CE (PC) 693 WRE Lab

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CE(PC)693 Water Resource Engineering Laboratory

1. Choose the correct alternatives for any Five (05) of the following. (05 X 2=10)
i) A plot between Rainfall intensity versus time is called as
(a) Hydrograph (b) mass curve (c) Hyetograph (d) Isohyet.
ii) An Isohyet is a line joining points having
(a) equal evaporation value (b) equal barometric pressure
(c) equal height above the MSL (d) equal rainfall depth in a given duration.
iii) Lysimeter is used to measure
(a) Infiltration (b) evaporation (c) evapotranspiration (d) wind speed.
iv) Evapotranspiration is confined
(a) to daylight hours (b) to night time only
(c) to land surface only (d) none of these.
v) A hydrograph is a plot of
(a) rainfall intensity versus time (b) stream discharge versus time
(c) cumulative rainfall versus time (d) cumulative run-off versus time.
vi) The unit of area of a hydrograph may be
(a) meter (b) square meter (c) cubic meter (d) cumec.
vii) The volume of rainfall which produces equal run-off is called
(a) point rainfall (b) effective rainfall (c) average rainfall (d) ground rainfall.

2) Following are the Rainfall Data given for six Rain Gauge Stations of a catchment:-
Station A B C D E F
Rainfall in cm 4.6 3.9 6.9 10.6 12.7 4.2
Calculate the Mean Rainfall by Arithmetic Mean Method. (5)

3) Describe Non-Recording type Rain Gauge (Symon’s Rain Gauge) with Neat Sketch. (15)


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