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Check Thermostat
Is Thermostat Set to Heat?
Yes --> Turn On Furnace --> Heat Air --> Distribute Hot Air
No --> Continue Monitoring
Is Desired Temperature Reached?
Yes --> Turn Off Furnace
No --> Continue Heating
1. Start with the Algorithm: Before creating a flowchart, you need a clear
understanding of the algorithm you want to represent. Write down the
algorithm in a step-by-step format, using plain language. Ensure that
each step is logically structured and well-defined.
2. Identify Symbols and Terminology:
 Start/End Symbols: Use an oval shape to represent the start and
end points of your algorithm. Label them appropriately (e.g.,
"Start" and "End").
 Process Symbols: Use rectangles to represent processing steps or
actions in your algorithm. Describe each step briefly inside the
 Decision Symbols: Use diamonds to represent decision points or
conditions in your algorithm. Label them with the condition that
needs to be evaluated.
 Input/Output Symbols: Use parallelograms to represent input or
output operations. Label them with the data being input or
 Connector Symbols: Use small circles or dots to connect lines,
indicating a flow from one part of the flowchart to another.
3. Start with the Start Symbol: Place the oval "Start" symbol at the top of
your page or workspace.
4. Add Process Symbols: For each step in your algorithm, add a rectangle
(process symbol) below the "Start" symbol. Write a concise description
of the action or process being performed inside the rectangle.
5. Add Decision Symbols: Whenever your algorithm involves a decision or
condition, use a diamond-shaped decision symbol. Write the condition
inside the diamond and connect it to the appropriate process symbols
or other decision symbols.
6. Connect Symbols with Arrows: Use arrows to indicate the flow of the
algorithm. Connect the symbols in the order in which they should be
executed. The arrows should flow from one symbol to another, following
the logical sequence of the algorithm.
7. Add Input/Output Symbols: If your algorithm involves input or output
operations, use parallelogram symbols for these tasks. Label them
8. Looping and Repetition: If your algorithm includes loops or repetitions,
use loop symbols (usually marked with "Start Loop" and "End Loop") to
represent these sections. Connect them appropriately within the
9. End with the End Symbol: Finally, connect the last symbol representing
the final step or process to the "End" symbol using arrows.
10.Review and Test: Once you've created the flowchart, review it carefully
to ensure it accurately represents the algorithm. You can also "walk
through" the flowchart step by step to test its logic.
11.Share and Collaborate: Flowcharts are often used to communicate
algorithms or processes to others. Share your flowchart with colleagues
or team members to get their feedback and ensure clarity.
12.Revise as Needed: If you identify any issues or improvements, revise
the flowchart accordingly. Flowcharts are dynamic and can be updated
to reflect changes in the algorithm or process.

Creating flowcharts is a valuable skill for understanding, documenting, and

communicating algorithms and processes. With practice, you'll become more
proficient at creating clear and accurate flowcharts that effectively represent
your algorithms.

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