroes Day
standards for the implementation of Day Care Services/Programs. SEPTEMB
ER September 4 Start of Classes
1. Physical Development OCTOBER First Assessment Week October 5: World
2. Development of Personal Abilty 2023 for: Teachers’ Day
3. Ability to handle Human Relation  Infant Toddler Early
4. Development of Creative and Analytical Abilities October 2-6 Development (ITED)
5. Development of Social and Spiritual Values Program
6. Provision of Comfort and Safety  Pre-Kindergarten
October 16-20 Parent-Teacher
Conferences (PTCs) for June 12: Independence
JUNE 2024
ITED and Pre-K June 3-7 Moving Up Ceremony Day
November 1: All Saint’s June 17: Eid’l Adha
R November 2: All Soul’s
2023 Day
November 30: Rizal Day
Last Day of Classes December 8: Feast of
DECEMBE December 15
before Year-end Break the Immacualate
December 16- Conception of Mary
2023 Year-end-Break
January 2 December 30: Rizal Day
January 3 Resumption of Classes
January 8-12 Week for Child Development Center is accepting 3 to 4.11 years old regardless of
JANUARY January 1: New Year’s
ITED and Pre-K ethnicity, culture, race, religion, Children with Disability, Children in Need of Special
2024 Day
Parent-Teacher Protection, and Socio-economic problems who wants/desire to enroll as recipients of
January 22-29 Conferences (PTCs) for Early Childhood Care and Development under the ECCD Council (ECCD) of the
ITED and Pre-K Philippines.
February 25: EDSA
2024 1. Child Development Center Requirements upon Enrollment
March 28: Maundy Photocopy of birth certificate (certified true copy/PSA)
Thursday Photocopy of Immunization Record (baby card)
March 25-29 Holy Week March 29: Good Friday
March 30: Black 2. Facilities/ Assist / Filled in forms, tools, and template of child’s Individual
Saturday Records
Parent’s Consent
April 1 Resumption of Classes Intake Form
April 2: World Autism ECCD checklist
Third Assessment Week
Awareness Day Child Information Sheet
APRIL 2024 April 15-19 for
April 9: Day of Valor Parent-Teacher Agreement
ITED and Pre-K
April 10: Eid’l Fitr Home-Center Agreement
Parent-Teacher Referral Slip
April 29-May 3 Conferences (PTCs) for Log of Medication
ITED and Pre-K

May 24 End of Classes 3. Parent Orientation

MAY 2024 May 1: Labor Day Parents Staff Organizing Committee
Preparations for Moving Parents Involvement Education Program
May 27-31  (PES)- Parents Effectiveness Service (1 session per module)
 (FDS)- Family Development Session (4Ps Beneficiaries)
 Family Support Program  If injury or illness that requires medical attention, CDW must inform the parents as
 (ERPAT)-Enhancement and Re-affirmation of Parental Abilities Training soon as possible.
 Child Development Service Parents Group
 Pabasa sa Nutrisyon/Pabasa sa Barangay Child Abuse and Neglect
Parents Generating Funds Activities  CDW should refer any child suspected or reported to be victim of child abuse and
BCPC Structural Organizational Staff neglect to the CSWDO or to the nearest authority.
Center Policy
Parents/Guardian Handbook Handling of Disclosures
 The CDW role is not to investigate or verify the situation, but rather to make the
4) Schedule of Meeting/Activity report and set in motion the process of getting help for the child.
Parents monthly meeting - 4th Friday of the month  Report the case to CSWDO either oral or written.
CDW’s monthly meeting - 1st Friday of the month
Individual Development Assessment
Conduct of annual fire and earthquake drill CENTER POLICY FOR CHILD’S HEALTH AND CARE
Care of a Sick Child
BIRTHDAY  Mildly ill children, including but not limited to meeting individual needs for food,
 Parents are encouraged to inform the teacher if they wish to celebrate the drink, rest, and comfort.
child’s birthday in the center.  Sick children manifesting fever and rash shall be isolated from the rest of the
 If the parents are bringing snacks to share with other children, please check learners and immediately send home.
with the teacher regarding food restrictions or allergies.  The center staff refer the sick child to the nearest health facility for further
assessment and urgent care, if needed while waiting to be fetched by his/her parent.
 Simple and nutritious snacks are suggested.
 In the process, the center staffs notify the parents immediately.
 The center staffs obtain from the parent the information of the child’s medical
condition upon assessment of a physician.
 No parents are inside the center while in session.
 Children should come at least 15 minutes before the start of the session, and Infectious Diseases
vice versac before dismissal/fetching.  The center has exclusion policies for serious illness and contagious diseases like
 Leave the children only when the session starts at the proper time. colds, cough, flu, mumps, measles, etc. conformance with regulations and
 All parents are responsible for the cleanliness and the surroundings of the recommendations of the Department of Health.
centers. Strictly no littering, and no smoking.  The CDW immediately notifies when any communicable disease shall be sent home
 Courtesy demands that students who wish to leave or enter with their parents and will not be permitted to associate with other children until seen qualified by a
should have permission from the worker. medical practitioner, the center staff may refer the sick child to the nearest health
center/health facility for further assessment and urgent care if needed while waiting
to be fetched his/her parent.
CENTER POLICY FOR CHILD PROTECTION  The center staff who become ill with contagious disease are excused from contact
Child Injury Prevention and Reporting with children as quickly as possible.
 The CDW gives first aid to the injured child and if needed to bring to the doctor  Parents must present a medical certificate/clearance from a public/private physician
immediately. upon return ot the children to the CDC/LC.
 CDW should immediately inform the parents of any first aid administered to the
Care for Malnourished Children and With Special Needs 4) Model attitude, ways of approaching problems, and behavior towards others by
 The center ensure that all appropriate actions will be taken so that health and showing children rather than just telling them.
nutrition requirements of young children including those with special needs and/ or 5) Demonstrate the correct way to do something.
disabilities are met. 6) Create or add challenges so that the task goes a bit beyond what the children can
 Assigned parents to take extra time for malnourished and with special needs will already do.
give attention to those children especially during feeding time. 7) Ask questions that provoke children’s thinking.
 Parents are also provided with appropriate information and education on how to best 8) Give assistance (such as a cue or hint) to help children work on the edge of their
contribute to addressing cases of underweight, stunting and wasting current competence.
9) Provide information directly, giving children facts, verbal labels, and other
Confidentiality information.
 Records of children must be kept in secured place. 10) Give directions for children’s actions and behavior.
 Results of assessment are only shown to and discussed with the parents and family
member or with whom the child was referred to.
 Records are only released upon approval of CSWDO or Focal Person of the ECCD TEACHER’s Roles:
Program 1) Observer
2) Planner
3) Organizer
 CDW is not allowed to impose corporal punishment to child whose act is not 5) Evaluator
 CDW will inform the parents immediately about the behavior of the child and talk
about it on how to help the child correct his/her behavior. THE RIGHTS OF EVERY CHILDREN
 Saying bad words is not encouraged.  To be born, to have a name and nationality.
 The staff assist and encourage cooperation and responsible behaviors among  To have a family who will love and care for me.
children. The staff encourage children to delve into activities, share experiences,  To leave in peaceful community and a wholesome environment.
ideas and feelings and assist them in dealing with their emotions such as anger,  To have adequate food and a healthy and active body.
sadness, and frustrations by comforting and helping them to solve their problems.  To obtain a good education and develop my potential.
 The staff meaningful interact and talk with young children using their mother  To be given opportunity for play and leisure.
tongue and are responsive to their individual and special needs, temperaments,
 To be protected against abuse, exploitation, neglect, violence, and danger.
learning styles and interests.
 To be defended and given assistance by the government.
 To be able to express my own views.
CHILD DEVELOPMENT CENTER’S  Encourage children’s participation in the Center Activity and Community.
Teaching strategies to implement NELC  Enhance children’s health and well-being.
1) Acknowledge what children do and say.  Guarantee safe and productive spaces for children.
2) Encourage perseverance and effort rather than just praising and evaluating what the  Ensure children’s high self- esteem achievement and success.
child has done.  Raise Parent-Teacher’s morale and motivation.
3) Give specific feedback rather than general comments.  Mobilize Family –community partnership support for education.
1. Tawagin sa pangalan ang kaklase, huwag “Hoy”. 1. Ang aking mga kamay ay maliit pa, huwag asahang maisagawa ko ng maayos ang
2. Itapon ang basura sa tamang lalagyan. pagligpit ng aking higaan, makaguhit ng larawan o maibato ang bola. Ang aking mga
3. Ang paa huwag ipatong sa mesa o upuan binti ay maigsi pa, pakiusap na bagalan ang inyong paglakad upang ako’y makasabay sa
4. Huwag manloloko o mananakit, ipaalam agad sa guro. inyo.
5. Gamitin ang palikuran kung iihi o nadudumi. Pagkatapos buhusan at mag hugas
ng kamay. 2. Hindi pa nakikita ng aking mga mata ang mundo na inyong ginagalawan. Pakiusap,
6. Ibalik sa tamang lalagyan ang ano mang bagay na ginamit o hiniram. hayaang akong makapag-galugad ng lista, huwag akong pagbawalan kung hindi naman
7. Sumunod sa oras ng pagkain, paglalaro, pagkukulay at pagsusulat. kailangan.
8. Ipaalam sa guro kung may ano mang nararamdamang kakaiba sa katawan naiihi,
natatae, masakit ang ulo o tiyan. 3. Ang mga gawaing bahay ay lagging naririyan, subalit dahil ako’y maliit pa para sa
9. Huwag sulatan o kulayan ang dingding, pintuan, sahig, mesa, at upuan. ganitong gawain paglaanan ako ng oras upang maipaliwanag sa akin ang ukol ditto at
10. Makinig sa guro kung ito ay nagsasalita at nag kukwento. ang kagandahan ng mundo.

4. Ako ay maramdamin, bigyan pansin ang aking mga pangangailangan. Huwag akong
SAMPUNG MGA KARAPATAN pagalitan sa maghapon ukol sa aking kakulitan. Ako ay gabayan tulad sa paraang inyong
Sampung mga karapatan ninanais.
Ang ating taglayin
Pagmamahal 5. Ako ay espesyal na regalo mula sa diyos. Ako ay pangalagaan mong maigi, katulad ng
inyong babasahin na may tagubilin sa anumang kalalabasan ng mga aksyon na aking
Edukasyon, unang iligtas
gagawin. Maari akong pagsabihin sa aking maling nagawa subalit huwag akong pulaan.
Natatanging kalinga
Lahi’t kalusugan 6. Kailangan ko ng paghimok at papuri at hindi pulaan. Kung pupulaan man sana ito ay
Paglalaro dahil sa mali kong giawa at hindi ukol sa aking katauhan.
Maging Kabuluhan 7. Bigyan ako ng kalayaan upang gumawa ng sarili kong desisyon ukol sa aking sarili.
8 INTERNET RULES FOR KIDS Sa anumang pagkukulang dito ako matututo, upang sa pagdating ng araw handa na
1. Don’t give your home address, telephone number, or school’s name to anyone you akong magdesisyon ng tama na siyang kinakailangan.
meet on the internet.
2. Don’t send anyone your picture. 8. Pakiusap huwag ninyo gawin ang lahat para sa akin, sapagkat ang aking apakiramdam
3. Don’t give your password to anyone, not even your best friend. ay kualng ang aking mga ginagawa ay hindi naayon sa inyong inaasahan. Alam kong
4. Don’t hang around a chat room if someone says or writes something that makes you mahirap, subalit huwag ninyo akong ihalintulad sa aking mga kapatid.
feel uncomfortable or worried.
5. Don’t respond to nasty, suggestive, or rude emails or posts in the use net group. 9. Huwag kayong mag-atubiling magbakasyon minsan sa isang lingo. Ang mga anak ay
6. Don’t pretend to be anyone. nangangailangan ng bakasyon sa malayo sa mga magulang gayundin ang mga magulang.
7. Ask your parent or caregiver if you see bad language or distasteful pictures while
you are online. 10. Dalhin ako sa simbahan ng madalas upang maging magandang halimbawa na dapat
8. Be yourself. kong tularan. Nagagalak akon matutunan ang ukol sa panginoon.


Love of God
Love of Country
Love of Family
Concern and respect for others
Sharing and cooperation
Sense of responsibility
Population awareness
Positive work orientation
Creativity and self-expression

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