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1. Run the simulation Under Pressure from

2. Select the first type of fluid container.
3. Check the Grid check box and set the Atmosphere ON and Unit in Metric.
4. Set the Fluid Density slider to water and Gravity to Earth.
5. Fill in the container with water by pressing the knob of the upper pipe
6. Place the pressure meter on 0m mark of the container. What is the pressure reading? ____________ (That is
the atmospheric pressure)
7. Set the atmosphere to Off.
8. Place the pressure meter on 1m mark of the container. What is the pressure reading? ____________(This is
the gauge pressure)
9. Verify using

P= ρgh

ρ is the density of the fluid (kg/m3)
m is gravity (9.8m/s2)
h is the depth (m)

10. Place the pressure meter on 2m and 3m marks of the container. What are the pressure readings?
____________ What happens to the pressure as you go deeper?

11. What is the apparent weight of the block, that is, the reading on the scale? ________
12. Change the container with the second type. Fill it in with the fluid and measure the Pressure at 0m, 1m, 2m,
and 3m marks. What are the readings? ___________________________ What observation(s) can you
13. Move the slider of Fluid Density to gasoline. Place the pressure meter at 2m mark. What is the reading?
14. What is the reading at 2m mark if you change the density to honey? ________
15. What observation can you make?
16. Select the third type of the container and check the Ruler checkbox and the Atmosphere to off.
17. Put the ruler alongside the container placing the 0 mark on top. Take note of the position of the fluid, y 1.
18. Place all the blocks on the small opening and note the final position of the fluid. Determine the fluid
displacement in the small opening, d1=Iy2-y1I. Do the same for the big opening, d2. What are displacements ?
d1=__________ d2=__________ (Take a screenshot of it to be attached)
19. Measure the Pressure of the surface of the fluid on top of the big opening. What is the reading? __________
(This is also the pressure on the small opening as Pascal’s principle states)
20. Determine areas, A1 and A2 of the openings and the output Force exerted by the fluid on the big opening
using the following equations:
F1 F2
A1 A2
A 1 d 1= A 2 d 2
P1 is the pressure on the small opening (Pa)
P2 is the pressure on the big opening (Pa)
F1 is the (input) force on the small opening (N) (This is the total weight of the blocks)
F2 is the (output) force on the big opening (N)
A1 is the area of the small opening (m2)
A2 is the area of the big opening (m2)
d1 is the displacement of the fluid in the small opening (m)
d2 is the displacement of the fluid in the big opening (m)

Show your solution here:

21. Attach the screenshot of the simulation here.

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